
Drag Queen Story Hour Facing Pushback — FINALLY!

Here’s a great op-ed which featured the efforts of MassResistance to push back and stop the Drag Queen Story Hour program in Chula Vista, CA.
This was a pretty decent op-ed, actually. It’s about time that more mainstream media reporters paid attenton to the great work that MassResistance is doing to stop this madness.
Drag Queen Story Hour: glittery entertainment or gender-bendingprovocation?By PETER ROWE — SEP 15, 2019 | 8:01 AM
There are several ways to look at the “Drag Queen Storytime” held last Tuesday in Chula Vista. Here’s Tony Villafranca’s view:
“They are going after the kids in their formative years with a very aggressive agenda or ideology aimed at 3- to 8-year-olds,” said Villafranca, a South Bay real estate agent. “It is basically the normalizing of that whole LGBT drag queen pedophilia lifestyle. This is brainwashing.”
For an alternate take, consider Lillian Faderman’s view:
“It’s children’s entertainment,” said Faderman, curator of the San Diego History Center’s recent exhibit on the area’s LGBTQ legacy. “I don’t think drag queens are trying to convert children to a way of life. Kids respond to its color and its charm and its funniness, and they are entertained.”
For years, drag queens have read picture books to young audiences in public libraries. These sessions often prompt protests like the dueling rallies seen outside Chula Vista public library’s Civic Center branch last Tuesday. Separated by barriers patrolled by police, the two camps confronted each other with signs and slogans for hours.
“No hate. no fear,” Storytime supporters chanted, “everybody’s welcome here!”
“We are praying for you,” a protester responded over a bullhorn. “Sodomy will never save you. Transgenderism will never save you…”
Arthur Schaper said his group, MassResistance, wanted to shield youngsters from “illicit entertainment.”
“These are adult entertainers,” said Schaper, a Torrance resident and organizer of the self-described “pro-family activist group.” “It’s not hateful to protect children. They have to stop pushing this agenda, this false LGBT agenda, stop pushing this on the youngest, most vulnerable members of our community.”They got everything that I said spot on. I was really grateful for this coverage.

