
What the Heck, Unicorn?! “Repeal 377a is Not !”

This cartoon is my latest clapback at the pro-LGBT propagandist/cartoonist Heckin’ Unicorn.

When it comes to homosexuality and the LGBT agenda, the slippery slope is real.

Repeal of 377a is the first step in a much larger, destructive agenda.

How could the Singapore government not see this?

What the heck, unicorn?!


Drag Queen Story Hour is Pedophilia in Plain Sight

If anyone still doubts that this whole Drag Queen Story Hour program is just innocent fun with some eccentric characters, look no further than the video below:

This degeneracy can no longer be tolerated in our midst!

Edmund Patrick Adamus further explains why this is horrific:

These parents should be ashamed of themselves for allowing such a filthy display of sexual deviance around their children.

This is criminal conduct. This is out-and-out grooming of children, right in front of all of these parents. The men in the audience were actually clapping, laughing, showing how titillated they were with this display of debauchery.

Enough is enough.

Please, to anyone who can tell me where this perverted drag show took place, contact me ASAP!

We need to take every step possible to hold the parents accountable for this disgusting disregard for the well-being of that little girl. Drag queens are not for kids. Drag shows are not for adults! This is insanity, and we need to take a stand against it at all costs!


RaPaul Called It: The LGBT Movement would “Eat Itself From the Inside Out”

RuPaul has issues. He is quite a drag.

He likes to read people, not books. He likes to insult people who do not dress as “fabulously” as he does.

Yet even he has had to admit of late that LGBT is not OK.

For the last three years, at least, RuPaul does not dress in drag in public. “I only dress in drag when I get paid,” he once admitted.

Let’s face the facts.

The whole LGBT movement is based on lies and self-serving identitarian factions, and those inner strifes are now breaking out for everyone to see. When truth no longer matters, people are going to fight for power and pre-eminence, nothing more.

And there is only so much power, so much placement, so much pre-eminence to go around for people.

The lesbians and the gays are going to fight with the bisexuals. The bisexuals are going to claim that lots of straight people are pretending to be bisexual because they want to score virtue-signalling brownie points. They are going to insist that they are distinctly different because they want to sleep with both sexes.

Then you have this crazy transgenderism movement. You have men who say that they are actually women, and within that cohort you have men who have not yet removed all their private parts, and then there are those transgenders which have had all the “bottom” surgeries.

The divisions, the intersections, the cross-currents are getting thicker, deeper, more convoluted, and ultimately deadlier.

RuPaul picked up on these conflicts early on, and he declared that the whole LGBT Movement was going to turn on itself.

Pop will eat itself… So will the “Gay Movement”

— RuPaul (@RuPaul) May 24, 2014

Notice that he declared this breakdown as early as 2014–and that was the same year that Republicans swept every level of government throughout the United States in November of that year.

RuPaul later predicted that the LGBT Movement would destroy itself:

Forget an outside threat, the “Gay Movement” will eat itself from the inside out #OrwellAnimalFarm

— RuPaul (@RuPaul) May 24, 2014

Indeed, this is what is happening.

Homosexuals have been pushing their agenda for the last ten years, and now it has infiltrated into libraries, schools, and other safer spaces where children were supposed to be safe from such filth.

There are now homosexuals who oppose this insanity. They have contacted MassResistance’s main office in Waltham, Massachusetts, sharing that they cannot stand the idea of drag queens being around children.

Many of the homosexuals who contact our office inform us that they know that they were not “born that way” either. A growing cohort of lesbians are opposing transgenderism. They are appalled by the notion that men can pretend to be women, and that these men can cohabitate with women in close quaters, including prisons.

This LGBT insanity is casting so many shadows across the country, that people are getting tired of this agenda being shoved in their faces. Young people have a negative view of LGBT precisely because of its inherent tyranny.

Of course, this totalitarian aspect of the whole agenda should came as no surprise. The LGBT advocates have been pretty clear about their intentions since the outset. They wanted more than tolerance; they wanted acceptance and then celebration.

They now demand that everyone approve of their behaviors and promote them, or pay a price.

Yet even within the whole LGBT cohort, there are members who see the full-on tyranny of this nonsense, and they want out. More homosexuals are abandoning the lifestyle which hurts them, too, proving definitively that no one is born gay.

