
Protesting is Nice, Canvassing Makes the Difference

Conservatives campaign like liberals, and liberals campaign like conservatives.

When liberals campaign, they focus on which races are winnable. They think about how much money they have, where to spend their money, and which seats to target so that they can win.

When conservatives campaign, we do things that feel good, without thinking about a larger strategy. We go for the headline, for the feeling, for the pizzazz.

Who wins elections, who changes the culture, and who doesn’t?

Conservatives, it’s time for some tough love, and let me start with an example.

I received a number of texts and posts that Hanoi Jane Fonda was going to rally supporters to help Katie Porter at her Huntington Beach campaign office today. Sure, it would feel good for conservatives and patriots to show up and make noise, protest, and heckle Jane Fonda.

But it’s more effective for us to canvass, walk precincts, get votes for Scott Baugh. He’s the guy running against Katie Porter, and he has a really good shot at winning the seat!

What happened this morning? Jane Fonda didn’t even show up! Guess what, MAGA patriots? Katie Porter took played you. While 20 to 30 people were protesting outside of Porter’s campaign office, she had 100 people cavnassing in the district to get her votes!

If you really want to scare a politician, you need to get people to vote them out. The better use of everyone’s time would have been canvassing for Scott Baugh, whom I support 100% for Congress. Is he perfect? Of course not, but Katie Porter is evil. She wants to defund the police, open up our borders forever, tax us into never-ending inflation, kill babies up to the day of birth, and push the LGBT agenda on our kids forever. She needs to be stopped.

But you are not going to stop her just protesting outside of her campaign office.

Conservatives, it’s time to get real. If you really want to make a difference, you need to support politicians to remove the bad politicians. You need to push good policies at the local and state level. IT’s not as exciting at first, but it’s more meaningful and effects greater change for the good.

I can’t think of anything more exciting than to see on Election Day, Scott Baugh polling 5 points ahead of Katie Porter. She needs to be fired from Congress.

While conservatives want to have protesting on street corners or trolling liberals and progressive activitists, those some actiivsts are busy writing postcards, registering voters, walking precincts, making phone calls.

Look, I am not saying “Don’t hold rallies. Don’t protest bad politicians.” What I am saying is that these public events should not be an end in the themselves.

AOC came to UC Irvine two weeks ago. I was there to record the event and protest her. I admit that. But you know what the left-wing activists were doing? They were registering voters! They were signing up volunteers! They were promoting their candidates!

We need to see everyone of our public events in the same light. Stop acting like liberals, folks. Campaign like the conservatives that you are, and let’s get good people to replace the bad people.

Please help Scott Baugh for Congress. Email Timothy Tizon at timothy@baughforcongress.com

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