
Houston MassResistance Call to Action: Stop Drag Queen Story Hour!

Houston MassResistance: Call to ACTION! Help stop the “Drag Queen Story Hour”

Hello, Team Houston!

Our two leaders in the city, Tracy Shannon and Linda Rodriguez, have been leading an incredible fight to stop Drag Queen Story Hour in at a large neighborhood library in Houston.

Their ongoing efforts since November have brought an angry response from Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, who doesn’t want his favorite pro-LGBT project disrupted.

For the last four months, Houston MassResistance has been protesting the Drag Queen events at the Freed-Montrose library. Our leaders have recorded and reported on the depraved Drag Queens and their homosexual proponents in the city who are promoting confusion among the youngest citizens. It is truly a form of child abuse, drawing little children into dangerous and unhealthy lifestyles.

Houston MassResistance needs you to join them in their next effort!

With other conservative activists in the region, Houston MassResistance will be attending the Tuesday, February 19, 2019 Houston City Council meeting. They will describe the host of problems associated with the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) program and explain the agenda behind it.

1. DWSH cuts off the library for other members of the public who simply want to go to the library for other reasons.

2. The Drag Queen performers and their supporters have instigated vile attacks against members of the Houston public who oppose the program.

3. The City of Houston has directed a large and growing police presence in and around the library because of the nasty demonstrators supporting DQSH.

4. In one well-publicized incident, a DQSH opponent was unjustly detained and his firearm confiscated. This act is against the law, a violation of public access and Second Amendment regulations.

Now more than ever, we need every one in Houston to let Mayor Turner and the Houston City Council know that Drag Queen Story Hour is offensive to many citizens and a gross misuse of taxpayer dollars.

We urge everyone of you to do the following:

1. Contact the Mayor and Houston City Council: call their offices and email them directly.
See the bottom of this email for contact information for the elected officials in Houston.

2. Please join with other members of Houston MassResistance at the Houston City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. The meeting starts at 1:30pm Central Time, but we need people to get there by 1:00 pm. Be prepared to speak against DQSH! Any citizen may speak before Council on a Tuesday beginning at 2:00 p.m.

To reserve time to address City Council (up to three minutes), contact the City Secretary’s Office (832-393-1100) prior to the commencement of the meeting. All Council meetings are open to the public.

Location: 900 Bagby, City Hall Annex, Houston, TX 77002
Date & Time: Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 1:30pm
(Be there at the very latest by 1:00 pm.)

3. Please join with Houston MassResistance members to protest the next Drag Queen Story Hour program at the Freed-Montrose Library. The library has doubled down on this program, even though more residents in the city have objected to it, and a growing numbers of protesters have arrived to demand its termination.

Date and Time: Saturday, February 23, 2019, 12 noon to 4:00pm
Location: 4100 Montrose Blvd, Houston, TX 77006
Phone: (832) 393-1800

For more information, contact Linda Rodriguez at massresistancehoustontx@gmail.com

PS: The horrific stuff that these Drag Queens are promoting is abhorrent! Check out the research which one of our MassResistance activists collected for the public to see.


Arthur Shaper
National Organization Director


HERE IS THE CONTACT INFORMATION for the Houston officials:

Mayor Sylvester Turner
phone:  713.837.0311
Email:  mayor@houstontx.gov

Brenda Stardig District A
Phone:  832.393.3010
Email:  districta@houstontx.gov

Jerry Davis District B
Phone:  832.393.3009
Email:  districtb@houstontx.gov

Ellen Cohen District C
Phone: 832.393.3010
Email:  districtc@houstontx.gov

Dwight Boykins District D
Phone: 832.393.3001
Email:  districtd@houstontx.gov

Dave Martin District E
Phone: 832.393.3008
Email:  districte@houstontx.gov

Steve Le District F
Phone: 832.393.3002
Email:  districtf@houstontx.gov

Greg Travis District  G
Phone: 832.393.3007
Email:  districtg@houstontx.gov

Karla Cisneros District H
Phone: 832.393.3003
Email:  districth@houstontx.gov

Robert Gallegos District I
Phone:  832.393.3011

Mike Laster District J
Phone: 832.393.3015

Martha Castex-Tatum, District K
Phone: 832.393.3016

Mike Knox at large Pos 1
Phone:  832.393.3014

David Robinson at large Pos. 2
Phone:  832.393.3013

Michael Kubosh at large Pos 3
Phone:  832.393.3005

Amanda Edwards  at Large Pos 4
Phone: 832.393.3012
Email:  atlarge4@houstontx.gov

Jack Christie at large Pos 5
Phone: 832.393.3017
Email:  atlarge5@houstontx.gov


Complete List of Emails:





MassResistance: Detroit Suburb Barricades Over Jan. 26 protest Against Drag Queen Story Hour!

