
110 Ways Citizens Can Make a Difference NOW (From Idaho State Rep. Heather Scott)

110 Ways Citizens Can Make a Difference Now! 
fh At a time when our country and state are in disarray and crisis mode, I am reassessing how I will spend my time and energy to improve government and keep our great Republic intact.  Each of us should do this now, if we want to leave a lasting and positive legacy to future Idaho generations.  I still believe all governing power is in the people and when exercised in positive and purposeful ways, it is still the most powerful tool to overcome any societal issue.   We should never be waiting for a government fix because it is always more expensive, incredibly time consuming, and it discourages interpersonal dialogue.    We need to look no further than this “pandemic” to see how ineffective government can be with its “one size fits all” solutions loaded with hidden agendas and consequences.  In an effort to move towards more self-reliance and less government reliance, I have developed the following list of 110 suggested steps you can start doing today to make a difference and keep our Republic. These are meant to be a starting point and I am sure each of you will think of more.  I encourage you to pick three things to start with and attempt to accomplish them before the November election.  Please vote in November, since the fate of your state and country depends upon it.110 Things You Can Do Now by Rep. Heather ScottUnderstand where your rights come from, what they are, and what unalienable means and be able to explain this to another person.Stop supporting any and all biased media or social networks that distort the truth, censor facts, and stifle free speech.Support local businesses who provide local jobs, help local communities, and respect your rights.Work to change the political campaign finance laws by pressuring your legislators for change and exposing special interest groups and lobbyists who use their influence money to promote increased government regulations, stifle competition, breed crony capitalism, and buy elections.Understand and believe that our Constitution works because all power is in the people, not government.Remind your elected officials regularly that they are there to serve you, the people. You are their boss, and when necessary use your vote to remove them from office.Stop worrying about what others are not doing, or what you think they should do, and take action and responsibility for yourself.Host or be a catalyst for regular gatherings to discuss current issues and solutions with friends and neighbors and develop a plan of action for uncertain times.Turn off your TV and consider opening your Bible.Understand the jurisdictional boundary of every government entity that collects tax or fee money from you to run government programs. Start by looking at your property tax statement.Be educated about your local politics because these issues impact your life much more than national issues.Take a state or federal Constitution class.Respect, and demand respect from your elected officials and unelected bureaucrats, even if they don’t agree with you.Take a civics class.Donate to a candidate who shares your values.Learn what legislative district you live in, who makes the decisions on your behalf at that state level and study their voting records.Learn who your federal congressional representatives and senators are and what congressional district you live in.Meet an elected official for coffee and begin developing a relationship.Attend a school board meeting, observe if and how they respond to public input, and check out their school policies.Take the lead on an issue that needs fixing.Understand regional government and be able to identify regional governing bodies that are making decisions for you.Share your knowledge and skills with others.Know where your line in the sand is when it comes to defending your rights.Build a network of likeminded neighbors and friends so there is strength in numbers when issues arise.Learn how to communicate with elected officials.Learn the state process of making law.Understand state sovereignty and why it is critical to the future of our Republic.Meet your sheriff, understand his authority, and make sure he understands it.Understand the role of your county prosecuting attorney and how they prosecute or defend the current laws.Attend your county commissioners’ regular budget hearings.Help a home school parent with knowledge or a skill you have.Get out of debt and stay out of debt. Live within your means.Attend a town hall meeting.Read your state constitution.Attend a rally, protest, or event to fight for a cause you believe in.Organize an event to educate.Know what precinct you are in, who your committeeman is, and where you vote.Educate your elected officials on your concerns through the sharing of concise facts and real experiences.Run for an elected office or serve on a committee.Support good elected officials that share your values with your time and resources. Recruit people who you trust to represent you at all levels of government.Apply to be a poll watcher or poll worker.Look at your county, city, school, and