
Why Democrats Are Panicking, Pushing Every Power-Grab Possible

The Democratic Party is driven at all costs to gain power, or rather they are trying the best they can to hold onto whatever power they have left.

They have the thinnest majorities in recent history in both chambers.

Their President is deeply unpopular.

They have suffered incredible losses at the state and local level for the last eight years, and those losses are about to get much, much worse in 2022.

How do we know that they are facing staggering losses going into 2024?

Consider the analysis below, which shows how Democratic chances are facing some fierce headwinds in the US Senate not just in 2022, but also in 2024, and even into 2026:

The 2022 Senate matchups are set. But looming behind this year’s Senate races is a stark reality:

If Democrats don’t *pick up* Senate seats this year, their hopes for achieving anything for the next decade could be really, really small. pic.twitter.com/vt1CnsKQQL— The Recount (@therecount) September 14, 2022

The Biden Administration is not going to last 2024.

The Democrats are going to be viciously thwarted in both chambers, presuming that the Republicans take back the US Senate as well as the House of Representatives.

A large cohort of the Democratic voting base has shifted to the GOP, including African-American men, Hispanic voters, and suburban moms generally. The Democratic Party is so riddled with CRT, that very like the Democratic Party will turn into a Black Lives Matter hate monstrosity, and every other American ethnic group will be relegated to second-class status, that is if they choose to stay registered Democrats.

We cannot underestimate Republicans uncanny ability to screw things up in the next two months, of course. Still, if enough real Republicans win key battles in the US Senate and in the House of Representatives, along with more victories at the legislative level, then conservative, nationalist, populist dynamics will win out for the short and long-term, and the Democratic Party will have no power left to grab.


Unions Eating Out the State of California

Hi Arthur,
Something to remember or realize today is unions steal money from rightful owners (either private owners or the People) and use it to majorly fund Democrat politicians, the New Communists ruining everything in sight.Documentation: 
IRS union gives 100% of PAC spending to Democrats (2022)
‘Education union spent more money on political activities than worker representation’ (2022)
National Education Association teachers union proposes resolution to change ‘mother’ to ‘birthing parent’ (2022)
Test scores show how teacher’s union head Randi Weingarten damaged an entire generation of kids (2022)
Teachers union donations to Democrats spiked during pandemic (2021)
California school unions are ramping up campaign spending (2018)
Confirmed: 99% of union donations go to liberal-leaning causes (2017)
Robbing the treasury: Transparent California government “pay and pension database”
Action: Learn how to keep your job and resign from the union (your constitutional right):Opt Out Today | National Right To Work“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”Attributed to Alexander Fraser Tytler, Scottish judge and historian (1747-1813)SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families, a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working, leading, and fighting for your rock-solid values and hard-won liberties since 1999. Your confidential, tax-deductible gift of any size empowers our work for your family and other families, and reaches Californians with important facts the Big Media won’t report. Thank you for standing with us!DONATE | SUBSCRIBE | ABOUTIf a friend forwarded you this, and you don’t want it, ask them to remove you from their list. If you received this email directly from us, but don’t want it, scroll to the end to unsubscribe. If you forward this to your friends, someone might unsubscribe you (re-subscribe here).

The Building Trades Executive Director is Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Chris Hannan

In the latest issue of “Building Trades News,” Executive Secretary Chris Hannan used his monthly  column to denounce the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

However, the first part of his column shows the importance of fighting for life:

In California, the Building Trade, “the Construction Department of the AFL-CIO,” has been standing up for workers’ rights for more than 100 years.

It seems really strange that private sector unions consider abortion a “worker’s right.”

The ability to be a member of a union has empowered us to maintain this voice and our place in the middle class. Our country stands for freedom, including freedom to have differences of opinion, religious, and every possible difference imaginable.

Except, it seems, when it comes to defending the rights of the unborn. What really bothers me about this line of reasoning is that discussion is an abstraction. Yes, people can and should be able to discuss differences of opinion and make their points plainly heard without suffering consequences. However, when we are talking about human lives, the issue goes far beyond a difference of opinion. Life is a natural right, and natural law requires that we defend life.

One cannot claim that they can about freedom when in the same sentence they want to maintain the right to take life for any reason.

As the leader of this Building Trades Council, a union member and the father of a wonderful daughter and son, I feel th eneed to address a terrible step backwards for our country.