Detroit suburb to barricade streets over MassResistance’s upcoming Jan. 26 protest of Drag Queen Story Hour at library!

Bringing in police from nearby towns to guard library – from citizens who disagree.

Washington Post weighs in on controversy.

January 25, 2019
ALT TEXTThe report from the Fox TV affiliate in Detroit showed this scene of a previous “Drag Queen Story Hour” in the Huntington Woods library.

MassResistance is causing a huge stir in a “diversity-loving” left-wing town!

The Detroit suburb of Huntington Woods has reacted to Michigan MassResistance’s upcoming protest against a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) event. The town plans to bring in police from nearby towns, barricade the sidewalk, close nearby streets, and impose unconstitutional “free speech zones” on protesters.

(Establishing “free speech zones” on public property? That is the same tactic used to deter our Colorado people who were protesting against a DQSH event there in December.)

On Saturday, January 26, at 3 pm the Huntington Woods Public Library has scheduled a Drag Queen Story Hour event. Besides Michigan MassResistance (which has attracted parents from across the region as well as locals), the group Warriors for Christ will be joining the protest. The Catholic media group Church Militant, based in Detroit, will be there reporting on it.

As we have previously described, so-called Drag Queen Story Hours, held mostly in local public libraries, target small children as young as 3 or 4 years old. They feature homosexual men dressed in women’s clothes and garish make-up reading LGBT-related books to children. It is pure propaganda: Their self-proclaimed goal is to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.”

The LGBT strategy: intimidation and harassment of objectors

A big part of the LGBT strategy is to attempt to intimidate and harass anyone who disagrees with their activities. At least two militant LGBT efforts have organized to show up to “counter” the pro-family parents outside the Jan. 26 event: Queensguard: Defending Self Expression and Literacy and Rebuke Rebuking Drag Queen Story Hour.  The latter group is especially up-front in their anti-family hostility. Here is what they wrote:

Come join us in rebuking those who wish to rebuke Drag Queen Story Hour. Let’s collectively reject the bigotry and transphobia that these people wish to bring to our community.

This tactic has already been seen in Huntington Woods. As we recently reported, after MassResistance originally raised the alarm about the destructive nature of the city’s DQSH, hundreds of angry LGBT supporters (mostly from out of town) converged on the Dec. 18, 2018 Huntington Woods City Commission to demand the event continue and criticize parents opposed to it. Although several Michigan MassResistance people stood up and spoke the truth, the City Commissioners caved in to the demands of the mob and announced it would continue.

Upcoming protest already in local and national media

The upcoming Feb. 26 protest has already attracted wide media attention, including a smarmy article in today’s Washington Post (which, of course, bashes MassResistance).  Other local media reports include:

Detroit Free Press – Huntington Woods mayor wants everyone safe at library drag queen event

Daily Tribune – Rules in place for protesters of Huntington Woods Drag Queen Story Time

Fox2 TV Detroit – Protests organize against library’s ‘Drag Queen Story Time’

Detroit Free Press – 2nd group plans protest of Huntington Woods Library’s Drag Queen Story Time

ALT TEXTThe Huntington Woods librarian posed for this photo in the Washington Post.

City plans to “protect” the town from the pro-family protesters

Yesterday (Jan. 24) the City of Huntington Woods sent out a public email titled “Drag Queen Storytime: What to Expect. It describes this event as a “literacy-promoting event for children.” In rather arrogant style, it outlines the rather outrageous measures the City Commission is taking to “protect and safeguard” their town during that day:

  • They are “coordinating with neighboring police departments,” presumably to bring more police to guard the library.
  • They are barricading the library sidewalk and closing off nearby streets to all traffic and pedestrians.
  • They have announced that they are setting up (apparently unconstitutional) “free speech zones” away from the library for protesters to gather. Their reasoning is: “While the First Amendment protects the right to express one’s views, it also allows the City to place reasonable time, place, and manner conditions on that expression.”

This last point is patently false. First Amendment lawyers will tell you that the Constitution does not give the government the right to unilaterally decide what is “reasonable” and suddenly put those restrictions on free speech. If it did, we’d all be in trouble.

It’s ironic that the email tries to portray that the city needs to “protect and safeguard” the library patrons from the pro-family protesters. But reading between the lines one suspects that the city officials may actually be afraid of the angry mob of hooligans that the LGBT groups bring. Those people really are prone to violent behavior.

ALT TEXTIf city officials have their way, no pro-family people will be able to get this close to the library on Saturday.

A big “silent opposition” in Huntington Woods

In all their public communications, the Huntington Woods City Commission, library officials, and LGBT activists have portrayed the DQSH as near-universally approved in the community, and that only “outsiders” are against it.

That’s a common tactic of the Left. But it’s definitely not true.

At the beginning of January, MassResistance National Organization Director Arthur Schaper filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the City of Huntington Woods for all communication from citizens to the library or city regarding the Drag Queen Story Hour event. This week we received it in the mail. What we saw was startling. A very surprising number of people had written, emailed, and phoned the city about their displeasure – and anger – at the event – and also the climate of fear and intimidation surrounding it. Some of the language was very strong and descriptive of the dangers of the LGBT lifestyle on both adults and children.

MassResistance has also been contacted directly by residents of Huntington Woods thanking us for our stand – and apologizing for the hateful behavior of their elected officials against the opposition.

Getting ready for Saturday

Libraries regularly have reading sessions for children without any incident whatsoever. These people can’t seem to figure out why this is so different. Well, MassResistance has certainly gotten their attention!

We’ll have a full report on Saturday’s protest!

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Windsor, CO Police: In Bed With the LGBT Community?

One of our MassResistance activists requested a series of answers to some disturbing questions regarding what happened at the Windsor, Colorado Drag Queen library event.

It’s pretty disconcerting what we learn, since it’s quite clear that the library director Ann Kling lied to the city council and the public at large.

Here are the questions to the Windsor Chief of Police, and his answers are provided in red:

  1. Who authorized and approved the creation of a “free speech” area off the public library’s location? Library District.  Has a “free speech” zone ever been created like this before at the Windsor Public Library?  Unknown, would have to ask the Library District.  Was this cleared through the City’s attorneys office? No, it’s creation was not, although we were aware of it on Library property when preparing for security on the streets/sidewalks.
  2. Why was the public who opposed the Drag Queen Story Hour event not allowed into the building but were forced to the “free speech” zone? It was a ticketed event through the Library District.
  3. Why was one member of the public, Leslie, who wished to hand out flyers to the people entering into the library, ordered by a Windsor police officer, to vacate the area and go into this new “free speech” zone located off the property?  She is a grandmother.  She was not blocking anyone from entering or exiting the building or impeding pedestrian flow in or out of the building.  Leslie was ordered away from the area of the door into this de facto “free speech” area that restricted her ability from handing out the flyers in the most expeditious and thorough manner to her intended audience.  The Library entrance is a place for ingress and egress of patron and the public.  Had she been allowed to continue the activity at the entrance, persons wishing to gain access to or leave the library would have been stopped or deterred, resulting in a blocking/impeding effect upon those persons.  The Library remained open to the public at all times during the reading, so there was a steady flow of people going in and coming out.  The officer was merely redirecting her to an area set up by the Library District for those purposes, so that such activity would not impede persons entering or leaving the library, and to ensure a safe and orderly space for the public to enter or leave the library.
  4. Why was the media not allowed in the meeting room where the DQSH was held?  You would have to ask the Library District.  The article I am referring to states this:  “Media was not allowed into the room, despite story hour being a public event. Library officials cited fire code as the reason for restricting media access.”  That excuse is a novel one and not acceptable; the press should never be excluded from any public event at a public library.  That article is here:

https://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/2019/01/12/colorado-towns-drag-queen-story-hour-draws-protesters-counter-protesters-windsor/2550820002/ This was a Library decision.  The Library District is a separate entity from the Town of Windsor.

  1.   It was reported that there were perhaps two armed police officers and one plain clothed guard (this plain clothed guard was allegedly hired by someone other than the police…possibly by the library) preventing parents opposed to the event from going into the actual room where the “story hour” would occur. The Library District did hire security guards. Why the necessity of such a show of force for an event supposedly directed at pre-school age children between two and eight years olds? The Town received word that there would be protests.  In order to ensure the safety of the public, and protect those who chose to peacefully protest, the police department prepared a security plan for the streets and sidewalks of the Town of Windsor.  The Library also hired private security to cover the Library property.  Does this in itself not prove that the event has no place in being held in a family friendly, public library? No comment.

Finally, some of these questions are raised because the media and other library patrons were not allowed into the event.  When the media and invited public have restricted access to any library event, transparency is restricted and confusion is expected.

Rick Klimek

Chief of Police

Town of Windsor | Police

200 N. 11th Street | Windsor, CO  80550

Office: 970-674-6400 | Fax: 970-686-7478



Follow Us www.windsorgov.com/socialmedia

The same contacts in Windsor then shared the following concerns with me:

I believe we have a problem with the Windsor Police Dept. (WPD). On January 14 and 15, I called the WPD and spoke first with Sgt. Darcie (sp) and the next day spoke with Sgt. Robert Shainline (sp?).  Both of these conversations were disturbing because the amount of hostility I felt from both these officers were evident, as least in my mind.