Supporters counter that these programs are tailored to youngsters. There’s nothing sexual about the readings or readers, even if the latter are decked out in flamboyant gowns and layers of glitter and mascara.The gaslighting is unprecedented. We are talking about drag queens, sexually explicit entertainers, reading to children. There is nothing about any of this that is properly tailored for youngsters. Nothing at all.
“They are doing what they love,” said Adrianna Villaseñor, 10, who attended with her mother and little sister. “And loving what they are doing.”
When the library scheduled this presentation months ago, City Librarian Joy Whatley anticipated some opposition. Still, she was unprepared for the volume of calls, emails, picketers.She should have known better, and the city of Chula Vista learned the hard way that the community did not want such filth in their city.
“I’m slightly overwhelmed,” she said. “We didn’t expect this to be such a huge thing.”
Still, she had no regrets: “We’re diverse, we’re inclusive, we welcome all.”Sex offenders are welcome around children, too?
But was this the right venue for Barbie Q and Raquelita, last week’s readers? John Renison Jr., an aspiring Republican politician from the South Bay, started a change.org petition calling for the library to cancel the event. His text professed support for the LGBTQ community and “equal rights for all citizens but this is something else. There’s a fine line that’s being crossed!This approach is all wrong. There is no such thing as an “LGBT community”, and we should stop treating sexual perversions and natural and innate behaviors. Enough is enough!
“There is no reason to indoctrinate our children with these ideals.”
By the time the show started, 10 days after posting the petition, Renison had 611 signatures.
While drag queen storytime is a recent phenomenon, male actors have performed as women for centuries. From ancient Greece through Elizabethan England, plays’ female roles were traditionally played by men. In one form or another, that custom endured almost into the present.Men playing female characters is something completely different from drag entertainment. It is comparing apples to rotten oranges.
“In vaudeville, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, this was very common,” said Faderman, author “The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle,” a 2015 history. “This was considered family entertainment.”
Julian Eltinge, a popular vaudeville female impersonator, later starred in silent films. In his alter ego, the lovely and innocent “Vesta Tilley,” he became one of the era’s highest paid actors. With his earnings, he built a palatial Hollywood mansion, Villa Capistrano, and bought a ranch in Alpine.
“Some of the highest paid drag queens in the past have identified as heterosexual,” Faderman said. “It has nothing to do with sexual behavior. It has everything to do with entertainment.”But the whole Drag Queen Story Hour program is about normalizing sexual perversion like homosexuality. The book that the two drag queens read, “Julian is a Mermaid”, has a picture of boy stripping down and putting on makeup. That is subtle pedophilia, to put it mildly.
While drag entertainers were widely accepted in their professional roles, authorities frowned on cross-dressing when it occurred off stage. From the mid-19th century until the close of the 20th century, many U.S. cities forbade people from — to quote an 1848 Columbus, Ohio, statute — publicly wearing “a dress not belonging to his or her sex.” San Diego’s ban was on the books until 1998.
That ban should be restored!
Starting in the 1930s, though, nightclubs with floor shows featuring men in drag opened in New York, San Francisco and other cities. San Diego’s Show Biz Supper Club began its 14-year run in 1968, while a successor, North Park’s Lips, is celebrating its 20th anniversary.
Today, the acts are a bit more risque than they were in the days of chaste Vesta Tilley.There you go! “Risque” is the word. There is no way that anyone can claim that that kind of trash has any right or reason being around children!
“Guests 16+ are welcome to enjoy dinner and (select) shows,” the Lips web site notes, “but please — leave the kids at home!”HOW ABOUT THAT! “Leave the kids at home!” That says it all, doesn’t it?
Telling StoriesChula Vista’s presentation was dubbed “Drag Queen Storytime,” to distinguish it from “Drag Queen Story Hour,” a four-year-old San Francisco-based international organization with a trademarked name. Story Hour, its website says, “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood and gives kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models.
What a crock! No one bought into it.
“In spaces like this, kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where people can present as they wish, where dress up is real.”
This year, Story Hour’s San Diego chapter has hosted three sessions in a private City Heights event space, You Belong Here.
“The response has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Alexandra Ott, the local chapter’s organizer. “Every time the kids are thrilled to be in an environment where someone is reading to them, and being with other kids.”
In contrast to the Chula Vista event, there were no protesters. Ott credits this to the fact that the shows were not widely advertised.
Ott selected the drag queens from a list of local performers who had already undergone background checks. This is a sensitive subject — earlier this year in Texas, Mass Resistance reported that at least two Drag Queen Story Hour performers were registered sex offenders.
