Illegal Immigration

Call To Action: Tell Congressman Steve Knight: “No Discharge Petition! No Amnesty!”

Now I am asking for your help to deal with a rogue Congressman, Steve Knight (R-Simi Valley).

He has signed off as one of 23 Republicans on a discharge petition to bring an amnesty bill to the floor.

All the amnesty talk in Washington DC hurts our efforts to stop SB 54. In fact, all this amnesty talk encourages more illegal aliens to break into our country because they think that they will get a free ride to citizenship.

“If you touch me again, I will drop your ass!”


Please, join me and the rest of our growing community against SB 54 at the following location at the following time:

Wednesday, June 6th

1:00–2:00pm (or longer if you want)

Congressman Steve Knight’s District office

1445 E. Los Angeles Avenue, #206
Simi Valley, CA 93065
Office #: (805) 581-7130
I have sent out this press release to all major media for this event the day before.

We need to make sure that our Congressmen, the ones who pledge to represent the best interests of citizens, continue to do so.
Right now, Rep. Knight has placed his signature on this amnesty discharge petition. This is a bad idea, since it gives the open border Democrats the power over the House of Representatives!
BAD! Do you want to see the House send over an amnesty package to the US Senate? Rest assured, it will hurt our cause to stop sanctuary state in California and to push the Secure Border MAGA Agenda going into November.

We need to remind Congressman Knight that he works for We the People, not open border groups, special interests, or La Raza!!
Tell Congressman Knight to do the following:
  1. Remove his name from the discharge petition.
  2. Put Americans first, including those in greatest need
  3. Support the President’s immigration enforcement agenda.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Illegal Immigration

Letter to the Editor: Here’s Why Camarillo Chickened Out and Did Nothing

Arthur my friend, allow me to give you THE answer.

As a candidate for Ventura County Sheriff I was in Camarillo Wednesday night, my fourth appearance at a Camarillo City Council meeting ( I am the guy in the black cowboy hat and black jacket, hey I look good in black!) my twentieth Council meeting in the County since March 26th as to defeating the SB54 Rebellion.

Bruce Boyer (right)

The answer is to elect County Sheriffs who will refuse to comply with the Rebellion of SB54. We have 58 elected County Sheriffs. There are 29 counties with Sheriff elections in 2018. Many Counties have only one candidate as these are typically ‘orchestrated annointings”, not elections. In the races where they exist, identify and back the Sheriff candidate who will refuse to comply with the Rebellion. That will be difficult as they are too fearful and standing up for liberty, however you do have ONE candidate for sheriff, myself, who will defeat the SB54 Rebellion.It has been front and Center of my campaign since I launched in Dec 2017. If I am elected on November, take office Jan 9th; I will immediately defeat the Rebellion in VC. The Leftists will have to arrest me to stop me. If they do that Pres Trump dare not allow them to arrest a Patriot Sheriff and defeat him, so I will be back on the job, and ALL Illegals in the entire County will leave rather than be arrested. Once one sheriff shows what can be done; there will be the pressure on the elected sheriffs in the Patriot counties to follow Sheriff Boyer’s lead. They will and we will defeat the Rebellion County by County.

As other Counties deny sanctuary this will increase the pressure on the Rebel/Sanctuary Counties. Their citizens will be exasperated by the influx and demand their County Sheriff end the Sanctuary State Rebellion. This will continue until there remain only LA;SF and a half dozen others who will have ALL the Illegals in them. That allows Pres. Trump to close it all down as he then has the backing of a solid majority of CA citizens. I would ask that you look at this answer.

You see that you have no other, except awaiting the President to restore our liberty. However, he is no Andy Jackson who told the Nullification Rebels that he would hang them if the did not immediately cease their rebellion, they did. I am on track to have the Court order the County Clerk to place my name on the Nov 6th ballot. I am challenging the State Law that prohibits citizens from running for the elected office of County Sheriff. Fortunately we have the State, Fed Constitutions and the entire weight of election law and an AG opinion and other direct Court rulings on our side run by my excellent attorneys. I shall return the right of the citizens to choose our candidates, be on the Nov 6th ballot, and get elected by the people who do not want to be in rebellion.