He is a parent, and he is a proud parent. He would have never been a parent if he had killed his children before they were born.

In 2018, my wife and I were told that our unborn son was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. At times, it seemed like we were encouraged not to bring our into this world.

Later in his column, he affirms that he and his wife put their children first, including their newborn son. They choose life, and that is a good thing.

But then he writes about his son:

David is a wonderful boy who brings joy to my life every day. He inspoires me every moment.

Guess what, Chris: every baby has that power and opportunity if they are allowed to be born!

And yet …

In June, the United States Supreme Court overturned the law of the land that was codified in Roe v. Wade.

There are so many problems with this one sentence alone, I do not know where to begin. The Supreme Court does not make law, so it could not overturn a law, even if it wanted to. Second of all, because Roe was not a law to begin with, it was never a law in the first place! Third, the repeal of this decision does not strike down any abortion laws, because the Supreme Court rightly restored the legislative authority on this issue back to the states, where it has always belonged.

The ability of women to make their own health care deciscions was stripped away by the Supreme Court.

This is another ludicrous statement. Abortion access is not healthcare. Abortions hurt the mother, as much as they kill another life. This is the most outrageous rhetorical fraud in the whole abortion debate. On top of that, a mother’s desire for healthcare is not compromised, even if the mother supposedly believes that includes abortion, because the mother can seek an abortion in a number of states.

When I read this article, I was struck by the lack of logical flow, since he talks about freedom, then he talks about being a parent, he then shares the joy of being a parent, then all of a sudden segues into criticizing the Supreme Court for repeal Roe.

He gives considerable attention to his joy in becoming a father, and he stands by he and his wife’ decision to have their third child, even though he faced a significant health deformity. This line of reasoning would suggest that he is pro-life.

And yet, he believes that the Supreme Court was anti-freedom for requiring the states to enact codes allowing abortion. The court expanded freedom, and many states are taking a stand to protect life, which makes the expression of freedom possible.

I wonder how the members of the Building Trades Council feel about their current executive director. He is inarticulate, partially incoherent, politically obtuse, and greatly misinformed. Perhaps we can understand why so many union leaders throw in with the Democrat Party, and at the same time when many union members feel increasingly disenfranchised by their own leaders. Once again, what does pushing for abortion rights have to do with fighting for worker freedoms on the jobsite?


Effective Activism: A Reflection

 I have been reflecting on what constitutes effective activism for the last few months. 

The world has gotten darker and crazier, but that is not an invitation for all of us to just sit back and do nothing.

Since 2014, I have been heavily involved in local, state, and even national activism.

I worked with pro-American groups like We The People Rising to stop illegal immigration and mass immigration, both of which were pushing away the needs of Americans and undermining the healthy sovereignty of America.

I also focused a great deal on ending the abuses of union power in local and state governments. Right-to-work laws need to be enacted as quickly as possible throughout the country.

Last of all, and most importantly, I have been working heavily on the fight against the normalization and proliferation of homosexuality and transgenderism. These are perverse behaviors propping up destructive, harmful ideologies, and they need to be stopped. Now we witness hardened LGBT activists forcing these perverse lies on children in the public schools, and they are bullying adults in the public square. All of this must be stopped.

At any rate, I have engaged in activism of all kinds, and I have organized people to fight different issues. The more work that I have done, the more I have learned to discern which actions work, and which do not. I also noticed how elected officials seemed to react different ways depending on which types of activism people were involved in. 

Which efforts actually yield results? Is it really worth our time to set up flags and signs on a street corner, when politicians will just continue to engage in the terrible policies we want them to stop?

In February 2019, I attended a Remembrance of Life for Deanne D’Lean, a very creative activist and poster-maker who attended many pro-America rallies, fought hard against illegal immigration, and worked her best to stop the lawlessness that had become all too pervasive in the state of California. We all reminisced on what a great fighter she was, and we hoped to carry on her spirit and her legacy in the fight to stop open borders and reckless disregard for the rule of law.

I then spoke up, and I made a pointed criticism: are we really making a difference? Our numbers are not growing, either. What do we do about this?

Some of the members of the team were a little defensive about these points. Others agreed that we needed to be more focused to be effective. What are we trying to fight? What are our goals, and how are we trying to move the needle for more victories in the future?

In short, are we really making a difference?

