
LA County Supervisor Shames Health Freedom Advocates as “Snowflake Weepies”

Supervisor Kuehl:

Your remarks criticizing LA County residents’ opposition to a renewed mask mandate were uninformed, unprofessional, and frankly embarrassing.

L.A. County Supervisor calls those opposed to mask mandate ‘snowflake weepies’http://www.youtube.com

Supervisor Kuehl, you said: “I’m particularly struck by the blowback from a number, though not a really significant number of sort of, ‘snowflake weepies’ about how oppressive it is to wear a mask. I don’t hear them writing me about shoes, which are actually more oppressive to your feet than wearing a mask on your face but we do that really for health or the requirement to wear a shirt when you enter a restaurant.”

To compare wearing a mask with wearing a shirt and shoes is just ludicrous. Shirts and shoes serve a well-established purpose for individuals to protect their feet and to ensure proper decorum in a public place. Those customs are not an impediment to speaking or breathing, either.

Only recently, with the advent of the COVID-19 outbreak, were certain locations pressing for the wearing of masks. Yet a growing body of research has confirmed that these masks were ineffective and unnecessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Furthermore, it is an unnatural abuse of power for any agency to mandate the wearing of masks.

Last of all, Supervisor Kuehl, you yourself violated your own COVID-19 orders:


Sheila Kuehl dines out after voting for COVID restaurant ban – Los Angeles Times – latimes.comLila Seidman is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times’ yearlong initiative exploring various facets of mental health. The project will marry her graduate work in clinical psychology and more than …www.latimes.com

And if one wants to talk about individuals being easily offended, one cannot forget your outrageous outburst directed towards one individual in a 2015 LA BOS meeting:

Sheila Loses Her Kuehl – YouTubeLos Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl has some choice words for a speaker who accuses her of anti-semitism. From the December 8, 2015 meeting.www.youtube.com

Supervisor Kuehl, you owe the residents of Los Angeles County an apology.


Arthur Christopher Schaper 


BREAKING: Torrance City Council Issues Resolutions of No Cofidence in Barbara Ferrer, Rejects Future Health Orders

Things are just getting better and better in the city of Torrance.

The city residents have spoken, and they want a robust city council that will stick up for the rights and needs of the people. Unlike the previous  Torrane city council, we now have a stronger majority that is ready to push back on the abusive encroachments of Los Angeles County government.

At the August 9th, 2022 Torrance City Council meeting, the city council took two extraordinary steps to push back on government overreach from the county.

First, the city council voted to issue a Resolution of No Confidence in LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer:

Here’s the full text of the Resolution:




WHEREAS, the City of Torrance (“City”) finds that the Los Angeles County Department of

Public Health Director has overstated the health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic to the

City of Torrance; and

WHEREAS, the City finds that imposing the same Health Orders onto the entire Los Angeles

County is not fair to areas with significantly less COVID-19 cases; and

WHEREAS, the City maintains that the community of Torrance can determine the risks of

COVID-19 within the community without the help of county-wide mandates; and

WHEREAS, the City finds that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health shall

consider the complexity of the cities within the county when creating standardized future


NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Torrance does hereby resolve that:

(1) The City of Torrance expresses a vote of no confidence in Los Angeles County Department

of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer.

(2) The City of Torrance hereby directs staff to transmit the resolution to applicable and

interested offices and organizations.

(3) The City of Torrance welcomes an opportunity to engage in comprehensive discussion with

Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer to develop a working relationship aimed at

promoting public health and supporting Torrance businesses.

(4) The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution.

INTRODUCED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 9th day of August 2022.

From there, the city council also issued a proclamation that they would not enforce any other health mandates or lockdown orders from the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors or the LA County Department of Public Health.

It was good to see the entire city council approve this measure.

This resolution should have been issued in 2020, but better late than never. No doubt that the LA County Board of Supervisors will attempt to impose yet another mandate, since they got away with so many shutdown and lockdown orders over the previous two years. This abuse of power cannot go unchecked a second time.

I am really proud of the city council, and I am so grateful that we have a new majority that is willing to stand up to the abuses from the county staff and county officials.