–Bruce Boyer, candidate for Ventura County Sheriff.

Illegal Immigration

Another Victory: Amador County Votes Against SB 54

There are so many California cities and counties now taking action against SB 54, it’s hard to keep up.

Three cities opted out on May 8th, even though the first one received all the attention:

  1. Santa Clarita
  2. Glendora
  3. Highland

However, another county joined the fight, right in the heart of the state of Jefferson:

Amador County!

Here’s the report from the local news/radio site for the two northern counties:

Amador Supes Vote To Oppose Sanctuary State Status…Again!


Amador County’s response to the State of California’s status as a so-called “Sanctuary State” was the subject of an often heated discussion before the Board of Supervisors yesterday. The Board took up the issue of SB 54, the so-called “Sanctuary State” law, passed by the state in October of last year, and which limits co-operation between local law enforcement and federal emigration officials, for the second meeting in a row on Tuesday. 

A group of opponents of the law were present, yelling and catcalling the supervisors, first when the discussion was move to later in the meeting and then during the supervisors discussion of the issue. Public comments on the issue were dominated by immigration opponents, who called for supervisors to denounce state law and who were highly critical of undocumented immigrants, calling them dangers to society, a drain on resources and in one case, carriers of decease [sic].

What a slanted article, and poorly written, too!

But the reporting is good news for the rest of us patriots fighting against this sanctuary state perversion.

On a motion by Supervisor Richard Forster, the board voted to restate their opposition to SB 54, a position that the board had voted for last year, and to submit an amicus, or “friend of the court” brief in support of the Federal Justice Department’s court challenge to the sanctuary law. The motion passed with four votes in favor and Supervisor Frank Axe abstaining.

The winning just never ends!

The people of the state of California are rising up to oppose this corruption of the rule of law and the diminution of our sovereignty!

Contact the Amador County Board of Supervisors and thank them for taking a stand:

Learn more about our Supervisors

District 1, Patrick CrewDistrict 2, Richard Forster District 3, Lynn A. Morgan




District 4, Frank Axe

District 5, Brian Oneto


Address: 810 Court St Jackson, CA 95642
Phone: (209) 223-6470
FAX: (209) 257-0619
Business Hours: Mon-Thur 8 AM -5 PM
Email the Board: Send an Email
Illegal Immigration

California’s Partisan Democrats Now Regret SB 54

The Los Angeles Times, while it still prints and operates with any regularity, prints letters from the left and from Democrats.

Rarely have I ever seen them publish letters from conservatives, now that the paper has chosen to double down on its left-wing bias, even as though they lose readership and market share.

The latest set of letters focused on the growing backlash to California’s sanctuary state law, SB 54.

Democrats are starting to realize that they overplayed their hand, and their unconstitutional overreach is getting push-back:

A pro-Trump backlash awaits Democrats who come down too hard on cities opposed to California’s ‘sanctuary’ law

To the editor: California has consistently stated it would not help federal authorities enforce U.S. immigration law. At the same time, California has insisted that cities follow state laws.

A case in point is the passionate debate on the state’s so-called sanctuary law limiting the cooperation by local law enforcement with federal immigration authorities. As a lifelong Democrat, this greatly concerns me.

This type of hypocrisy only stiffens support for President Trump and reduces Democrats’ chances of becoming a majority in Congress. I support President Obama’s actions to protect the undocumented immigrants who were brought to this country as children, but I also believe cities should be left alone to decide what is best for their residents.

Sam Burgess, South Pasadena

I also believe that states should abide by federal law, specifically on immigration which is outlined in the Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

To the editor: Reading what was said by the anti-sanctuary protesters in Santa Clarita made my blood boil.

SB 54, California’s sanctuary law, merely provides a safe space for immigrants. It seeks to prevent families from being torn apart, and most importantly, it in no way stops U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement from doing its job. Yes, the law limits cooperation with federal authorities, but ICE can still arrest or detain people.

No. SB 54 protects illegal alien criminals.

So, what’s the argument by people who oppose SB 54 other than they just don’t want immigrants here?

Immigrants oppose SB 54. Illegal aliens oppose SB 54!

Melissa Gonzalez, San Jose