
You Can Count on MassResistance to Fight — Can MassResistance Count on You?

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MassResistance Update
October 8, 2019
Can MassResistance count on you?
Recently MassResistance got a very generous offer from one of our loyal donors. He said that if we can raise $50,000 from our supporters he will match it with a $50,000 donation! At this point we have only $18.777 to go!
As you know, MassResistance is the premier on-the-ground pro-family group in America – probably in the world. Other organizations write about and analyze what’s happening. We are there doing it!

This donation will directly help us organize and mobilize parents and citizens – in the schools, public libraries, city councils, legislatures, and in the streets! There are all kinds of costs associated with these efforts. We don’t have the massive corporate and government funding that the LGBT groups and Planned Parenthood does to push their agendas. But we can still beat them.

Nobody else does takes on the “culture war” the way we do! We’re able to do our job because of you. YOU are part of this counter-revolution! Every single dollar counts! Please donate to help us reach this important goal.

This goal is crucial. I will be keeping you informed of the progress through these emails.


Brian Camenker, President


One of the California MassResistance local planning meetings, led by our San Diego MassResistance leader (standing at left).
Not afraid: During a MassResistance protest, this mother had this to say to the “pro-Drag Queen” LGBT activists targeting young children in her local public library.

For all recent posts see our website.

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WalthamMA 02454

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Welcome to the Counter-revolution! MassResistance, The Only Pro-Family Group That Fights the Culture War

Welcome to the counter-revolution!

Being honest about what is really going on in the “culture war”

August 6, 2019

Occasionally people ask, “How is MassResistance different and why should I support the organization?”

The answer is that MassResistance exists because of a terrible situation that’s only getting worse. We are here to turn it around.

For over twenty years, the LGBT movement has had one overriding obsession: your children.

  1. First it was the high schools. Starting in the 1990s, they began putting in “gay clubs” in high schools across the country, followed by “Gay and Lesbian Awareness” assemblies, “Coming Out” days, and “Day of Silence” events. Later came “Safe Spaces,” “gender identity,” and more graphic introductions to anal and oral sex.
  2. Then it was the middle schools. After a few years, the “gay clubs” appeared in middle schools, followed by LGBT assemblies, “gay” library books (depicting homosexual relationships by teenagers), and later, most of what the high schools had pioneered.
  3. Then it was the elementary schools. In the past decade, teachers began reading books to elementary school children, including kindergarteners, about having “two dads” or “two moms.” More recently, the “Welcoming Schools” programs began the push to normalize cross-dressing and transgenderism in the early grades.
  4. Now it’s the pre-schoolers. “Drag Queen Story Hour” programs being held in public libraries across the country for pre-school children as young as 2 and 3 years old. Using homosexual men dressed as freaky, garish women, their admitted goal is to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.”

This isn’t simply a disagreement about education. This is a war. These radical forces are advancing every year. But who is there to stop them? How can they be stopped?

ALT TEXTMake no mistake: LGBT activists are very serious about targeting your children.

There are a lot of organizations that have reported on these outrages, have provided research, and have held conferences. Many groups have complained to school boards and other officials. Others have prayed about it. As with the “loyal opposition” in a parliament, rational debate points have been developed. That is sadly not enough. We need formidable direct action.

MassResistance is the only international organization that equips parents to be in the streets and in the faces of local officials and politicians – confronting the evil we are witnessing and demanding it be stopped. We are not polite and we are not “moderate.” Our approach attracts venom from the Left and disdain from establishment conservatives. But it works.

ALT TEXTOutraged parents hold up their MassResistance signs at a school board meeting in Anaheim, CA. They forced the school officials to stop “transgender” training in the elementary schools.

Over the years MassResistance has derailed more bad LGBT school programs and LGBT bills in state legislatures than we can remember – mostly by the sheer brute force of angry parents.

Our recent leadership and success confronting Drag Queen Story Hours has received a lot of national media coverage.

ALT TEXTA Houston MassResistance mother confronts the Houston City Council over their “Drag Queen” event. She holds up two photos from our report of children who are being horribly exploited by the “Drag Queen” movement. It was ultimately canceled when we revealed that their “Drag Queen” was a convicted child molester.