I had to submit to the team, that We the People Rising was not making a difference. Showing up to rallies and holding signs, yelling at bad politicians and embarrassing crazed leftists on one’s smartphone are not really effective means for change. The bad politicians continue doing bad things, and all we got was frustration in return.

Unlike the other members of the team, I was busy signing people up, taking steps to start building numbers, contacts, future activists. This approach was more effective, I felt, in getting people involved, to do more than just show up at city council meetings and yell at bad politicians.

During the heydays of fighting the California Sanctuary State Law SB 54, I called city councils and county boards throughout the state to go on record opposing SB 54, and furthermore to make it clear to the state leadership that those jurisdictions would not comply with the lawless outlaw policy of shielding illegal aliens within the state. I wanted to do more than just send a message of opposition. I liked what Los Alamitos was pledging to do, i.e. refuse to comply with the law and instead continue their ongoing relationship with federal law enforcement agencies.

In short, I wanted to see movement, momentum to stop these bad laws and get good laws, policies, or at the very least non-compliance in place.

So, you can see that activism for me is about results, not just actions. It’s about real outcomes, not just rhetoric. What’s the point of protesting if you cannot stop the bad policies? We want to make a change, get better people elected, make a real difference, not just make some real noise.

So, with this analysis in place, I wanted to discuss this deeper in a balance of contrasts.

Congressman Paul Gosar v. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene

Paul Gosar is outspoken. He is not afraid to give out really strong America First rhetoric. He speaks to key conferences, he reaches out to young voters, he wants to get the next generation fully engaged to take on the corporatist, globalist cabal which has become all too pervasive in Washington DC.

And yet, I don’t see him really doing much to stop the flow of madness pushed by the current Democratic majority. Yes, he puts out some mean memes, and he says some tough stuff, but what else is he doing?

In contrast, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene has been using every parliamentary tactic at her disposal to slow down business in the House of Representatives. She has repeatedly protests the COVID-19 restrictions, and she has worked with her colleagues to defy those ridiculous rules in turn. She has gone to great lengths with the media to expose the plights of the January 6 prisoners, the vast majority of whom should be released immediately.

She is also networking with potential candidates across the country, hoping to get more elected MAGA candidates to the House of Representatives and the United States Senate. She doesn’t just introduce legislation, but uses every resource she has to push for commonsense reforms that are good for the people, which put America first.

I see her doing stuff. I see her trying to accomplish key goals. I see her fighting with the regressive left every way she can, and I also see her taking on and trying to take down RINOs in her own caucus. She is planning ahead, wanting to advance a larger agenda.

Every Congressman should be doing what she is doing. It’s not enough to tweet the right things and speak at the right conferences. We need Congressmen who want to stop the bad stuff and pass the good stuff.

Alex Stein

Alex Stein Taking on Ted Cruz and Dan Crenshaw

Alex Stein is a fiery YouTube/Social Media personality. He is not afraid to get in politicians’ faces and confront them on bad votes.

But one has to wonder: how effective is it to get politicians a little flustered, when nothing changes in their voting patterns?

Alex Stein confronted US Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Dan Crenshaw at the Texas GOP Convention earlier this year. Yes, he made loud protests at their tables, denouncing them for voting to send more money to Ukraine, while doing very little for American citizens.

However, his blustery approach with Ted Cruz backfired. Cruz sat calmly, then parried him with some quiet words, then said “God Bless You.” That exchange made Cruz look good, and it made Stein look bad. 

And I have to ask: did that little tantrum in front of the US Senator stop any bad votes in the United States Senate? Did it change any policies?

I ask the same questions regarding his interactions with Dan Crenshaw. Indeed, Eye-Patch McCain is an embarrassment to the state of Texas and to the United States. He is a frequent face at the World Economic Forum, and he is pushing a globalist agenda, undercutting the rights of American citizens all while flashing his veteran status, as if that makes him immune to criticism.

But one question I have for Alex Stein: did you support Crenshaw’s primary challenger this year? Did you attend his town halls and find out how to get other voters to mobilize against this fool and get him out of office?

If there are no moves to threaten politicians’ actual power, it’s very easy for them to pat these social media influencers on the head, or curse them under their breath, but ultimately to ignore them, to ignore us. Politicians will not take us seriously if they feel that their power is not being threatened. If they are not losing money, votes, or reputation in the eyes of their voters, they really don’t care about us.

