
Tucker is Right and Wrong: Balenciaga Scandal is Not About Gay People

The Balenciaga scandal is spiraling out of control.

We have perverse, cultural elites (if they can be called “cultural”) who are now pushing for the normalization of pedophilia and sexual exploitation of children.

The Balenciaga ads which recently came out on Twitter featured little girls holding teddy bears in bondage outfits.

This is no joke. This is heinous abuse, outright exploitation of children, the further nudging by perverse progressive elites to target, groom, and abuse children.

Here’s the video segment exposing this rank, outrageous commercial:

Tucker Carlson Asking WTF Is Going On With Disturbing Balenciaga Ad Involving Children pic.twitter.com/ue1GGhkTM7— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) November 22, 2022

What makes this advertisement even more troubling is that there is paperwork on the ground, which details the case Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition.

The unanimous decision fro

m the Rehnquist Court struck down two “overbroad” statutes which criminalized virtual child pornography. John Ashcraft, the first Attorney General under the Bush Administration, had sounded the alarm about this terrible case because the differences between virtual and real child pornography are almost if not impossible to discern. 

And yet the court made it easier for pornographers to exploit children with this awful decision.

And now clothing lines are celebrating this vile corruption.

During his segment, Tucker Carlson makes a bold statement: “This is not about gay people.”

In a narrow sense, yes, Tucker is right. Opposition to the rampant sexualization of children is not about “gay people,” but it IS about and is the result of the normalization of homosexuality and transvestism in our society. “Gay people” is a nonsensical construct. No one is born “that way,” and therefore it is abusive and wrong to talk about this sexual brokenness and degradation as an identity.

Sexual perversion does not stay in the bedroom, folks. A growing number of pro-family activists are rightly sounding the alarm on the normalization and thus proliferation of homosexuality, transvestism, and like sexual perversions.

It’s not about “gay people,” but we are facing this vile collapse of moral order and authority because of the militant activism that made homosexuality and transvestism normal. It’s one of the dirtiest secrets in the whole LGBT movement, but many homosexual activists from the outset wanted to normalize sex with children. The first stirrings of this perverse movement in 19th century Germany, into the Weimar Republic, and into the gay activism all over the San Francisco was pushing for ends to “age of consent” laws.

This is depressing, disturbing stuff. Tucker is wrong when he wants to absolve the normalization of LGBT with the normalization of pedophilia. These two perversions go hand in hand. It’s time to stand for truth, and it’s time to stand against the normalization of this immoral chaos. 


Karens of the View Spout More Heresy: “Jesus Would Have Led a PRIDE Parade”

These hateful, hackful Karens on The View are a self-parody in embarassment and stupidity.

Do these women even take themselves seriously?

Sunny Hostin, the same black supremacist huckster who called white women “cockroaches” and shamed and denigrated blacks, Hispanics, and Asians for voting for Republicans, took her ranting stupidity to a whole new low.

Check out her latest feast of folly here:

Sunny Hostin: “Jesus would be the grand marshal at the pride parade.” pic.twitter.com/yR3lp51FhR— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 21, 2022

She actually believed that Jesus would be heading a PRIDE parade.

First of all, she talks about Jesus as if He is not alive. That shows right away that she really does not believe in Him.

Second, pride is a sin, the very sin which kicked Satan out of heaven, and which is certainly put the View harpies on a fast-track to hell. 

Last of all, I was really glad to see all the View Karens losing their peace over the fact that people are pushing back against the whole LGBT agenda. They were clearing losing their minds over the fact that the general public is getting tired of homosexuality and transgenderism being normalized in the public square. They are tired of the privileges accorded to homosexuals and transgenders, when such behaviors are not identites, but aberrant maladjustments.

Despite the clear election disappointments earlier this month, there are cultural wins taking place across the country, and the fact that legacy media and talking heads are losing composure shows that they are losing the cultural power they thought they held so closely, so tightly, so perfectly.

I am glad to see that the left-wing Karens of ABC are freaking out about the push-back against LGBT “rights.” That’s why Sunny “Black Supremacist” Hostin went all in on defaming Christ Jesus, claiming that He would lead a PRIDE parade! How stupid can these silly women be?


AFA Indiana: Call to Action for US Senator Todd Young to Change Vote on DIS-Respect for Marriage Act

 Urgent Alert:  

Sen. Todd Young Gives Joe Biden a Big Win!

         One week after Indiana Senator Todd Young (R) overwhelmingly won his bid for reelection, he immediately sided with President Joe Biden, Senators Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, and the radical left to attack religious Hoosiers and faith-based institutions.

         Senator Young was among a dozen liberal Republicans who voted for the unnecessary and misnamed, Respect for Marriage Act (RFMA).   The bill should be called the disrespect for marriage act because it does not respect the First Amendment freedoms that make America great.

         This legislation is a reward to the LGBTQ activists who are trying to undermine traditional values and indoctrinate children in all aspects of our culture.   The Respect for Marriage Act codifies same-sex marriage even though the US Supreme Court ruled on this, years ago.  People are free to live as they choose, but this bill uses the power of the federal government to take sides in cultural and moral debates.  It could punish those who understand that men and women are uniquely different, and both offer important aspects to the family.  Whatever two men may be, they are not a mom and a dad.  Children do best with a married mother and father.