“That made international news,” Schaper said.
In Chula Vista, the performers did not undergo a law enforcement background check. But like all volunteers coming to the library for fewer than 24 hours, they were subject to a level of scrutiny.Well, well, well. And the mayor and city council in Chula Vista claimed unequivocally that the drag queens had received background checks. What fresh hell is this?
“We check their professional affiliations,” City Librarian Whatley said, “check references, talk to other librarians who may have worked with them.”
Whatley and her team also met with the Chula Vista Police Department. “Just to have a safe family event,” she said, “that’s what we are looking at.”
While physical violence has never marred a Draq Queen Story Hour event, these sessions can be emotionally bruising. In January, the Putnam County, Tenn., library’s meeting room was rented by the local Story Hour chapter. On the scheduled day, entering the library meant passing a boisterous scrum of protesters and counter-protesters.
“Children were in tears,” said Phil Schaller, the library director.The parents who brought the children to the program should have been in a jail cell.
In Leander, Tex., an Austin suburb, the city council last month voted to stop renting meeting rooms in the public library to any group. Among those whose planned event was scotched: Drag Queen Story Hour. City officials insisted the step was taken for financial, rather than ideological reasons, reporting that this year’s rental fees had amounted to $1,800, while security had cost $20,000.MassResistance was instrumental in stopping that program there, too.
Rival CampsIn Chula Vista, rival spiritual camps formed on either side of the Story Time issue. More than 70 religious figures — from Methodist and Lutheran ministers to Catholic priests and a Jewish rabbi — signed an open letter praising the library’s decision.Those “religious figures” are not religious. They are apostate.
“It is clear that the opposition to this event is rooted in homophobia, bigotry, xenophobia, and discrimination,” the letter said. “As faith leaders and people of faith, we believe that discrimination of any kind is an affront to the core values of our faith, and strongly oppose the use of faith as a weapon to threaten the future of events such as Drag Queen Story Hours.”Instead of trying to defend the perverse notion that it was OK to have sex offenders or sexually explicit entertainers around children, they decide to hate the parents, the grandparents, the pastors, and other community leaders who opposed the program. What a shameful display of hate!
Several Pentecostal churches staked out the opposite position. At a Sept. 4 rally on the steps of City Hall, Pastor Art Hodges of the South Bay Pentecostal Church said he didn’t object to parents taking their children to a drag queen event. He objected to Story Time’s site: a taxpayer-funded library.
“They’re the parents, we’re not protesting their right,” Hodges told News10. “But they should do that privately, on their own time, in their own place, on their own dollar.”
(Days later, South Bay Pentecostal was vandalized, with the words “Lucifer” and “Satan” painted on the exterior. At press time, police had no suspects.)So much for “Love is Love” and “Love Trumps Hate”, right?
Sister Donatella Soul, a self-described “drag nun,” countered that Drag Queen Storytime needed to be held in a city facility. “It’s important, especially in civic spaces, for people in different communities to have access,” she said.
Libraries are increasingly open to once-ignored populations. The San Diego Public Library, for instance, has an San Diego Public Library’s LGBTQIA Library Services Committee. (The letters stand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and asexual or allied.) This June, Pride Month, the library system issued “LGBT Pride” commemorative cards.
Chula Vista has also been involved with the local LGBTQ community, hosting a panel discussion of staffers from the San Diego Lambda Archives and screening a “Pride Film” series.
Patrons, Whatley said, should be able to find a wide range of materials at the library. In fact, Drag Queen Story Time was just one offering in a large catalog of summer events promoting literacy: Spanish Storytime, Toddler Storytime, Dog Days of Summer Storytime…
“And like any book or program we have,” Whatley said, “you have to opt in.”
Or opt out. Schaper, the MassResistance organizer, said Chula Vista’s Drag Queen Storytime has been a powerful recruiting tool.
“It’s grown considerably now, especially in the last month,” he said. “The idea that drag queens are in the libraries is just so horrific to them.”Yes, it has! MassResistance gained considerable attention and support for our efforts to stop the Drag Queen Story Hour madness in Chula Vista. We still have members of our San Diego MassResistance chapter who are ready to step in and do what needs to be done to stop this LGBT infiltration into the public square. The men and women from many church communities reached out to us and worked with us to alert the public and raise outrage about the program. Event after the event transpired on September 10, 2019, the San Diego MassResistance team continued to hammer the city council for allowing that disgusting program to take place at the main library.
They did a great job, and then the pandemic hit. Notwithstanding the problems which ensued, our MassResistance activists around the country and the world have worked with us, and we never stopped our push to stop the LGBT agenda and its militant miscreants.