state budgets and provide input.Look at the state executive budgets and provide input on spending.Treat everyone as an individual, don’t stereotype or group people.Help a candidate that shares your values through the use of a special skill set you may have.Register to vote.Vote.Stop complaining about politicians that are outside of your jurisdiction.Help an elderly or handicapped person get to the polls.Spend a few hours a week with someone under the age of 25 and mentor them.Research your current local elected officials and understand their voting record on all issues.Do a records request to get information on government actions, government contracts or memorandums of understanding for regional agreements.Understand the importance and difference between primary and general elections and share that information with two other people.Understand how long the terms of the elected officials in your area are and when they meet.Join a special interest group or political party that promotes a policy or cause you care about.Home school your children.Read the Declaration of Independence.Work on talking about politics or religion in a respectful way.Attend local meetings: city council, county commissioners, library taxing districts, etc.Volunteer at a local charity and meet new people.Rely on various legitimate media sources to inform yourself on the issues and performance of elected officials.Read a book on history or civics. History will repeat itself so know and understand it.Respect others thoughts and decisions, even if you do not agree.Write a letter to the editor about an issue that concerns you or a candidate you support.Sign wave for a candidate.Help register a new voter.Trade, barter, or share your skills.Put a political sign in your yard.Learn the structure and role of a state agency. There are plenty to pick from in Idaho! Try to help yourself with an issue before running to an elected official (government) to fix your problem.Attend a planning and zoning meeting and look at your county zoning maps.Compare an elected official’s or bureaucrat’s words with his actions and demand an explanation if they conflict.Speak the truth.Stand up to bureaucratic bullying.Encourage your church leaders to teach the whole Bible and address civic, cultural, and political issues.Don’t be afraid to question comments, actions, or policies from elected officials or bureaucrats.Understand “Critical Race Theory”, how it is destroying our country’s foundation and why it is being taught in most of our law schools and government run schools.Educate yourself on who is influencing a candidate’s platform or voting record by looking at their campaign finance reports at the Secretary of State’s website.Publicly expose corruption and crony capitalism any time you encounter it.Put a bumper sticker on your car to promote an issue or candidate.Strengthen your local neighborhood by focusing on issues you agree on, not disagree.Don’t be discouraged when you realize how upside-down government is. Be patient and learn the process.Try to focus on the system of government as much as you focus on the issues in government. The system needs maintenance!Learn to navigate the legislative website to email or call your legislators to let them know how you want them to vote.Build a relationship with a veteran and share their stories with others.Help organize a homeschool co-op or alternative leaning center or donate your location for use.Don’t get bullied by a bureaucrat. Stand up. #EndBureocraticBullyingDon’t ignore the little battles, stand up for what is right.Push back on government overreach and do not submit to tyranny.Remain vigilant.Learn to be self-sufficient and provide for others.End your support for businesses who don’t share American valuesUnderstand what administrative rules are and how you can change them.Understand how to influence your elected official.Start being the leader you have waited for.Simplify your message to bullet points.Promote healthy conversations and debate.Offer solutions, not problems.Donate a book of stamps to a candidate or help them stuff envelopes.100.  Write a bill to change or eliminate a law.101.  Know what the law says and where to find it.102.  Understand the limitations and the authority of the elected official you are asking help from.103.  Visit your courthouse and sit in on a few trials to better understand the judicial system.104.  Establish your credibility by offering good, truthful information.105.  Defend our country.106.  Report disrespectful treatment by government workers to their supervisors.107.  Let government officials and bureaucrats know when they are doing a good job.108.  Don’t complain about things you are not willing to work hard to change.109.  Stop waiting for someone else to tell you what you should be doing, take initiative, and lead.110.  Pray for our country and state and our elected leaders daily. Ultimately, we are the government, and we will get the government and society we allow.  We owe it to our founding fathers, our veterans and our families to do everything in our power to avoid violence or a civil war.  What will we give to the next generation?