And that leads me to the next comparison …

We the People Rising v. Kevin De Leon and Antonio Villaraigosa

We the People Rising and other LA County MAGA activists crashed the Santa Monica Democratic club meeting in the city’s library in May 2018. Two major candidates spoke at the event: US Senate candidate Kevin De Leon, the State Senate president pro tem at the time; and Antonio Villaraigosa, the former mayor of Los Angeles.

Both of them were running as outsider candidates against the established incumbent (Dianne Feinstein) and heir apparent (Gavin Newsom).

De Leon and Villaraigosa were not really phased by our presence in the audience, and at one point De Leon even mocked us as his “groupies.” This was really frustrating.

By and large, the answered all the questions in the usual left-wing manner. They wanted to open up the borders, decriminalize “homelessness,” and they wanted to raise taxes and push for a greater government presence in our healthcare system.

By and large, they did not care about our outrage against illegal immigration and open borders. Such issues are a mainstay for the California Democratic Party at this point. It’s really disturbing stuff. 

But …

I was the first one to ask a question that Kevin De Leon by surprise. At the time, he was still roommates with State Senator Tony Mendoza, a relentless womanizer who got caught up in the #MeToo scandals that had been rocking the halls of Sacramento. I confronted him about not doing anything to help the women who have been harmed and abused by staffers and legislators in Sacramento.

That issue really bothered De Leon, and he began sputtering and struggling to defend himself, and he went to every length he could to show that he had distanced himself from Mendoza and that he was also committed to doing everything possible to protect women in the state legislature. For the first time in memory, De Leon was afraid of what the conservative activists had to say.

Then another one of the MAGA activists confronted Villaraigosa about the needs of California’s veterans. The former mayor did everything he could to prove that he wanted to do what was best for the men and women who had fought for this country. He lingered over that question and made sure that he could answer it every way that he could to assure the audience.

Why was it that on those two questions, the two candidates got worried and all bent out of shape? For once, they actually cared to make sure that We the People were satisfied with their answers. Why did they care? Because those issues, women’s rights and the care for veterans, were key issues that differentiated them from their establishment challengers, and those were issues that the Democratic regulars were also focusing on.

In other words, they feared the potential votes/money they would lose if they did not handle those issues properly. Activists need to change strategies to force bad politicians to do good things in the future based on issues that immediately touch on their distinct voter base. They don’t care about illegal immigration, but they do not want to be viewed as too soft on women’s issues, on fighting sexual harassment. Conservatives may have to hone their attack on those kinds of issues, even if they are not the most pertinent to our specific cause.

The Blueprint: How Liberals Campaign v. How Conservatives Campaign

The final thoughts that I want to share come from my reflections on the book The Blueprint.

This fascinating read details how four left-wing billionaires collaborated effectively with liberal activists in the state of Colorado and flipped the state legislature and then the US Senate, House seats, and Governor’s races to the Democrats.

Colorado had been a reliably red state for decades. Then all of that changed in 2004, when George W. Bush successful captured the state one last time for the GOP (until 2022), but down-ballot Democrats decimated Republicans in the state legislature, flipping the two chambers to Democratic control for the first time in decades.

It was a political earthquake which a lot of people did not see coming. How did the liberals do it?

They set up massive political, cultural, and media organs to push their agenda. They targeted key seats that were on the margin, which could have been flipped with a 1-3% higher turnout. They didn’t get caught up in trying to flip statewide offices until later election cycles.

They approached the campaign and election process like a business. They assessed where would be the best places to invest money, which candidates to support, where could they target voters to ensure just enough of a turnout to flip a seat, and which seats to flip in order to get a governing majority.

They approached campaigning like a business.

In contrast, conservatives tend to campaign and donate like … liberals! They focus on what makes them feel good, what will get the best headline, or what will ingratiate them to future prospective business interests. They don’t campaign and invest like activists, but rather they treat politics as an entertaining hobby. That kind of politicking simply does not work.

Activism, elctioneering, winning the vote and the fight, all of this requires real strategy, a focus on what will help our side gain the most power to make the most gains and do the most good. This kind of thinking needs to guide conservatives and their strategic efforts going forward. This is the kind of activism that needs conservative grassroots need to invest in.