San Diego MassResistance Exposes, Shames Black Lives Matter

MassResistance staging bold anti-BLM pro-police rallies in Southern California

Projecting a strong message to local communities – and local police! [See video!]

Unlike many other conservative groups, we’re NOT afraid to tell it like it is.

This needs to be happening everywhere!

August 11, 2020
VIDEO: Telling it like it is! (8 min 8 sec)

Across the country, many pro-family people have been holding pro-police rallies to support their local police officers. These are in response to the vicious attacks on police and calls to de-fund police departments by the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

But unfortunately, the organizers of most of the pro-police rallies are scrupulous to avoid criticizing BLM or even saying “All Lives Matter” – lest they offend anyone. But that kind of fearfulness only makes things worse.

MassResistance believes that local pro-family people should be at the forefront of warning and educating the rest of the community – and confronting all the BLM lies and anti-family poison with truth! As many have documented, BLM is an admitted Marxist-based group that uses civil rights as a front to push an extreme anti-American, anti-family agenda. Conservatives must not be afraid to say that. So when we organize local pro-police rallies, we don’t pull any punches! And we can tell that the police appreciate that.

ALT TEXT Our reaction to BLM!

One of our recent rallies was held on July 31 in Chula Vista, CA (a suburb of San Diego). We have a great MassResistance chapter there! Over the past year they have confronted the “Drag Queen Story Hour” that targets young children, and even forced the city to take down the “rainbow flag” from the City Hall flagpole.

We held a rally right in front of the Chula Vista Police Department – to let the police know that the community supports them and that we will confront the destructive BLM agenda that’s targeting them.

ALT TEXT MassResistance national director Arthur Schaper also spoke.
ALT TEXT Our MassResistance activists are not afraid to tell the truth …
ALT TEXT … and support the police!
ALT TEXT Out on the street in front of the rally area.

The response we got from both the police and the community was incredibly supportive! We’ll be reporting on similar rallies we do in Southern California – and beyond.

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Trans-Insanity Hate: Jae Red Rose of San Diego

Jae Red Rose, a man pretending to be a woman, has been harassing the men and women of San Diego MassResistance for a number of months.

He–yes, HE–was the weirdo who showed up with his bullhorns shouting “We love drag queens!” when San Diego MassResistance protested the Chula Vista main library for hosting Drag Queen Story Hour on September 10, 2019.

This man is a couple shades short of a drag show, to put it mildly!

Check out his Facebook page:


This guy has no business being in the general public, let alone around children.

When I write that “Transgenderism is a mental disorder”, look no further than Jae Red Rose.

I mean … seriously?

This man claimed that it was hate speech to call him … a he.


This is what the San Diego LGBT movement is relying on to push their perversity on children and adults alike. Creepy weirdos like this guy want to promote their selfish delusions and make everyone acquiesce and accept them.

When does this hateful, self-loathing insanity cease?


LGBT Self-Promotionalism: San Diego Democratic Operative Tom Lemmon Hates His Daughter

In the City of Chula Vista, California, San Diego MassResistance has been working diligently to put an end to the Drag Queen Story Hour perversion which had swept the city last year. The residents did not want this travesty, and the community at large did not want to promote LGBT themes and perversities.

In the last two months before the COVID-19 outbreak, a hate group from the San Diego County Democratic Party showed up to try and defended the perverted, openly gay city councilman Steve Padilla.

These Democratic Party miscreants were actually defending allowing sex entertainers to be around children. They actually think it is OK to pervert the minds of youths with flamboyant lies about homosexuality, transgenderism, and other sexual perversions.

There is no sense, no sensibility to such hatred. What we see on display is a gross hatred of children.

And there is no greater example of this than Mr. Tom Lemmon:

He is a union hack working for the San Diego Building Trade organization in the area. He teamed up with some of his regressive buddies to go to Chula Vista City Council meetings during the first two months of the year.

At one point, he took out a picture of his daughter, showing her backpack to the audience.

She was carrying an LGBT six-colored flag. Her daughter is a lesbian.

And he wants to flaunt it, to show how woke he is.

This is a perfect example of the irresponsible parenting that has become so commonplace in this country. Instead of taking a stand for the best moral judgment possible for their children, these parents have just given up and said that their children can do whatever they want to with their bodies. What is this madness?

Tom Lemmon wants to prop up her daughter so that he can score political points.

His daughter is killing herself slowly, and yet he wants to celebrate this fact. Homosexuality is harmful, aberrant, destructive, based on lies, and yet this “father” has no problem using his daughter in such a crass, brazen fashion.

This is the San Diego County Democratic Party.

This is Tom Lemmon. This is one of the supporters for Councilman Steve Padilla.

