
(Partial) Victory! AB 455 Dead (For Now)

I must start this post with an essential quote from Thomas Jefferson:

This statement will come into play more forcefully shortly.

For now, let’s start with the good news:

I received great news from multiple sources today.

The Vaccine Passport/Vaccine Mandate bill in Sacramento is dead.

AB 455 is going nowhere. The truth is that there was no way that the corruptocracy in Sacramento could have every pushed through that terrible bill. There was no time. The deadline for all legislation is Friday, September 10, 2021, and normally the state legislature does not conduct any real business on Friday.

So, the bill is dead. The vaccine passport scheme is dead

Well, it’s dead dor now.

And this is a victory! Yes, people should rejoice.

Well, a partial victory.

Here’s the full report from an activist organization in the state of California:

YOU DID IT CALIFORNIA!ASSEMBLY BILL 455According to numerous capital sources AB 455 is dead for this legislative season.
PERK — August 30, 2021
Dear Perk Members,I am sure you are overwhelmed with emotions right now! I am too. This bill was one of the worst I have ever seen. I am so relieved to hear that AB455, which would have imposed a statewide “Covid Vaccine Passport,” is now dead. I am so proud of the army of Californians who answered the call. THANK YOU!!!If it had passed, this bill would have removed people from society, unless fully vaccinated with the covid shot. If it had passed, this bill would have created a vaccine mandate on private industry by requiring ALL employers in California to require all their employees to be fully vaccinated, including all Independent Contractors to be fully vaccinated. Secondly, it would have required everyone 12 years and older to be fully vaccinated to enter any indoor spaces.Our fight is still on with the other bill. Now, all eyes need to be on AB1102. This one must not pass either. We still have to oppose AB1102. The digital vaccine passport comes in tandem with this second bill, currently drafted, called AB1102, On Page 7, Item (E), is the digital vaccine passport in the form of the SMART HEALTH APP. More on this soon.GRATITUDE calls are just as important as opposition calls. Please·  Take action now and email your state legislators immediately and tell them thank you for opposing AB455.·  Click here: https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=13924·  There are also several rallies organizing at the Capitol in Sacramento.  One is on September 8 at 10 AM. See more details about the bills and vaccine passports on our website.  www.perk-group.comThank you! This is a reflection on you, the people of California, that you do make a difference!We may all sleep just a little better tonight. We will be prepared with our army if this bill comes back in a special session this year or next year’s bills. Sending you all love and a BIG HUG!Amy BohnExecutive DirectorPERKDonate to PERK so we can advocate for you!https://donorbox.org/no-vaccine-passportDonate so we can raise funds now.  Share this link with 10 friends.  Share this with other states and freedom fighters.  Help us in CA!  We must get the message on the airwaves.  If we can stop the Vaccine Passports in California, we can help stop it across the entire nation.  I know there are big donors out there, please, share this with them.  Share in group texts, with friends, family, donors, share everywhere. https://donorbox.org/no-vaccine-passportOther ways to donate:Mail a check to: PERK, 3401 Grande Vista Dr. #723, Newbury Park, CA, 91319Zelle: protectionofeducation@gmail.comVenmo:  @PERK-123Direct Deposit (Contact Us.)We have launched a donation campaign dedicated to stopping the vaccine passport issue.  Please share it far and wide.https://donorbox.org/no-vaccine-passportNo Vaccine Passport Event Summary Here:https://www.perk-group.com/news/summary-of-the-sos-california-vaccine-passport-rallyMore Pictures Here

Now, here’s the deal, folks:

Notice that there is another bill that we still need to fight: AB 1102.

Think about this aspect, as well: why did we have to get to this point where we are fighting vaccine passports in the first place?

People across the state should be beating up their state legislators EVERY DAY — ALL THE TIME.

This kind of organizing and activism needed to be happening FIVE YEARS AGO.


Where have you all been?

MassResistance has been fighting the LGBT agenda, one if not the keymost element against this culture war for years.

Have you all forgotten what Thomas Jefferson warned all of us?