Democrats Are Grifters, Too

Check out this outrage from progressive abortion activists:

“My rights should not be a fundraising point for the Democrats.” 💯💯💯 pic.twitter.com/6hNLQ5tZry— GOOGLE LASD GANGS (@PplsCityCouncil) June 26, 2022

The Democratic Party demagogued the abortion issue for decades. They always claimed that they cared about a “woman’s right to choose.” The funny thing, though, is that Democrats had strong majorities in Congress for decades, and yet they did nothing to codify Roe v. Wade into law.

When Barack was first elected in 2008, he commanded a filibuster-proof majority in the United States Senate along with broad majorities in the House of Representatives.

And instead of codifying abortion once for all, he focused on Cap-and-Trade (which died in the US Senate without a vote), and then pushed Obamacare, which was so roundly hated that Democrats lost 63 seats in the House in 2010.

Republicans gained six US Senates, too. People were so angry at Obama and his wasted political capitol.

Now, here were are in 2022, and the United States Supreme Court has struck down Roe v. Wade.

Oh, Happy Day indeed!

This is a huge victory for the conservative cause generally, for Republicans particularly, and for President Trump completely.

What makes this victory so … vindicating is that the Democrats are losing their base, votes, and money because of this issue. They promised, they fundraised, they begged, they pleaded for progressive voters to stick with them, that they would do everything in their power to protect abortion privileges.

And when they had the power, they did nothing with it.

Check out this epic rant from a frazzled progressive:

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think he’s ready to flip red. #redwave2024 pic.twitter.com/l3B63uV6p2— Outlaw Bonnie Parker (@OutlawBParker) June 29, 2022

This guy is tired of the fundraising emails, too.

In a sense, though, I can imagine how frustrated these left-wing activists are. For decades, Republicans have faced the same frustrations and disappointments from national Republican elected officials. They said they would repeal Obamacare, and they did not. They said they would secure the border, and many of them reneged or ran away from the pledge.

They also said that they would End the Fed, stop the taxation, and that they would curb the excessive spending, which they have never done. 

The biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans, at least among the grassroots, is that we Republicans learned a LONG, LONG time ago that Republicans in and of themselves were untrustworhty. We have carried this healthy suspicious of the state for a long time. We know that the government is full of liars, cheats, and thieves, and we were never under any pretense that they will follow through on anything they promise to do, unless we push them.

Also unlike the Democrats, we had President Donald Trump. He was an outsider, a disruptor, someone who was beholden to no one. He accomplished many of the promises he had outlined on his political platform. He came through for us on many issues, and even when he failed on some issues, we did not throw up our collective hands and give up. Trump really cares about this country, and the voters who supported him picked up on that caring.

Democrats have no “Trump-like” equivalent. Even Bernie Sanders, the outspoken Independent Socialist, has sold out his morals, becoming a best-selling writer and millionaire. He has abandoned the fight for his crypto-communist agenda, and at the end of the day, he is too cowardly to fight for what he believes in, anyway.

Democrats have so much to grieve from these past two weeks. President Trump came through on so many promises, he delivered a winning conservative majority on the United States Supreme Court, and he has accomplished one of the most fundamental platforms of the Republican National Committee: the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

Democrats are still waiting for single-payer healthcare (which they will never get). They are still waiting for the massive corporate tax hikes. They are still clamoring for some sort of Green New Deal (which will also never happen.)

In fact, Democratic partisans, progressive activists, and left-wing agitators are really feeling the heat, since conservative activists have learned to fight hard, fight back, and not accept less than everything that is best for our country. Unlike regressive leftists, made conservatives and common-sense citizens have children, they own property, and they want to protect their progeny and their legacies. They will fight for more than power for power’s sake.

Democrats, progressives, regressive leftists have nothing to fight for, because they do not believe in anything. They have embraced nothing but a transvaluation of values, and now they have nothing. What’s worse, they have endured one of the most rigorous political disappointments and cultural defeats in a generation.

And I am loving every minute of it!

For the longest time, I assumed that Republicans were the grifters. After all, Dinesh D’Souza explained to a young conservative in Letters to a Young Conservative that conservative in general care about money, while liberals care about power. Over the last six years, conservatives have learned to care about power, and they no longer shrink away from using their newly-acquired power to do good, to further their causes, to promote their agenda.

The grift is no longer enough for conservatives and common-sense constitutionalists. We expect results, because Trump delivered. Democrats are going to find out, however, that the elected officials whom they have trusted are not up to the task of delivering. They don’t want to. They don’t care, because they never did.