Let’s state the facts plainly: Tom Lemmon hates his daughter.

San Diego MassResistance is committed to standing against this abuse. MassResistance is committed to exposing and extinguishing this hatred of children, of the culture of death, of society as a whole.

Give Tom Lemmon a call, and tell him to stop hating his own daughter!

Tom Lemmon

San Diego County Building and Construction Trades Council, AFL-CIO

3737 Camino del Rio South, Suite 202

San Diego, California 92108

Telephone: 619-521-2914

Fax: 619-521-2917



Reaping What They Sow: San Diego County Democrats Afflicted with Coronavirus Flu

I know that I may draw some flack for writing this, but here goes.

Frankly, with the spread of Coronavirus Flu among homosexuals, and now among San Diego County (mostly gay) Democrats, it comes as no surprise to me.

The San Diego County Democratic Party has been afflicted with the Coronavirus

They were asking for this outbreak of the such contagions by virtue of the fact that they engage in unvirtuous, perverse behaviors. No, I do not believe that the spread of this disease is God’s way of punishing the world for its sins. All the sins of the world were punished on the Body of His Son, Jesus Christ:

“1My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: 2And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 John 2:1-2)

Still, there have been many bad actors in our world who have gotten away with all kinds of sins, perversions, crimes, and wrong-doing.

They are reaping what they have sown. They are receiving the consequences for their evil deeds, and there is nothing wrong with rejoicing in seeing them receive a just recompense for their behaviors.

“Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;” (2 Thessalonians 1:6)


“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

The San Diego Democratic Party has openly supported and promoted allowing adult sexual entertainers to be around children. They are promoting perverted, destructive LGBT causes throughout San Diego County, and recently they were harassing citizens in Chula Vista, CA who do not want children to be harmed and perverted with LGBT lies.

Now, some of their members are suffering consequences.

Let’s start with the report from the Voice of San Diego:

In the weeks following Election Day, Democratic candidates, activists and operatives did what they normally do: They celebrated victories together and enjoyed a temporary end to the demanding hours they kept in the runup to polls closing.

Democratic Party victories in California are defeats and losses for everyone, even the Democrats themselves. The policies which they have been pushing harm everyone. This is terrible. Why do they hate children so much? Why are they pushing more government to oppress parents and children? Why do they want to normalize sexual deviance, disease, dysfunction, and ultimately death?

What is there to celebrate, exactly?

But this year, those days aligned with the early days of the novel coronavirus spreading through San Diego, and it appears many in those social-professional Democratic circles may have been infecting one another.

Chula Vista Councilman Steve Padilla tested positive more than a week ago, becoming the first elected official in California to publicly announce a positive test for the disease. He was later admitted to an ICU with worsening symptoms and has been put on a ventilator, his daughter announced in a statement.

Quite an announcement. Councilman Steve Padilla, the same councilman who was walking around with vicious LGBT protestors with signs like these:

This same Steve Padilla thinks it’s OK for sexual deviant entertainers to be around children.

This same Steve Padilla walked out on his wife and kids to shack up with a man.

This same Steve Padilla who called mothers and fathers, immigrants and veterans “white supremacists”, now has the Coronavirus flu.

You know what? This proper retribution for his hate. I want him to recover and be restored to common sense, to stop pushing sexual perversion on children, but this is a just outcome for all the evil that he has been perpetrating in the city of Chula Vista.

Friends & Neighbors – I want you to know that I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. Here’s an update and video. pic.twitter.com/PIH7nuA4uF

— Steve Padilla (@StevePadillaCV) March 15, 2020

In the week since, Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, chairman of the local Democratic Party, and Kelvin Barrios, who came in first in the primary election for the District 9 City Council seat, both announced they too had tested positive.

William Rodriguez-Kennedy

afflicted with Coronavirus Flu

Mr. Rodriguez-Kennedy thinks that immigrants, parents, citizens who care about their city and their children constitute a hate group. He lives an openly gay set of behaviors, of course, and he even boasted about the fact that helped fight for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” while serving in the Marine Corps. Someone needs to let him know that there has been an unprecedented number of sexual assaults have risen because of this repeal.

