
What We Know About Kamala Harris (She Was Rude to Kavanaugh)

MoveOn.org has jumped into high gear to raise big money to stop Kavanaugh, to stop Trump, to do everything they can to hold onto whatever remains of Barack Obama’s fading, fraying legacy.

It’s quite pathetic what they are trying to get away with, actually.

Even the two major newspapers in California, The San Francisco Chronicle and the Los Angeles Times, faulted Harris’ rude antics at the confirmation hearings.

But that has not stopped them from trying to fundraise off that outrageous behavior, and from Senator Kamala Harris to boot!

What we know about Kavanaugh

Dear MoveOn member,

After four days of hearings, here are five things that we know for sure about Brett Kavanaugh:

1. He has not committed to uphold Roe v. Wade, and, if appointed to the Supreme Court, he would likely be the decisive vote that would undermine the right to safe and legal abortion.

The Supreme Court should never commit to upholding bad precedent. Ever. Kelo v. New London is a terrible abuse of the takings clause in the 5th Amendment. We need to restore the inviolable sanctity of property rights.

2. He refers to birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs” and believes that employers have the right to exclude birth control from health insurance plans.

Abortion practices include this terrible practice. We need to stand up to it as much as possible. Abortion kills a human life, and people should do everything they can to stop it.

3. He has gone further than the Supreme Court and written that assault weapons and high-capacity magazines cannot be banned under the Second Amendment.

He’s right. A firearm is a firearm. We need more justices like that, who respect the integrity and text of the Second Amendment. We don’t have firearms so that we can hunt deer.

4. He believes that a sitting president should never be indicted, and he refuses to answer even basic questions about presidential authority, such as whether or not a president can pardon him or herself.

I don’t recall this argument with any singularity coming out of his pen or his mouth. Kamala Harris is lying–again.

5. He has flat-out refused to recuse himself should any of the president’s civil or criminal investigations reach the Supreme Court.

Why should he?

I am doing everything that I can to have a thorough hearing for Kavanaugh, because I believe that Supreme Court justices need to do right by our Constitution and the American people.

And Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee (and the protesters in the hearing room, and those outside holding rallies every night) are doing everything they can to expose the truth about Kavanaugh.

Why did Harris insist on interrupting the Supreme Court hearing repeatedly? She was playing to her base, who have been harassing her on the phone and in emails around the clock. She’s also running for President.

But time is quickly running out to stop Donald Trump’s dangerous nominee. We can’t stop Kavanaugh without a massive outcry. We need an outcry at least as huge as the uproar that stopped Trumpcare last year.

Kavanaugh is dangerous, to the regressive Left which has stacked the courts with their anti-constitutional acolytes to undermine our country’s founding on natural law and natural rights. I cannot wait for what they will do when Ruth Bader Ginsburg announces her retirement. All hell will break loose, and yet the Democrats will look increasingly foolish, since they will have smaller numbers in the United States Senate than they do now.

MoveOn members have been organizing rallies, flooding the Senate with phone calls, organizing on the ground in key states, and sharing personal stories that have gotten millions of views on social media. But we need to do even more. That’s why I’m asking you now:

These leftists can organize all day, all week, all year, but they cannot organize people away from the fact their quality of life has improved, that the tax cuts are putting more money in their pockets, that the economy is roaring into massive growth like never before, that unemployment for all demographics has plummeted considerably.

There is so much winning going on, and no one can claim that Obama had anything to do with it.

I asked Kavanaugh if he supported Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which helps protect the right to vote for all communities. He refused to answer.

He shouldn’t, because these answers speak to specific cases that could come before the Supreme Court, and nominees are expected to refrain from issuing decisions or giving their opinions on these issues.

I asked him if the landmark Supreme Court decision on marriage equality was correctly decided. He refused to answer.

I asked Kavanaugh if he believed there was blame on both sides for last year’s deadly neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville. He refused to answer that question, too.

He refused because as an independent, impartial judicial officer, he must refrain from getting involved in local and national politics. It’s as simple as that. Harris should understand this, since she went to law school (right?). Then again, leftists like Korrupt amm

My colleague Senator Richard Blumenthal asked him if a judge deserves to be attacked, as our president has done repeatedly to judges, because of their heritage and race. He refused to answer the question. That’s not a hard question to answer. None of these questions are.

Blumenthal is a serial liar. He lied about his service in Vietnam. and yet for some reason he still maintains a seat at the table in the United States Senate. Do we really care what he thinks? He repeatedly tried to force an adjournment of the confirmation hearing. That was really shameful, too. Did any of these elected officials read Roberts Rules of Order? 

No, they are merely maintaining their commitment to Rules for Radicals. This time, however, Republicans know how to play the game better than they do.

Arthur, Brett Kavanaugh is a dangerous partisan, and under no circumstances does he belong on the highest court of our land.

Lol, this coming from the same junior center who had to lie about the Supreme Court nominee in a heavily-edited video, one that was so obviously distorted that the liberal press in California condemned her actions.

We are in the final rounds of this fight, and what happens in the next few days will impact generations to come. But there is hope. I see it from my colleagues in the Senate. I see it in the faces of the men and women who are protesting inside the hearing room, those who are rallying outside, and those who are sharing their stories online and in their communities.

The hope is coming in November, as more Republicans get elected to high office and more Democrats get pushed out for good.

This is personal to me. I wouldn’t be part of these confirmation hearings had Chief Justice Earl Warren not been on the Supreme Court to lead the unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Had someone else been on the Court, I may not have had the opportunities that allowed me to become a U.S. senator.

Kamala Harris slept her way to the top. Nothing more. Just ask Willie Brown.

We need to make sure that generations to come don’t lose access to these opportunities and that partisans placed on the Supreme Court by extreme presidents don’t decide our futures for the next two decades.

Thanks for fighting with me, and thanks for all you do.

–Senator Kamala Harris

Final Reflection

Kamala Harris was recently awarded “Rudest Senator” by Michael Watters on Fox News. She so desperately played to the cameras, going out of her way to prove that she was the most liberal darling on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

I am not sure how to evaluate Chuck Grassley’s chairmanship, however. As he admitted during the first day of the confirmation hearings, he allowed the committee to run him. Later on, he began to tamper down on the disruptions and brought in by Chuck Schumer and the Desperate Democrats.

For the Red State Democrat worried about re-election, this confirmation hearing is “Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.” As for the Republicans, it is a golden opportunity to solidify their conservative hold on the highest court in the country.

Deal with it, Democrats. It’s over. You lost.

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