BREAKING: Pacific Justice Institute Sues Los Angeles over Vaccine Mandates

PJI sues to halt City of Los Angeles from cheating employees out of religious accommodations
 September 15, 2021
Media Contact: Brad Dacus, 916-616-4126 (Spanish: 206-257-3239)LOS ANGELES—Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) and affiliate attorney Daniel Watkins filed a federal lawsuit last week on behalf of Los Angeles Police Department employees to bar the City from depriving employees of their rights to seek religious accommodations to the COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
The City announced a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on August 20, 2021, for not only full-time and part-time City employees, but also individuals such as volunteers, interns, 120-day retired employees, and elected officials. The City set a deadline of September 7 for employees to submit religious accommodation requests and comply with mask requirements, physical distancing, weekly COVID-19 testing, and vaccine training.
However, neither the City nor the LAPD implemented a procedure to submit or review religious accommodation requests before the deadline, leaving hundreds of LAPD employees with no choice but to submit religious accommodation requests without direction.
The LAPD obstructed the processing of nearly half of those religious accommodation requests and has not yet processed the rest. Unvaccinated LAPD employees who sought accommodations have since endured an onslaught of hostile demands, threats of being terminated, and accusations from commanding officers, such as statements that they lack “sympathy and caring” for COVID-19 issues and that they are “unfit to wear the uniform.”
On Friday, September 10, the City at last provided an online portal for employees to submit their accommodation requests. But the City announced that the portal would close on Monday, September 13, and would not accept requests submitted outside the short 72-hour window.
“PJI stands with these LAPD employees who, instead of being provided an avenue to exercise their constitutional and statutory rights to request accommodations, were shamed and cheated out of those rights by their own Department,” stated Brad Dacus, President of PJI. “We have asked the court to require the City to respect and immediately accommodate employees who have sincerely held religious beliefs.”
PJI and Daniel Watkins of Watkins & Letofsky, LLP initiated this case, Burcham, et al. v. City of Los Angeles, et al., Case No. 2:21-cv-07296, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. To see the Complaint filed in this case, click here.
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Tolerant and Inclusive: Man Pretending to Be A Woman Takes Liberty and Rights, But Threatens Anyone Who Disagrees with Him with Lawsuits

 Gina Roberts bullies women who do not agree with his delusion.

He got into an extended discussion on Facebook some time ago, in which he went out of his way–yes, HIS–to justify his decision to pretend to be a woman and make everyone else go along with the fraud.

Just to recap, here he celebrates getting elected President of the Escondido Republican Women Federated:

When I questioned him about this, here are the responses that I received from him:

A man pushes this lie that he is a woman.

He then claims that this is “pro-rights” and “pro-liberty”. Really.

Of course, I had more words to respond to that:

Notice that in order to enforce his “right” to use a women’s restroom, he has “3 or 4 organizations to file and fight the lawsuit for me.”

So, this man pretending to be a woman, who claims that he is pro-rights and pro-liberty, is all about using the force of government and legal bullying to get his way and make everyone expect the lie that he is a she.


Oh, and it gets better–or worse:

Earlier in the above thread, Gina played the “Christianity” and “Jesus” card, as though to make me feel bad for speaking the truth and calling out Gina’s behavior. That did not work. I cited Jesus’ own words during His earthly ministry, in which he outlined clearly and completely that God made them “male and female.” God did a good job, and there is no reason for anyone person to push back on this:

“Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth. Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, What makest thou? or thy work, He hath no hands?” (Isaiah 45:9)

Gina tried every effort to shame me and threaten with lawsuits, but I am not intimidated by this.

Of course, this is not the first time that MR. Gina Roberts has brought up lawsuits and legal action:

For the longest time, people have rebuffed concerns from people such as myself about this LGBT agenda. They would tell me “Arthur, just live and let live. This has nothing to do with you. What do you care what two consenting adults do in private, or whether a man wants to pretend that he is a she?”

This is the reason why. The above examples are reasons why. This nonsense, this fraud is corrupting our culture, and teaching people to embrace lies and endorse delusions. This hurts children. This makes public spaces unsafe and insecure. This promotes laws and undermines the fundamental fabric of trust and truth which is essential for men and women to dwell safely and live freely.

This LGBT agenda is a political force that demands and demands, all while claiming to be tolerant and inclusive. This is not tolerance. This is tyranny, and it must be rebuffed and rejected full-bore and outright.

Contact the Escondido Republican Women Federated, the California Republican Women Federated, and the National Federation of Republican Women, and DEMAND that the Escondido chapter remove the man pretending to be a woman, or demand that leadership strip the charter away from the federated group entirely.

Escondido Republican Women Federated:

Phone Number: (760) 224-9281

Email: EscondidoRWF@cfrw.org

Linda Alvarez, President, Escondido Republican Women Federated

Email: republicanlinda@gmail.com

Darlene Hansen, Co-President

Email: jandfam@gmail.com

California Republican Women Federated

Click on this link

National Republican Women Federated

Phone Number: (703) 548-9688

Email: lmatro@nfrw.org

President Ann Schockett, National Federation of Republican Women

Email: aschockett@nfrw.org


LGBT Non-Discrimination Has Created Discrimination Against Natural Law and Decency

What Has Sexual-Orientation Non-Discrimination Wrought?

