
Texas MassResistance Forces Pro-LGBT Church to Cancel “Drag Queen Story Hour” In Austin Suburb, Scares Off Austin Antifa!

Texas MassResistance pressure causes pro-LGBT church to cancel “Drag Queen” reading in public library

Local Antifa group backs down and stays away from pro-family protest

City to closes library for the day and vows to change library event policy

Big win in “Drag Queen” wars in Leander, TX

June 21, 2019
ALT TEXTA victory: At the library protest Houston MassResistance leader Tracy Shannon shows her winning smile!

Texas MassResistance activists in Leander, TX, (led by our fearless Houston MassResisstance chapter) notched another big win on June 15 in the “Drag Queen Story Hour” wars, These events around the country are targeting young children with homosexual and transgender propaganda in public libraries. Because we were aggressive and stood our ground, it was a complete victory for the pro-family side!

As we recently reported, the “Drag Queen Story Hour” was scheduled for June 15 in the Leander Public Library, and was originally sponsored by the Library.

But on May 23, the City of Leander decided to cancel the event after Texas MassResistance distributed a 57-page report exposing the lurid and pornographic social media photographs of the scheduled drag queen – and the fact that two recent drag queens at the Houston public library events had been revealed to be convicted child molesters. The city admitted it had not done a background check on the person scheduled in Leander.

But then the event was back on again. Immediately after the cancellation by the City, a local pro-LGBT church rented a room in the Leander Library for June 15 – to hold the same “Drag Queen Story Hour” event there. This move made national news, and was celebrated in The Washington Post.

Texas MassResistance announced they would be protesting outside on June 15 and joined by other Texas pro-family groups. The Antifa chapter in nearby Austin, TX announced they were also coming – presumably to harass and intimidate the pro-family protesters.

The cave-in starts as MassResistance stays firm

Reaction to Antifa. Texas MassResistance made it clear that they weren’t afraid of the Antifa threats. The Leander police also announced that they intended to protect the pro-family protesters from any possible violence. The Antifa group responded by publishing a somewhat toned down, but still threatening, call to action to come to harass the protesters.

City announces library would be closed to public. On June 11, the City of Leander announced that because of the anticipated protests outside, the library would be closed to the public on June 15 – except for the registered attendees of the Drag Queen Story Hour event in the private room inside.

Church backs down and drops “Drag Queen” from event! On June 14, the pro-LGBT church announced that the “Drag Queen” would not be coming on June 15 and reading to the children – and it would not be a “Drag Queen Story Hour”. Instead, they were re-naming it “Leander Family Pride Festival and Story Time.” Instead of the Drag Queen reading to kids, “parents of LGBTQ families and of adopted kids have stepped in to be our readers.” The books they said they would be reading were, of course, homosexual-themed children’s books. They also said that there would be some Drag Queens in attendance, but although there were a few Drag Queens standing outside the library, it appears that none of them actually came into the event.

Antifa backs down – no organized presence at protest. After all that tough talk, from what we could tell, on the day of the protest there was no organized Antifa presence at all. There were about 75 pro-LGBT people there milling about in opposition to the 100 or so pro-family protesters, divided by police barricades along with dozens of police. But they appeared to be just a bunch of random gay activists from out of town, mouthing their predictable slogans and chants about “hate” and “bigotry.”

ALT TEXTThis walkway leading to the library was decked with various LGBT flags – and the Texas MassResistance banner!

The library protest: Texas MassResistance parents and families against the LGBT agenda

Led by Tracy Shannon, head of Houston MassResistance, the protest outside of the Leander Public Library was a great success. They definitely sent a message to both the city officials and the LGBT activists.

ALT TEXTPolice barricades separated the two groups.
ALT TEXTLocal pro-family parents were not afraid to tell it like it is.
During the protest Tracy had her own words for the LGBT activists: “It is not a child’s job to vlidate your identy or your sexual orientation.”
ALT TEXTConfronting the LGBT rhetoric.

The only trouble happened when an InfoWars reporter who was there walked into the LGBT crowd with his cameraman to interview people. They swarmed around him and assaulted him, a few of them grabbing his crotch and his buttocks while one of them clanged a loud bell in his face. He quickly ran out of the crowd. The police made no arrests. But this underscores the perverted nature of these dysfunctional people. See the InfoWars report here.

ALT TEXTThe InfoWars correspondent reporting from the scene.
ALT TEXTWhen the InfoWars reporter went into the crowd of LGBT activists and was being groped, his immediate reaction was caught on camera.

It’s all about pushing the agenda. More specifically, it’s about pushing their own sexual issues on others. It’s interesting to note that this “Drag Queen Story Hour” was originally billed as a “literacy” and “reading” event for children. But in fact, it was all about the LGBT agenda. The books they read to the children are about normalizing “LGBT families” and “gender fluidity” and acceptance of anything that’s different.

The people who ran the event and virtually all the attendees, as well as the counter-protesters, are part of that movement – and most seemed to be from out of town. They certainly appeared to have the same sense of superiority along with self-righteous anger and hatred of the local Christians that we see at most of these kinds of events.

ALT TEXTPublic disrespect. This is what this LGBT counter-protester thinks of America.

That combination is usually quite effective. But this time all that didn’t work out for them.

And finally: City announces upcoming change of library policies. MassResistance’s standing up to all this definitely spooked the city officials, and they clearly want to avoid this sort of problem in the future. The day of the protest, Leander city officials told reporters that they are going to review their policies, not only on the programming they allow in the library but also their policies for allowing people to rent rooms in the library and in the city.

There’s much more to come from Tracy and our outstanding Texas MassResistance group! We’ll keep you informed.

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Houston MassResistance Exposes Second Sex Offender at Drag Queen Story Hour

When does this evil perversion stop?

This is unreal, shameful, absolutely disgusting. The fact that the city of Houston is leaning toward trying to back this Drag Queen Story Hour program is nothing short of child abuse, and a complete disdain for the well-being of you people.

Please do not let the Houston mayor and the city council allow this to continue!

Houston MassResistance exposes more horror: 2nd public library “Drag Queen” is convicted child sex offender – and a transgender prostitute specializing in BDSM.

Had been greeting young children as they came to reading event.

Library’s Drag Queens belong to bigoted anti-Catholic group.

Is this what’s going on around the country?

April 22, 2019
ALT TEXT“Drag Queen Story Hour” participants pose outside of Houston Public Library for social media photo. Houston MassResistance has exposed man at left as child sex offender. Note rubber chicken – a “gay” symbol for pederasty.

Last month we reported how Houston MassResistance activists exposed a Houston Public Library “Drag Queen” as a convicted child sex offender.

Now, it turns out that a second Houston Public Library Drag Queenwas convicted of multiple sexual assaults against young children, according to records uncovered by Houston MassResistance activists. The man has also written a lurid article describing his work as a transgender prostitute. And he was photographed at a Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) event carrying a rubber chicken – a symbol used by homosexuals to indicate a sexual preference for young boys.

This man is part of the local Drag Queen group brought in to do the Story Hour” events. We now know that local group is part of a bigoted national anti-Catholic Drag Queen organization.

It’s becoming clear that the outrages we’re exposing are not an anomaly, but more likely the norm – not only in Houston but probably around the country.


The shocking discovery by Houston MassResistance

The Houston man identified by MassResistance activists is William Travis Dees. He is a member of the “Space City Sisters” Drag Queen group. The Houston Public Library thought it appropriate to invite these unbalanced men to lead Drag Queen Story Hour readings to little children.

As part of these DQSH events, Dees has served as a “greeter” for young children as they came into the library, among other roles.

ALT TEXTWilliam Travis Dees posts photos of himself and his “transgender” alter ego on social media using his fake name, “Liza Lott.”

According to criminal records uncovered by Houston MassResistance activists, Dees was convicted in 2004 of sex crimes against four young children (ages 4, 5, 6, and 8), was jailed, and is listed as a “high risk sex offender.” MassResistance activists have also identified numerous aliases which Dees uses for his various characters and personas.

Since Dees was 16 years old at the time of his conviction, his record is “sealed” and not posted on government sites. However, it is available from other sex-offender record sources.

ALT TEXTDees’s conviction and sentencing record.

Part of bigoted anti-Catholic group

The “Space City Sisters” have yet another odious distinction. Theirwebsite and social media reveal that the group is a local chapter of a national organization of cross-dressing homosexual men called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. The men dress as garish and hideous parodies of Catholic nuns and mock Catholicism. They are a popular feature in gay pride parades and other LGBT events across the country. They now also do DQSH readings to small children.

ALT TEXT“Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” contingent marching in Boston Gay Pride Parade. Note those wearing crosses and Bible handbags to further mock Catholicism
Member of “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” poses at California LGBT event. Note he is wearing a “Bottom for Jesus” shirt, referring to a particularly crude homosexual sex act.
Dees’s alias as a Drag Queen “nun” is Novice Sister Jeff. (From a web post.)
ALT TEXT“Space Sisters” pose with the two Houston Public Library DQSH organizers (back row on right). Note the “nuns” in front are mocking Catholicism by pretending to pray. Dees is in the middle of the front row.

A transgender prostitute doing BDSM

Dees appears to be a very troubled and dysfunctional man. Houston MassResistance activists were able to verify that under his alias of Elizabeth Davidson, Dees wrote a very graphic article on an LGBT website (which included a photo of himself) describing his experiences as a transgender prostitute (his term is “sex worker”) who engaged in BDSM (bondage, discipline, sado-masochism) with his clients.

Titled, “What I Learned as a Trans Dominatrix,” the article is very disturbing and also very sad. “I had tried for so many years to alleviate my depression and dysphoria through random sex, I had lost track of how many partners I’ve had,” he says. He also talks about his male clients who wanted to be tied up, beaten, have hot wax poured on them, etc.

Dees included this photo of himself as a transgender BDSM dominatrix in his article.

Unfortunately, this sort of behavior and dysfunction is probably far more common among Drag Queens than their allies in libraries and government will ever admit. Yet they have no problem letting them work with young children.

“Chicken” symbolism. What more do we need to know?

As we’ve described in previous posts, the expression “chickens” in “gay” slang refers to under-age boys that older gay men find and seduce. In other words, pederasty. So, when these cross-dressing homosexual men casually wave around a rubber chicken at a children’s event, that seems to be a pretty clear message. Dees, who has been convicted of multiple sex offenses against young children, was photographed at a Drag Queen Story Hour event doing exactly that.

ALT TEXTDees holding a robber chicken on his shoulder while standing outside of the Houston Public Library.

Local media decline to cover story; no reaction from politicians

When Houston MassResistance exposed the first DQSH sex offender on March 18, the story made a big splash in the local press and also in the national conservative press. Local politicians weighed in – or scrambled for cover. The public library officials were forced to issue a public apology, and eventually the entire event was shut down (at least temporarily).

But this time, things turned out differently. On April 3, Houston MassResistance called a press conference outside of the public library, just as they did the last time. Local media showed up, as before.

Tracy Shannon (in violet blouse) with other Houston MassResistance activists address the media at the April 3 press conference.
The media definitely showed up that day.
A reporter asks some questions. They certainly seemed interested — but then later nothing got reported!

But afterwards there was virtually no local coverage. And not a peep from any public officials. It was eerie. The following day, MassResistance activists were part of a local Fox 26 TV interview show about the news, but later that show was mysteriously removed from the TV station’s website.

ALT TEXTIf you go to the Houston Fox 26 TV website and search for the interview they did with Houston Massresistance about the Drag Queen sex offender, this is all you get!

Since the story wasn’t going “viral,” most of the national conservative media weren’t picking it up either. There were two exceptions. PJ Mediagot the press release and posted an article a few hours before the press conference. The other site was InfoWars.

To their credit, InfoWars really picked up on this. They did a very good article and also interviewed Houston MassResistance leader Tracy Shannon twice, including a personal interview by Alex Jones. See videos here.

ALT TEXTTracy Shannon was prominently featured on InfoWars, which covered this story better than any other media.

One of the media’s excuses we heard was that they couldn’t verify Dees’s records directly from the state, since the records are “sealed.” But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist, or that it can’t be reported using other reputable sources. InfoWars was able to do that without any problem. To date, no one has disputed the facts that were presented.

