
Contact Bigoted Denver City Councilman: Support Reparative Therapy, Reject Proposed Ban!

The Denver City Council is proposing to ban reparative therapy for minors in the next month.

This move to remove a therapy which works, which has saved lives is gaining some unparalleled momentum for some reason, but pro-family forces seem to be asleep at the wheel on this.

But not MassResistance.

For the past two weeks, members of Colorado MassResistance have been contacting the Denver City Council to urge them to reject this so-called “conversion therapy” ban.


Here’s a voicemail I received from Councilman Rafael Espinoza last week:

Good afternoon Arthur. This is Councilman Espinoza in Denver District One.

I appreciate you attempts trying to influence me with your ignorance, and I just want you to know that I am not interested. You can continue wasting your time to trying to contact me to persuade me not to support our current legislation. But It will in fact fall on deaf ears.

I don’t care how many people outside my district or inside my district you are able to cultivate to communicate your expressed views, but I am not interested.

That said, if you continue wasting your time and efforts to trying persuade me others, but it is going to be as effective as conversion therapy, which it is not.

Have a good day. Thank you. Goodbye.

This is the kind of ignorance and arrogance that pro-family groups are dealing with right now. The elected officials have neither respect nor regard for the will of the voters nor the worth of biological truth and academic research.

First of all, helping people break free of homosexuality and transgenderism is not called “conversion therapy.” It’s not like someone was born one way, and specialists and professionals are trying to get someone to enter into a different life. The truth is that people are not born “gay”, nor are boys and girls born in the wrong bodies. Men and women, boys and girls receive clear genetic as well as biological determinants which imprint on individuals their sex, whether male or female.

Secondly, when this ignorant “elected official” declares that reparative therapy does not work, he is clearly mouthing, parroting the lies of the regressive Left and the aggressive LGBT lobby. Many of these fraudulent groups claim that reparative therapy relies on genital stimulation, forced swallowing of vinegar, electroshock therapy, etc. None of these abusive practices take place.

Reparative therapy is a cognitive therapy. It’s never forced on someone, since that is unethical. It’s about helping people who want to be set free from these unwanted behaviors.

Furthemore, this reparative therapy bans are unconstitutional, since they criminalize forms of speech. There is no such thing as forms of speech which receive second-class status. All of this is unacceptable.

Last of all, this violates the freedom of individuals to pursue the lives that they want to lead. These reparative therapy bans violate parental rights. Such incursions into family life is beyound unacceptable. Countless children’s lives have been saved, so that they could develop into strong adults who did great things in this life.

To ban a therapy which saves lives is nothing short of inexcusable!

Contact Councilman Espinoza, and contact every church in the Denver area to remind the city council whom they work for, and it is not the virulentt, abusive LGBT Lobby!

Here is his legislative aide Logan Frye: (303) 241-7441


Here’s the full info on Rafael Espinoza:


District One

Rafael Espinoza

1437 Bannock Street

Room 451

Denver, CO 80202



Below, you will find all the  contact information for the Denver City Councilmembers and the Mayor’s office:

Denver City Council Contact Information

City Council Main Office

City and County Building

1437 Bannock St., Rm. 451

Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 720-337-2000 | Fax: 720-865-9482


District One

Rafael Espinoza

1437 Bannock Street

​Room 451

Denver, CO 80202



District Two

Kevin Flynn

Councilman District 2

Phone: (720) 337-2222


District Three

Paul D. López

Councilman District 3

Phone: (720) 337-3333


District Four

Kendra Black

Councilwoman District 4

Phone: (720)337-4444


District Five

Mary Beth Susman

Councilwoman District 5

Phone: (720)337-5555


District Six

Paul Kashmann

Councilman District 6

1437 Bannock St, #451

Denver, CO 80202

Phone: (720) 337-6666


District Seven

Jolon Clark

1437 Bannock Street

​Room 405

Denver, CO 80202


(720) 337-7777



District Eight

Christopher Herndon

Councilman District 8

Phone: (720) 337-8888



District Nine

Albus Brooks

Councilman District 9


Phone: (720) 337-7709

District Ten

Wayne New

Councilman District 10

Phone: (720) 337-7710


District Eleven

Stacie Gilmore

Councilwoman District 11


Phone: 720-337-7711

At Large District One

Robin Kniech

Council At Large

Phone: (720) 337-7712


At Large District Two

Deborah “Debbie” Ortega

Council At Large

Phone: (720) 337-7713



Mayor’s Office Phone Number:
