
Mississippi Missing: President Trump, Not Reagan, Achieved Massive Pro-Life Victories

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves issued a proclamation renaming June “Sanctity of Life Month”:

Ronald Reagan once said, “The values and freedoms we cherish as Americans rest on our fundamental commitment to the sanctity of human life.”

Recognizing this, and celebrating the recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, I have declared June to be Sanctity of Life Month! pic.twitter.com/iFer9Ml1XO— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) June 29, 2022

God bless him for doing this.

However, he is thanking and quoting the wrong person.

Yes, President Ronald Reagan said many great things about life and ending abortion. Yes, he talked a good game.

But it was President Trump who successful fulfilled the promise of the Republican Party to end Roe v. Wade.

Trump is the first president to speak at the March for Life rally in Washington DC.

Trump consistently cut funding to Planned Murderhood and other abortion abbattoirs committed to killing children.

Trump fought and pushed through three pro-life Supreme Court Justices, all of whom navigated the precarious questioning regarding legal precedent, natural law, and the constitutional authorities of the United States Supreme Court.

Trump deserves major respect and recognition for this massive achievement, and Republicans across the country better start respecting him for that!

This pro-life movement’s victory does not belong to Ronald Reagan: it belongs to President Trump!