
Windsor, CO Police: In Bed With the LGBT Community?

One of our MassResistance activists requested a series of answers to some disturbing questions regarding what happened at the Windsor, Colorado Drag Queen library event.

It’s pretty disconcerting what we learn, since it’s quite clear that the library director Ann Kling lied to the city council and the public at large.

Here are the questions to the Windsor Chief of Police, and his answers are provided in red:

  1. Who authorized and approved the creation of a “free speech” area off the public library’s location? Library District.  Has a “free speech” zone ever been created like this before at the Windsor Public Library?  Unknown, would have to ask the Library District.  Was this cleared through the City’s attorneys office? No, it’s creation was not, although we were aware of it on Library property when preparing for security on the streets/sidewalks.
  2. Why was the public who opposed the Drag Queen Story Hour event not allowed into the building but were forced to the “free speech” zone? It was a ticketed event through the Library District.
  3. Why was one member of the public, Leslie, who wished to hand out flyers to the people entering into the library, ordered by a Windsor police officer, to vacate the area and go into this new “free speech” zone located off the property?  She is a grandmother.  She was not blocking anyone from entering or exiting the building or impeding pedestrian flow in or out of the building.  Leslie was ordered away from the area of the door into this de facto “free speech” area that restricted her ability from handing out the flyers in the most expeditious and thorough manner to her intended audience.  The Library entrance is a place for ingress and egress of patron and the public.  Had she been allowed to continue the activity at the entrance, persons wishing to gain access to or leave the library would have been stopped or deterred, resulting in a blocking/impeding effect upon those persons.  The Library remained open to the public at all times during the reading, so there was a steady flow of people going in and coming out.  The officer was merely redirecting her to an area set up by the Library District for those purposes, so that such activity would not impede persons entering or leaving the library, and to ensure a safe and orderly space for the public to enter or leave the library.
  4. Why was the media not allowed in the meeting room where the DQSH was held?  You would have to ask the Library District.  The article I am referring to states this:  “Media was not allowed into the room, despite story hour being a public event. Library officials cited fire code as the reason for restricting media access.”  That excuse is a novel one and not acceptable; the press should never be excluded from any public event at a public library.  That article is here:

https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2019/01/12/colorado-towns-drag-queen-story-hour-draws-protesters-counter-protesters-windsor/2550820002/ This was a Library decision.  The Library District is a separate entity from the Town of Windsor.

  1.   It was reported that there were perhaps two armed police officers and one plain clothed guard (this plain clothed guard was allegedly hired by someone other than the police…possibly by the library) preventing parents opposed to the event from going into the actual room where the “story hour” would occur. The Library District did hire security guards. Why the necessity of such a show of force for an event supposedly directed at pre-school age children between two and eight years olds? The Town received word that there would be protests.  In order to ensure the safety of the public, and protect those who chose to peacefully protest, the police department prepared a security plan for the streets and sidewalks of the Town of Windsor.  The Library also hired private security to cover the Library property.  Does this in itself not prove that the event has no place in being held in a family friendly, public library? No comment.

Finally, some of these questions are raised because the media and other library patrons were not allowed into the event.  When the media and invited public have restricted access to any library event, transparency is restricted and confusion is expected.

Rick Klimek

Chief of Police

Town of Windsor | Police

200 N. 11th Street | Windsor, CO  80550

Office: 970-674-6400 | Fax: 970-686-7478



Follow Us www.windsorgov.com/socialmedia

The same contacts in Windsor then shared the following concerns with me:

I believe we have a problem with the Windsor Police Dept. (WPD). On January 14 and 15, I called the WPD and spoke first with Sgt. Darcie (sp) and the next day spoke with Sgt. Robert Shainline (sp?).  Both of these conversations were disturbing because the amount of hostility I felt from both these officers were evident, as least in my mind.

I wanted to ask them about their policies put into place on the 12th; in particular, I wanted to talk about their ordering Leslie to the so-called “free speech zone” when she wanted to hand out flyers to the library patrons walking in or out.  Basically they said, “Talk to the library.”

I then asked Sgt. Shainline a hypothetical, described in my email attached to the Chief’s response.  This Sgt. refused to answer this important scenario and his level of arrogance was amazing. 

I explained to the mayor that I believe the WPD is in bed with the LGBT community.  I stated this after I spoke with only the first Sgt. and not with the second; after speaking to the second Sgt., I believe my feelings were indeed correct.  Further, I explained to the mayor that I have learned something with police departments:  the attitudes of the “rank and file” are indicative with those at the top.

I decided to go “right to the top” and penned the email to the Chief as you can read.  His response is nothing short of remarkable, cementing my belief that the WPD is absolutely in bed with the LGBTQ community.

Their unwillingness to address my hypothetical is fraught with problems.  Worse, coming from a department that gives their officers the awesome and terrible power of using a gun backed by a badge to arrest, incarcerate and use lethal force against citizens and yet are absolutely unwilling to engage citizens on the parameters of their police power is simply shocking. 

Like the actions and thinking that motivated Ms. Kling to decide to keep the press out of the DQSH event, this is real, concrete example of people in important places who are not seemingly interested in being transparent to that community and feel it is beneath them to engage in serious issues.

This situation in Windsor is much worse than what we thought.

Wow! Just incredible!

The tranny tyranny of the LGBT Left knows no bounds, does it?

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