I wanted to ask them about their policies put into place on the 12th; in particular, I wanted to talk about their ordering Leslie to the so-called “free speech zone” when she wanted to hand out flyers to the library patrons walking in or out.  Basically they said, “Talk to the library.”

I then asked Sgt. Shainline a hypothetical, described in my email attached to the Chief’s response.  This Sgt. refused to answer this important scenario and his level of arrogance was amazing. 

I explained to the mayor that I believe the WPD is in bed with the LGBT community.  I stated this after I spoke with only the first Sgt. and not with the second; after speaking to the second Sgt., I believe my feelings were indeed correct.  Further, I explained to the mayor that I have learned something with police departments:  the attitudes of the “rank and file” are indicative with those at the top.

I decided to go “right to the top” and penned the email to the Chief as you can read.  His response is nothing short of remarkable, cementing my belief that the WPD is absolutely in bed with the LGBTQ community.

Their unwillingness to address my hypothetical is fraught with problems.  Worse, coming from a department that gives their officers the awesome and terrible power of using a gun backed by a badge to arrest, incarcerate and use lethal force against citizens and yet are absolutely unwilling to engage citizens on the parameters of their police power is simply shocking. 

Like the actions and thinking that motivated Ms. Kling to decide to keep the press out of the DQSH event, this is real, concrete example of people in important places who are not seemingly interested in being transparent to that community and feel it is beneath them to engage in serious issues.

This situation in Windsor is much worse than what we thought.

Wow! Just incredible!

The tranny tyranny of the LGBT Left knows no bounds, does it?


Colorado MassResistance Helps Local Community Stand Up to Drag Queen Story Hour

MassResistance activists help conservative Colorado town confront “Drag Queen Story Hour” in public library

LGBT activists came in to intimidate and harass local parents

But Mayor agrees with constituents and publicly opposes event

January 18, 2019
ALT TEXTThese parents aren’t afraid to be direct when it comes to their children!

A conservative Colorado town was rocked this month by a radical “Drag Queen Story Hour” targeting young children at the town’s public library. Over a hundred local residents tried to stop it. Even the Mayor spoke out against it. They found they were up against a big outside LGBT force.

Finally, Colorado MassResistance parents came in and helped the local resistance. The mainstream media and LGBT movement didn’t like that at all! Even the pro-LGBT local police stepped in to help suppress the protests.

This will be an eye-opener for people in conservative towns across the country!


Windsor, CO is a town of 25,000 people located about 50 miles north of Denver. The people and their local officials are fairly conservative. But the town’s public library is part of an autonomous Library District controlled by its own Library Board which answers to the state, not local people.

Over time, the library board has become populated with liberals who have hired a radical pro-LGBT activist as Library Director. According to reports, she has hired “gays” as library staff as much as possible.

As we have previously described, so-called Drag Queen Story Hours (DQSH), held in local public libraries, target small children as young as 3 or 4 years old. They feature homosexual men dressed in women’s clothes and garish make-up, and they read LGBT-related books to children. Their self-proclaimed goal is to indoctrinate children – to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.”

The propaganda begins

So when Windsor parents saw the lurid ad for “Drag Queen Story Hour” at their local library – featuring a man in skimpy female attire – they were shocked and outraged. They also learned that the event was being paid for by SPLASH, a state LGBT group targeting children. The library’s ad made the preposterous claim that exposing young children to homosexuality and cross-dressing was an “important resource” to stop bullying and child suicide – and therefore must be done.


Parents thought it was impossible that their library would bring in sexually deviant men, flamboyantly dressed as women, to parade themselves in front of preschoolers. But they were wrong.

Citizens react – attend Library Board meeting

A local Catholic priest was horrified and encouraged his parishioners to join him and attend the Dec. 12, 2018 Library District Board meeting to complain and demand the event be stopped. Over 100 people came and the majority were from his church. According to reports, the comments were almost unanimously against the event. But the Board refused to listen to them. So the “Drag Queen Story Hour” was to go on unimpeded.

After the meeting a pro-LGBT activist angrily confronted the priest. The altercation was so bad that the police were called. It has, unfortunately, dampened the priest’s willingness to organize further on this issue.

Library Director responds with outrageous claim

Several days later, on Dec. 18, 2018, the pro-LGBT library director, Ann Kling, sent a letter to members of the Windsor community. She said that the library had received 215 comments and messages about the upcoming “Drag Queen Story Hour” and that over half, (52%) were in support of it. Therefore, she said, “After careful deliberation, we have chosen to move forward with the event.” She also included the absurd LGBT argument that this is necessary to eliminate bullying and suicide by children. Read the letter here.

Everyone in Windsor we talked to said that Kling’s claim that there was 52% support in the community was simply a lie, and that the “52% support” obviously came from outside LGBT activists – a common tactic.