I wonder if Mr. Rodriguez-Kennedy is proud of that accomplishment.

And yes, he now has Coronavirus flu. This is quite a telling comeuppance, if I may be so bold.

Andrea Cardenas, a political consultant and party organizer who advanced to a November runoff election for a Chula Vista City Council seat, thinks she’s got it, too. She came down with what she thought was the flu on March 9, then went to urgent care on March 13 when she started experiencing shortness of breath and dizziness. She was treated for pneumonia and sent home.

The common spread of disease is all too prevalent among homosexual populations. The Democratic Party is dead set on promoting homosexuality. It seems only a matter of course that they would be afflicted with these sicknesses, too.

The next day, she learned about Padilla, with whom she had spent a lot of time after the election. And by then she knew Rodriguez-Kennedy and Barrios, both of whom she had also spent time with, were sick, though they had not yet tested positive for coronavirus. Another friend and colleague – Jehoan Espinoza, a member of the group San Diego Democrats for Equality who also worked on Ammar Campa-Najjar’s congressional campaign – had also tested positive, she said.

“San Diego Democrats for Equality” are lying about themselves. They do not support equality at all. They support special privileges for a militant minority, the LGBT lobby, at the expense of everyone else.

Cardenas went in for a test at Sharp Urgent Care in Chula Vista on Monday, March 16, when she finished her pneumonia medication and her situation hadn’t improved. She hasn’t received her results eight days later, she said.

She needs to self-quarantine, but not just for the potential threat of transmitting the Coronavirus to others. She needs to be self-quarantined until she abandons promoting the cultural anarchy that the San Diego County Democratic Party is promoting on parents and children.

“It would be very much a miracle if I wasn’t positive,” she said. “We had all been around each other for post-election stuff. And there’s other people we’ve been around who are sick, and they’re just like – there’s no point. No one is getting their tests back. People either aren’t getting tested, or they are and we don’t know the results.”

The LGBTQ Victory Brunch was a significant post-election event, an annual affair in which elected officials, political professionals and activists celebrate LGBTQ officials.

It occurred on March 8, and many party members noted that several of the people who’ve announced positive tests were in attendance. Padilla, though, said his doctors thought he could have been exposed March 10 when he flew through San Jose, where TSA agents had been infected, on his way to chair a California Coastal Commission hearing in Santa Cruz. But that occurred after the Victory Brunch.

This is another telling irony. The LGBT groups are collectivist in mindset, and they don’t promote safe or healthy practices as a rule. People abusing their bodies with the same sex in order to find or share “intimacy” is just nonsensical.

“It’s just such a tight-knit community where we don’t know how far it’s reached,” Cardenas said. “We don’t really know how it got introduced, but the reality is it did affect our community really closely, and it hit home for a lot of people.”

“Tight-knit” indeed, certainly considering the number of sexual partners that many homosexuals have. This pattern of conduct cannot be ignored or downplayed

The apparent spread within the Democratic community has rattled many activists and campaign workers who frequent those circles. Many have announced on social media that they too have been sick, though some have tested negative or didn’t seek testing.

This is telling retribution. Democrats should be afraid. They are pushing all kinds of perversion in the state of California, including San Diego County, and they should be held accountable for all of that!

Final Reflection

The San Diego County Democratic Party is a hate group.

They hate life, since they are so vocally pro-abortion.

They hate family, since they promote the LGBT agenda at the expense of natural law and individual rights.

They hate anyone who stands up for what is true, right, and good in any community. I have spoken with registered Democratic voters, and they are so ashamed of their party, that they can’t wait to vote Republican, or to disaffiliate entirely from the party apparatus.

As for the spread of Coronavirus flu among Democratic Party operatives, they are simply reaping what they have sown, and they are paying a price. Hopefully, the price will not be so steep that individual partisans don’t learn the much-needed, though rarely heeded lesson: don’t mess with the laws of nature and nature’s God.