
More Winning: Hate Parody Tweet Lists Me with MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Charlie Kirk

Hate Twitter feed targets me.
As if!

Can you say “WINNING”?

I am so honored that there are hatemongers out there whose head I live in RENT FREE!

While so many people complain that the rent is too damn high, I can say freely that there is plenty of free rent for me to enjoy.

I live in so many leftists heads RENT FREE!

Check out this latest tweet attempting to shame and defame me:

Our friend @RandyVoepel musta radicalized his grandson. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Plus the inspiration from homophobes like me, Pastor Joe, @RepMTG@RepBoebert Arthur Schaper & @CharlieKirk11 https://t.co/2GJf1LGi81 pic.twitter.com/cfENHanApQ— MicheIIe Steel. CA. GOP. ᵖᵃʳᵒᵈʸ (@MicheIIeSteelCA) November 20, 2022

Regardless of whatever backstory prompted this tweet, I am so glad that people are noticing that I am taking a stand against the LGBT agenda and all of its hateful, militant adherents.

And it’s a high honor to listed with Congresswomen Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene!


Desperation and Pleas from Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles might want to think about planning for bankruptcy soon.

People are not killing their babies anymore. In liberal states, most couples don’t even have children, or they are too busy busying themselves with other activities to risk having children.

And yet, Planned Murderhood is sounding the alarm and hoping that trends in other states after the repeal of Roe v. Wade signal that abortion will be a defining issue for Election 2022 midterms:

Planned Parenthood Los Angeles
Care. No matter what. 
Dear friends, Less than three months after the fall of Roe v. Wade, the nation is still reeling. Since the ruling, 13 states have implemented total or near-total abortion bans and we anticipate that more will follow suit. Yet despite so much devastating loss, there have been moments of hope. When the issue was put directly to voters, Kansans voted overwhelmingly to protect access to abortion. This hope fuels resiliency. PPLA remains open and our work continues. We have seen a significant increase in out-of-state patients coming to us for abortion care since Roe was overturned. To meet this growing need, we have staffed up our call center, hired patient navigators to coordinate care for out-of-state patients, and created new staff positions to make sure patients can access care in a rapidly shifting legal environment. In a moment when no one has all the answers, we know that patients near and far turn to California and Los Angeles for care. Patients like “Gloria”* who sent a thank you note after visiting one of our health centers: “Thank you so much for the incredible care I received at your facility. I look back on the time I needed care as undoubtedly the hardest time of my adult life. The dignity and care I received at your facility were services that made a profound impact on my life.” In addition to your donations to PPLA, many of you have reached out over the last few months wanting to get involved. Here are a few actions you can take today: 1.    Help others get care. Spread the word about how to get care. Patients can call PPLA at 1-800-576-5544 or access www.abortionfinder.org which features the most comprehensive directory of trusted and verified abortion service providers in the United States.  
2.    Reduce abortion stigma. Share your abortion story to end abortion stigma.3.    Partner in support of PPLA. Host an event to help spread awareness and raise funds in support of Planned Parenthood Los Angeles. Whether you’re an individual, business, or grassroots group, you can become a Partner in Support of PPLA. Contact events@pp-la.org to learn more. We’re so grateful for your time and your passion. Thank you for all you do in support of PPLA, our mission, and our patients.  In this together, 
Sue Dunlap
President & CEO

Let’s all pray for the quick demise of Planned Murderhood. We are ALL the Pro-Life Generation!


OUTRAGEOUS! Idaho Family Policy Center Cancelled by Tech Provider

Friends,We both know that standing for biblical principles can have serious ramifications.This reality hits us close to home. Recently, Idaho Family Policy Center was cancelled by the tech provider that distributed our email newsletter, maintained our lists, hosted our event registrations, processed our gifts, and facilitated our action center.Why? Supposedly we violated their arbitrary terms by supporting the sanctity of preborn life as well as advocating biblical marriage, gender, and sexuality. Frankly, we were cancelled because we’re making a difference—and because our victories keep piling up.Perhaps they thought that they could slow us down by cancelling us. But if that was their goal, they made a major miscalculation.We are in the process of replacing our previous tech provider with new ones that share our values. At huge expense to our organization, we were able to salvage everything we need to keep operating.Thankfully, my team and I were prepared for this incident. Otherwise, it would have crippled our ministry. We knew this was going to come at some point. They want to silence anyone who stands for biblical truth and constitutional values—and they’re not going to stop until they successfully silence all of us.Will you help us stand strong against the woke leftist mobs aiming to destroy the Christian foundations of American society?A recurring gift of $35, $75, or $150 monthly – or a generous one-time gift of $200, $500, or $1,000 – will help us get back on our feet so we can keep advancing the lordship of Jesus Christ in the public square.We covet your prayers during these uncertain times, and we appreciate your continued support. By God’s grace, our path forward remains clear as we keep walking in obedience by faith. Standing in the gap,
Blaine Conzatti
President, Idaho Family Policy Center

