
Brian Dahle for Congress (?)

Brian Dahle

Let’s face some hard facts:

California State Senate Minority Brian Dahle is not going to be the next governor of California. The voters turned down a recall effort against incumbent Governor Gavin Newoms last year by 2-to-1. It was just so discouraging. Newsom has the backing of very major political interest, and the woke cult has such a stronghold on so many voters in the state.

So, why is Dahle running for Governor?

He is propping up his bid for higher office, i.e. Congress, when CA-01 House Rep. Doug LaMalfa resigns, retires, etc., or Dahle will go after a seat on the Board of Equalization once Ted Gaines terms out.

That’s what swampy Republicans in the California State Legislature do. They are not interested in saving the state. Most of them do not speak up to stop bad legislation during the legislative session, even. They make no efforts to improve the well-being and quality of life for California residents. They don’t care because they don’t have to. They show up, cast their votes, collect their paycheck, then prep for higher office or local office or set up their consulting firms once they term out.

They are looking to hold onto whatever political power is available to them or make whatever money they can, including running for whatever higher office may be available to them in the near future.

How has the Dahle for Governor campaign spent its money?

Campaign Consultant Josh Cook  $115,000  (Cook is also the Senator Dahle Chief of Staff)

The consultant gets 10% of campaign take. Wow!

Slate cards    $256,000

Where does he plan on sending the slates? Orange County?

Other consultants:

Matt Shupe (Contra Costa GOP Chair)  $7500

Call to Action Consulting (a Redding firm)  $10,000

Fortune Masters Group—also from Redding    $10,000

Farah Farr Consulting   $7421

Janessa Zimmerman   $5500

You have five other consultants listed. FIVE! What’s this all about?

It’s all about feathering the nests of the permanent minority of failure that runs the CAGOP.

Notice again how consultants have taken over as chairmen for key committees throughout the state. The activists and the grassroots voters do not run things in the California GOP. It’s all run by a receding number of well-connected political technicians and wonks who just want to cash a check. They don’t care about California. They don’t care about the voters. They only care about their nest-egg and their next real estate investment (or the next campaign gig, or they next bid for higher office, etc.)

Julie Haff—LAGOP Treasurer/Executive Director   $4500

Lo and behold, even the Los Angeles County GOP is moving in on the money, too! Now we know how they are managing to keep the lights on for the otherwise abandoned LAGOP Central Committee.

I have looked at Republican State Party programs, platforms, and apparatus in the other states, and it just excites me and depresses me all at once. Florida, Iowa, even Rhode Island and Maine, have active state parties that are looking forward to taking back territory and winning seats in the state legislature or Congress!

And what about California? It’s just a sad decline of excuses and corporate payoffs. A handful of people get rich, and the rest of the state suffers. It’s almost as though the Democrats have fully infiltrating the California Republican Party to ensure nothing but controlled opposition comes out of them.

Brian Dahle is running for Congress or the Board of Equalization down the line, and in the meantime he is propping up a host of consultants and campaign vendors to keep them happy, so that he can take advantage of them for his next political push. What a let-down.


Save California Update: This is a War (Without Guns and Knives)

