
More Post-Dobbs Pro-Life Victories!

 Dear Signers Of The Moral Outcry Petition, Operation Outcry, and Justice Foundation Supporters:  Because of your help either as a signer of The Moral Outcry Petition, a courageous Operation Outcry Woman testifying about how your abortion devastated you, or as a supporter of The Justice Foundation over the years; The Justice Foundation was able to provide The Moral Outcry Brief and three other briefs on the merits asking the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which the Court did in Dobbs.  Now we are seeing other victories in the lower federal courts that your support and prayers helped make possible. Just recently, the Supreme Court granted cert. and reversed a case in which The Justice Foundation and volunteer attorney, Mary J. Browning, had filed a brief on behalf of 88 women who underwent abortions as minors and suffered harm in support of a law requiring parental notification before abortions could be performed in Indiana.  Because of Dobbs, the lower court decision was reversed which struck down an Indiana law requiring parents be notified of abortion. 88 courageous women of Operation Outcry testimonies were given to the Court. These testimonies described how they wished that their parents had been notified of their abortion attempts so that they could have avoided abortion and its devastating trauma.  Here is a link to that brief if you would like to read it.  We were joined in writing that Brief by The Thomas More Society, which is a good example of the cooperation we like to magnify in the pro-life movement.  A second major victory occurred in an Arkansas case at the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals when the abortionists dropped their lawsuit against the Arkansas Moral Outcry Statute, which banned abortion in Arkansas except to save the life of the mother.  The Moral Outcry Petition arguments were adopted as the actual legislative findings of that statute.  The law was enjoined initially because of Roe v. Wade. But after Dobbs now the abortion industry turned tail, ran away from the battle, and dropped their litigation. They know that they would lose in the future because there is now no constitutional right to abortion in America. YOU HELPED MAKE THAT HAPPEN EITHER THROUGH SIGNING THE MORAL OUTCRY PETITION, GIVING YOUR TESTIMONY IF YOU ARE A WOMAN OF OPERATION OUTCRY, OR THROUGH YOUR FINANCIAL GIFTS AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOUR PRAYERS.  PLEASE CONTINUE TO PRAY FOR THE JUSTICE FOUNDATION. WE ARE CONTINUING TO WORK ON MAKING ABORTION ILLEGAL EVERYWHERE. YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED.  Advancing Life, Liberty And Justice In Him,  Allan E. Parker 

More Winning: Two More States’ Abortion Bans Go Into Effect

 Louisiana’s Supreme Court has struck down further injunctions, and abortion is now banned in the Pelican State!

Operation Rescue reports:

It’s Over! Louisiana Supreme Court Denied Appeal to Block Trigger Laws
Baton Rouge, LA – The abortion industry lost at the Louisiana Supreme Court today after filing an appeal intending to unblock the state’s abortion ban for the third time since Roe’s overturn in late June. The court denied the case altogether.After more than a month of chaotic flip-flopping, the end has been reached. Abortion remains illegal in Louisiana. The state’s three trigger laws remain in effect. Abortions, including mail-order abortions, remain illegal in all cases, except when giving birth would threaten the life of the mother. Any person who performs an abortion will be punished by 1-10 years in prison and fines of $10,000-$100,000.

And Idaho has good news to share, too!

Friends,Here’s breaking news: As of this afternoon, the civil enforcement mechanism of our Idaho Heartbeat law is in effect!That means abortionists can now be held civilly liable for nearly every abortion they perform after a preborn baby’s heartbeat can be detected!Just minutes ago, the Idaho State Supreme Court vacated its stay blocking implementation of the civil penalties section of the Idaho Heartbeat law. In their decision, the court stated that Planned Parenthood is unlikely to succeed on the merits in its lawsuit challenging the civil enforcement mechanism and the criminal penalties created by the Heartbeat law signed by Gov. Brad Little earlier this year.As a result of the order issued this afternoon, the civil enforcement mechanism of the Heartbeat law is currently in full force and effect. Furthermore, the criminal penalties of the Heartbeat law will become enforceable next Friday, August 19, as scheduled.This is the day that the pro-life movement has worked towards for decades! Precious children with beating hearts now finally have legal protection in the state of Idaho—and to God be the glory!We will keep you updated!

Idaho is a very Republican state, but it has not been a very conservative state. Getting this strong abortion in place took a long time a great deal of work behind the scenes to make it happen. Governor Brad Little is a big government liberal, as well, who never saw tax increases or increased revenues that he did not want to spend away.

But to get a bill like this passed, which puts abortion clinics under civil liability for baby-killing, is a real win, and Gov. Little knew that he had little choice but to sign on!

Two more states have banned abortions. More lives saved, and our culture is getting stronger by the minute!


The Building Trades Executive Director is Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?

Chris Hannan

In the latest issue of “Building Trades News,” Executive Secretary Chris Hannan used his monthly  column to denounce the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

However, the first part of his column shows the importance of fighting for life:

In California, the Building Trade, “the Construction Department of the AFL-CIO,” has been standing up for workers’ rights for more than 100 years.

It seems really strange that private sector unions consider abortion a “worker’s right.”

The ability to be a member of a union has empowered us to maintain this voice and our place in the middle class. Our country stands for freedom, including freedom to have differences of opinion, religious, and every possible difference imaginable.

Except, it seems, when it comes to defending the rights of the unborn. What really bothers me about this line of reasoning is that discussion is an abstraction. Yes, people can and should be able to discuss differences of opinion and make their points plainly heard without suffering consequences. However, when we are talking about human lives, the issue goes far beyond a difference of opinion. Life is a natural right, and natural law requires that we defend life.

One cannot claim that they can about freedom when in the same sentence they want to maintain the right to take life for any reason.