Here’s the full text of the proclamation of non-enforcement:


WHEREAS, the City of Torrance (“City”) finds that no government intervention or mandate

should impact the ability an individual has to make money by enforcing mandates that create

loss of jobs; and

WHEREAS, the City finds that all workers are essential workers; and

WHEREAS, the City will not enforce any potential Health Order requiring indoor masking and

the shutdown of any business; and

WHEREAS, the City respects the right of people to wear masks if they choose to, however no

member of the Torrance community should be mandated to wear a mask; and

WHEREAS, the City supports the voluntary use of face masks, COVI D-19 vaccines, and testing

to slow the transmission of the virus and protect vulnerable populations.

NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Torrance does hereby resolve that:

(1) The City of Torrance asks that the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Director

Barbara Ferrer refrain from enforcing mask mandates and shutdowns in the County of Los


(2) The City of Torrance will not use City staff, resources, or public funds to enforce a potential

new Health Order requiring indoor masking or the shutdown of any business.

(3) The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution.

INTRODUCED, APPROVED and ADOPTED this 9th day of August 2022.

I am glad to live in a city that will no longer comply with these onerous mandates. These resolutions will be sent to the LA County Board of Supervisors, as well.

It’s time for the Board to listen to the needs and concerns of the people, rather than ignoring us and doing as they please, to the great detriment of residents and businesses alike. No one entity in the county should have the authority to deem which businesses are essential or non-essential. No one authority should have the power to require individuals to wear masks or comply with other health mandates. How many lives were disrupted irrevocably because of these outrageous health mandates? How many people lost their businesses? Their homes? Their lives?!

This abuse of power can never happen again, and the city of Torrance took another step to make sure of that.


BREAKING! Supervisor Hahn Stands With Violent Criminals, Will Not Oppose SB 54

Supervisor Janice Hahn replaced Don Knabe on the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors in 2016.

The Board has taken a hard-left turn since then. Instead of properly caretaking the needs of California citizens, they are pandering to illegal aliens and their social justice warrior enablers. Labor unions get all the attention and the seats at the table, while the rest of us are expected to pay for it.

Janice Hahn is the daughter of Kenneth Hahn, a civil rights leader who championed American citizens, particularly black Americans who had suffered incredible prejudice around the country. Now they are under attack because of illegal aliens, the mass migration which is pushing them out of their homes in different neighborhoods all over the county.

And let’s not forget all other LA County citizens. What about our rights?

I contact Supervisor Hahn and her staff regarding SB 54, urging her and her colleagues to oppose this terrible “Sanctuary State” law and put the safety of LA County residents first.

Here’s the outrageous response I received:

“Dear Mr. Schaper,


Thank you very much for taking the time to share with us your opinion on SB 54.  However, we must agree to occasionally disagree, and on this matter, we respectfully disagree.  The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department is not an immigration enforcement bureau, and Sheriff McDonnell has said as much.  The Sheriff’s deputies are already woefully understaffed and stretched thin; we do not want to add on collateral duties to their daily jobs that are not part of their mandate.  Immigrants are a vibrant part of our County who work in our tech industries, our hotels, and in our universities.  We celebrate immigrants and all of the positive impacts that they have on our communities.


The Office of Supervisor Janice Hahn”

It absolutely incenses me that our elected officials want to reduce this demonstrably serious issue to nothing more than a point of disagreement. Reasonable individuals can agree or disagree about which flavor of ice cream tastes the best.

When it comes to illegal immigration, public safety, and our elected officials’s respective oaths of office, there can be no debate. SB 54 violates federal law and the United States Constitution, and it makes no difference whether a small class of federal jurists intend to agree or disagree.

The safety of LA County residents cannot be debated, and SB 54 is protecting criminals of all classes from deportation. They should not be in the country, let alone Los Angeles County, and we taxpayers should demand at the very least that our elected officials place our safety at the highest priority.

Hahn is siding with violent criminals and ignoring her oath of office. Notice also that her letter tries to blur the difference between immigrants–those who have entered this country legally–from those who have broken into this country–illegal aliens.

Such a lack of distinction is patently offensive.

I urge every reader to contact the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors and demand that they uphold their oath of office, oppose SB 54, and cooperate with federal immigration officials to ensure safe streets and sound communities in Los Angeles County.