Three upscale hotels in downtown Cleveland host depraved BDSM event.

By Amy Contrada

May 18, 2018

CAUTION: Graphic content.

In the last decade, there’s been an explosion of “gay” BDSM (homosexual sadomasochist) events hosted by upscale big-city hotels.  Truly, it’s out of control.
During this last weekend in April, a depraved orgy dubbed CLAW (Cleveland Leather Awareness Weekend) is taking over three downtown Cleveland hotels: the Westin, Hampton Inn, and DoubleTree.

Based on the workshop descriptions and items available for rental, many of the conference rooms, hallways, and private rooms may be spattered with blood, ejaculate, feces, and urine.

The CLAW organizer admits that the weekend is just one big orgy. Here’s his description:

The draw is it’s a bunch of masculine men in leather and gear, cruising for sex … we have a huge vendor mart, about 35 workshops and discussion groups on various things like BDSM skills, community and peer groups…  we do a big showcase, a runway kind of thing on Friday night featuring the vendors and just some hot young guys…  It’s a live auction, right in the center of the lobby on Saturday night, of these three young men who have each had their cock cast in silicone — medical grade silicone, by one of our sponsors SquarePeg Toys [which sells anal fisting dildos].  And so it’s an auction with these nice looking guys and you actually get to take their cock home with you.

A “gay” website describes a similar BDSM event, “International Mr. Leather,” held at the Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago in 2015:

The entire hotel is converted into a pleasure dome, with all sorts of kinky happenings, over the course of the weekend.  The lobby becomes a buzzing, high-end leather bar, with the mild scent of rubber and rawhide lingering in the air. The ballrooms turn into dance parties, and the hallways are converted into cruising grounds.  The whole building transforms into something resembling a bathhouse (but with nicer carpets and lighting)…  A room at the hotel costs much more than the typical bathhouse, but that was the biggest difference between the two.

“Gay” bathhouses are infamously linked to the spread of AIDS and other diseases, but about 70 continue to operate in many cities in the U.S. Now, some upscale hotels are (at least temporarily) turning into bathhouses. Where are the CDC and local health departments when we need them?

BDSM-affirming research admits that BDSM participants have a high rate of mental disorders (25% have attempted suicide; about 40% suffer from anxiety and depression), twice the incidence of Hepatitis C, and ten times the incidence of HIV/AIDS as the general population.

In other words, major corporations are knowingly allowing their hotels to become public health hazards – both for the event participants, and the innocent guests who follow. These hotels will never be clean again. Traveler beware!

How have we arrived at this low point?

Ever since homosexuality was declassified as a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association (in 1973) – for political, not scientific, reasons – open depravity has been growing like a malignant tumor.

Then came state and local laws, plus corporate policies, demanding “non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation” – a term undefined in the law. Applied to public accommodations (such as hotels), these laws result in the defilement of public places affecting all of us.

While sexual orientation is referenced in laws, it’s intentionally left undefined. Sometimes, a specific perversion not to be protected (such as pedophilia) will be singled out in a statute, but what exactly sexual orientation does include is not spelled out.

Ryan Anderson at the Heritage Foundation notes:

SOGI [sexual orientation/gender identity] laws could … have serious unintended consequences.  These laws tend to be vague and overly broad, lacking clear definitions of what discrimination on the basis of “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” mean and what conduct can and cannot be penalized.  These laws would impose ruinous liability on innocent citizens for alleged “discrimination” based on subjective and unverifiable identities, not on objective traits…  Under SOGI laws, acting on … [religious or moral] beliefs in a commercial or educational context could be actionable discrimination.

The Supreme Court recently gave the BDSM community a huge green light in the 2013 ruling, Lawrence v. Texas. Sodomy and related perversions conducted in private were no longer to be considered criminal (though still not declared a “fundamental right”).

Justice Scalia noted that ruling was “a massive disruption of the current social order.”  Homosexual sodomy (and its variations) is not a fundamental right because it is not “deeply rooted in this Nation’s history and tradition.”  Scalia declared, “there is no right to ‘liberty’ under the Due Process Clause.”