As the leader of this Building Trades Council, a union member and the father of a wonderful daughter and son, I feel th eneed to address a terrible step backwards for our country.

He is a parent, and he is a proud parent. He would have never been a parent if he had killed his children before they were born.

In 2018, my wife and I were told that our unborn son was diagnosed with Down Syndrome. At times, it seemed like we were encouraged not to bring our into this world.

Later in his column, he affirms that he and his wife put their children first, including their newborn son. They choose life, and that is a good thing.

But then he writes about his son:

David is a wonderful boy who brings joy to my life every day. He inspoires me every moment.

Guess what, Chris: every baby has that power and opportunity if they are allowed to be born!

And yet …

In June, the United States Supreme Court overturned the law of the land that was codified in Roe v. Wade.

There are so many problems with this one sentence alone, I do not know where to begin. The Supreme Court does not make law, so it could not overturn a law, even if it wanted to. Second of all, because Roe was not a law to begin with, it was never a law in the first place! Third, the repeal of this decision does not strike down any abortion laws, because the Supreme Court rightly restored the legislative authority on this issue back to the states, where it has always belonged.

The ability of women to make their own health care deciscions was stripped away by the Supreme Court.

This is another ludicrous statement. Abortion access is not healthcare. Abortions hurt the mother, as much as they kill another life. This is the most outrageous rhetorical fraud in the whole abortion debate. On top of that, a mother’s desire for healthcare is not compromised, even if the mother supposedly believes that includes abortion, because the mother can seek an abortion in a number of states.

When I read this article, I was struck by the lack of logical flow, since he talks about freedom, then he talks about being a parent, he then shares the joy of being a parent, then all of a sudden segues into criticizing the Supreme Court for repeal Roe.

He gives considerable attention to his joy in becoming a father, and he stands by he and his wife’ decision to have their third child, even though he faced a significant health deformity. This line of reasoning would suggest that he is pro-life.

And yet, he believes that the Supreme Court was anti-freedom for requiring the states to enact codes allowing abortion. The court expanded freedom, and many states are taking a stand to protect life, which makes the expression of freedom possible.

I wonder how the members of the Building Trades Council feel about their current executive director. He is inarticulate, partially incoherent, politically obtuse, and greatly misinformed. Perhaps we can understand why so many union leaders throw in with the Democrat Party, and at the same time when many union members feel increasingly disenfranchised by their own leaders. Once again, what does pushing for abortion rights have to do with fighting for worker freedoms on the jobsite?


Campaign Life Coalition: Vote Leslyn Lewis for Canada’s Conservative Party Leader

Dear Arthur,It’s time to elect a pro-life Conservative Leader and future Prime Minister!We were surprised to learn today that the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) began mailing out ballots three weeks earlier than previously indicated.Some pro-life CLC supporters already received it this morning, July 7th!If you’re an eligible CPC voting member, meaning you joined or renewed your party membership no later than June 3, 2022, please follow the recommendation in our Voter’s Guide to rank Leslyn Lewis as the #1 and only choice on your ballot. See sample ballot below.NOTE: A ballot is valid if at least one candidate is selected.

Out of the six candidates on the ballot, only Leslyn Lewis is pro-life.All the other candidates have publicly expressed support for killing children in the womb. So we must send a message of disapproval for that untenable, anti-human rights position, by not ranking them down-ballot.Pro-lifers should never vote for a pro-abortion candidate. It’s that simple.Lewis is the only one who deserves the support of socially conservative voters who believe in the inalienable value and dignity of every human life.Having won the popular vote during the 2020 CPC Leadership race, it is very possible that she could come out on top this time around. We know she will be a popular choice for all CPC members, so don’t believe the hype that Poilievre has this in the bag. Leslyn has a very real path to victory.You can view the main rating page on our Voter’s Guide by clicking here. The detailed rating page for each candidate can be viewed by clicking on their respective links below:• LESLYN LEWIS• ROMAN BABER• PIERRE POILIEVRE• SCOTT AITCHISON• JEAN CHAREST• PATRICK BROWN
Note: Brown was disqualified from the contest on July 5th because of allegations of fraudulent and illegal behaviour by his campaign, including allegations that his campaign paid the fee for memberships. His name will still appear on the ballot however, because the ballots had already been printed.Completed ballots must be returned to the party’s agent, Deloitte Canada, using the postage-paid business rely envelope, before September 10th.If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at clc@clife.ca.For life, family, faith & freedom,
Jack Fonseca
Director of Political Operations
Campaign Life CoalitionP.S. For a web version of this 

Mississippi Missing: President Trump, Not Reagan, Achieved Massive Pro-Life Victories

Mississippi Governor Tate Reeves issued a proclamation renaming June “Sanctity of Life Month”:

Ronald Reagan once said, “The values and freedoms we cherish as Americans rest on our fundamental commitment to the sanctity of human life.”

Recognizing this, and celebrating the recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, I have declared June to be Sanctity of Life Month! pic.twitter.com/iFer9Ml1XO— Governor Tate Reeves (@tatereeves) June 29, 2022

God bless him for doing this.

However, he is thanking and quoting the wrong person.

Yes, President Ronald Reagan said many great things about life and ending abortion. Yes, he talked a good game.

But it was President Trump who successful fulfilled the promise of the Republican Party to end Roe v. Wade.

Trump is the first president to speak at the March for Life rally in Washington DC.

Trump consistently cut funding to Planned Murderhood and other abortion abbattoirs committed to killing children.

Trump fought and pushed through three pro-life Supreme Court Justices, all of whom navigated the precarious questioning regarding legal precedent, natural law, and the constitutional authorities of the United States Supreme Court.

Trump deserves major respect and recognition for this massive achievement, and Republicans across the country better start respecting him for that!

This pro-life movement’s victory does not belong to Ronald Reagan: it belongs to President Trump!