Here is my extended response to the Office of Supervisor Janice Hahn:

Representative Janice Hahn:

CC: Mrs. Eubanks:

Thank you for your writing to me regarding my concerns about SB 54, the so-called “Sanctuary State” law.

I must forcefully challenge the response issued by Mrs. Eubanks and your office.

First, never did I assert that LA County Sheriff must divert his resources to enforce immigration laws. You are not respecting the intent and concerns of my letter.

Second of all, LA County Sheriff Jim McDonnell bravely opposed SB 54 precisely because it is a public safety issue, regardless of one’s stance on immigration. I am disheartened that you, Supervisor Hahn, and your colleagues have differed with LA County’s chief law enforcement officer.

You need to respect his insight and experience and oppose SB 54. With ICE out of LA County jails, immigration enforcement officials have had no choice but to enter local communities, including schools, hospitals, and neighborhoods. These actions endanger our law enforcement and our law-abiding citizenry.

The Los Angeles Times reported that ICE officials were harassed by local activists, and the LAPD officers on duty could not help their fellow brothers in law enforcement:


Immigrant rights activists block Homeland Security van …


A crowd of activists blocked a Homeland Security van late Thursday from accessing the detention center in downtown Los Angeles. The protest started in response to ICE raids this week that led to the detention of more than 100 people.

Such behavior is unbecoming, unconscionable, and unconstitutional. Our federal officials have every right to enforce federal laws in every state of the union, including California. SB 54 directly contravenes federal law regarding the requirements that local and state officials share information regarding the location and release times of illegal aliens arrested, convicted, and incarcerated in our jails. This legislation is placing small business owners and private firms in an impossible bind, as well, since they face prosecution from the state attorney general if they cooperate with ICE, particularly in regards to audits; or they face federal prosecution for not cooperation with ICE in those instances.

Third, having written the above, I must emphasize that SB 54 is protecting violent criminals, allowing them to be released back onto Los Angeles County streets, when they should be turned over to immigration officials. California citizens like Sandra Duran of North Hills and Ronald De Silva of El Monte were killed by illegal aliens who had multiple convictions yet were still released onto our streets or had skirted immigration enforcement.

These deaths should have never happened, and therefore these outcomes are outrageous. You and your colleagues should meet with the Angel Moms and Dads whose children have been murdered by illegal aliens. Then tell them directly to their faces that you choose to stand by this lawless policy.

Fourth, it is offensive to me that your office uses the term “immigrant” as though there is no distinction between among the millions who followed the law to enter this country legally vs. those who broke into this country illegally–they are illegal aliens, not immigrants. By the way, I have never once questioned the good will and worth of law-abiding citizens who entered this as immigrants. Your letter assumes otherwise.

I have many friend who immigrated to this country–i.e. they came legally. They are the Mayor of Westminster Tri Ta; Nick Iaonnidis, the Founder of Immigrants Day; and Agnes Gibboney, whose son Ronald was murdered in El Monte (as mentioned above). They all worked very hard and waited a long time to become citizens.

Last of all, Representative Hahn, you took an oath of office to uphold and defend the United States Constitution. Your decision to disregard that oath and support SB 54, a patently unconstitutional piece of legislation in conflict with our Founding Charter and federal laws, calls into question your judgment and the legitimacy of your office. 

If you will not abide by your oath, then you must resign immediately. I must ask, since your father Kenneth Hahn was a diligent civil rights activist for American citizens, particularly black communities–which have been adversely impacted by illegal immigration–What would your father say to your dereliction of duty?

I will be informing every local official and constituent regarding your unjust decision on this matter. You must speak out against SB 54 and put the safety of American citizens first.


Arthur Schaper

Here is the contact information for the LA County Board of Supervisors:

First District – Hilda Solis

856 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration

500 West Temple Street

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Phone: (213) 974-4111 Fax: (213) 613-1739


Second District – Mark Ridley-Thomas

500 W. Temple Street Room 866.

Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 974-2222


Third District – Sheila Kuehl

821 Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration

500 W. Temple St.

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Phone: (213) 974-3333

Email: sheila@bos.lacounty.gov

Fourth District – Janice Hahn

500 W. Temple Street, Room 822

Los Angeles, CA 90012

Tel: (213) 974-4444


Fifth District – Kathryn Barger

500 West Temple Street, Room 869

Los Angeles, CA 90012

(213) 974-5555


Tell them to put Americans First, tell them to side with law-abiding citizens, the LA County Sheriff, and with the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect LA County residents.