We’ve also learned this over the years: School officials, politicians, and librarians don’t push these repulsive programs on children because they “haven’t heard the right facts.” They do it because it’s easier to please the LGBT lobby than parents – and they don’t really care about the harm done to kids. So our job is to make it harder, not easier for them to follow the LGBT movement’s line.

Almost all conservative groups see this fight as “pushing back” against the bad things that have been happening. They just want a “safe space” in the public arena for pro-family people, for “religious freedom.” That is sadly delusional. The Left is enveloping society with its radicalism. Whether we like it or not, we must understand our efforts as a counter-revolution! (Wait and see how the Left reacts to that term!)

What does that mean? We must completely shut down the other side, not just try to carve out our “safe space.” It’s not good enough to get a library to allow a conservative Bible study while Drag Queens still get their story hours. The Drag Queens must be out of the libraries altogether!

But this counter-revolution needs you to be a part of it. In many ways it’s an exciting time. Fighting back against evil things can be exhilarating.

At this time of the year, your financial support will make a BIG difference. We are caught between the fact that the summer is a very slow month for fundraising – and we have a huge demand from people across the country for help organizing, supplies, and more. So we need your financial support now.

SPECIAL OFFER during the month of August:

With every donation of $25 or more we will send you a copy of the breathtaking book, Out from Under: The Impact of Homosexual Parenting by Dawn Stefanowicz, her own story of growing up in a “gay” household. It’s what media doesn’t tell you!
With a donation of $250 or more, we will send you a copy of our groundbreaking book, The Health Hazards of Homosexuality: What the Medical and Psychological Research Reveals. This book should be in every library in the country. Dr. Michelle Cretella of the American College of Pediatricians has called the book a “tour de force”!

Donations can also be mailed to:
MassResistance, PO Box 1612, Waltham, MA 02454

In future years – after this battle is won and your children or grandchildren ask you, “What did you do to help turn things back around?” – what will you tell them?

Please help foment the counter-revolution! Parents and children everywhere will thank you.

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Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!

Our successes depend on people like you.

Donate to MassResistance

Your support will make the difference


Planned Murderhood On the Run in … Monterey County!

This development is nothing short of a surprise and a miracle!

Monterey County is one of the bluest counties in the state of California. Salinas, the county seat for the government, is overrun with crime, corruption, and violence in the street. Residents in the area informed me that the city has now become the most crime-ridden in the state–even more than Compton!

This is unthinkable.

And yet, in spite of the increased progressive regression in the region, pro-family forces have chocked up another victory.

Planned Murderhood was making inroads into the Pacific Grove schools, but the parents fought back with legal help, and that evil anti-family hate group was forced to flee.

The Pacific Justice Institute announced the following last week:

Planned Parenthood Presentation Canceled After PJI Warns School
April 3, 2019

Dear Friends,

We’ve just had a very encouraging result here at Pacific Justice Institute that I wanted to share with you.

This past Friday, parents in Pacific Grove (near Monterey) alerted us that Planned Parenthood was coming to teach sex ed in their local middle school starting the first three days of this week—April 1, 2, and 3. We’ve seen their “teaching” materials before, and they are shocking and offensive to most families. The parents were outraged that less than a week’s notice had been given for such controversial presentations.

When our attorneys received this on Friday, there was very little time to act. But we recognized that the school had violated state law with inadequate notice, and we had to take action.

Fortunately, since PJI has been battling for parental rights and against radical groups like Planned Parenthood for more than 20 years, we were able to react very quickly. That same day, our legal team put together and fired off a demand letter explaining the law. Within minutes, just before the end of the day, the principal responded that the Planned Parenthood presentations scheduled for this week had been canceled! Praise God!

Of course, much work remains to be done in this and other school districts. No doubt Planned Parenthood will try again to enter this middle school at a later date. But be encouraged: when it seems like the evil surrounding us is overwhelming, we can still obtain victories—even in the deep blue Central Coast of California.