And it will get worse. Much more to come on this!

The Houston Public Library is now talking about bringing back the Drag Queen Story Hour event this summer! So Houston MassResistance isn’t slowing down a bit. This is such a depraved situation, so there is surely much more to be exposed.

ALT TEXTMore BDSM – Dees posing with men who humiliate themselves by acting as “pups” – dogs who serve their master!

First of all, Tracy Shannon and the others have now amassed over 600 pages of very disturbing material about the DQSH, the officials behind it, laws and rules that were broken, and the lurid background of the Drag Queens themselves. (This is in addition to the 163-page report they presented to the City Council in March.) The new material will be released soon.

Second, Houston public officials have been illegally refusing to release key information about the Drag Queen event. Tracy and the others have been pressing them for months via FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests to find out the answers to many questions regarding this event.

Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries has been especially helpful in assisting MassResistance take this important FOIA dispute directly to the Texas Attorney General. It appears likely that the Texas AG will intervene.

And third, at the April 3 press conference, Tracy laid out some further demands:

MassResistance will demand an audit of the entire HPL [Houston Public Library] background checks vs volunteer applications to see how many have experienced an “oversight” and how many sex offenders have been allowed to participate in children’s programming at the libraries in Houston.  We will also be demanding a city ordinance that requires background checks for all city-sanctioned programs for children.

We are clearly winning, but the fight in Houston is far from over. A lot has been accomplished by these outstanding Houston MassResistance activists. None of this would have come to light without their incredible work. What they found should frighten and anger everyone as these ghastly events show up across the country.

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BIG VICTORY: Houston MassResistance Shuts Down Drag Queen Story Hour!

VICTORY: Organizers announce they’re abandoning “Drag Queen Story Hour” in Houston after MassResistance exposé.

MassResistance parents had revealed that event included a convicted child molester. “And we’re far from done investigating this,” they say.

Organizers publish article trying to explain.

March 22, 2019
ALT TEXTIn this social media post promoting the Houston Public Library Drag Queen Story Hour, the two organizers (front row, left and center) pose with some of the Drag Queens and a helper. To our knowledge, all of the people standing are men.

Just about everyone believed that stopping the “Drag Queen Story Hour” in Houston would be politically impossible. It had aggressive support from the Mayor and other prominent politicians, as well as the library officials.

But Houston MassResistance ignored that message. They dived right into the battle – protesting outside the library and confronting the politicians at City Hall.

ALT TEXTWhile testifying during a Houston City Council meeting, this Houston MassResistance mother held up two photos from the report of children who are being horribly exploited by the “Drag Queen” movement.

Last week, Houston MassResistance revealed that one of the “Drag Queens” was a convicted child molester. That was followed by a firestorm of media coverage largely slamming the City of Houston. And we made it clear we’re preparing to reveal even more.

Organizers announce they’re stopping the program!

Finally, the Drag Queen organizers announced they’ve had enough and are halting the program! On Tuesday, March 19, the two outside organizers of the event published an article in Houstonia magazineannouncing that they were “stepping aside” and discontinuing Drag Queen Story Hour.

In a sense, at this point they had no choice. We suspect the political establishment actually made this call. The outrage over a sex offender being in the room with children, as well as the whole concept of mingling homosexual Drag Queens with small children, had become widespread and probably overwhelming. We can just imagine the flood of phone calls and emails the Houston Library and city offices must have received.

A dishonest and misleading article

The Houstonia magazine article very likely made things even worse. In true left-wing style, the organizers attempted to portray themselves and the Drag Queens as the actual victims! They claimed that the Drag Queens care only about “literacy and acceptance” and were unfairly maligned by bigoted parents. But it also brings up even more disturbing questions. Some examples:

  • The authors say that last October, “we gave the HPL [Library] legal department a comprehensive list of every guest performer, every book read, and every song sung.” The library has admitted it neglected to do background checks. But if such a list exists, why is the library claiming in answer to our Freedom of Information Request that there is no such list?
  • The authors refer to the Drag Queens as “she” even though they are men. They complain that one of the cross-dressing Drag Queens who has a beard was unfairly attacked by the public. But most normal people can see that compounding the women’s dress and makeup with a male beard is done purposely to seriously confuse children (so they will be desensitized to this perverted ideology – and eventually come to accept it). So it’s not surprising people were reacting in horror. (We doubt there were really “death threats” as the authors claim.)
    ALT TEXTThis is a social media photo of bearded “Space Sisters,” the group that was doing the “Drag Queen Story Hour” at the Houston Public Library. The man in a dog mask appears to be involved with BDSM (bondage discipline sado-masochism).
  • They admit that “temporarily” moving the Drag Queen Story Hour to the “gay” church in February was simply a tactic to defuse the public opposition. It was still being sponsored and promoted by the Houston Public Library.
  • They claim that if they continued with the event, they would be “putting our friends, our families, [and] our children in danger.” In fact, they are the ones who have conducted a vile social media campaign attacking, doxing, and threatening some of the MassResistance parents. And they are the ones who exposed little children to a convicted sex offender.
  • They end the article by saying, “We want to serve the LGBT+ community, and we will. We will just have to do it another way.” In other words, that’s their true purpose. The “literacy” argument has always been a sham. It was all about promoting LGBTQ ideology.

What they’re not saying

We believe that another big reason they’ve decided to discontinue the Houston Drag Queen Story Hour is that there’s even more to reveal about that sordid event.

Many of these Drag Queens are profane “adult entertainers” by profession and appear to lead dysfunctional lives consumed by unhealthy sex practices. They are not ashamed of it; they include it in their social media, videos, advertisements, etc. But they want it ignored when they’re part of Drag Queen Story Hour. Are these the kinds of people public officials should be choosing to read to children in a library? These men are not good “role models” for anyone.

ALT TEXTRole models for young children? This is one of the tamer social media photos of the “adult entertainment” that the Houston Public Library Drag Queens are involved with.

Their reaction to our exposing the registered sex offender is particularly frightening. According to court documentsthis man was convicted of performing oral sex on an 8-year-old boy, and then having the boy perform oral sex on him. The Drag Queen organizers have not shown any anguish over this heinous act, but are only upset that exposing it ruined their program. This alone should be a big red flag.

ALT TEXTOutside the Houston Public Library just before a Drag Queen Story Hour event, one of the drag queens holds up the rubber chicken he’s carrying around, as the others appear to be amused by it. That is a “gay” code word for pederasty. “Chickens” in “gay” slang refers to under-age boys that older gay men find and seduce. How much clearer a message do people need?

The 163-page Drag Queen Story Time Exposé that Houston MassResistance made public last month includes some very graphic images, quotes, and descriptions from this group of Drag Queens.

But as we have said, there are hundreds of more pages of material we’ve put together that’s even more disturbing. And more is being uncovered about officials purposefully not following their own rules – and of the complicity of the politicians in this whole sordid affair.

A big victory

There is no question this is a big victory for our people. It’s probably the biggest defeat for Drag Queen Story Hour so far. This is the new age of pro-family activism!

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Houston MassResistance “Drag Queen Story Hour” exposé goes international! Reported in Media Across the US – Across the World!

Houston MassResistance “Drag Queen Story Hour” exposé goes international! Reported in media across the US – to the UK and Russia! Tweeted by Governor of Texas.

A registered child sex offender was reading to children in public library – sadly not surprising.

Coverage reveals pent up outrage across the country over powerlessness to stop the LGBT agenda targeting children.

March 19, 2019
VIDEO: Fox News’ Tucker Carlson reports the on the Houston “Drag Queen Story Hour” story – 3/18/2019

MassResistance is waking people up across the country and around the world!

On Friday afternoon, March 15, our Houston MassResistance parents held an explosive press conference outside of the Houston Public Library. They revealed their chilling discovery that one of the library’s “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dressers – who has been reading books to young children at library events – is a registered child sex offender. He was convicted for sexually assaulting an eight-year-old child. Citizens across Houston are shocked and outraged, and city officials have been forced to apologize to the public.

MassResistance parents had been warning the city about this depraved “Drag Queen” event for months  – but were mocked and derided by city officials, and harassed by LGBT activists. MassResistance parents didn’t let that stop them, though. (See our collection of related articles.)