Yet in the current legal environment, SOGI anti-discrimination laws are used to protect sodomy in all settings, not just private homes.

But where is the legal definition (or ruling) requiring these filthy sadomasochistic practices be protected under the umbrella of sexual orientation?

The pro-LGBT Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law quotes as authoritative the definition of sexual orientation from the Yogyakarta international law conference (2006):

Sexual orientation is understood to refer to each person’s capacity for profound emotional, affectional and sexual attraction to, and intimate and sexual relations with, individuals of a different gender or the same gender or more than one gender.

How can that cuddly description possibly include the abusive practices that go on at a BDSM event: fisting, scat (feces play), rimming (anus licking), felching (sucking ejaculate & feces from the partner’s anus), electric shock play, watersports (urine play), puppy play, master/slave, erotic asphyxiation, “authentic crucifixion,” the Rack, whips, lashes, chains, ropes, mummification, saline injections in the genitals, metal rods in the urethra, sex toys (including fist-shaped dildos), live demonstrations, XX-rated video and costume sales, nude parties, etc.

You can see CLAW’s workshops here.  Brace yourself. Some workshops will take place in the hotels, some in nearby “gay” bars and “dungeons.”  And the attendees will practice their skills in their private hotel rooms. You can be sure that the follow-up cleaning will not adequately sterilize these public accommodation spaces. Yet local health authorities are hands-off.

Too many have been duped to believe banning such events would be discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. And the sexual radicals are using the vagueness in the law for all it’s worth. So, we see unbelievably degraded “workshops” taking place in upscale hotels all over the country.

Who will challenge CLAW given that it is an IRS 501(c)3 approved group?  CLAW describes itself as a “national leather charity.”  As of 2018, it had donated $800,000 to radical LGBTQ groups, including those focused on youth (GLSEN, PFLAG, and various LGBT youth centers). Other recipients of CLAW funds are the Chicago Leather Archives & Museum, pride organizations, National LGBTQ Task Force, National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, Woodhull Foundation, various “LGBT rights” advocacy groups, Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, HIV-AIDS groups, leather groups, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, etc.

Online advertisement for the CLAW event. Note actual bloody lashing.

The fact that CLAW funds youth groups, GLSEN, and PFLAG shows that these people are grooming our youth. This is not hyperbole.  In May 2009, the Massachusetts Commission on LGBTQ Youth (an official government agency) held its annual “Youth Pride” parade and fair. Ending the day was a queer prom at Boston City Hall where teens were greeted as they entered by “Mr. Boston Leather” handing out his “business” card (with information leading them to leather groups).  Too many young men especially are being seduced by social acceptance of this depravity.

The corporations allowing these events – MarriottHilton, and other hotel chains – ought to be ashamed.  They are allowing their properties to be polluted while keeping this fact from the public.

The slippery slope is real. It is time to overturn SOGI non-discrimination laws.

Amy Contrada is the author of Mitt Romney’s Deception (2011) and various MassResistance reports.  She has degrees from Tufts and Brown, plus a diploma in violin making.  See AmyContrada.com for more of her work.


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MassResistance, Pro-Family

MassResistance: Baker Gets Burned, Pro-Family Scott Lively Forces Primary

In a win for the pro-family movement in uber-liberal Marx-achusetts, MassResistance members and speaker Scott Lively wow-ed the Mass GOP crowd during their convention and forced incumbent RINO Governor Charlie Baker into a primary.

This is YUGE.

Keep in mind, everyone, that you are talking to a life-long Republican who wants Republicans to win. But there is no value in having a Republican in office when they sell out the principles on which they ran for office. Even worse, when an incumbent undermines the foundational principles of our Judeo-Christian culture, he hurts everyone.

I really admire that MassResistance is fighting the culture wars and doesn’t spare their outrage for either party. Elected officials must work for the best interests of the people whom they serve. That has not been happening in Marxachusetts for the last thirty plus years, and it’s time to Make Massachusetts Great Again.

That includes forcing the governor to respect natural law and natural rights, which Baker threw away to make nice with the liberal loonies running Beacon Hill–and who cares if he dressed down the Corner Office!