Just recently, a lesbian activist, Arielle Scarcella, came out as “conservative” simply because she was tired of the violent “woke” nonsense that has plagued her and others:

I’m A Lesbian Woman & I’m Leaving The “Progressive” Left…
(More content coming soon) https://t.co/DjANIyfDnb pic.twitter.com/awvS0sKC0H

— Arielle Scarcella (@ArielleScarcell) February 23, 2020

She got tired of bigoted, anger, even violent trans activists attacking lesbians such as herself who will not abandon the scientific fact that there are two sexes–only two–and that biological men should not be competing, confronting women in their own sports fields.

The LGBT “community” was never really a community to begin with, since community implies a capacity to pass down values by birth, not merely by recruitment. The LGBT movement is now split on the Buttigieg candidacy for President!

Left-wing LGBT activists, the hardest core of the hard core, do now want the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana for President. He is too “moderate” (whatever that means now among Democrats), he is too corporate, and he is bought and paid for by rich billionaires in wine caves. There’s even an article featuring this growing rift with in the LGBT bloc of voters:

‘Being gay is not enough’: Buttigieg’s candidacy divides LGBTQ Democrats

The gays cannot get behind the potentially first gay Presidential candidate. Really. Is it that he is not gay enough? Really, it’s that he is too “privileged”. Oh brother.

Buttigieg is not gay enough for LGBT activists

To be honest, “being gay” was never the goal of the whole LGBT Agenda. Demanding acceptance, celebration, and promotion–all of that was the goal.

RuPaul called it right. This whole LGBT movement is eating itself out from the inside out. It’s time for someont to close the book on this whole agenda and declare “The Library is now closed.”


BYE, FELICIA: Hateful LGBT “News” Site Gay Star News Shuts Down

Yesterday morning, I received the following news from the Queerty News Site:

Well, which site has been shut down?

Queerty tells all:

Gay Star News, one of the leading LGBTQ media sites based out of the U.K., just announced it’s shutting down. The site will no longer be updated but will remain online in archive form for “as long as possible.”

Within one hour, I received an eblast–the last eblast–from Gay Star News:

And here’s their story:

We are devastated to have to confirm the reports that Gay Star News has to close, effective immediately.

The site is no longer being updated. We don’t know how long it will remain online for but we will try to preserve it for as long as possible.

This is stunning and welcome news. Gay Star News was promoting perverse, salacious content. Much of the writing was basically a reaction to pro-family forces winning more fights around the world.

Then the resort to flimsy excuses for why they have to shut down their operation.

Why is GSN closing?

Firstly, we feel you deserve to know why we have to close.

Since we started almost eight years ago, Gay Star News has been able to serve our community and grow.

It was clear from the outset that you, our readers and supporters around the world, wanted to hear about and engage with the stories we were telling.

Honestly, many of the articles had little comment activity. It seems that over the last four years, at least, fewer people were interested in reading a bunch of “pro-gay news”.

However, it has always been a tough business. This year, it got unexpectedly much tougher.

We entered 2019 with every reason to be confident we were going to have a strong year. But as the year progressed, decisions have been delayed and projects people had committed to do with us have fallen flat.

Some details would be nice. Notice how they leave out the key information. What happened, mates? People didn’t want to read your crap anymore?

Then they finger the biggest culprit.

There are a number of reasons, of course. But the biggest change was the level of confidence brands and businesses in the UK have, due to the uncertainty over Brexit. It won’t surprise anyone to hear that many media organisations are struggling with the same problem.

That’s right: It’s Brexit’s Fault!

The British people voted to restore their rights as a sovereign nation to retain the power of decision-making and nation-building for themselves. The “little people” of the Midlands, the rural areas, and the London suburbs got tired of a bunch of arrogant, elitist, distant—and pro-LGBT–bureaucrats dominating their daily lives, their business, and their national security.

Ordinary Britons of all walks of life, including wealthy and conservative point of fact, wanted nothing more do with with the failed European Union project.

For this, the perverted gay news website could no longer continue carrying on business. Really.

Good riddance, I say!

But there’s more. They blame the very corporate elites and Big Tech Masters of the Universe for their demise, specifically because they have not been pro-gay enough:

There has also been another trend which has become more apparent this year. Brands which are wishing to ‘do’ LGBTI work are increasingly doing so in a tokenistic way.

The whole agenda is “tokenistic”. Does this require further discussion?

Rather than working with us to engage and serve LGBTI people year round, many have chosen to ‘rainbow wash’. They have turned their logo rainbow colored for Pride week or month and – at best – made a small donation to an LGBTI good cause. Worst still, we have learned that some brands have done this while at the same time funding anti-LGBTI politicians to the tune of millions of dollars. Tokenism has reached a new low.

