
I Don’t Like Donald Trump But May Vote For Him in 2024 With all His Reprehensible Baggage! (By Don Boys, Ph.D.)

I Don’t Like Donald Trump But May Vote For Him in 2024 With all His Reprehensible Baggage!

By Don Boys, Ph.D.

I Don’t Like Donald Trump But May Vote For Him in 2024 With all His Reprehensible Baggage! « Don Boys (cstnews.com)

The hatred expressed for Trump and all America Firsters by the self-righteous and falsely tolerant people in the world is reminiscent of the worst brutality, barbarism, and bloodshed of history. The acceleration of Democrat-sponsored baby-killing, high taxes, offensive regulations on business owners and individual citizens, stratospheric inflation, public perversion and transgenderism, invasion of our borders, etc., will only accelerate if a Democrat is elected in 2024. The leftist loonies (the BLM and Antifa crowd) want a revolution where they are in control, the homes are decimated, the churches are powerless, and the poor are forever poor and always vote Democrat.

Former President Donald Trump offered himself as the antidote to the above when he announced as a candidate for President in 2024. Without any political experience, he was elected in 2016 and fulfilled many promises, unlike any other President. His America First agenda and his theme of Make America Great Again resonated with patriotic Americans.

I was slow to support him because he appeared to be rude, crude, and even lewd regarding women. He often caused problems with his arrogance and unwarranted, unnecessary, and unseemly attacks on people who disagreed with him. He seems to lack common sense and decency in dealing with critics while some close to him declare he is sensitive to others.

My first choice in 2016 was Cruz; however, that was not to be. America turned to Trump, who made bold promises and managed to keep most of them. Trump was not politically astute, which was clear by not permitting his rough edges to be smoothed. He was too boisterous, too braggadocio, and too bombastic. He refused to be corrected because he thought he was never wrong. He was very careless with his highest appointments, one of my concerns with his wisdom.

In 2017, Donald Trump came with promises of change, and it’s no wonder that his largest share of voters were evangelicals who hoped he would reverse all of Obama’s anti-family and abortion policies. Although Trump did a good job of reversing some bad abortion and other policies, he refused to deal with homosexual “marriage” and even promoted it globally!

If re-elected, it is expected that he would attempt to make sodomy great again. Don’t think ancient Sodom would think that wise. For sure, it would be disgusting, divisive, and disruptive—not what any thoughtful leader wants.

Trump appointed openly homosexual Richard Grenell to serve as the United States Ambassador to Germany from 2018 to 2020. He is a graduate of Evangel University (Assembly of God school in Springfield, Missouri) and Harvard. He lives with a “domestic partner.” He said, “I’m a better Christian for being gay.” His appointment was a slap in the face of every decent person and Christian in America.

I will forgive that major blunder if convinced Trump will “save America.” If another candidate is more promising, I will vote for him.

Trump is proud of his production of the COVID vaccines that have now been shot into the arms of about 6 billion people around the world. I think it will prove to be, if not already, the worst health decision of any American President.

However, he kept his word, especially in putting America first. I can live with him unless another candidate convinces me he or she will make America great again and put America first in every decision made.

There will be other Republican candidates for the presidency, and that could be healthy. Let each one make his or her pitch and criticize each other, permitting us to decide whom to trust to really make America great again.

Trump or any other Republican can win the presidency if he makes the following promises—

My fellow Americans:

America will adhere to a new foreign policy that will keep Americans safe and solve the problem of terrorism. We will return to our roots and follow the wise advice of our Founding Fathers. We will no longer get entangled in foreign alliances. We will no longer meddle in the affairs of other nations nor consider ourselves the policeman of the world. We will always consider first our national interests. We will not presume that we know what is best for other countries. What may be best for us may not be best for them.

We will no longer try to topple governments as we did in Ukraine in 2014 and set up democracies. Of course,we will always encourage liberty everywhere. We will not carpet-bomb cities filled with innocent civilians. We do not believe “total war” is morally right or militarily justified. However, be assured those culpable individuals who attack America will be punished as a deterrent to others.

On my first day in office, I will inform the Mexican Government that they have two weeks to stop the constant flow of illegal aliens crashing our border. If not, the U.S. has many options to help them change their minds and border policy. Furthermore, I will have the Mexican cartels declared as terrorist groups and if the Mexicans can’t or won’t immediately stop the deadly drugs flowing into our nation, I will have our elite troops handle the problem.

