
When Obama Admitted that Democrats Engage in Voter Fraud

It’s refreshing to remember that Democrats complained about voter fraud as much as Republicans did.

Barack Obama, when he was running for Presiden tin 2008, admitted that both parties had been involved in voter fraud.

He emphasized that Democrats had engaged in voter fraud, and that admission is significant.

Check out this admission from 14 years ago:

Obama in 2008

Voting machines and election fraudpic.twitter.com/CclWN3fplt— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 16, 2022

Ohio was the bellwether state for elections in 2000, in 2004, and in 2008.

When Barack Obama won Ohio in 2012, or at least when the state was called for Obama, Karl Rove went apoplectic on Fox News and demanded that the newscasters check the number again.

It made no difference.

That fact that Obama won Ohio was the calling card that the corporate media needed to announce Obama as re-elected.

It’s amazing how bad things were during the Obama Administation. This country was in bad shape them, with anemic unemployment, a rising racialism that spilled in manifest tensions and protests across the country. And now we are getting twice as much of the same failed policies. Then again, perhaps we cannot call those policies “failed,” since Barack Obama was deliberately determined to bring down the United States.

Putting all of that aside for the moment, can’t we find something interesting in the fact that Obama admitted that Democrats engaged in voter fraud? Everyone should be interested in extensive efforts to ensure voter integrity and proper election reforms across the board.

Let’s get this done. Let’s stop waiting for the right people to get elected at some point. It’s time to start working with the rules that we have, and then pushing through for necessary reforms to tighten up the voting process.


Idaho GOP: Stop Biden-Flation!

Tomorrow you have the chance to lower costs at the pump. 
Tomorrow you can make a used car cost less than a new car off the lot. 
Tomorrow you can defend life; stop the sexualization of our children; end the violence in our nation’s streets; rebuild our military; support first responders; and restore confidence in our constitutional order. All you have to do is join Republicans across this Nation and vote.On Election Day, amplify your fellow Americans’ message: stop Joe Biden’s reckless economic policies and tell Kamala Harris that the only thing that needs defunding is her control of the US Senate.
Vote Republican and reject the extremist Democrat agenda.The Idaho election is TOMORROW. Here are a couple things you can do to prepare to vote.
✔️ Know your District
✔️ Know where your Polling place is
✔️ Learn about your Republican Candidates with our Voter Guide
✔️ Vote Republican tomorrow, Tuesday November 8th!Dorothy Moon,Chairwoman of the Idaho Republican Party

Protesting is Nice, Canvassing Makes the Difference

Conservatives campaign like liberals, and liberals campaign like conservatives.

When liberals campaign, they focus on which races are winnable. They think about how much money they have, where to spend their money, and which seats to target so that they can win.

When conservatives campaign, we do things that feel good, without thinking about a larger strategy. We go for the headline, for the feeling, for the pizzazz.

Who wins elections, who changes the culture, and who doesn’t?

Conservatives, it’s time for some tough love, and let me start with an example.

I received a number of texts and posts that Hanoi Jane Fonda was going to rally supporters to help Katie Porter at her Huntington Beach campaign office today. Sure, it would feel good for conservatives and patriots to show up and make noise, protest, and heckle Jane Fonda.

But it’s more effective for us to canvass, walk precincts, get votes for Scott Baugh. He’s the guy running against Katie Porter, and he has a really good shot at winning the seat!

What happened this morning? Jane Fonda didn’t even show up! Guess what, MAGA patriots? Katie Porter took played you. While 20 to 30 people were protesting outside of Porter’s campaign office, she had 100 people cavnassing in the district to get her votes!

If you really want to scare a politician, you need to get people to vote them out. The better use of everyone’s time would have been canvassing for Scott Baugh, whom I support 100% for Congress. Is he perfect? Of course not, but Katie Porter is evil. She wants to defund the police, open up our borders forever, tax us into never-ending inflation, kill babies up to the day of birth, and push the LGBT agenda on our kids forever. She needs to be stopped.

But you are not going to stop her just protesting outside of her campaign office.

Conservatives, it’s time to get real. If you really want to make a difference, you need to support politicians to remove the bad politicians. You need to push good policies at the local and state level. IT’s not as exciting at first, but it’s more meaningful and effects greater change for the good.

I can’t think of anything more exciting than to see on Election Day, Scott Baugh polling 5 points ahead of Katie Porter. She needs to be fired from Congress.

While conservatives want to have protesting on street corners or trolling liberals and progressive activitists, those some actiivsts are busy writing postcards, registering voters, walking precincts, making phone calls.