         This bill is not about who can marry.  It is about who can peaceably live out their faith without fear of our government.

         The Respect for Marriage Act is undeniably dangerous.  An amendment was added that admits this.  It pretends to protect the rights of conscience and religious freedom.  This was an admission of the problems this bill can cause, but it is little more than window dressing on bad policy.

         Senator Young has ignored concerns from legal experts in this field such as Alliance Defending Freedom, the Liberty Counsel, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Coalition for Jewish Values, and numerous policy experts like the Heritage Foundation, the Family Research Council, the Ethics and Policy Center,  the Religious Freedom InstituteFocus on the Family and many more.  
    (I have over a dozen legal reviews and policy papers detailing the dangers of this bill and the inadequacies of the faux religious freedom section.  Links to items from the groups I’ve listed here are attached. Simply click on the organization’s name in blue.)   

         Incidentally, Senator Young supported the Respect for Marriage Act even before the religious freedom section was added.  If you contacted his office when we began warning of this legislation months ago, his official response made this obvious.   He now claims that this amendment “fixed” the bill he supported when it was broken.   

         It is still broken.  

         Here is just one example. As written, this legislation could remove the tax status of or punish a private school that holds to religious teachings as a condition of employment. (Remember those 87,000 new IRS agents?)   It could also allow a state or a judge looking at the RFMA to punish a religious charity for similar reasons.

         The RFMA will pour gasoline on the fire of “woke-ism” and transgender indoctrination in schools that has so many Hoosier parents outraged.

         As the Vice President of Domestic Policy for the Heritage Foundation warned: “This bill provides no benefit or protection that same-sex couples don’t already have. All this bill does is target people of faith who don’t support woke ideology.”

         Senator Young made sure that millions of Hoosiers knew he was a Marine in his many campaign ads.   People assume that a Marine will fight for freedom and defend the constitution.  This is not what he is doing now with this legislation.  He is betraying hundreds of thousands of Hoosier voters who assumed that he would protect their rights of speech, association, conscience, and faith when they voted for him two weeks ago.

Call to Action:

         The RFMA will be voted on again very soon.  Please contact Senator Young and ask him to defend freedom by voting against the RFMA.

         Senator Mike Lee of Utah, who is a legal expert in his own right, has an amendment that does protect religious freedom and rights of conscience, but will Senator Young support it?    At the very least, if Senator Young is so adamant to side with the DC swamp again, he could support the Lee amendment.

1)    Call Senator Young’s office and ask him to change his support for this bill.

      317-226-6700  – Indianapolis

      812-542-4820 – New Albany

      202-224-5623  – Washington, DC

2)    Email Senator Young’s office too.


3)   Pray that Senator Young will have a change of heart on this unnecessary and dangerous legislation.  Pray that the 1st Amendment will be respected and the RFMA will fail.


Transgenderism Needs to “Sashay Away,” Time for Trans-Widow Remembrance Day

Tracy Shannon, the Texas Director for MassResistance, has quite a story to share about the perverse effects of transgenderism, homosexuality, and the like.

She is a trans widowPlease consider her story below, and realize now that transgenderism is not a “Victimless crime.” Men pretending to be women harm women, harm children, undermine reality, and normalize mental illness and tyranny. It’s time to stand for truth, and it’s time to stand against evil. 

 And it’s time to commemorate transwidows, not transgenders.

Check out Tracy Shannon’s testimony below. Follow the thread, and see the full extent of how this terrible perversion destroys families.

For “Transgender Day of Remembrance” I have some memories to share:

A 🧵:— Ask A Transwidow (@AskATranswidow) November 21, 2022


The Fight is Not Over: STOP the DIS-Respect for Marriage Act

The fight to stop False Marriage is far from over at this point.

Yes, there was a procedural vote, but then there will be a floor vote.

A number of amendments have been added to this bill, as well, and we need to urge a larger floor fight for more amendments until this legislation can be bogged down entirely.

The US Senate will take a vote on the DIS-Respect for Marriage Act on November 28th, 2022–after the Thanksgiving Break.

What happened earlier?

There was a procedural vote to advance the bill in the US Senate a few days ago, but we need to marshall our reasons to target these US Senators after the Thanksgiving BreakShelley Moore Capito (R-WV)Susan Collins (R-ME): 

(202) 224-2523 Joni Ernst (R-IA): 

(202) 224-3254Cynthia Lummis (R-WY): 

202) 224-3424Mitt Romney (R-UT): 

(202) 224-5251Dan Sullivan (R-AK): 

(202) 224-3004Thom Tillis (R-NC): 

(202) 224-6342Todd Young (R-IN): 

202-224-5623These US Senators The legislation will fail if they do not muster 60 votes.
These US Senators are facing Re-election at some point, and we need to make their lives miserable for voting against their constituents once already.
You can find their contact information on the blogpost that I shared earlier this year.