Moreover, I will authorize the use of troops on our southern border to secure that border and arrest, fingerprint, and photograph each illegal alien before he or she is deposited forthwith back in Mexico. Any second offenders will be imprisoned and put to work on a Texas or Arizona work or chain gang. Furthermore, any American firm that knowingly hires an illegal alien will be heavily fined. Following a second offense, their business license will be revoked.

Furthermore, I will authorize federal authorities to cooperate with state officials to apprehend all illegal aliens and remove them to the southern border when they can return home.

Also, I will shut the welfare window. No more foreign aid to any nation. We may decide in the future that it is in our best interest to help some nation, but it will be temporary and as unusual as snow in July.

There are 200,000 troops stationed in 177 countries throughout the world, and we will start bringing them home. They will be sent to foreign nations only in event of declared war or in the interests of the U.S. This is not isolationism, but it is an America First policy. Any other policy is insane. Japan, Germany, and the other nations where our troops are stationed must now protect themselves or depend on NATO and similar groups.

Americans don’t hate Muslims or anyone else since it is wrong and unproductive to hate; however, we will no longer plead with Muslims, at home and abroad, to love us. We will no longer express guilt and self-loathing. Federal officials will no longer try to prove that Americans are not racists. It is up to Muslims to prove they are not terrorists!

As to the Middle East, we don’t know what is best! Israel has been a long-time friend of the U.S. and I proved that by moving our embassy to Jerusalem. We will support their right to exist within secure borders and support their right to defend themselves against those who want to “drive them into the sea.”We will not support a Palestinian state carved out of Israel but would support a separate state if it is carved out of surrounding Muslim-dominated nations.

We have disagreements with both the Israelis and the Palestinians. They have both acted uncivilized, unreliable, and undemocratic. They must settle their own affairs, with or without the assistance of surrounding nations. I pray to the God of the Bible that they will solve their differences, but they will do sowithout U.S. dominance or interference.

As to our reliance on Middle East oil, I will on my first day authorize drilling in Alaska, the Gulf of Mexico, and off the coast of California. At that time, I will authorize the opening of the Keystone XL pipeline and its extension. I will also immediately expand the mining of our vast coal supplies.

We will try to be sensitive to the environment and its impact on the climate; however, I believe that people are more precious than plants or bugs or snakes or fish, or spotted owls. Our drilling equipment may cause a caribou here and there to abort her young, or a bear may singe its rear end on our pipeline, but we will live with those tragedies.

American oil will flow. Moreover, of course, we will still buy oil from South America and even Middle Eastern nations; however, we will not buy oil from states that support terrorists. They can pour their excess oil over their pancakes each morning for all we care. Or drink it! This government will no longer pretend that terrorist leaders, kings, dictators, etc., are gracious gentlemen, nor will American officials shake their hands while smiling likeidiots.

We will encourage American entrepreneurs through tax incentives and other measures to pursue the development of alternative fuels.

Individual households and businesses can be assured that taxes will be cut, not raised, while we pay off our national debt by eliminating the Energy Department, Commerce Department, Education Department, and hundreds of unnecessary and overlapping commissions that harass and limit private enterprise. Government assistance will be ended or curtailed to only the neediest cases.

We have some difficult days ahead that will require an adjustment by all of us.

Nevertheless, we see a bright future after a few years of sacrifice. This administration will keep you informed since you are the Boss. You fund our world travels and generous salaries as you do for all Federal employees.

If elected in 2024, I will take the job seriously; therefore, we promise that any further bills that come to the Oval Office from Congress must meet five criteria to qualify for passage: It must be constitutional. It must be necessary. We must be able to afford the proposed law. It must not expand government and limit individual liberty. The last criterion is that it must not undermine the family, decency, and general morality. If a bill does not pass those five criteria, it will not get the required signature.

No doubt there are knees jerking all across America (left ones, of course), and those people can cast their vote for new leadership and these policies in the next election. Until then, learn to live with it. When I am re-elected, I will do as I have promised. And may the God of the Bible bless America! Finally, during this Christmas season, when we honor the birth of Jesus Christ, who died to provide a way of salvation for sinners, I wish the best for you and your family. Good night to everyone.

Of course, like former Presidents Bush, Obama, and Biden, Trump does not have the convictions, courage, or character to make such a statement; however, he could probably win if he espouses most of it. So could any Republican—though none have the backbone to make the speech.