Of course they do. In fact, corporations doing business around the world continue to thrive and expand their operations in countries where homosexuals are routinely persecuted, tortured, and executed. They do not care about the individual concerns of individuals struggling with LGBT issues. They never have. It’s always been about the money, the six-colored Bling-Bling!

Then the Gay Star  editors launched into more self-righteous victimization on behalf of “the poor LGBTI (whatever) community:

Of course, most brands and businesses don’t even bother to rainbow wash. They ignore LGBTI customers and colleagues entirely. Anyone who has ever tried to encourage organisations to engage with our community will know they get more rejections than expressions of interest. Very often, one or two individuals in a company are keen but others block activity because it is ‘not a priority’ or even because they don’t want to be a ‘gay’ brand. (The nuances of our LGBTI+ rainbow family obviously escape them.)

These “writers” show no interest for taking responsibility for their own actions, their own enterprise.

That’s why we have consistently said other LGBTI media and organisations are not truly our competitors. They are our friends. Our only enemy has always been tokenism and apathy. In fact, there are very few who serve our global LGBTI community. And if companies and sponsors took us even half as seriously as we deserve as LGBTI people, there would be far more of us and we would be hugely successful.

Bye, Felicia!

There is one other enemy: truth.

More people are waking up to the tyranny behind the whole LGBT agenda, which has taken advantage of and exploited hurting individuals struggling with their sexual feelings and identities.

The fact that this website, which routinely attacked men and women of faith, who support family and freedom, is all the more reason why we should celebrate their sudden closure.

Queerty News offered their own analysis about the falling Gay Star News site:

The site, which has been in operation for eight years, was unable to turn a profit.

Gee, I wonder why?

Maybe because at the end of the day, businesses want to promote a brand which appeals to everyone, not just sideline themselves into allying with sexual deviance.

Mothers and fathers generally want what is best for their families, for their children. Open, uninhibited, ribald displays of sexual pervesion are a turn-off for prospective consumers, no matter how “woke” they may be,

Reid-Smith goes on to say another problem is that many brands want gay dollars but don’t actually want to support the LGBTQ community.

This mindset deserves more exposure. Most corporations, non-profits, and other business entities bend over backwards to promote and celebrate LGBT. These efforts are never considered enough for LBGT zealots and activists.


The nature of this sexual perversion is so destructive, so fraught with hurt, pain, self-harm, self-loathing, and abuse, that all the repression or suppression of this pain can never cover up the long-standing harm.

Homosexuals, practicing and former, have acknowledged the innate propensities toward self-harm and even self-hate. Many homosexuals are told that they can overcome this depression if society in general would treat them better, more fairly, and celebrate them as the victims they truly are.

The truth is that no matter how accommodating, how indulgence any culture, any nation may be towards these behaviors, they will never be happy. The whole LGBT spectrum of mental disorders is inherently destructive, harmful, and deviant. Individuals who engage in these behaviors are hurting themselves, masking deeper pain and suffering which cannot be resolved with more PRIDE parades, LGBT-affirming programs, or society shifts and changes.

The shutting down of Gay Star News is good news for all parties, including the homosexuals and transgenders themselves. They need confrontation with truth and love, not more enabling.

And it seems that even the general public, which has been rather patient, even long-suffering with LGBT activists, has had more than enough of their fill with LGBT promotion and so-called “rainbow washing.”

So for Gay Star News, all I can say is “Good Riddance”, or “It’s FABULOUS that you are going out of business!


Gay Therapist Tells Gay Men Not to Have Sex (Not a Typo)

I cannot make this up.

A gay therapist and matchmaker based in Miama, Florida is telling clients, patients, and the so-called “gay community” to stop having sex.

At least, they should stop or refrain from engaging in anal sex.

I apologize for this very sordid topic, but this announcement simply cannot be ignored.

Paul Angelo’s remarks are really shocking, considering his honest appraisal of sodomy and its effects on homosexuals.

Gay Matchmaker Gone Wild – Urgent 60-Day Moratorium On Anal Intercourse For Gay Men Over 


Paul Angelo MHA, MBA, the gay matchmaker from Miami urges a 60 day moratorium on gay anal intercourse. He argues that taking a break from anal intercourse improves self esteem, increases confidence and contributes to goal completion.

Paul Angelo

This is unreal. We have a gay therapist and matchmaker telling gay men not to have anal sex.

But the reasons why are significantly important. “It improves self esteem, increase confidence, and contributes to goal completion.”

I thought sex was supposed to be a good thing! For homosexuals, however, the way they “engage” each other is not healthy at all. In fact, it’s psychologically damaging!

If you are a gay man over 40 – staying away from anal intercourse is your fastest way to success in life.