ALT TEXTUnafraid to face down the Left!

Taking the media by storm!

Within 48 hours of the March 15 press conference, the shocking story was being reported in media internationally – across the US, in the UK, and even in Russian media! And there are more interviews with our Houston MassResistance activists and articles happening now.

ALT TEXTHouston MassResistance activists Tracy Shannon, Tex Christopher, and Vicky Mierelles interviewed on Fox TV in Houston.

This has definitely gotten the media’s attention. (Note: All of these articles and interviews mention MassResistance!):

The Governor of Texas and a major candidate for Mayor of Houston weigh in!

What happened? Houston MassResistance burst the bubble on the lies and intimidation!

There’s a big reason that this exposé has inflamed so many people.Parents and others have long felt powerless as the LGBT movement has arrogantly bulldozed their agenda into the lives of younger and younger children. The “Drag Queen Story Hour” events in public libraries is just the latest iteration of that. LGBT activists and their allies keep it going by angrily attacking any criticism by saying this is about “literacy” or “inclusion” or “anti-bullying” – and smear parents as being backward, hateful bigots. Houston MassResistance has burst the bubble on that line of lies and nonsense – and exposed this for what it really is.

This didn’t happen by accident. As the LifeSiteNews article describes, MassResistance is virtually the only major pro-family group in America – or worldwide – that takes these “culture war” battles seriously, and actually confronts those who are behind it. We don’t just write depressing articles and occasionally protest.

Of course, the people who aren’t shocked and outraged by this revelation are the LGBT activists. They’ve always known what goes on behind their veneer of respectability. They’re only upset that it’s being exposed to such a wide audience.


As jarring as this news is, there’s more to come, says Tracy Shannon, co-leader of Houston MassResistance. She and her team have come up with at least 500 more pages of material about the library’s “Drag Queen Story Time” events, she told us, much of it quite graphic. There is also documentation of how the city and public officials continue to break their own rules. The Texas Attorney General has even gotten involved to help Houston MassResistance pursue their Freedom of Information Act request for more documents.

Parents are fighting back! We will continue to keep you up to date on this.

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Houston MassResistance exposes “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dresser as registered child sex offender! Library officials forced to apologize to public.

Houston MassResistance exposes “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dresser as registered child sex offender! Library officials forced to apologize to public.

TV media coverage of press conference shocks Houston

And more to come, say our MR activists!

March 16, 2019
Explosive VIDEO: Local TV report: “Houston Public Library admits registered child sex offender read to kids in Drag Queen Storytime” (2 min 37 sec)
NOTE: A commercial may play first.

Houston city officials have been forced to back down and apologize to the public after Houston MassResistance activists exposed the criminal record of one of their “Drag Queen Story Hour” cross-dressers. It turns out he is a registered child sex offender! This man has been reading to children at those public library events.


The exposé came at an explosive press conference held by Houston MassResistance outside Houston’s Freed-Montrose Public Library on Friday afternoon. Within hours, the report was being broadcast on local Houston television.

ALT TEXTPress conference outside the library: MassResistance parents (left) address the Houston media about the “Drag Queen.”

MassResistance revealed that Alberto Garza, 32, who goes by the Drag Queen name Tatiana Mala-Niña, was convicted in 2008 for sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy. The library had failed to do a background check on any of the “Drag Queens,” despite requirements and warnings by MassResistance.

ALT TEXTAlberto Garza as himself, and as “Drag Queen” Tatiana Mala-Niña

“If they had done their job and due diligence, they might have said wait – maybe it’s not a good idea to have a sex offender who at 200 pounds and 5-foot-11 assaulted an 8-year-old boy,” Tracy Shannon, co-leader of Houston MassResistance, told the reporters.

ALT TEXTThe Houston Public Library’s advertisement featuring Tatiana Mala-Niña – a convicted child sex offender.

(For another view of “Tatiana Mala-Niña”, here’s a video of himperforming in a Houston gay bar – this time as a brunette. Obviously this didn’t bother the Houston library officials too much.)