Mayor reacts to local pressure – opposes the event

Parents were more upset than ever – and they let their local politicians know it! As a result, on Jan. 4, 2019, Windsor Mayor Kristie Melendez posted a message to the community on Facebook.


She refuted the library director’s claim about support for the event and said that she believes it should be cancelled:

[T]he numbers are clear to me—our community for the most part, feels this event is inappropriate for children and does not want it to take place. I feel obliged to advocate for these constituents and ensure that they are not ignored.

Her post was met with great approval in Windsor and social media attacks from outside LGBT activists. But unfortunately, the Mayor had no power to stop the event.

MassResistance gets involved

As the Jan. 12 Drag Queen Story Hour approached, MassResistance was contacted by parents in Windsor asking for help. They felt blindsided – taken by surprise by a well-organized LGBT machine. So we got our Colorado MassResistance chapter on it immediately!

Our people talked to local activists and friendly public officials and quickly got the lay of the land. They also contacted local churches. It was clear that this was being organized by state LGBT groups and they were taking advantage of the library’s political autonomy to force their way into this conservative community, using lies, deceit, and brute force — leaving the locals seemingly helpless.

David Huntwork, a Windsor father and local Patriot activist, organized a group of other Windsor parents and citizens to protest outside of the library during the Drag Queen Story Hour. Colorado MassResistance helped Huntwork promote the protest, and also brought some of our own activists.

The day of the event – protests, intimidation, police suppression

On the day of the event, Jan. 12, six Windsor police officers and two additional security guards were guarding the library. The police told the local parents that they could not protest in front of the library, but had to go to a designated “free speech zone” some distance away. This had never been done before, and the parents were outraged at that order, but they complied. (We believe the police order was illegal.)

ALT TEXTThese parents (and grandparents) are not afraid of what liberals think of them.
ALT TEXTWe’re sure this message was incomprehensible to the library staff there.

The police refused to let people – even local residents – into the library who were not connected with the Drag Queen event, citing fire code regulations (a questionable reason). The police wouldn’t even allow reporters from the local newspapers inside the room to cover it!

Earlier that day, a Colorado MassResistance mother had gone inside the library and posted a flyer about the Drag Queen event on the library’s community bulletin board, and then placed copies on chairs in the room where it was to be held. A library staffer quickly removed all of them. See the flyer here.

ALT TEXTThe MassResistance flier warning about the Drag Queen event was on the bulletin board … for a few minutes.

About 80 people, including children and participants, came into the library for the event. We were told that almost all of them were from out of town. There were a lot of same-sex parents with children that no one had seen before.

The Colorado MassResistance mother with the flyers stood on the sidewalk outside the library main door and began passing out flyers to people coming in. The police confronted her and ordered her to move to the “free speech” zone. She argued with them about the notion of “free speech zones” in America, but eventually complied rather than be arrested.

ALT TEXTThe police patrolled the entrances to make sure no pro-family people were handing out fliers — even though it was clearly public property. They gave the absurd excuse that it would be “impede” patrons from coming in!

LGBT counter-protesters come to intimidate parents

Soon about 40 pro-LGBT counter-protesters arrived. They tried to appear like they were locals, but they were clearly brought in by SPLASH, the state Colorado LGBT activist group – a common tactic to show artificial support. Gloria Belden, a fifth generation Windsor resident, was standing right there. She told us that she did not recognize even one of them.

ALT TEXTThe LGBT activists from SPLASH arrive.
ALT TEXTAs usual, they can’t defend what they’re doing so they demonize the local parents.

The police made them stand at one end of the “free speech zone.” They began yelling vulgar chants at the Windsor parents. In response to a Christian prayer circle they yelled, “You can’t pray the gay away,” and “2,4,6,8 … How do you know your kids are straight,” and “Pro drag, pro fag.” They also accused the parents of hatred and lying.

ALT TEXTWhen the Windsor parents and grandparents got together for a prayer circle, they yad to endure vulgar chants from the “tolerance” crowd.
ALT TEXTHow lame does it get?


At the end of the event a woman (who appeared to be a staffer) came out of the library and told the LGBT agitators what a great job they had done, and that everyone needed to keep in touch.

Library director issues untruthful denials, attacks MassResistance

The propensity of the Left to lie about their actions and demonize those who disagree with them is astounding.

ALT TEXTBecause they wouldn’t allow reporters into the event, the library later released this photo of the Drag Queen Story Hour that the newspapers could use.

Immediately after the Drag Queen event, MassResistance Organization Director Arthur Schaper complained to several Windsor city officials about the outrageous, unlawful, and unconstitutional treatment of the Windsor parents by the police and library staff.