Go Scott Lively Go! Check out the report from MassResistance:

Scott Lively upends Mass. State GOP Convention – gets 28% of convention vote for Governor!

Forces primary race against incumbent (RINO) Republican Charlie Baker!

Overcame massive campaign by establishment to stop Lively.

Also at convention: Huge pro-family wins in other major races.

May 2, 2018

Scott Lively during his speech before the Mass. GOP State Convention. It was a barn-burner! [All photos and video by MassResistance.]

In what can be considered the greatest Massachusetts pro-family victory in many years, Pastor Scott Lively shocked the GOP establishment (and the liberal media) at the Massachusetts State Republican Convention of the 2,300 delegates, held on April 28 at the DCU Center in Worcester. Lively clinched an official nomination for governor by receiving 28% of the convention vote against the current GOP governor, Charlie Baker, who is running for re-election. Lively will now run in a primary against Baker on Sept. 4. He accomplished this despite a massive effort by the GOP establishment to keep him from getting on the ballot. His speech before the convention (see video below) was a barn-burner that went right at the Governor.

Lively’s supporters made themselves very visible.

A lot of Lively supporters also word “Make America Great Again” hats to show their support for President Trump — whom Baker distances himself from — along with “Governor Lively” stickers.

A terrible RINO as Mass. Governor

Over the last four years, Governor Charlie Baker has become beloved in the liberal press, but has been a nightmare for the GOP conservatives. Baker is enthusiastically pro-abortion, pro-LGBT, anti-Trump, and brags about “working across the aisle” with the Left.

Just of a few of Baker’s outrages:

  • He released a campaign video supporting “gay marriage”.
  • He filled much of his administration with liberal Democrats.
  • He signed the transgender “bathroom bill” into law.
  • He raised over a million dollars to unseat conservative members of the GOP State Committee
  • He announced that he would provide funding for Planned Parenthood if they lost federal funding.
  • His state budget included $1.4 billion to fight “climate change.”
  • He refused to meet with Vice President Pence when he was recently in town.
  • And much more.

All the while, Baker has been openly hostile to conservatives while friendly to liberals of all stripes.

Lively jumps into the race

Many remember that Scott Lively also ran for Governor four years ago as an Independent. He received only about 1% of the vote. But he got his feet wet, participated in some candidate debates, and a lot of people got to know him.

Back in December, Scott Lively announced that he would run against the Charlie Baker – this time as a Republican. Massachusetts needs conservative principles, and the Massachusetts GOP needs to be sent a strong message, said Lively. (See the website.) He was quickly welcomed by Republican activists across the state.

But getting on the Republican ballot is not easy. Besides getting the state-mandated 10,000 signatures, a Republican candidate for statewide office must also get at least 15% of the votes of delegates at the annual GOP convention. Many have failed at that. The GOP establishment is known for using sleazy tactics to keep conservatives off. Four years ago Mark Fisher barely squeaked by after the establishment tried to cheat him out of votes, but MassResistance videoed the count proving he actually made it. (Our video ended up costing the GOP $240,000 to settle Fisher’s subsequent lawsuit over it.)

Huge effort to keep Lively from getting 15% of the convention vote

Both the Baker campaign and the Mass. GOP establishment wanted the Governor to avoid having a primary opponent, especially someone as articulate as Lively. But they also knew there is great dissatisfaction and anger at Baker from conservatives.

So the Baker campaign embarked on a large, expensive campaign to persuade delegates to vote for him – or at least reject Lively by simply “blanking out” the ballot. Mailings, phone calls, personal pressure, etc. – including a vicious under-the-radar effort to discredit and demonize Lively personally. It lasted right up until the vote at the convention. We have rarely seen anything like it. More details on that coming up.

The Baker campaign had dozens of campaign workers in green shirts (with “18” on the back) with clipboards, to buttonhole delegates they believed were voting for LIvely.

The Baker army really worked the crowd.

A barn-burner speech by Lively

When it came to giving their convention speeches, the Governor spoke first. It was a fairly standard (and boring) stump speech, re-tooled a bit for the more conservative crowd. He talked about what he considered his accomplishments over the last four years and how he differed from the Democrats who control the state. He claimed credit for the economic turn-around. He never referred to Lively, either directly or indirectly.

