
More Winning: Newsom Vetoes More Bad Bills to Build Up His Bad Presidential Bid

Governor Newson wants to be President Newsom.

So, he’s pretending to be prudent and he’s vetoeing bills because they would “cost too much.”

Yeah, right …

Hi Arthur,
Surprise! Tyrannical Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom (who wants to run for president) has vetoed 3 awful bills passed by Democrat legislators:
AB 2663 to fund a pilot program to “support” “LGBTQIA+ children with a new government “service” (Newsom wrote on Sept. 19 that he supported the “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, plus (LGBTQ+) and gender-expansive youth” agenda of the bill, but was vetoing it because it “would require millions of dollars to successfully implement the proposed pilot program and these ongoing resources are not accounted for in the budget.”
AB 2320 to massively fund Planned Parenthood abortuaries in 5 counties (Newsom wrote on Sept. 22 that he was equally pro-abortion, but that the costs were duplicative and wasteful)
SB 834 to yank the tax-exempt status of California nonprofits deemed to have engaged in “treason, insurrection, conspiracy, government overthrow” (Newsom wrote on Sept. 22 that this should be a matter for courts to decide).
The veto of SB 834 is a relief to nonprofits like ours that support election integrity — essential for the democratic republic that is the United States of America.
Why these surprising vetoes?
Newsom is unofficially running for president in 2024, with his latest “advertisement” this week at the “Clinton Global Initiative” in New York. As such, he’s trying to craft a somewhat less liberal image for himself for less “woke” Democrats in other states.
This explains his veto of the radical, tyrannical, anti-free-speech bill SB 834. It also explains nearly 20 veto messages this month, in which he repeated the line: “With our state facing lower-than-expected revenues over the first few months of this fiscal year, it is important to remain disciplined.” Some secular media pundits have observed that “with the income tax revenue coming in 11% below expectations so far this year, it appears that Newsom is starting to channel his inner Jerry Brown.”Additional bill to oppose: AB 1940
Therefore, based on Newsom’s string of “fiscally prudent” veto messages, SaveCalifornia.com is adding AB 1940 to the other four anti-family bills we believe can be vetoed by this tyrannical, unconstitutional, left-wing (Democrat) governor. 
Because AB 1940, which SaveCalifornia.com fought against this summer, would spend tens of millions of taxpayer dollars annually on “school-based clinics,” pushing all types of garbage upon children behind parents’ backs.
Fiscal facts making AB 1940 ripe for a veto include this from the Democrat-run Senate Appropriations Committee: “CDPH estimates General Fund costs of $1,047,000 in 2023-24, $14,797,000 in 2024-25 and 2025-26, and $28,279,985 ongoing thereafter.”
As such, it’s plausible AB 1940 could be vetoed for the same public reason as other fiscal-bill vetoes we’re seeing from Newsom: “With our state facing lower-than-expected revenues over the first few months of this fiscal year, it is important to remain disciplined when it comes to spending, particularly spending that is ongoing.”
Phone 916-445-2841 (M-F 9a-5p) | Webform (in the drop-down menu, look for AB01940 — see instructions below). Leave a brief message for Newsom, such as, “AB 1940 is against parents — veto this bad bill.” (Newsom has until Sept. 30 to sign or veto.)
Have a couple more minutes? Urge vetoes of these 4 other bills (one message per bill, or combine all 5 bills in 1 call to the governor’s constituent services office).Make your impact today with SaveCalifornia.com
Right now, SaveCalifornia.com must ramp up our opposition to the anti-family leftists. We’re pushing for vetoes this month and for conservative victories this important election. Will you participate in our Fall campaign to fight for you and your family? Your special gift of $10 or more is confidential and tax-deductible. Thank you for your consideration!I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.2 Timothy 4:7

Gavin Newsom, Fiscal Conservative? (Vetoes Mandatory Kindergarten)

Gavin Newsom fiscal conservative?

No, just desperate to show a little moderation in his bid for the Presidency in 2024.

Hi Arthur,
Democrat Gavin Newsom, while basically saying he supports kids being put into strangers’ hands ASAP, has vetoed SB 70, which would have eliminated a big parental right by making kindergarten mandatory for 5-year-olds (he said it would cost too much).
THANK YOU for calling or emailing against against this bad bill, or supporting SaveCalifornia.com’s efforts against it. If you did, you’re part of this pro-family victory!
Now please call and email against the 4 other tyrannical bills that can be vetoed. Newsom’s constitutional deadline to sign or veto hundreds more bills is Friday, Sept. 30.Make your impact today with SaveCalifornia.com
Right now, SaveCalifornia.com must ramp up our opposition to the anti-family leftists. We’re pushing for vetoes this month and for conservative victories this important election. Will you participate in our Fall campaign to fight for you and your family? Your special gift of $10 or more is confidential and tax-deductible. Thank you for your consideration!
Then he said, “Take the arrows”; so he took them. And he said to the king of Israel, “Strike the ground”; so he struck three times, and stopped. And the man of God was angry with him, and said, “You should have struck five or six times; then you would have struck Syria till you had destroyed it! But now you will strike Syria only three times.”The Bible, 2 Kings 13:18-19
SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families, a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working, leading, and fighting for your rock-solid values and hard-won liberties since 1999. Your confidential, tax-deductible gift of any size empowers our work for your family and other families, and reaches Californians with important facts the Big Media won’t report. Thank you for standing with us!
If a friend forwarded you this, and you don’t want it, ask them to remove you from their list. If you received this email directly from us, but don’t want it, scroll to the end to unsubscribe. If you forward this to your friends, someone might unsubscribe you (re-subscribe here).

Save California Update: This is a War (Without Guns and Knives)

SaveCalifornia.com — Championing Your Values in CaliforniaSaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.Hi Arthur,
This is one of the most important messages I’ve ever written. I hope you’ll read it!Will Gavin Newsom be replaced by another Democrat?
Looks at this August 26-29 Trafalgar Group poll of more than a thousand likely California voters. For Question 2 in the Gavin Newsom Recall Election, it shows a potentially close race between Republican frontrunner Larry Elder and Democrat Kevin Paffrath.
This is from one of the most accurate U.S. pollsters. And while the poll mistakenly left out Kevin Kiley, that still doesn’t change the big math problem for conservatives. Because with the way California conservatives are splitting their votes between several Republican candidates, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Democrat voters surge and cast more votes for the leading Democrat than conservatives’ votes for the leading Republican.
This is why I’m urging California conservatives to do three things right now, as the September 14 voting deadline looms:
Note which candidates can winSee the public policy positions of the front-runner candidates at SaveCalifornia.comVote and get others to vote like you (use email, social media, flyers on cars, etc.)
SaveCalifornia.com’s research has found none of the candidates showing up in the several recall polls to be consistent, constitutional conservatives. However, there are definitely “mostly conservative” and “liberal Republican” candidates running. See them
So, without telling you who to vote for, if you want conservative values to win, you’ll want to support the mostly-conservative front-runner. Or else conservative votes will be split, and a Democrat could replace a Democrat (if most voters vote “yes” to recall Newsom).It’s a real war without guns and knives
This week I was walking to my car in a large parking lot and saw an older lady standing by her car waiting. She had a face mask drooping under her neck, so I tried to encourage her by saying, “Good to see you breathing freely!” And that started a conversation.
“I’m sick of wearing this mask,” she said. “And I’m fully vaccinated!” And in the next few minutes, I was able to educate her on mask inefficiency, how natural immunity occurs and how viruses naturally burn out, how the “variants” are caused by vaccines, and how the government mandates are dehumanizing and evil. She said, “It seems endless.” I told her, “It’ll end when people stop complying.”
And what I told her I’ll tell you: Don’t comply with tyranny, and encourage others to break free from it. Employees threatened by the risky “jab” that has killed tens of thousands and injured millions must submit their requests for religious exemptions. Small business owners must defy county mask mandates (which are largely unenforced by “authorities”). Residents of mask-mandating counties must walk into businesses without masks, whether with or without declaring an exemption. We must remind ourselves and others what true freedom (our God-given liberties) looks like. Because when we do, the deceptive power of tyranny dissipates, and we realize fighting for freedom was mainly about overcoming our own fears and fleshiness.
Take a lesson from history. The freedom fighters of World War II — like the French Resistance pictured above — won their freedom because they were willing to endure pain and even death. When we endure people’s ridicule and opposition, or endure government’s warnings and fines, we both fight for freedom and strengthen our characters. And the need is great. We must see our current struggle as a real war without guns or knives. The Tyrannical Left wants to dehumanize you and take everything from you. This is diabolical evil that King Jesus, our U.S. Constitution, and you and I oppose. Let’s redouble our efforts to defy tyranny this weekend, next week, and this entire month!
See medical freedom protests near you this weekend and next weekSee SaveCalifornia.com’s latest alert on bad bills mandating “Covid vaccines”
Again, the masks, tests, and jabs are ineffectual and completely unnecessary, and are hurting children most of all. Currently, hospitals are falsely labeling as a “Covid deaths” people who die from influenza or who die with some type of Covid infection. And still, the California death rate for Covid is quickly returning to 1 in 5 million (0.02 deaths per 100,000 infections) and 1 in 10 million (0.01 deaths per 100,000 infections).
This “zero Covid” agenda is so unrealistic. Since you have a much higher chance of dying from eating, walking, driving, or being struck by lightning, if we believe in masks, tests, jabs, and passports now, why didn’t we do this for decades of flus and common colds, and why in the world do we still permit people to eat, walk, and drive? I’m being sarcastic to make a point to overcome this devilish insanity. Because we’re either free and “live with” infections of all types, or we’re slaves who let our “authorities” restrict us in all ways because of their “zero infection” goal, turning entire societies into “hospitals.” Don’t buy into their lie — break free from it!This State of California Covid dashboard graph of “Covid deaths” spans March 2020 on the left to September 2021 on the right. You can see we are quickly returning to the lowest level seen this summer, which has been 0.01 and 0.02 deaths per 100,000 infections (which means an individual Californian has a 1 in 5 million or 1 in 10 million chance of dying from a Covid-related infection). This is nothing to be afraid of, and it’s no justification for mandatory masks, tests, and jabs. For you have a greater chance of being crushed to death by your furniture, TV, or refrigerator. Are any of these keeping you up at night?The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, in John 10:10SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families, a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working, leading, and fighting for your rock-solid values and hard-won liberties since 1999. Your confidential, tax-deductible gift of any size empowers our work for your family and other families, and reaches Californians with important facts the Big Media won’t report. Thank you for standing with us!DONATE | SUBSCRIBE | ABOUTIf a friend forwarded you this, and you don’t want it, ask them to remove you from their list. If you received this email directly from us, but don’t want it, scroll to the end to unsubscribe. If you forward this to your friends, someone might unsubscribe you (re-subscribe here).