It seems all politicians need a spinal transplant, especially our next President!


MoveOn.org Panicking about MAGA Primary Victories

MoveOn.org cannot move on from President Trump or Steve Bannon.

They have hit peak Trump Derangement Syndrome. Funny Stuff!

Check out their latest appeal for money, money, money!

Dear MoveOn member,

Alerts on too many of our phones on Wednesday morning looked like this:

“Mark Finchem, an adamant election denier and conspiracy theory promoter, won the GOP primary for Arizona’s top election post.”1

“Trump backed Blake Masters is projected to win the Arizona GOP primary to face Sen. Mark Kelly.”2

“Trump backed Tudor Dixon is projected to win the Republican primary to face Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) in November.”3

“Rep Peter Meijer, a Republican who voted to impeach Donald Trump, conceded to John Gibbs, a Trump-endorsed far-right challenger.”4

“Kris Kobach, the former Kansas secretary of state, won the GOP race. He’s made a career out of promoting false election claims.”5

Slowly but surely, state by state, Donald Trump is lining up his lackeys across the country to ensure he has the pawns to rig the presidential election in 2024.

That’s why MoveOn made the unprecedented decision to invest $30 million into the midterms this fall. We knew early on that this year was going to be like no other, and we have been preparing for months to confront it head-on. To turn out exactly the voters who will turn the tide on the primary results of a MAGA Republican Party.

The general elections are next, and we can defeat Trump, just as we did in 2020—but only if we come together.

That’s why we need your help. In order to execute our unprecedented plan (see below) we must have the sustained resources to stop Trump and his acolytes. As his hand-picked marionettes win Republican primary after Republican primary, MoveOn has the plan to stop him. Will you chip in $3 a week to make it all possible? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.) 

Count me in.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t chip in weekly.

Let’s be clear: There’s reason for hope, even amid this litany of dark updates from Republican primaries. More and more polls are giving Democrats hope of holding off a red wave.6 Republican obstruction and overreach is backfiring: In Kansas, a state Trump won by 15 points, voters roundly defeated an amendment to the state constitution to deny people bodily autonomy and self-determination and ban abortion, showing the power of abortion access as a motivating issue for voters.

Democrats in key races are showing strong grassroots fundraising. And Trump’s “MAGA” mentality is alienating swing voters.

Our job is to seize these opportunities, make the most of those glimmers of hope, and execute a plan that can mobilize voters to elect progressive champions who will fight for our democracy and defeat Trump’s cult-like adherents.

Our plan, the largest investment in our 23-year history, is being executed in four phases:

  1. Organize on the ground to build our activist base (ongoing since the beginning of 2022).
  2. Use innovative digital strategies to define our opponents early and rally Democrats and progressives (started months ago).
  3. Blanket carefully targeted states and districts with ads with strategic messaging (testing has begun).
  4. Get our target voters to the polls to defeat Trump’s election deniers, insurrectionists, and fake electors (October 1-November 8).

Every facet of MoveOn is focused on executing this plan—from our staff members to our state-by-state activists to our millions of members—because we know we need to go all-out to stop Steve Bannon and his dark-money PACs.

But we also know that our shared vision of America, where progressive values—that hold up Black and brown voices, that celebrate the humanity of LGBTQ+ youth and people of all ages, that see trans families and disabled people as our strength—will always prevail.

All we need to make sure our plan is executed, and Trump is stopped, are the resources. And that’s where you, Arthur, come in. Please, can you start a $3 weekly donation today to show that you support stopping this Trump momentum?

Count me in.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t chip in weekly.

Thanks for all you do.

–Chris, Seth, Kelly, Emily, and the rest of the team


1. Breaking News, The New York Times, August 3, 2022

2. Political News Alerts, The Washington Post, August 3, 2022

3. Ibid.

4. Breaking News, The New York Times, August 3, 2022

5. Ibid.

6. “Democrats are slightly favored to win the Senate,” FiveThirtyEight, accessed August 4, 2022

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  Paid for with regulated funds by MoveOn.org Political Action, PO Box 96142, Washington, DC, 20090.

Want to support MoveOn’s work? Donald Trump and his allies are methodically enacting a plan to place some of Trump’s most ardent supporters in key election offices that oversee vote counting, have the power to certify—or decertify—election results, and declare election winners and losers. We’ve launched a powerful, multimillion-dollar campaign to stop Trump. But we need your help to power our effort.

Things are not looking good for MoveOn.org. Who is paying for these people, anyway?

They have completely lost their way, completely driven by Trump and Bannon Derangement Syndrome. This is such an irony, when one considers that MoveOn.org started because the Republican Congressional majorities wanted to impeach Bill Clinton for lying under oath to a grand jury. Their response was “Move On!”

Well, they need to move on from Trump, but they just can’t get over the fact that he is building up strengh, stem, and standing in the country, and not just with Republicans and Independent voters. Even some Democrats are starting to peel over to the GOP just because of Trump!


Pro-LGBT Antifa Groomer Pervert Kelly Stuart, aka Karen Gone Wild

 In Los Angeles County, the Antifa hate groups are losing power and legitimacy.

They are so desperate to shut down anyone who speaks the truth, that they go out of their way to shame, defame, and blame anyone else who speaks the truth.

There is one of many Antifa soyboys, frauds, losers, and 

One of the most desperate is Kelly Stuart of El Segundo, aka Karen Stuart, aka Antifa Karen:

Kelly “Karen” Stuart

She loves stalking innocent people, whether in El Segundo, where she lives, or in Torrance, or even in Santa Monica.

She has a problem with people who do not look like her. She seems to have a problem with black people and Jewish people, too.

Check out her latest deranged rant right here, when I was attending the Patriot Pride parade in Santa Monica:

 She was clearly not having a good day that day:

Is anyone really surprised, however?

She harasses women and children repeatedly, and she has declared war on fathers. Her hatred of Asian-Americans like Tony Moon, aka Roof Korean shows what an unrestrained bigot she is.

But the worst part is that she is obsessed with children’s sexuality. That makes her a pervert, a predator, and a groomer.

She is all in on LGBT perversion and indoctrination in the public schools. Anyone who promotes such garbage in the classroom or in the public square–and especially on children–is a pervert, a predator, and a groomer.

And it only gets creepier.

She told me that she was going to follow me around everywhere. Wow! She really has issues.

For some reason, she had a hard time keeping her focus … 

Perhaps she was hoping she could click her ruby slippers (or her mud-caked boots) and repeat: “There’s no place like home.”

She then announced to the crowd people in Santa Monica that she had millions of pictures of me. She is obsessed with me when she is not obsessed with children and harming them.

Of course, she did everything she could to rouse a crowd up against me, and it failed:

I was really impressed with how mature the rest of the people in the park were. They were calm and cool and collected, while Karen Stuart was so busy screaming about getting doxxed, when most people I am pretty sure would not want to be around her for more than five seconds.

She loves screaming about pedophilia, too, because she supports pushing such shameful themes into the public sphere. Anyone who thinks that it is OK to push LGBT anything in the classroom is in league and enabling the abuse of children, and there is no other way to put it. 

Then she started ranting about how she has two kids. I feel sorry for those children. Karen Stuart should not be around children–or adults, or polite society in general.

And why?

Kelly Stuart is OK with students being abused by perverted teachers in the classroom. Of course, because she cannot deny this, she insists on projecting onto everyone else that they are predators, perverts, pedophiles, etc. Antifa is a hate group that targets kids, that wants to pollute children’s minds and harm their bodies. And that pretty much sums up Kelly “Karen” Stuart.

She is a menace to children and adults alike, and thankfully more patriots are standing up to her disgusting, vile, grooming hatred.

In fact, I am happy to share that more people have shared my efforts to expose Antifa Groomers like Kelly Stuart, or should I write “Aunt Tifa”:@theromandrake9 Arthur doesn’t have time for AUNT TIFA doxers who post pictures on the internet of Trump supporters. About20 of them came all to take our pictures in Santa Monica this weekend. #makeamericagreatagain#truml2024♬ original sound – Roman Drake

Oh, and it gets better.

Apparently, my effective confrontation with this and other Antifa Groomers went viral elsewhere:

The way to stand up to perverse hate like Antifa Groomers is to:

1. Confront them

2. Tell the truth about them

3. Expose them

What really disturbs me is that this creepy old lady was determined to follow me around. Did she really think that she was going to make a difference letting people find out what a pervert she is?

Yikes! Not a good look, Granny Karen, er Kelly, er Groomer!