P.S. We’re relaunching our podcastIdaho Family Report! New episodes will feature my new co-host, Pastor Josh Bales of The Well Church, and will now be released weekly.On this week’s episode, Idaho Senate candidate Ben Toews (R – Coeur d’Alene) joins us to discuss the problematic drag shows that recently took place in front of children at Boise and Coeur d’Alene public parks.Idaho Family Report is currently available for you to stream or download on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Podcasts, and Anchor.

More Dobbs Victories: Chemical Abortionist Drops Lawsuit

Dear Moral Outcry Signers and Justice Foundation Supporters: There is more great news following the reversal of Roe v. Wade, which you helped to create by your prayers, testimonies and financial support.  CHEMICAL ABORTION MANUFACTURERS DROP LAWSUIT Chemical abortion manufacturers recently dropped a lawsuit against the state of Mississippi to force them to allow the administration of chemical abortions, the abortion pill.  However, the state of Mississippi argued that federal distribution of abortion pills through the mail is currently prohibited by federal law. This is true no matter what the Biden Administration says it wants to do, current federal law prohibits the distribution of abortion-producing drugs through the U.S. mail.  Read the press release from Mississippi Attorney General here. God has given us a mighty victory by reversing Roe v. Wade, as He said He would do in the year 2000, when He gave us the promise of Isaiah 28:14-22. God is faithful! God is amazing!  God is on the move!

Idaho Pro-Life Victory: Almost All Abortions Banned in Idaho

Late last night, a draft copy of this email was accidently sent to our email list as we were preparing to send it this morning. Below is the accurate email. Please accept our apologies!
Friends,It keeps getting better and better. As of today, most abortions in Idaho are now illegal!That’s because the Idaho Trigger law, which bans most abortions from the time of conception, is now enforceable.In the last few weeks, we’ve seen our prayers answered in miraculous ways.First, the civil enforcement mechanism of our Heartbeat law went into effect on August 12, effectively stopping most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy when a preborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected.Then, just a week later, the criminal penalties section of the Heartbeat law became enforceable, making sure that abortionists can face criminal prosecution for each time they perform an unlawful abortion.The Trigger law, which protects even more babies than the Heartbeat law, is another big step toward ensuring justice for all preborn babies. I’d like to publicly thank our friends at Idaho Chooses Life, as well as Rep. Megan Blanksma (R-Hammett) and Sen. Todd Lakey (R-Nampa), all of whom spearheaded the effort for the Trigger law in the 2020 Legislative Session.I’ve had several people ask me whether the Heartbeat law is still important now that the Trigger law is in effect. The answer is absolutely!Although the criminal penalties of the Trigger law supersede the criminal penalties of the Heartbeat law, the Heartbeat law’s civil enforcement mechanism remains in effect. This is important for two reasons: 1. Boise has already implemented a city ordinance declaring themselves a “sanctuary city for abortion,” and other cities may follow suit. This will make it very difficult for prosecuting attorneys to criminally charge those who perform unlawful abortions under the Trigger law.2. Prosecuting attorneys may not always have enough evidence to criminally convict an abortionist who violated the provisions of the Trigger law. Sometimes prosecutors may not file charges when they know a crime was committed simply because they don’t have the evidence necessary to secure a conviction. In both of these scenarios, the civil enforcement mechanism of the Heartbeat law is indispensable. By allowing family members of an unlawfully aborted baby to sue the abortionist for at least $20,000 in damages, the Heartbeat law may provide the only recourse available to hold abortionists accountable for their illegal actions, even if they never face criminal prosecution.Today is a day for the history books. Thanks to the providence of God and the hard work of the pro-life movement in our state, more precious preborn babies are being saved than at any point since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973—and that’s worth celebrating! Standing for life,Blaine ConzattiPresident, Idaho Family Policy Center