The next day the library director sent a blistering email to the city officials attacking Arthur and making absurd statements that belie the truth. For example, she claimed (1) the library was in fact open and available to everyone before, during and after the event; (2) protesters were allowed to – and did – distribute flyers outside the library during the event; and (3) protesters chose where they wanted to protest. These assertions were all patently false.

She also repeated the tired old LGBT lies told about MassResistance (and hundreds of other conservative groups) – that it is a hate group, condemned by Democrats and Republicans, blah, blah, blah.

Windsor police chief refutes library director, admits our charges are true

On Jan. 16, a MassResistance activist asked that the Windsor police chief answer questions about the bizarre rules and police behavior during the Drag Queen event. The Mayor of Windsor agreed and directed the police chief to answer the questions.

The police chief completely refuted the library director’s statements (above). He admitted that (1) only “ticketed” people were allowed in the library – it was not open to everyone; (2) leafletting was not allowed outside the library (for a ridiculous reason); and (3) that there were in fact “free speech zones” where the protesters had to be, and these zones were determined by the library.  Read the police chief’s email here.

The police chief also admitted that reporters were not allowed in the event – and that was the library’s decision.

Moving forward: A very troubling situation in Windsor, CO

The library director has not scheduled another Drag Queen Story Hour – yet. But it’s sure to happen.

This is really a battle between a conservative town and the larger LGBT movement that has taken control of the larger statewide body, successfully infiltrated the local library district, and employs ruthless methods.

It is also scary that the police force – like so many others across America – is so pro-LGBT that they enthusiastically followed the library director’s outrageous orders against parents, even though the police work for the Mayor, not the library. (And the Mayor opposed the entire event!)

The local Windsor parents are not giving up. They are determined to confront these problems through political action. And Colorado MassResistance will be there to help them!


Michigan MassResistance Makes the Difference to Expose Drag Queen Story Hour in Liberal Detroit Suburb

Michigan MassResistance causes media firestorm,

flood of LGBT activists, over opposition to “Drag

Queen Story Hour” in Detroit suburb

Town forced to move City Commission meeting to gymnasium. Pro-family city official resigns early because of uproar.

MassResistance parents make huge statement in a liberal suburb!

December 30, 2018
ALT TEXTWe really got their attention – even though they got the “California” part wrong!

A pro-family revolt in Michigan has begun. Michigan MassResistance parents confronted the “Drag Queen Story Hour” targeting young children in Huntington Woods, an affluent, fairly liberal suburb of Detroit.

Our efforts were soon reported across Michigan by the Detroit-based media. As a result, hundreds of LGBT supporters converged on the Dec. 18, 2018 Huntington Woods City Commission to demand the event continue and intimidate parents opposed to it. Nevertheless, MassResistance parents came in and testified, unintimidated, and made their point loud and clear. The next day, the statewide media storm continued – reporting MassResistance’s opposition!

Local parents – even a City Commissioner – upset at targeting of children

As we have previously described, so-called Drag Queen Story Hours (DQSH), held mostly in local public libraries, target small children as young as 3 or 4 years old. They feature homosexual men dressed in women’s clothes and garish make-up reading LGBT-related books to children. Their self-proclaimed goal is to program children’s minds – to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.” They do this through the actual storytime events, and provocative posters in the library.

The Huntington Woods public library has been sponsoring Drag Queen Story Hour sessions for over a year. The program has offended many local parents, but they’ve felt powerless to do anything about it.

It even bothered one of the City Commissioners. On Nov. 17, 2017, when the library began the events, she wrote a passionate email to the librarian asking that they discontinue them. Even though Commissioner Allison Iversen admitted to being pro-LGBT, as a mother she felt that targeting young children was crossing the line. In her email, she shared what many parents felt: “Young children should not be exposed to topics their little undeveloped brains are not yet ready to process.”

Commissioner Allison Iverson, a mother, was the only public official with the common sense and courage to do what was right.

Commissioner Iversen also objected to the outrageous advertising for it in the children’s section of the library:

For those of us with children of reading age…we can opt to not attend the event, but we can’t ‘opt out’ of our children reading the flyers lining the bookshelves. I’d rather not be forced to explain what an “unabashedly queer Drag Queen” is to my younger two children.

Nevertheless, the library officials basically ignored her and continued their regular “Drag Queen Story Hour” events with the accompanying posters and advertising.

Outrage among parents continued to build up, and by early December 2018, the newly formed Michigan MassResistance chapter decided that they would help local parents take this on. National Organization Director Arthur Schaper talked about it in a striking interview with the national Catholic group Church Militantwhich is based in Detroit.

When the library advertised the Dec. 13 Drag Queen Story Hour as being a “Pre-School Program,” we decided it was time to move forward.