One of the many tools we’ve developed to help parents understand their rights is a resource answering a number of questions about parental rights in the area of sex education. We also have opt-out forms for more than 40 states. I hope you’ll visit our new website to make sure you have all of these tools at your disposal.

Please also prayerfully consider supporting our work today. The needs are more critical than ever. No one else is able to respond to these types of challenges as quickly and as effectively as we’ve been able to do. We’re depending on you to help us continue our winning streak!

Running the Race,

Brad Dacus, Esq.
Founder and President, Pacific Justice Institute


🚨🚨Red Alert🚨🚨 AZ Legislature Will Kill Children With Repeal of “No Promo Homo” Law

MassResistance Members and Pro-Family advocates across the country:

Arizona MassResistance has good news — and some very bad news.

Good news: Because of your efforts, we stopped the reparative therapy ban and the ERA push! GOOD WORK.

Bad News:

The state legislature is about to repeal the “No Promo Homo” (NPH) law in the state education code. WHY?!

Equality Arizona (the LGBT Hate Group) with the blessing of the corrupt AZ State Superintendent has launched a federal lawsuit against the NPH law.

The cowardly attorney general, AG Mark Brnovich has announced that he will NOT defend the law.

Cathi Herrod, the head of AZ Policy, gave her “blessing” to having the entire NPH repealed. This is terrible, a complete capitulation. It’s WRONG!

AZ House Rep. Thomas Ray “T. J.” Shope Jr. introduced an amendment yesterday (April 10, 2019) to repeal parts of the NPH law so that the federal lawsuit would go away.

This is bad policy. That’s wrong. The pro-family movement should not cave in any way to the LGBT bullies.

Sadly, Shope’s Amendment to SB 1346 passed 55-5 in the AZ House of Representatives. NOT GOOD!

The Amendment just arrived in the State Senate.

Now for some good news.

The State Senators are already really upset about this whole process. WE CAN STOP THIS SHAM AMENDMENT!

Here’s what you need to do.

  1. [For Arizona Residents] Contact YOUR State Senator (Dem or GOP, it does not matter). Tell him to vote NO on the Shope Amendment repealing No Promo Homo in SB 1346.

  1. Contact Arizona State Senate Leadership and tell them to scuttle the amendment, too.

  1. Karen Fann (Senate President): Email: KFANN@AZLEG.GOV        Room 205            (602) 926-5874
  2. Eddie Farnsworth (Senate President Pro Tem): DFARNSWORTH@AZLEG.GOV  (602) 926-3020 (His office is very sympathetic to our cause)
  3. Sonny Borelli (Senate Majority whip): SBORRELLI@AZLEG.GOV   (602) 926-5051

  1. Contact SB 1346 Sponsor Sylvia Allen, tell her to reject the Shope Amendment, too.

SALLEN@AZLEG.GOV             (602) 926-5409

Here are the talking points:

  1. Don’t enable the Attorney General to avoid doing his job. Where will his non-enforcement lead to?
  2. Homosexuality and Transgenderism should NOT be promoted in our schools. These behaviors are indeed deviant, dangerous, and destructive. This legislation was passed into law three decades ago for good reason, and it should not be repeal.
  3. Sex-Ed must teach children healthy lifestyles and behaviors. If the schools refuse to do so, then sex-ed should be removed entirely from the public school curriculum.
  4. Censure/compel the AG to defend the NPH, or strip his salary and use the money to defend the lawsuit with private counsel.

Also Contact Governor Doug Ducey and tell him to reject the Shope Amendment, as well:

Phoenix: 602.542.4331


If anyone has any questions, email me:

Email: arthur@massresistance.org


Contact Bigoted Denver City Councilman: Support Reparative Therapy, Reject Proposed Ban!

The Denver City Council is proposing to ban reparative therapy for minors in the next month.

This move to remove a therapy which works, which has saved lives is gaining some unparalleled momentum for some reason, but pro-family forces seem to be asleep at the wheel on this.

But not MassResistance.

For the past two weeks, members of Colorado MassResistance have been contacting the Denver City Council to urge them to reject this so-called “conversion therapy” ban.


Here’s a voicemail I received from Councilman Rafael Espinoza last week:

Good afternoon Arthur. This is Councilman Espinoza in Denver District One.

I appreciate you attempts trying to influence me with your ignorance, and I just want you to know that I am not interested. You can continue wasting your time to trying to contact me to persuade me not to support our current legislation. But It will in fact fall on deaf ears.

I don’t care how many people outside my district or inside my district you are able to cultivate to communicate your expressed views, but I am not interested.

That said, if you continue wasting your time and efforts to trying persuade me others, but it is going to be as effective as conversion therapy, which it is not.

Have a good day. Thank you. Goodbye.

This is the kind of ignorance and arrogance that pro-family groups are dealing with right now. The elected officials have neither respect nor regard for the will of the voters nor the worth of biological truth and academic research.

First of all, helping people break free of homosexuality and transgenderism is not called “conversion therapy.” It’s not like someone was born one way, and specialists and professionals are trying to get someone to enter into a different life. The truth is that people are not born “gay”, nor are boys and girls born in the wrong bodies. Men and women, boys and girls receive clear genetic as well as biological determinants which imprint on individuals their sex, whether male or female.

Secondly, when this ignorant “elected official” declares that reparative therapy does not work, he is clearly mouthing, parroting the lies of the regressive Left and the aggressive LGBT lobby. Many of these fraudulent groups claim that reparative therapy relies on genital stimulation, forced swallowing of vinegar, electroshock therapy, etc. None of these abusive practices take place.

Reparative therapy is a cognitive therapy. It’s never forced on someone, since that is unethical. It’s about helping people who want to be set free from these unwanted behaviors.

Furthemore, this reparative therapy bans are unconstitutional, since they criminalize forms of speech. There is no such thing as forms of speech which receive second-class status. All of this is unacceptable.

Last of all, this violates the freedom of individuals to pursue the lives that they want to lead. These reparative therapy bans violate parental rights. Such incursions into family life is beyound unacceptable. Countless children’s lives have been saved, so that they could develop into strong adults who did great things in this life.

To ban a therapy which saves lives is nothing short of inexcusable!

Contact Councilman Espinoza, and contact every church in the Denver area to remind the city council whom they work for, and it is not the virulentt, abusive LGBT Lobby!

Here is his legislative aide Logan Frye: (303) 241-7441


Here’s the full info on Rafael Espinoza:


District One

Rafael Espinoza

1437 Bannock Street

Room 451

Denver, CO 80202



Below, you will find all the  contact information for the Denver City Councilmembers and the Mayor’s office:

Denver City Council Contact Information

City Council Main Office

City and County Building

1437 Bannock St., Rm. 451

Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 720-337-2000 | Fax: 720-865-9482


District One

Rafael Espinoza

1437 Bannock Street

​Room 451

Denver, CO 80202



District Two

Kevin Flynn

Councilman District 2

Phone: (720) 337-2222


District Three

Paul D. López

Councilman District 3

Phone: (720) 337-3333


District Four

Kendra Black

Councilwoman District 4

Phone: (720)337-4444


District Five

Mary Beth Susman

Councilwoman District 5

Phone: (720)337-5555


District Six

Paul Kashmann

Councilman District 6

1437 Bannock St, #451

Denver, CO 80202

Phone: (720) 337-6666


District Seven

Jolon Clark

1437 Bannock Street

​Room 405

Denver, CO 80202


(720) 337-7777



District Eight

Christopher Herndon

Councilman District 8

Phone: (720) 337-8888



District Nine

Albus Brooks

Councilman District 9


Phone: (720) 337-7709

District Ten

Wayne New

Councilman District 10

Phone: (720) 337-7710


District Eleven

Stacie Gilmore

Councilwoman District 11


Phone: 720-337-7711

At Large District One

Robin Kniech

Council At Large

Phone: (720) 337-7712


At Large District Two

Deborah “Debbie” Ortega

Council At Large

Phone: (720) 337-7713



Mayor’s Office Phone Number:
