
Report: LAGOP Central Committee a Paper Movement, Propped Up By One Donor (?)

Fake Howard Hakes, CAGOP Vice-Chair for Los Angeles County

Now it all makes sense.

For a while, I could not understand why the California Republican Party (also known as the Oligarchy of Failure by Aaron Parks and others) had appointed Howard Hakes to take over as the regional vice-chair for Los Angeles County.

He was a do-nothing RINO who was foolish enough to go along with Andy Gharakani’s grifter-machine consultant garbage.

And they were stupid enough to pose for this picture in 2017:

Howard is the pasty one on the right, by the way. Cheating Chad Mayes, in the middle, was the Republican Permanent Minority Leader in the state assembly in 2017, when the Republican caucus betrayed their base and the state and advanced the Cap-and-Trade renewal-betrayal. Some of those Republicans survived primary challenges that year, and Chad Mayes abandoned the GOP and went rogue as a liberal-leaning independent afterwards.

It was a stunning, embarrassing defeat for the California Republican Party, only made worse in 2018 when Republicans dwindled down to 18 seats in the legislature.

Now, back to Fake Howard Hakes …

According to Steve Frank’s California Political News and Reviews, Hakes is the only guy keeping the lights on at the Los Angeles County GOP Central Committee:

Now you have another problem with the LAGOP—they have little or no money.  Their FPPC# is 742145,  When you go to their filing for 4/3/22 through 6/30/22 you will be surprised.  Go to Schedule G and you will see expenses for rent, Executive Director, phones, Constant Contact and more was NOT paid for by the LAGOP.  No, Schedule G is for the reporting of Committee expenses paid for by a third party—in others words the Committee did not pay its own bills.  

They can’t even pay their own bills? Are you telling me that the LA County GOP has become the John Fetterman of the California GOP Central Committee system? For those who don’t know, John Fetterman is the stroke-victim Democrat US Senate candidate from Pennsylvania who lived off his parents’ money into his forties. 

The rumor is that Howard Hakes was the payor of the bills.  He has been a major financier of the Do Nothing Committee, just to keep the doors open.  Too bad they can’t give money this year to candidates, for voter registration or a real GOTV effort.  They could not get candidates to run in the June primary in numerous districts.  The biggest County in the State literally has a paper Central Committee.Paper tiger, paper central committee, weak and beggarly elements across the board.

I had received so much flak because I quit this Do-Nothing committee early last year. I see that my judgment was correct to quit as soon as I realized how corrupt and useless it is. This is a telling vindication.

And now we know why the CAGOP put Fake Howard Hakes in the regional vice-chairmanship: he’s willing to spend his own money to keep the lights on and save the failing CAGOP from more embarrassment.


Fired LGBT School Board Member: Being Gay is Like Being Left-Handed

 Gary Miller is an unapologetic liberal, a progressive even, who has served in the very conservative county of Placer, up in Northern California.

He is an unparalleled anomaly, in part because he is openly gay. He flaunted his gayness, used it to make sure that he would get lots of support as he ran for office year after year:

He needs everyone to know that he is openly gay, too. He was on the Roseville School board for 12 years, and he had served on another school board somewhere in Sacramento County (I think).

Last year, thankfully, he finally lost his seat on the Roseville Unified School Board.

Aaron Park of “Right On Daily” wrote about his efforts to get rid of that guy–finally.

I went onto his Facebook page, and I celebrated the fact that he was thrown out of office.

Let’s just say that he was not happy that I called out his conduct and his insistence on normalizing his destructive behaviors:

He actually claimed that people are born gay, and being gay is just like being left-handed.

He was really upset, and he even sent me a hateful message via Facebook Messenger!

And of course, the piece to resistance? He actually defended the hate group from Alabama called “The Southern Poverty Law Center”:

LOL! Give me a break!

Gary Miller could not handle the truth. He could not handle the fact that he was no longer seated on the Roseville Unified School Board. He also could not handle me coming onto his Facebook page to denounce his forced insistence to normalizing homosexuality and transgenderism.

It’s pretty shocking, but militants like Gary Miller even went so far as to compare homosexuality to being left-handed? How can anyone take people like this man seriously?