“Gay men — don’t have sex!”

Are you kidding me? Yes, that is exactly what

Paul Angelo MHA, MBA, the Miami Gay Matchmaker who incorporates health, relationship and lifestyle coaching has again “gone wild” with the intention to save the gay community from poor self-esteem, lack of confidence and relationship confusion.

Angelo explains that receptive anal sex decreases self esteem by forcing the person to assume a submissive position during an act of pleasure. This confuses the brain to believe that a feminine-like behavior is appropriate for a man and in turn reduces the man’s assertiveness, confidence and will power.

Exactly. A man is not supposed to “Receive” something from another partner in a sexual encounter. They are designed to provide something, at least in the physical sense.

Angelo says: “From Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), we know that a person’s thinking is strongly influenced by his body position. The fastest way to increase satisfaction and self-esteem is to align the thinking with the position/movement of the body, commonly referred to as a mind-body connection. This is often achieved through physical exercise, meditation and affirmations.

For example, if you say to yourself – ‘yes I can do it’ and if you flex your arm, clench your fist and bend your knees all in one move – you get a strong feeling of power.

When the body performs activities that are not in congruence with the beliefs and logic of the brain, conflict is created and with each repetition of the act, self-esteem of the person is reduced.”

In other words, men are not engaging in behaviors which they were designed to engage in. Men were never designed to endure anal penetration from a man.

Angelo explains that because men behave differently than women, the brain is taught to accept as valid all behaviors that are associated with masculinity and strength. The moment that the brain receives messages that are NOT congruent with the definition of masculinity – the person gets confused.

Notice clearly what this gay therapist has declared: “Men behave differently from women.”

Yes, it’s a biological fact. Yet, the LGBT Lobby insists on ignoring the truth, convinced that men and women can “Feel” something else, and therefore transform into some other kind of creature. There is no possibility of changing one’s sex, as though one was changing clothes.

Aggressive or “pushy” bottoms are an example of this confusion. Those are gay men who succeeded in business and show masculinity in day-to-day life, but in the bedroom – end up engaging in receptive anal intercourse.

This kind of behavior is what Paul Angelo declares: demeaning, degrading, if one can create a new word “de-manning”.

“The worse part about this destruction of self-esteem is that it’s on the subconscious level. A person will not feel anything during the act. And the pleasure derived from the act will override the logic necessary to correct the behavior. In addition, there is a delay between the act of anal intercourse and the reduction of self-esteem of the person” says Angelo.

There are long-standing consequences to these destructive homosexual encounters. A man cannot long tolerate being treated like such a perverted object, since his proper role in a sexual relationship is not to turn away from the sexual partner and just “Receive”.

“If you were to put all gay men together in a big warehouse and place the ‘bottoms’ on the left and the ‘tops’ on the right, you’d start seeing negative consequences of the anal sex play out in real life for the bottoms such as: disrespect for their general health, failure at work, failure in love and relationships.” says Angelo.

These topics must have been initially difficult for Mr. Angelo to write, and yet these factors cannot be ignored any longer. Two men cannot engage each other sexually without damaging consequences to the two men. In fact, one health teacher informed a class at a local college that in homosexual conduct, the two men even cause bleeding! Once again, I thought that sex was supposed to be fun, not damaging or painful.

“I am not saying that every gay man should stop anal intercourse today. What I recommend is that gay men re-think the “Gay-Lifestyle” strategy and stop for one second to question the validity of all that is gay” says Angelo.

Indeed, it is time for more gay men to challenge what it means to “be gay” and all the behaviors attached to it. However, if homosexuals begin to question the very acts of “gay sex”, then why be gay in the first place?

In fact, if homosexual acts are so destructive, then perhaps being gay isn’t all that … well … gay.

Final Reflection

This admission from a gay therapist is quite enlightening, yet sad and even a little disturbing.

For decades, most of the public remained unaware of the damage associated with homosexual conduct. In many classrooms, where LGBT programs have slowly infiltrated, there is little information on the actual conduct that occurs between two men in their acts of sodomy.

Now we find that for at least one cohort of adult gay males, anal sex is psychologically harmful and correlates with degrading quality of life concerns.

For those who have argued that homosexuality is not a destructive set of behaviors, these factors should give them pause. Indeed, men were never designed, never ordained to have sex with men. As some will glibly point out, “The parts don’t fit.” Yet this lack of accommodation has serious psychological effects, too, which cannot be ignored.

It has now gotten to the point that gay men should not even engage in gay sex. Perhaps it’s time for more gay men to ask a deeper question: “Being gay is not all that gay, after all, is it?”