Illegal Immigration

L.A. County to Join Lawsuits Against Census Citizenship Question

I enjoyed my two-hour visit to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors.

It didn’t end as I would have liked it to, but at least citizens spoke out against all the hands-outs and special privileges to illegal aliens at the expense of taxpaying residents.

Nevertheless, Los Angeles County decided to sue the Trump Administration over the common-sense decision to allow the citizenship question into the 2020 census.

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted Tuesday to file or join an amicus brief opposing the federal government’s addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 U.S. Census.

This is just sad. They want to dilute the vote and count all the “non-voting” illegal aliens in the state of California. Ridiculous, yet not surprising, since it’s all about gaining power at the expense of law-abiding citizens.

Supervisor Hilda Solis recommended the move, saying that hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funding are at stake for the county.

“Los Angeles County stands to lose a lot,” Solis said. “Our county has already been ranked as the hardest to count.”

Los Angeles County should lose every dollar, since they openly and repeatedly defy the rule of law. It’s time for this nonsensical lawlessness to end.

An estimated 3 1/2 million immigrants live in the county and the concern is that many will not fill out a census form that inquires about their citizenship status out of fear of deportation, for themselves or loved ones.

“Immigrant” meaning legal or illegal residents? This linguistic double-talk is a shameful sham on so many levels. It just disgusts me. We need more people to speak out and demand that every elected official respect the legal status of all men and women who entered the United States legally.

You are not an immigrant if you broke into this country. You are an illegal alien.

Roughly $400 billion in federal funding for education, public health, transportation and other critical functions are allocated on the basis of the census data.

Congressional seats are also apportioned based on that data.

Supervisor Kathryn Barger said it shouldn’t be a political issue.

Barger has become more and more useless every day. I doubt that she will run for re-election in two years. What is she doing on the Board of Supervisors, if she refuses to take any kind of hard-line lead on principle?

“This is not about documented and undocumented. This is about getting an accurate count,” Barger said.  She said “this county is not sustainable” based on local funding alone.

Then the county needs to start trimming the fat, not demanding more money.

Here’s the video I recorded of the meeting:

Immigration rights advocates and others agreed.

“This is about protecting a 200-year-old institution from being politicized,” said Efrain Escobedo of the California Community Foundation, noting that a citizenship question has not been included in the U.S. Census since 1950.

Citizenship is now considering something that is “politicized”? Wow, this county is in serious trouble. Serious trouble. These immigrant rights activists do not care about immigrant rights at all, because they don’t care about those who did everything right to enter the country.

They only care about bringing in more socialist/communist voters.

Supervisor Janice Hahn, who co-authored Solis’ motion, cited a “level of fear and mistrust in our immigrant communities” that she said wasn’t surprising given an atmosphere of “added aggression” from the current administration.

“We have seen (Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents) come in and round people up, people who have lived here for 35, 40 years,” Hahn said.

They are still criminals, Janice! They shouldn’t be in the country to begin with, and it’s the fault of the federal and state governments for allowing them to get away with it.

The United States is a great country because the country is based on good laws and good arms, and the country must retain a commitment to the rule of law at all costs. There is none when elected officials disdain law-abiding residents, including the men and women who entered this country through the front door–legally.

Here’s the part that I wanted to focus on:

A man wearing a red “Make California Great Again” hat disagreed, called the board’s action corrupt.

“The census is supposed to take note of the citizens in this country, not those who came here illegally,” Arthur Schaper told the board. “We are not a democracy, we are a republic in which the rights of all citizens are protected, regardless of who is in power and regardless of public sentiment.”

I am really proud of those remarks. It’s time that more people started speaking out against the abusive police powers imposed upon us.

The board’s vote was 4-0. Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas was absent from the meeting.

Final Reflection

The LA County Board of Supervisors represents illegal aliens, not American citizens. This is wrong. It must be confronted. I am not sure what it takes to put an end to this rampant lawlessness. We need citizens in LA County to rise up and fight back against all this malevolence. How do we get people off the couch to fight for their rights to live, and to live in peace?