Lively’s banner that hung over the convention hall proceedings.

Then Scott Lively spoke. He was on fire (being a pastor helps with that)! He held nothing back. He lit right into the Governor. He talked about the terrible failings of the current administration and its liberal direction. When Lively talked about his support for President Trump he got loud cheers from the audience. He talked about his conservative vision for Massachusetts compared to the RINO-like GOP establishment. As his banner at the convention says, Lively is “Pro-Life, Pro-Gun, Pro-Business, and Pro-Trump.” He exhorted his supporters not to “blank out” their ballots, but to vote boldly!

VIDEO of Scott Lively speech before Mass. GOP Convention

NOTE: We are fixing the flicker problems. New version being uploaded!

Not happy campers. During Scott Lively’s speech, State GOP Chairman Kirsten Hughes (left) and National Committeeman Ron Kaufman were not enjoying themselves.

But most of the delegates seemed seemed spellbound as Lively’s tore apart the GOP establishment and talked about conservative values.

When the votes were counted – this time electronically, by an outside firm – Scott Lively shocked the Baker people and the establishment by getting nearly 28% of the delegates’ votes. They were visibly stunned.

Almost immediately after the vote, Gov. Baker (second from right) exited through a back door of the DCU Center.

The liberal media reacts

Within hours the major Massachusetts newspapers had articles posted about Lively making the ballot. One could tell that the reporters were seething under the surface. The Boston Globe’s State House reporter continued to call Lively a “fringe candidate.”

The other major pro-family victories at the convention!

According to the GOP Convention rules, the candidate who gets more than 50% of the delegate votes becomes the official “endorsed” candidate for that office in the primary. That can be important! If there are several candidates who get at least 15% but no one breaks 50%, they keep voting until someone gets over 50%.

Besides the Governor’s race, there were two offices where there were multiple candidates: Attorney General (to run against incumbent Democrat Maura Healey) and United States Senator (to run against incumbent Democrat Elizabeth Warren).

The anti-establishment wave was definitely felt:

For the Attorney General primary, Jay McMahon, a strong pro-family, pro-Second Amendment candidate won the endorsement, against Dan Shores. Jay is the real thing!

For the U.S. Senate primary, Geoff Diehl won the endorsement (after multiple floor votes) against John Kingston, an anti-Trump millionaire businessman, and Beth Lindstrom, a RINO from the Romney administration who was the favorite of the establishment. Geoff is currently a State Rep and one of the few who doesn’t sell out his conservative principles to the GOP leadership. He co-chaired the Trump-for-President campaign in 2016.

MassResistance table at the convention!

This year MassResistance had a table at the GOP convention. And we didn’t hold back, either. Of course, we were prominently selling our book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality.But to reinforce the point, we were also selling our bare-knuckled “culture war” stickers.

The MassResistance table.

Our stickers (and book) were quite popular!

We didn’t anticipate was that our stickers would be quite popular, particularly with the younger crowd! Even some employees of the DCU Center bought some. We get the distinct feeling that people are tired of mealy-mouthed pro-family groups – and are looking for real culture-war fighters!

What would a GOP convention be without an LGBT table? This one was opposing the upcoming Mass. ballot question to repeal the “bathroom bill” that Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law last year.

What this means

For Scott Lively to get on the primary ballot against a sitting Governor – and getting over a quarter of the GOP convention delegates’ votes – is the Republican establishment’s worst nightmare. Dr. Lively is intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable on all the issues, a powerful speaker, and rock solid on everything pro-family and conservative. We’re not holding our breath for the Governor to agree to debate Lively in the primary.

Plus, Scott Lively doesn’t bend. That’s why the grassroots delegates like him – and why the liberals and RINOS hate him so much. They are often very hostile to what Lively has said or written, but when challenged they ultimately can’t claim that he’s factually incorrect.

Scott Lively is not simply “working the system,” but is taking the fight directly to our opponents. This is what should be happening across America (and beyond). The time for fearful, mealy-mouthed conservatives is over. We believe that Scott Lively represents a winning culture-war strategy. This will be an interesting summer in Massachusetts!

Brian Camenker of MassResistance (right) with Scott Lively and Greg Neffinger, his campaign manager and former Mayor of West Springfield, MA.


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