
LA County Supervisor Shames Health Freedom Advocates as “Snowflake Weepies”

Supervisor Kuehl:

Your remarks criticizing LA County residents’ opposition to a renewed mask mandate were uninformed, unprofessional, and frankly embarrassing.

L.A. County Supervisor calls those opposed to mask mandate ‘snowflake weepies’http://www.youtube.com

Supervisor Kuehl, you said: “I’m particularly struck by the blowback from a number, though not a really significant number of sort of, ‘snowflake weepies’ about how oppressive it is to wear a mask. I don’t hear them writing me about shoes, which are actually more oppressive to your feet than wearing a mask on your face but we do that really for health or the requirement to wear a shirt when you enter a restaurant.”

To compare wearing a mask with wearing a shirt and shoes is just ludicrous. Shirts and shoes serve a well-established purpose for individuals to protect their feet and to ensure proper decorum in a public place. Those customs are not an impediment to speaking or breathing, either.

Only recently, with the advent of the COVID-19 outbreak, were certain locations pressing for the wearing of masks. Yet a growing body of research has confirmed that these masks were ineffective and unnecessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Furthermore, it is an unnatural abuse of power for any agency to mandate the wearing of masks.

Last of all, Supervisor Kuehl, you yourself violated your own COVID-19 orders:


Sheila Kuehl dines out after voting for COVID restaurant ban – Los Angeles Times – latimes.comLila Seidman is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times’ yearlong initiative exploring various facets of mental health. The project will marry her graduate work in clinical psychology and more than …www.latimes.com

And if one wants to talk about individuals being easily offended, one cannot forget your outrageous outburst directed towards one individual in a 2015 LA BOS meeting:

Sheila Loses Her Kuehl – YouTubeLos Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl has some choice words for a speaker who accuses her of anti-semitism. From the December 8, 2015 meeting.www.youtube.com

Supervisor Kuehl, you owe the residents of Los Angeles County an apology.


Arthur Christopher Schaper 


BREAKING: Torrance City Council Issues Resolutions of No Cofidence in Barbara Ferrer, Rejects Future Health Orders

Things are just getting better and better in the city of Torrance.

The city residents have spoken, and they want a robust city council that will stick up for the rights and needs of the people. Unlike the previous  Torrane city council, we now have a stronger majority that is ready to push back on the abusive encroachments of Los Angeles County government.

At the August 9th, 2022 Torrance City Council meeting, the city council took two extraordinary steps to push back on government overreach from the county.

First, the city council voted to issue a Resolution of No Confidence in LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer:

Here’s the full text of the Resolution:




WHEREAS, the City of Torrance (“City”) finds that the Los Angeles County Department of

Public Health Director has overstated the health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to the

City of Torrance; and

WHEREAS, the City finds that imposing the same Health Orders onto the entire Los Angeles

County is not fair to areas with significantly less COVID-19 cases; and

WHEREAS, the City maintains that the community of Torrance can determine the risks of

COVID-19 within the community without the help of county-wide mandates; and

WHEREAS, the City finds that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health shall

consider the complexity of the cities within the county when creating standardized future


NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Torrance does hereby resolve that:

(1) The City of Torrance expresses a vote of no confidence in Los Angeles County Department

of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer.

(2) The City of Torrance hereby directs staff to transmit the resolution to applicable and

interested offices and organizations.

(3) The City of Torrance welcomes an opportunity to engage in comprehensive discussion with

Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer to develop a working relationship aimed at

promoting public health and supporting Torrance businesses.

(4) The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution.

INTRODUCED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 9th day of August 2022.

From there, the city council also issued a proclamation that they would not enforce any other health mandates or lockdown orders from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors or the LA County Department of Public Health.

It was good to see the entire city council approve this measure.

This resolution should have been issued in 2020, but better late than never. No doubt that the LA County Board of Supervisors will attempt to impose yet another mandate, since they got away with so many shutdown and lockdown orders over the previous two years. This abuse of power cannot go unchecked a second time.

I am really proud of the city council, and I am so grateful that we have a new majority that is willing to stand up to the abuses from the county staff and county officials.

Here’s the full text of the proclamation of non-enforcement:


WHEREAS, the City of Torrance (“City”) finds that no government intervention or mandate

should impact the ability an individual has to make money by enforcing mandates that create

loss of jobs; and

WHEREAS, the City finds that all workers are essential workers; and

WHEREAS, the City will not enforce any potential Health Order requiring indoor masking and

the shutdown of any business; and

WHEREAS, the City respects the right of people to wear masks if they choose to, however no

member of the Torrance community should be mandated to wear a mask; and

WHEREAS, the City supports the voluntary use of face masks, COVI D-19 vaccines, and testing

to slow the transmission of the virus and protect vulnerable populations.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Torrance does hereby resolve that:

(1) The City of Torrance asks that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Director

Barbara Ferrer refrain from enforcing mask mandates and shutdowns in the County of Los


(2) The City of Torrance will not use City staff, resources, or public funds to enforce a potential

new Health Order requiring indoor masking or the shutdown of any business.

(3) The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution.

INTRODUCED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 9th day of August 2022.

I am glad to live in a city that will no longer comply with these onerous mandates. These resolutions will be sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors, as well.

It’s time for the Board to listen to the needs and concerns of the people, rather than ignoring us and doing as they please, to the great detriment of residents and businesses alike. No one entity in the county should have the authority to deem which businesses are essential or non-essential. No one authority should have the power to require individuals to wear masks or comply with other health mandates. How many lives were disrupted irrevocably because of these outrageous health mandates? How many people lost their businesses? Their homes? Their lives?!

This abuse of power can never happen again, and the city of Torrance took another step to make sure of that.


Barbara Ferrer, Health Hypocrite

Ferrer with no mask

Barbara Ferrer is a health hypocrite.

She is the Los Angeles County health director because she was appointed to the job, not because she had any worthwhile qualifications for the position.

She is an unaccountable, unelected bureaucrat, and she does not look like the picture of health, either.

Yet she holds this outrageous sway to tell everyone to mask up in Los Angeles County. This is outrageous, and it needs to stop.

And her guidance for following through on another mask mandate? A corrupted study from her daughter.

RedState reports:

A “study” finding that COVID mitigation efforts in schools, including forced masking, were highly effective in stopping disease spread — and cited by the CDC and most states as the scientific basis for school mask mandates — was authored by LA County bureaucrats, including the daughter of the county’s Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer.When does the hurting stop? When will Los Angeles County residents stop complying with this nonsense and just ignore the county health department?

Hey, even Barbara Ferrer doesn’t follow her own guidelines:

This is Dr. Barbara Ferrer

She announced that mask mandates would be returning to LA County

Right after, she is seen partying with 70,000 people, at an All-Star Game with no mask🤣😂

Folks, you can’t make this stuff uppic.twitter.com/QUgt3HHE37— lauras4Trump (@Lauras4T) July 22, 2022

And there here she is pretending to be friendly, condescending to the residents of Los Angeles county once again:

Barbara Ferrer in her own words during the public health briefing Thursday why Los Angeles is on the precipice of another countywide mask mandate at the end of the month. @FOXLA pic.twitter.com/MoBl4yCMGZ— Travis Rice (@traviscrice) July 22, 2022

Thankfully, businesses throughout the county have announced that they are rejecting this policy, and they are telling the county leaders that masking should remain optional. RedState reports:

The founding CEO of the Los Angeles County Business Federation, Tracy Hernandez, said:

“This is not a debate about choosing between lives and livelihoods … This is a discussion about educating and empowering Angelenos to make smart choices about protecting their health, our workers and the region’s collective ability to weather this latest wave of infections. We can do better than a heavy-handed mandate at this stage of pandemic recovery and endemic recalibration.

It’s time to stand up to Barbara Ferrer and her anti-healthcare bullying. She does not tell us what to do. She works for us; we do not work for her.


More Resources for Fighting Vaccine Mandates

Go to Pacific Justice Institute, they have also put together some information that you might be able to use or just contact them directly if you have legal questions. Pacific Justice Institute











Hope that helps everyone, please share with others in our groups, etc. 


Real Impact: Take Action to Stop AB 1102, No Health Mandates in California


OPPOSE CALIFORNIA’S Employee Vaccine Passport BillA.B. 1102
Assemblymember Evan Low (D) is seeking to pass A.B. 1102, a California bill that will provide employers the option to make proof of COVID-19 vaccination a requirement to be hired or to continue employment. The bill further provides that employers may require booster shots as recommended by the CDC.
Employees could be issued a physical or an electronic vaccine passport showing the “employee’s or applicant’s name, date of birth, vaccine dates, and vaccine type.” 
A.B. 1102 was introduced as a “telephone medical advice services” bill. Using a procedure called “gut and amend,”A.B. 1102 is in the process of being stripped of its original language and transformed into the employee COVID-19 passport bill. Additional amendments are expected.
A.B. 1102 would go into effect immediately if passed by the legislature and signed by Governor Newsom.
ACTION STEPContact your California senator and assembly member and urge him or her tovote “No” on A.B. 1102:
Contact Your CA Senator & Assemblymember
After you contact your CA senator, you can also help fight this bill by spreading the word. Real Impact has created a flyer you can download and print to give to friends and neighbors.