
Planned Murderhood On the Run in … Monterey County!

This development is nothing short of a surprise and a miracle!

Monterey County is one of the bluest counties in the state of California. Salinas, the county seat for the government, is overrun with crime, corruption, and violence in the street. Residents in the area informed me that the city has now become the most crime-ridden in the state–even more than Compton!

This is unthinkable.

And yet, in spite of the increased progressive regression in the region, pro-family forces have chocked up another victory.

Planned Murderhood was making inroads into the Pacific Grove schools, but the parents fought back with legal help, and that evil anti-family hate group was forced to flee.

The Pacific Justice Institute announced the following last week:

Planned Parenthood Presentation Canceled After PJI Warns School
April 3, 2019

Dear Friends,

We’ve just had a very encouraging result here at Pacific Justice Institute that I wanted to share with you.

This past Friday, parents in Pacific Grove (near Monterey) alerted us that Planned Parenthood was coming to teach sex ed in their local middle school starting the first three days of this week—April 1, 2, and 3. We’ve seen their “teaching” materials before, and they are shocking and offensive to most families. The parents were outraged that less than a week’s notice had been given for such controversial presentations.

When our attorneys received this on Friday, there was very little time to act. But we recognized that the school had violated state law with inadequate notice, and we had to take action.

Fortunately, since PJI has been battling for parental rights and against radical groups like Planned Parenthood for more than 20 years, we were able to react very quickly. That same day, our legal team put together and fired off a demand letter explaining the law. Within minutes, just before the end of the day, the principal responded that the Planned Parenthood presentations scheduled for this week had been canceled! Praise God!

Of course, much work remains to be done in this and other school districts. No doubt Planned Parenthood will try again to enter this middle school at a later date. But be encouraged: when it seems like the evil surrounding us is overwhelming, we can still obtain victories—even in the deep blue Central Coast of California.

One of the many tools we’ve developed to help parents understand their rights is a resource answering a number of questions about parental rights in the area of sex education. We also have opt-out forms for more than 40 states. I hope you’ll visit our new website to make sure you have all of these tools at your disposal.

Please also prayerfully consider supporting our work today. The needs are more critical than ever. No one else is able to respond to these types of challenges as quickly and as effectively as we’ve been able to do. We’re depending on you to help us continue our winning streak!

Running the Race,

Brad Dacus, Esq.
Founder and President, Pacific Justice Institute