ALT TEXTThe ad for the Dec. 13 Drag Queen Story Hour event. They are very open about “queering” the minds of children.

Taking tough action!

Our Michigan chapter bombarded the Huntington Woods City Commission, City Manager, and the library to cancel this program. They sent out emails, made phone calls, and even passed out flyers informing the public about this program. At one point, Michigan MassResistance activists contacted the city manager, who had initiated this program. She said she was determined to protect this program and no plans to change it, but also indicated that if residents in the city opposed the program, the city would reconsider it. So we pushed even harder!

When Commissioner Iversen got our emails, she emailed us back:

Thank you for your comments, I have been trying to get this stopped since it started. Please do get more people involved. I am one voice and we need many people to call this out for what it is….unfortunately I will be leaving my commission  position this month….I will be addressing at the next Commission meeting [December 18] in my final  comments.
Allison Iversen

She also spoke with some of the MassResistance people about dealing with the outside left-wing groups pressuring the town to keep it, and points she could make at the Dec. 18 Commission meeting. We had announced that parents would protest at the January 26 Drag Queen Story Hour event. We decided to have Michigan MassResistance parents also come and testify at the December 18 Commission meeting to support Iversen, and continue to let the other officials know that there is definitely outrage about this.

The media firestorm erupts

The barrage of calls and emails to the Huntington Woods City Commission caught the attention of the Detroit media.

On Dec. 16, two days before the Dec. 18 Commission meeting, the Detroit Free Press, Michigan’s largest newspaper, started it off with an article, Critics want Huntington Woods Library to end Drag Queen Story Time.


Not surprisingly, most of the article portrayed the Drag Queen event as a “pioneering library children’s hour” that is a near-universally popular event. Only Commissioner Iversen and MassResistance seem to oppose it, the article said, and that MassResistance would be protesting on Jan. 26, 2019.

Interestingly, the article also described how a “gay” library employee was notifying the LGBT community:

[Part-time library clerk Jon] Pickell, who said he is gay, worries about backlash to the program which has developed a loyal following from Huntington Woods and surrounding communities. He alerted others to a round of emails and flyers floated by groups opposing the drag queen story hours.

The next day, Dec. 17, more mainstream media outlets jumped on the bandwagon. Their reports continued the theme of describing the Drag Queen event as a healthy, popular event. They got a pro-LGBT City Commissioner to praise it and to condemn the “haters” and “hate groups” who would oppose it. When they interviewed Commissioner Iversen, she stood her ground. And Arthur Schaper of MassResistance didn’t back down when interviewed, either.

Here’s some of what people saw:


Fox TV-Detroit: Critics demand end to Drag Queen Story Time at Michigan library – 12/17/18

WXYZ TV-Detroit: Controversy surrounding drag queen storytime at metro Detroit library – 12/17/2018

Michigan Radio NPR: Anti-LGBTQ group targets Drag Queen Storytime at Huntington Woods library – 12/17/2018

Royal Oak Tribune: Group targets Huntington Woods over library Drag Queen Storytime – 12/18/2018

LGBT activists plan to converge on the Dec. 18 meeting

When dealing with local governments, one of the most common intimidation tactics of the LGBT movement is to pack a meeting room with rabid activists. We’ve seen it dozens of times. They’ll bring in people from across the state, and even from other states.

They’ll bring in “experts” to testify. And there’s a core of hardcore activists and generally weird people who interrupt pro-family people testifying, whenever possible. It’s almost always done with collusion with one or more of the local public officials.

This is what they had planned for the Dec. 18 Huntington Woods City Commission meeting: Tto intimidate Commissioner Iversen, who had said she’d speak against the Drag Queen events, and to make sure the rest of the Commissioners got the message.

The City Commission obviously had been informed of this beforehand. They moved the meeting to a local high school gymnasium where there was much more space for the activists.

But MassResistance realized that it’s critical for pro-family people to stand up to those sleazy tactics.

The Dec. 18 City Commission meeting – a close-up view of LGBT activism

Ironically, the subject of “Drag Queen Story Hour” was nowhere on the agenda of the Dec. 18 Huntington Woods City Commission meeting. But a casual observer would have thought it was the main item that night!

Commissioner Allison Iversen wisely decided to skip the meeting entirely. Why put up with that kind of planned abuse? (It was her last meeting, anyway – since she is moving to another town.) But MassResistance parents were there to carry the ball.

It was pretty much what we would expect. About 200 hostile LGBT activists from across eastern Michigan filled the room. Several had signs supporting the transgender agenda. (See the entire video here.)

When the “public comments” section of the meeting started, they were all ready. Dozens of them delivered very emotional, inane rants. But it was well planned: they brought in three county district attorneys who mouthed the Drag Queen party line (one with anti-Catholic overtones); a psychologist who said that “gender dysphoria” is not a mental illness, parents who praised their “transgender” children, pro-LGBT parents and teens who talked about how wonderful these programs are for families, various weird activists, and of course, a parade of men dressed as women who testified about how normal they are.

The obvious common thread, though was the visible hatred they had for those who disagreed with them. Their name-calling was incessant; pro-family parents are bigots, transphobic, or haters, and they smeared MassResistance as a “hate group.” In their testimony, some expressed an emotional anger that they weren’t able to scream at Commissioner Iversen personally. That is very common; they cannot win a rational argument, especially on a bizarre topic like this, so they must de-humanize their opposition.

ALT TEXTWhen one of our people tried to testify, this is what he faced from the “tolerant” LGBT crowd.

These are the people who want to teach your young children about life. They are the real haters, and they are truly frightening people.

Maybe the most nauseating part was that at the beginning and again at the end of the testimony the Mayor and City Commissioners took turns praising “drag queens” and the Drag Queen children’s event – and attacking the critics of the program.

ALT TEXTThe remaining City Commissioners and Mayor (center, in black) were a cowardly disgrace.

What’s more shocking, however, is that these liberal parents are more interested in virtue-signaling to their neighbors rather than protecting their own children. They become desperate to defend a lie in the name of tolerance, diversity, and inclusion. In doing so, they demonstrated how intolerant and un-diverse they actually are.

Michigan MassResistance parents stand up to them!

The LGBT hooligans did their best to intimidate and silence any opposing viewpoints. But our side really made a statement – without fear – which seemed to both anger and intimidate both the LGBT audience and their allies on the Commission.

Here is a sample of the comments from two MassResistance parents and two other local pro-family people:

“Vulnerable children are easily becoming victimized by the ideologies of adults. My concern is that this function is an enshrinement of gender dysphoria, which is a duly defined mental illness unfortunately suffered by individuals who have this disorder. It’s an illness that requires compassion.”
“When it’s in a public institution, and it’s taxpayers money, I have a problem with that. I think children have enough exposure to bullsh-t nowadays with this trangenderism and everything else. I don’t think our children should be exposed to this type of learning, OK? Not on my dime! [This brought screams from the LGBT crowd.]”
“People with my point of view are being totally ignored. Our city manager went on television to say that the only people who are opposed to this are a hate group from out of state. Everyone knows that letters have been received from months ago objecting to the program. Mrs. Iversen didn’t come up with this idea herself—members of the community have brought it to her.”
“You notice what they [the LGBT activists] have to do. They have to talk you down. They have the hate. I don’t have hate.”

And the second media storm afterwards!

The fact that pro-family people were facing down the powerful LGBT movement got the media going again! Nobody ever sees that anymore, apparently, and Michigan MassResistance came in to change that.

Here’s a sample of the reaction from the liberal media:


Fox 2-Detroit: Heated debate ensues over Michigan library Drag Queen Story Time – 12/18/2018

WLWT TV-Detroit: Critics Say Public Library’s ‘Drag Queen Story Time” confuses small children – 12/18/2018

Detroit Free Press:Huntington Woods debate: Kill of keep library’s Drag Queen Story Hour? – 12/19/2018

Michigan Radio Deadline Detroit: Huntington Woods Commissioner Against Drag Queen Story Time Resigns Amid Backlash – 12/19/2018

MassResistance made another big difference!

Change often happens in steps. It is one thing to be fighting something that is a matter of rational disagreement, such as when is the best time to introduce algebra in math class. But in these kinds of irrational, completely unhinged situations it often starts by overturning the apple cart.

In a very meaningful sense, Michigan MassResistance had a great victory! Simply standing up and telling the truth fearlessly – and making demands on the basis of that truth – is a vitally important start. Liberals aren’t used to that at all.

The LGBT Movement often relies on big numbers to scare and intimidate opponents so that they will not to show up or say anything. That did not work this time. Homosexuals and their abusive allies are not interested in changing minds. They are only interested in shaming and silencing dissenters. Those tactics were on display at the December 18, 2018 Huntington Woods City Commission meeting, and they failed.

At the outset of the City Commission meeting, the Mayor announced that they had alerted public safety personnel to “protect” the library from ongoing protests on January 26, 2019, when the Huntington Woods library will be hosting the next Drag Queen program. The sheer terror of these elected officials is pretty astounding, when all that Michigan MassResistance parents are doing is protect children from this perverse indoctrination.

As we announced earlier, the Michigan MassResistance team is prepared to protest and continue placing pressure on the Huntington Woods city commission, staff, and library to cancel this program. We will eventually be successful.

We will keep you informed about our Michigan team’s progress!

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