In fact, city leaders had been quite arrogant about their unqualified support for the character of the Drag Queens. At one of the recent Houston City Council meetings, Mike Laster, an openly “gay” City Council member, mocked this concern about the Drag Queens by Tracy and the others, asking them, “What are you afraid of?” (Well, Mike, now you know!)  And when pressed by MassResistance parents, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner publicly stated that these Drag Queens are “role models” for the Houston community.

ALT TEXTTracy didn’t hold back a bit at the press conference!

That continued to bother the parents. At the press conference, Tracy exclaimed, “Most parents would not allow that individual to sit in this library and be held up as a role model to our children. Shame on you, Mayor Turner!”

The library subsequently issued the following statement:

We assure you that this participant will not be involved in any future HPL programs.

In our review of our process and of this participant, we discovered that we failed to complete a background check as required by our own guidelines. We deeply regret this oversight and the concern this may cause our customers. We realize this is a serious matter.

Every program sponsored by HPL is supervised by HPL staff, and all children are accompanied by a parent and/or guardian. No participant is ever alone with children, and we have not received any complaints about any inappropriate behavior by participants at storytimes.

We are taking the appropriate action to ensure that the status of every participant in every program throughout our system is verified. We will continue to review our process to ensure that this cannot happen again.

Once again, we apologize for our failure to adhere to our own process in this matter and to the hundreds of parents and caregivers who have enjoyed this program with their children.

The arrogance of this statement – that it was simply an oversight and there were no problems resulting from it – did not appear to sit well even with the liberal media.

Unbiased press coverage! Although normally hostile to pro-family groups like MassResistance, the mainstream media – and even the “gay” media – covered this story fairly. Here are two more examples:


Newsweek – Sex Offender Busted as Drag Queen Who Read Books to Children in City Library

OutSmart (homosexual magazine) – Houston Library Bans Drag Queen Storytime Reader with Criminal Record

A terrible disaster waiting to happen

Any reasonable person would see that “Drag Queen Story Hour” is a train wreck waiting to happen. It’s a program whose goal is to make children feel comfortable about LGBT behaviors. It features cross-dressing homosexual men in garish make-up and costumes who seem obsessed with reading “gay” themed books to very young children. These same men lead bizarre lives as “adult” sex entertainers. What could possibly go wrong?

Last month, Houston MassResistance parents handed the City Council and Mayor a detailed 163-page report documenting the lurid activities of some of these “Drag Queens” who read to children, and how the library blatantly disregarded its own rules regarding the whole “Drag Queen” event. It was also pointed at the City Council meeting out that some of the drag queens carry rubber chickens, signaling their sexual interest in young boys.

ALT TEXTAlso at the press conference: They’re starting to see these Houston MassResistance t-shirts around town!

At the press conference, the Houston MassResistance parents charged the Mayor, City Council members, and library officials have purposefullyavoided doing any due diligence investigation about the “Drag Queen” cross-dressers, despite the shocking materials given to them.

Sleazy retaliation. On the same day as the press conference, two Houston MassResistance mothers were in the children’s section in the Houston Public Library to look at some of the books. They were told by library staff that they were not allowed in that area of the library. No reason was given except that “it’s for children only.” We have never heard of a public library anywhere with that “rule.”

Houston MassResistance isn’t letting up!

As we recently reported, starting in February, the monthly Drag Queen Story Hour events were moved from the Houston Public Library to a local “gay” church a few blocks away. But it is still being advertised by the public library, and library staff are clearly involved with it. The library’s public statement (above) still describes it as being a library event. Thus, it is still a City of Houston taxpayer-supported activity.

Unfortunately, despite all this bad publicity, the City of Houston has indicated that they will continue this terrible program. So Houston MassResistance will continue to confront it.

More coming. Tracy has said the parents have at least 500 pages of additional material about these “Drag Queen” performers who are reading books to children, much of which is very graphic and repulsive. Houston MassResistance intends to deliver that to city officials. And it’s likely that we will find more “sex offender” problems among this depraved crowd. They’ve also gotten valuable help from Dan Kleinman at the SafeLibraries website.

To what extent is this happening all over the country in libraries and other places where LGBTQ activists mingle with children?

These Houston MassResistance parents are superstars! We will continue to report on this battle.