
Further Embarrassment for the CAGOP: Even Wyoming GOP Gains Voters, and the Pacific Northwest GOP Makes Gains (But What About California?)

However, we know that from July 1, 2022 to September 1, 2022 the Republicans gained 34,719 voters and the Democrat and Unaffiliated voters lost 21,721 voters.  So either way you read the data, cross-over voting had a huge impact in our Primary election and on Mark Gordon’s final voter count.

I received this news from a conservative correspondent in Wyoming today.

The Wyoming Republicna Party gained 35,000 voters and the Democrats LOST voters. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Let’s work out the percentages on this:

Wyoming Population: 581,348

The number of GOP registrations increased by 6% in the state. That’s considerable.

What about the California Republican Party, though?

Democratic numbers are increasing, and at a time when the Democratic Party’s registration numbers are in freefall all over the country! In Florida, in New York, in New Mexico voters are switching to the GOP in massive numbers. In Virginia, Republicans are witnessing an unprecedented resurgence. Nevada is about to become a red state again across the statewide offices, including one of its US Senators as well as the Governor and other state offices.

But what about California? Our inept political leadership cannot even bother to register voters, aside from some middling bounty program, which means basically nothing, especially when a number of the county central committees have very few people attending them in the first place.

In Rhode Island, Republicans knocked out the Speaker of the House! In Hawaii in 2018, Republicans actually managed to GAIN a seat in the state senate. Sure, the new state senator is a RINO, but at least he opposed the noxious, abusive sex-ed programs that the Hawaii Teachers Association wanted to push on all of Hawaii’s kids.

Republicans just won the city attorney’s position in Seattle, Washington last year. In 2020, a Republican was re-elected as Secretary of State of the entire state of Washington! And this year, if the polling holds steady into election day, a Republican is going to be elected Governor of Oregon, a state which has not had a Republican chief executive in forty years! Polling also suggests that a Republican will be elected the next attorney general in New York State, too. And back to Rhode Island, it looks as though a Republican will be elected to Congress representing the Western half of the state, the first Republican in thirty years — 30! — to get elected to Congress from the hypermajority Democratic state.

These victories are incredible and unprecedented across the country. But they are a massive black eye for the California Republican Party, whose leadership seems conflict with managed decline and controlled failure, all while purging conservatives from central committees and shutting down serious conservative candidates for local, county, and statewide offices. At some point, will California Republicans have enough guts and resources to take back their party, or will they take the easier, softer approach and just abandon the state entirely?

Oregon is about to have a Republican governor–Let that sink in once again. And for four years previous to that, a Republican served as Secretary of state. California, are you embarrassed yet? California Republican Party, have you had enough with the perpetual losses or what?


Punching Back: Sports Grumblings Supports MassResistance

Conservatives need to learn to punch back, and they need to punch back twice as hard. That’s something I have fashioned with greater precision during my work with MassResistance.

Along the lines shared above, this tweet below is one of the best compliments yet that I have been paid on social media:

Defending yourself against vicious Leftist attacks

Interesting read. Unlike most #CAGOP supporters, Arthur Schaper will fight back. That’s why the left hates him. Agree or disagree, he fights.#politicsandsports #Elections2022https://t.co/PxJoIKInjT pic.twitter.com/CNVbSeRcQc— Sports Grumblings (@SportsGrumbling) September 8, 2022

Yes, indeed, there are too many Republicans, especially in California, who are content with being attacked and not fighting back. It’s really sad.

Imagine how much better this country would be if conservatives acted like dedicated instead of controlled opposition.

Sports Grumblings in particular was commenting on MassResistance’s latest article, in which the organization focused on my ongoing efforts to push back and scare off leftists in the city of Torrance, my hometown.

Unlike most conservatives, I have repeatedly exposed and humiliated the very left-wing activists who push LGBT perversion and BLM hate, and I do not hold back. I am not worried about what they might say about me, because I push back on them without even having to worry about what they will do to me.

People need to understand that most of these hateful liberals are really just cowards. They don’t have the courage to stand up for what they believe in (because they really don’t believe in anything. They have to believe with other people to have meaning). If more people just called them out for their hate, most of them would run and hide, never bother anyone in polite society ever again.


Brian Dahle for Congress (?)

Brian Dahle

Let’s face some hard facts:

California State Senate Minority Brian Dahle is not going to be the next governor of California. The voters turned down a recall effort against incumbent Governor Gavin Newoms last year by 2-to-1. It was just so discouraging. Newsom has the backing of very major political interest, and the woke cult has such a stronghold on so many voters in the state.

So, why is Dahle running for Governor?

He is propping up his bid for higher office, i.e. Congress, when CA-01 House Rep. Doug LaMalfa resigns, retires, etc., or Dahle will go after a seat on the Board of Equalization once Ted Gaines terms out.

That’s what swampy Republicans in the California State Legislature do. They are not interested in saving the state. Most of them do not speak up to stop bad legislation during the legislative session, even. They make no efforts to improve the well-being and quality of life for California residents. They don’t care because they don’t have to. They show up, cast their votes, collect their paycheck, then prep for higher office or local office or set up their consulting firms once they term out.

They are looking to hold onto whatever political power is available to them or make whatever money they can, including running for whatever higher office may be available to them in the near future.

How has the Dahle for Governor campaign spent its money?

Campaign Consultant Josh Cook  $115,000  (Cook is also the Senator Dahle Chief of Staff)

The consultant gets 10% of campaign take. Wow!

Slate cards    $256,000

Where does he plan on sending the slates? Orange County?

Other consultants:

Matt Shupe (Contra Costa GOP Chair)  $7500

Call to Action Consulting (a Redding firm)  $10,000

Fortune Masters Group—also from Redding    $10,000

Farah Farr Consulting   $7421

Janessa Zimmerman   $5500

You have five other consultants listed. FIVE! What’s this all about?

It’s all about feathering the nests of the permanent minority of failure that runs the CAGOP.

Notice again how consultants have taken over as chairmen for key committees throughout the state. The activists and the grassroots voters do not run things in the California GOP. It’s all run by a receding number of well-connected political technicians and wonks who just want to cash a check. They don’t care about California. They don’t care about the voters. They only care about their nest-egg and their next real estate investment (or the next campaign gig, or they next bid for higher office, etc.)

Julie Haff—LAGOP Treasurer/Executive Director   $4500

Lo and behold, even the Los Angeles County GOP is moving in on the money, too! Now we know how they are managing to keep the lights on for the otherwise abandoned LAGOP Central Committee.

I have looked at Republican State Party programs, platforms, and apparatus in the other states, and it just excites me and depresses me all at once. Florida, Iowa, even Rhode Island and Maine, have active state parties that are looking forward to taking back territory and winning seats in the state legislature or Congress!

And what about California? It’s just a sad decline of excuses and corporate payoffs. A handful of people get rich, and the rest of the state suffers. It’s almost as though the Democrats have fully infiltrating the California Republican Party to ensure nothing but controlled opposition comes out of them.

Brian Dahle is running for Congress or the Board of Equalization down the line, and in the meantime he is propping up a host of consultants and campaign vendors to keep them happy, so that he can take advantage of them for his next political push. What a let-down.


Report: LAGOP Central Committee a Paper Movement, Propped Up By One Donor (?)

Fake Howard Hakes, CAGOP Vice-Chair for Los Angeles County

Now it all makes sense.

For a while, I could not understand why the California Republican Party (also known as the Oligarchy of Failure by Aaron Parks and others) had appointed Howard Hakes to take over as the regional vice-chair for Los Angeles County.

He was a do-nothing RINO who was foolish enough to go along with Andy Gharakani’s grifter-machine consultant garbage.

And they were stupid enough to pose for this picture in 2017:

Howard is the pasty one on the right, by the way. Cheating Chad Mayes, in the middle, was the Republican Permanent Minority Leader in the state assembly in 2017, when the Republican caucus betrayed their base and the state and advanced the Cap-and-Trade renewal-betrayal. Some of those Republicans survived primary challenges that year, and Chad Mayes abandoned the GOP and went rogue as a liberal-leaning independent afterwards.

It was a stunning, embarrassing defeat for the California Republican Party, only made worse in 2018 when Republicans dwindled down to 18 seats in the legislature.

Now, back to Fake Howard Hakes …

According to Steve Frank’s California Political News and Reviews, Hakes is the only guy keeping the lights on at the Los Angeles County GOP Central Committee:

Now you have another problem with the LAGOP—they have little or no money.  Their FPPC# is 742145,  When you go to their filing for 4/3/22 through 6/30/22 you will be surprised.  Go to Schedule G and you will see expenses for rent, Executive Director, phones, Constant Contact and more was NOT paid for by the LAGOP.  No, Schedule G is for the reporting of Committee expenses paid for by a third party—in others words the Committee did not pay its own bills.  

They can’t even pay their own bills? Are you telling me that the LA County GOP has become the John Fetterman of the California GOP Central Committee system? For those who don’t know, John Fetterman is the stroke-victim Democrat US Senate candidate from Pennsylvania who lived off his parents’ money into his forties. 

The rumor is that Howard Hakes was the payor of the bills.  He has been a major financier of the Do Nothing Committee, just to keep the doors open.  Too bad they can’t give money this year to candidates, for voter registration or a real GOTV effort.  They could not get candidates to run in the June primary in numerous districts.  The biggest County in the State literally has a paper Central Committee.Paper tiger, paper central committee, weak and beggarly elements across the board.

I had received so much flak because I quit this Do-Nothing committee early last year. I see that my judgment was correct to quit as soon as I realized how corrupt and useless it is. This is a telling vindication.

And now we know why the CAGOP put Fake Howard Hakes in the regional vice-chairmanship: he’s willing to spend his own money to keep the lights on and save the failing CAGOP from more embarrassment.


RINO Former CAGOP Vice-Chair Endorses Democrat for Central Valley Congressional Seat

 If the end of the CAGOP is not upon us now, I don’t know what to say.

The former Vice-Chairman of the California Republican Party, Kristin Olsen, was one more established-backed blight on the state party.

She helped orchestrate the Republican caucus’ cap-and-trade betrayal in 2017.

She was having an affair with former GOP Assembly minority leader Chad Mayes, who then cheated on the state party and become an independent voting with the Democrats on a number of issues.

She then left the CAGOP Vice-Chairmanship in the middle of her term citing the challenges and time commitments she faced, but the truth is that grassroots conservatives (including yours truly) filed a censure resolution against her for her moral and political failings, and she wanted to avoid the shameful fallout.

On top of that, she got arrested for DUI, and she ended up pleading no contest. It’s as if she is deeply determined to ruin the Republican brand in the state of California.

And she hasn’t stopped there.

Check out this tweet from Democrat state assemblyman Adam Gray, who is running for Congress in the 13th District:

Honored to be endorsed by former CA State Assemblymember, Kristin Olsen !#adamgrayforcongress #CA13 pic.twitter.com/C90F8coYrH— Adam C. Gray (@AdamGrayCA) August 8, 2022

With Republican sellouts like Kristin Olsen, who needs Democrats?

The California Republican Party is still governed by self-serving consultants and establishment hacks more interested in lining their pockets and filling up their social calendars instead of winning elections and getting the state of California on the right track.

When will CAGOP delegates wake up and demand structural change in leadership, too? This rampant betrayal by the CAGOP political leadership must cease!