
Senate Conservatives Fund: Update on Endorsed US Senate Candidates

Senate Conservatives Fund

Our seven endorsed candidates for the U.S. Senate are all running strong, competitive campaigns, but they need help to win.

Please read the updates below and then make a contribution to support their campaigns.

Mike Braun (R-IN)
MIKE BRAUN – Indiana

Businessman Mike Braun (R-IN) raised $2.5 million in the past quarter and currently has a slight lead over Senator Joe Donnely (D-IN) in the polls. It’s not surprising that Donnelly is now ducking debates with Braun and is spending millions on attacks against him. Braun released a new TV ad to set the record straight and he’s working hard to spread his message as a conservative outsider. This race gives Republicans one of the best pick-up opportunities across the country.

Donate to Mike Braun.

Patrick Morrisey (R-WV)

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is back to his old trick of pretending to be a centrist. In his latest act, he said Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) could “kiss my you know what” when asked about Schumer’s efforts to pressure Manchin to oppose President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. It’s clever posturing to get favorable headlines in West Virginia, but the truth is Manchin has benefited from millions of dollars from Schumer and his liberal campaign machine and will be a loyal supporter after the election. Morrisey currently trails Manchin by 6 points in the average of public polls, but he can close that gap if he has the funds to set the record straight.

Donate to Patrick Morrisey.

Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)

The new vacancy on the Supreme Court highlights the importance of the U.S. Senate race in Tennessee and shows why electing U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) is critical. Former Governor Phil Bredesen (D-TN) was hand-picked and personally courted by Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to run for the Senate. There’s no question that he will be bad on judges and must be defeated. Bredesen is well-known in the state and currently leads Blackburn by 5 points in the average of public polls. The Democrats will go all-out to win this race because they know it’s the key to taking back the majority in the Senate. Meanwhile, many establishment donors within Tennessee think they can “work with” Bredesen and so they are backing their old pal instead of Blackburn. This goes to show how important conservative grassroots support will be in this race!

Donate to Marsha Blackburn.

Ted Cruz (R-TX)
TED CRUZ – Texas

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) continues to keep his promises and fight for less government and more freedom. He’s one of the leaders in the Senate when it comes to confirming good judges and he has vocally stood up for strong immigration enforcement at a time when many liberals want to abolish ICE and have open borders. Cruz’s conservative leadership has made him a top target of the left, which is why his opponent, U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), is raising tens of millions of dollars. Cruz leads O’Rourke by 8 points in the average of public polls, but conservatives cannot take this race for granted.

Donate to Ted Cruz.

John James (R-MI)
JOHN JAMES – Michigan

Combat veteran and businessman John James (R-MI) continues to gain support in the Republican primary election for U.S. Senate. But he faces a real challenge from Sandy Pensler (R-MI), a liberal “Republican” who first ran for Congress in 1992. He’s using $5 million of his own personal fortune to attack James on the airwaves and to drown out the voices of the conservative grassroots. Pensler is pro-choice, he favors government-run health care, and he is highly critical of President Trump. That’s why conservatives must unite and help John James win this critical nomination.

Donate to John James.

Matt Rosendale (R-MT)

Coming off the primary victory, State Auditor Matt Rosendale (R-MT) is raising money at a faster rate and is gaining in the polls. In June, he trailed Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) by eight points, but a month later he only trails by 3 points. Senator Tester continues to do everything he can to convince the voters that he’s one of them, but his record is one of a very liberal politician. Vice President Mike Pence will be in Montana later this month to campaign for Rosendale in what is one of the biggest battleground races in the country. If voters learn the truth about “two-faced Tester,” Rosendale will win.

Donate to Matt Rosendale.

Josh Hawley (R-MO)
JOSH HAWLEY – Missouri

A new poll shows State Attorney General Josh Hawley overtaking Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) by two points (48% Hawley, 46% McCaskill). Hawley still trails McCaskill in the average of public polls by one point, but he’s moving in the right direction. McCaskill continues to duck debates with Hawley and will likely oppose the nomination of Brett Kavanagh to the U.S. Supreme Court. This race gives conservatives a major pick-up opportunity, but Hawley will need a lot of help to make sure Missouri voters know the truth about McCaskill and her liberal record.

Donate to Josh Hawley.

The stakes are very high. Control of the Senate is on the line as well as the future of many important policy debates.

Thank you for your support.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF

Donald Trump, Election 2018

Senate Conservatives Fund: YUGE Victory in West Virginia for MAGA Agenda

I can’t withhold my joy following the May 8th, 2018 primaries in four states:

1. Indiana

2. North Carolina

3. Ohio

4. West Virginia

The US Senate GOP primary in West Virginia was not only contentious, but worrisome. Would establishment candidate Evan Jenkins make it? What about that Blakenship guy, a convicted felon who had violated mining laws and endangered the lives of his workers?

The best candidate was — and it — Patrick Morrisey. A conservative, concerned citizen, and well-read attorney general is the best candidate going forward to fight for working West Virginians.