Look, I am not saying “Don’t hold rallies. Don’t protest bad politicians.” What I am saying is that these public events should not be an end in the themselves.

AOC came to UC Irvine two weeks ago. I was there to record the event and protest her. I admit that. But you know what the left-wing activists were doing? They were registering voters! They were signing up volunteers! They were promoting their candidates!

We need to see everyone of our public events in the same light. Stop acting like liberals, folks. Campaign like the conservatives that you are, and let’s get good people to replace the bad people.

Please help Scott Baugh for Congress. Email Timothy Tizon at timothy@baughforcongress.com


Dishonest Jean Adelsman Preaches Unity, But Posts Partisan Rancor

Jean Adelsman is running for Torrance City Council.

She is making a bold case for getting past partisanship and urging people to focus on local issues that everyone can agree on.

But is that really true?

Check out her website:

Here’s her claim about unity and supposedly wanting to end partisan gridlock:

What is the power of purple?

Partisan divisions are tearing our nation apart.  Even at the local level, the battle between team red and team blue rages on.  The consequences are political gridlock and people not being served by their government.

It’s time to stop focusing on what we disagree on and start working on the things we have in common.  We all want safe and clean communities, great schools, a healthy and vibrant economy and a local government that is responsive to its residents.  We want to make Torrance an even better place to live, work and play.

When red and blue come together you get purple, and you get the power to succeed on the things that matter most.  This is how I plan to work on the Torrance City Council, bringing people together to get good things done.

She says now that she is all about bringing people together.

But what did she think of President Trump when he was running for office?

Here are some posts from her Facebook feed (all of which have been recently taken down, for some reason …)

Check out this post:

She posted this during the height of the 2016 election.

“Please unfriend me” Jean declared bluntly to the public, if anyone in the public voted for Donald Trump.

This goes beyond whether she likes or dislikes Trump. That’s one thing.

But for her to say “Go away” to anyone who voted for Trump … that goes against everything that she claims to stand for today.

For the record, I have friends who voted for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Jill Stein, other candidates who were running for President in 2016 and 2020. I have friends to this day who had voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.

I would never cast off a friendship simply because someone voted for a Presidential candidate that I did not support.

But Jean Adelsman, who claims to be all about unity, wants to brush off, cast out anyone who voted for Donald Trump–and then she took the posts down from her Facebook page. The fact that she would hide such brazen partisanship is deeply offensive, insulting even.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Jean Adelsman.

What’s really disturbing is that she shared a post that comes from “Occupy Democrats,” which is one of the most partisan, progressive (unlike Torrance) organizations in the country.

According to Wikipedia:

Occupy Democrats is a United States-based, left-wing media outlet built around a Facebook Group and corresponding website. Established in 2012, it publishes false information, hyperpartisan content, and clickbait.

Bear in mind that many people consider Wikipedia to have taken on a partisan bias. Yet even with that taken into account, the fact that even writers and contributors to Wikipedia find “Occupy Democrats” to be hyperpartisan should cause all of us some concern.

And encourage us to confront Jean Adelsman on her dishonesty.

Here’s another post, that should tell you all about Jean’s true sentiments:

“Say No to Trump,” she shares. Does that also mean “No” to people who voted for Trump, as well?

She apparently didn’t pay attention to what happened in Virginia earlier this year, in which three Republican statewide candidates won over Democratic as well as Republican voters to get elected, even though the state had been trending Democratic for the last ten years.

What happened? Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin and his team reached out to voters based on the issues that they cared about. They did not disparage voters if they supported Joe Biden or President Trump in the 2020 General Election.

And yet, here we are with Jean Adelsman, who wants to serve on the Torrance City Council, pushing this pretentious plea for unity and bipartisanship, when all the while she harbors a hatred of Trump and for people who voted for Trump.

Torrance is better than this. We need people on the Torrance City Council who will focus on the concerns of the city and make the right–yet sometimes hard–decisions for the city. We need people who will look past who people selected for President and focus on doing what is best for the city at present.

Jean Adelsman does not meet that standard.

Dishonest Jean is a No for me.


The January 6th “Insurrection”: A Field Trip in the US Capitol

Here’s the latest video release from the January 6th “Insurrection”:

Prosecutors didn’t want this Jan 6 footage to come out. Now it was 1.5 million views. Why is that? pic.twitter.com/n0MQICC0HL— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) September 23, 2021

It was a field trip!

Where are the broken windows? Where is the violence? Most of the people who entered the building are safely and quietly walking around in the building.

Where is the tresspass? There is no way anyone could have entered that building without the express permission of the people inside the building!

This whole thing is a farce! It’s time to let the January 6th captives go free!