Breaking: PJI Sues Governor Newsom for Shutting Down Churches, Declaring Them “Non-Essential”

PJI sues Governor Newsom, challenges unconstitutional treatment of churches

May 21, 2020
Media Contact: Brad Dacus, 916-616-4126 (Spanish: 206-257-3239)

Sacramento, CA — Today, Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) filed a federal lawsuit against California Gov. Gavin Newsom on behalf of two churches in Calaveras County that desire to receive equal treatment, as other institutions such as schools are permitted by the Governor to reopen.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of California, seeks to restrain the Governor’s unconstitutional treatment of religious assemblies in his executive orders. Governor Newsom’s May 4 executive order, the Reopening Plan, lays out the four stages for reopening the State. Calaveras County, in the midst of Stage 2, is permitted to open schools again for educational purposes, but is forced to keep churches closed down until Stage 3.

The rural churches in this case, Mountain Christian Fellowship and Refuge Church, have complied with Governor Newsom’s stay-at-home orders and did not conduct in-person services. Calaveras County reported only 13 known cases of COVID-19 and no deaths related to the virus, and the County currently has no known COVID-19 cases.

Kevin Snider, Chief Counsel of PJI, who represents the churches in this lawsuit, stated, “These churches are not asking for preferential treatment from the State, but for equal treatment. No compelling state interest exists to apply different standards to a schoolhouse and a church. Instead of separating them like sheep from the goats, identical health and safety rules for both institutions could be put in place by the State.”

“We at Pacific Justice Institute have waited for this strategic time to challenge Governor Newsom’s blatant violation of religious rights for churches to meet and congregate in defense of their faith,”
commented Brad Dacus, President of PJI. “We are willing to take this all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary, as this sets the stage for many generations to come.”

Please prayerfully consider partnering with PJI with a regular monthly contribution. Just press the red “Donate” bar below. Thank you!

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Sample Resolution for Torrance: All Businesses Are Essential



WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Torrance proclaimed a local emergency in its adoption

of Resolution No. XXX in response to the spread of the novel coronavirus (“COVID-19”);

WHEREAS, the California Governor has enacted Executive Order Number N-33-20 designating

certain business sectors as essential and requesting those employed at essential businesses to abide by

social distancing guidelines;

WHEREAS, in response to Executive Order Number N-33-20, a large number of local businesses

were deemed non-essential and forced to close to prevent the spread of COVID-19;

WHEREAS, cities in California have the authority to designate their own essential businesses in

order to maintain public health and safety and to support businesses;

WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Coalinga has deemed it necessary to declare and

categorize all businesses within the City as “essential business” for the purpose of allowing all businesses to remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the City Council of the City of Torrance that:

  1. All businesses within the City of Torrance limits are declared and categorized as

“essential businesses” and are permitted to remain open for the duration of the local, county, and

state emergency.

  1. All businesses which chose to remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic are strongly encouraged adhere to the social distancing guidelines as provided by the Center for Disease Control including, but not limited to the following:

  1. stay at least 6 feet (about 2 arms’ length) from other people;
  2. Do not gather in groups; and
  3. Stay out of crowded places and avoid mass gatherings.

  1. All businesses which chose to remain open during the COVID-19 pandemic are strongly encouraged to follow the suggestions below from the Center for Disease Control:

  1. Encourage employees and patrons to wash their hands thoroughly for at

least 20 seconds after being in a public space;

  1. Encourage employees and patrons to use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol;
  2. Encourage employees and patrons to avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth while in a public space;
  3. Encourage employees and patrons to cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover, such as a mask or bandana;
  4. Encourage employees and patrons to cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or elbow and immediately wash your hands for at least 20 seconds afterwards;
  5. Develop and implement a plan for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces which the public will come in contact with including a normal routine cleaning with soap and water on surfaces and objects and disinfect using EPA-approved disinfectants.

PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Torrance at a regular meeting on this ____ [Day] of _____ [Month] , 2020, by the following vote:







Pat Furey, Mayor



Rebecca Poirier, City Clerk