But … within days of the primary, it looked as if the convicted felon was going to win the primary. The shock poll had everyone worried.

But … Morrisey pulled it off!

Here’s the full report from the Senate Conservatives Fund:

Senate Conservatives Fund
Patrick Morrisey (R-WV)

We are very proud to report that Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, our endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate in West Virginia, won the Republican nomination yesterday.

Morrisey won this race despite the fact that Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his political machine supported liberal Congressman Evan Jenkins (R-WV) and despite the fact that he was massively outspent by Don Blankenship (R-WV).

This is a major victory for conservatives, but now we need to help Morrisey defeat liberal Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV).

Please help replace a liberal Democrat with a strong conservative by making a contribution to Patrick Morrisey’s campaign.

SCF will pay all processing fees and transfer 100% of your contribution to his grassroots campaign.

Individuals are allowed to donate up to $2,700 to Morrisey for the general election and couples can give up to $5,400. But any amount will help him get his message out, win this seat, and become a powerful voice for conservatives in the Senate.

Please make a contribution of $25, $50, $100, or more to Patrick Morrisey’s U.S. Senate campaign.

Thank you for making this victory possible. Your support for SCF and Patrick Morrisey has put us in a place where we can elect someone who will truly fight for our principles.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF

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Now, what about Joe Manchin, the embattled incumbent?

Well, he was facing a primary challenge from the left, a Bernie-crat socialist who wanted the government to do more for the hurting West Virginians, when government excesses are causing the rising poverty and privation.

Men need work, and Washington DC has spent more time undermining the working classes and backbone industries which have made America great and kept the country independent from foreign influence and intervention.

Manchin won his primary, but with 60% of the vote. Nearly 40% of West Virginia Democrats wanted someone else besides Manchin. This guy is not only facing a tough general election, but it looks as though the state is going to become a GOP sweep from top to bottom.

There is no way Manchin can survive now, especially with a candidate so well-liked by the President and the manifold coalition of Trump supporters who define West Virginia today.


The Establishment is Striking Back! Defend Conservative US Senate Candidates!

Senate Conservatives Fund

I’m writing to share some important information with you related to three critical U.S. Senate elections.

Please take a minute to read this update and then take action to help build a conservative Senate!

Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) just can’t stop helping the Democrats. It was bad enough that he helped President Obama enact the Iran nuclear deal and now he’s doing everything he can to undermine conservative Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in her bid for the U.S. Senate. In fact, he’s rooting for her opponent!

This week, Corker went out of his way to praise Phil Bredesen (D-TN). “I think he’s got real appeal — I don’t think it, I know it,” Corker told reporters at a breakfast in Washington. “He was a very good mayor, a very good governor, a very good business person,” Corker said.

Senator Corker is apparently so upset that Republicans in Tennessee want him to retire that he’s decided to help the Democrats. Unfortunately, this will make it even harder for Marsha Blackburn to win this race.

Please don’t let liberal Bob Corker get his wish. Make a contribution to Marsha Blackburn’s U.S. Senate campaign today.
Patrick Morrisey (R-WV)
The Republican primary in West Virginia is a race between conservative state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey (R-WV), liberal Congressman Evan Jenkins (R-WV), and former coal-executive Don Blankenship (R-WV).

Morrisey will fight for our principles, Jenkins will lock arms with Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and betray us, and Blankenship will likely lose to Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) given the fact that he went to prison for mine safety violations.

Now is the time for conservatives to dig deep and help Patrick Morrisey win this race.

He’s being attacked by Evan Jenkins on TV and he needs help to respond so West Virginia Republicans know the truth about his record. Also, early voting begins next week so it’s important for Morrisey to get help soon.

Please don’t let Mitch McConnell elect another RINO. Make a contribution to Patrick Morrisey’s campaign today.
Ted Cruz (R-TX)
Not only did liberal Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) raise a whopping $6.7 million in the first quarter of 2018 for his campaign to unseat Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), but now there’s a new poll showing him trailing Cruz by only 3 points!!

The Quinnipiac University poll found 47% support for Cruz and 44% for O’Rourke.

The poll surveyed registered voters as opposed to likely voters so it’s an imperfect measurement of the race. But … and this is important … the poll shows that if O’Rourke and the Democrats find a way to increase their voter turnout, they could win this race.

Conservatives ignore this race at their own peril. We must continue to help Senator Cruz raise the funds he needs to compete with his opponent’s fundraising machine.

Please don’t let this gun-grabbing, open-borders, tax-and-spend liberal win. Make a contribution to Ted Cruz’s campaign now.
Thank you for being part of our team and for doing so much to support conservative leadership in Washington.

Ken Cuccinelli II
Ken Cuccinelli II
Senate Conservatives Fund
@KenCuccinelli / @SCF

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We’re working to mobilize grassroots conservatives across the country to help elect principled candidates. Please support our efforts with a contribution to Senate Conservatives Fund today.