SaveCalifornia.com — Championing Your Values in CaliforniaSaveCalifornia.com provides this solely for educational purposes and does not support or oppose candidates for public office.Hi Arthur,
This is one of the most important messages I’ve ever written. I hope you’ll read it!Will Gavin Newsom be replaced by another Democrat?
Looks at this August 26-29 Trafalgar Group poll of more than a thousand likely California voters. For Question 2 in the Gavin Newsom Recall Election, it shows a potentially close race between Republican frontrunner Larry Elder and Democrat Kevin Paffrath.
This is from one of the most accurate U.S. pollsters. And while the poll mistakenly left out Kevin Kiley, that still doesn’t change the big math problem for conservatives. Because with the way California conservatives are splitting their votes between several Republican candidates, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Democrat voters surge and cast more votes for the leading Democrat than conservatives’ votes for the leading Republican.
This is why I’m urging California conservatives to do three things right now, as the September 14 voting deadline looms:
Note which candidates can winSee the public policy positions of the front-runner candidates at SaveCalifornia.comVote and get others to vote like you (use email, social media, flyers on cars, etc.)
SaveCalifornia.com’s research has found none of the candidates showing up in the several recall polls to be consistent, constitutional conservatives. However, there are definitely “mostly conservative” and “liberal Republican” candidates running. See them
So, without telling you who to vote for, if you want conservative values to win, you’ll want to support the mostly-conservative front-runner. Or else conservative votes will be split, and a Democrat could replace a Democrat (if most voters vote “yes” to recall Newsom).It’s a real war without guns and knives
This week I was walking to my car in a large parking lot and saw an older lady standing by her car waiting. She had a face mask drooping under her neck, so I tried to encourage her by saying, “Good to see you breathing freely!” And that started a conversation.
“I’m sick of wearing this mask,” she said. “And I’m fully vaccinated!” And in the next few minutes, I was able to educate her on mask inefficiency, how natural immunity occurs and how viruses naturally burn out, how the “variants” are caused by vaccines, and how the government mandates are dehumanizing and evil. She said, “It seems endless.” I told her, “It’ll end when people stop complying.”
And what I told her I’ll tell you: Don’t comply with tyranny, and encourage others to break free from it. Employees threatened by the risky “jab” that has killed tens of thousands and injured millions must submit their requests for religious exemptions. Small business owners must defy county mask mandates (which are largely unenforced by “authorities”). Residents of mask-mandating counties must walk into businesses without masks, whether with or without declaring an exemption. We must remind ourselves and others what true freedom (our God-given liberties) looks like. Because when we do, the deceptive power of tyranny dissipates, and we realize fighting for freedom was mainly about overcoming our own fears and fleshiness.
Take a lesson from history. The freedom fighters of World War II — like the French Resistance pictured above — won their freedom because they were willing to endure pain and even death. When we endure people’s ridicule and opposition, or endure government’s warnings and fines, we both fight for freedom and strengthen our characters. And the need is great. We must see our current struggle as a real war without guns or knives. The Tyrannical Left wants to dehumanize you and take everything from you. This is diabolical evil that King Jesus, our U.S. Constitution, and you and I oppose. Let’s redouble our efforts to defy tyranny this weekend, next week, and this entire month!
See medical freedom protests near you this weekend and next weekSee SaveCalifornia.com’s latest alert on bad bills mandating “Covid vaccines”
Again, the masks, tests, and jabs are ineffectual and completely unnecessary, and are hurting children most of all. Currently, hospitals are falsely labeling as a “Covid deaths” people who die from influenza or who die with some type of Covid infection. And still, the California death rate for Covid is quickly returning to 1 in 5 million (0.02 deaths per 100,000 infections) and 1 in 10 million (0.01 deaths per 100,000 infections).
This “zero Covid” agenda is so unrealistic. Since you have a much higher chance of dying from eating, walking, driving, or being struck by lightning, if we believe in masks, tests, jabs, and passports now, why didn’t we do this for decades of flus and common colds, and why in the world do we still permit people to eat, walk, and drive? I’m being sarcastic to make a point to overcome this devilish insanity. Because we’re either free and “live with” infections of all types, or we’re slaves who let our “authorities” restrict us in all ways because of their “zero infection” goal, turning entire societies into “hospitals.” Don’t buy into their lie — break free from it!This State of California Covid dashboard graph of “Covid deaths” spans March 2020 on the left to September 2021 on the right. You can see we are quickly returning to the lowest level seen this summer, which has been 0.01 and 0.02 deaths per 100,000 infections (which means an individual Californian has a 1 in 5 million or 1 in 10 million chance of dying from a Covid-related infection). This is nothing to be afraid of, and it’s no justification for mandatory masks, tests, and jabs. For you have a greater chance of being crushed to death by your furniture, TV, or refrigerator. Are any of these keeping you up at night?The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, in John 10:10SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families, a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working, leading, and fighting for your rock-solid values and hard-won liberties since 1999. Your confidential, tax-deductible gift of any size empowers our work for your family and other families, and reaches Californians with important facts the Big Media won’t report. Thank you for standing with us!DONATE | SUBSCRIBE | ABOUTIf a friend forwarded you this, and you don’t want it, ask them to remove you from their list. If you received this email directly from us, but don’t want it, scroll to the end to unsubscribe. If you forward this to your friends, someone might unsubscribe you (re-subscribe here).

Good News: Equality California is Panicking about “Republican” Recall of Gavin Newsom

Equality California is the premier hate group in the Golden State.

They push sexual perversion, and they want to normalize this behavior among students in the classroom. This is very serious. Their advocacy for sexual perversion is child abuse.

And what’s more, they are extremely alarmed about the Recall Election next month.

They are telling people to vote No on the “Republican” Recall, even though a majority of Democrats signed the paperwork to have Gavin Newsom removed from office.

Check out their latest eblast fundraiser:

NEW poll results from FiveThirtyEight*Keep Gavin Newsom (No on recall): 48.8%Remove Gavin Newsom (Yes on recall): 47.6%

Chip in $15 right now to stop the Republican Recall:DONATE $15 NOW »Arthur,

There’s no way to sugarcoat these polling numbers: Gavin Newsom is in trouble.

With the race in a statistical dead heat, anti-LGBTQ+ national Republicans like Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and Devin Nunes have all publicly backed the Republican Recall — and the campaign is being funded by the Republican National Committee and big Trump donors!

Arthur, these extremists are hungry to win the recall and take their momentum into the 2022 midterm elections — we CAN’T let them take over the country’s most pro-equality state!

Will you chip in $15 right now to help defeat anti-LGBTQ+ ballot measures like the Republican Recall??DONATE $15 IMMEDIATELY »Arthur, we need to fight back and defend DECADES of hardfought progress — on LGBTQ+ civil rights, gun safety reform, reproductive freedom, criminal justice reform, the environment and SO much more.

With the polling SO close, every single dollar and every single vote WILL MATTER.

That’s why President Biden, Katie Porter, Stacey Abrams, Equality California, Planned Parenthood and the LA Times have all spoken out AGAINST the Republican Recall.

Help us defeat anti-LGBTQ+ ballot measures like the Republican Recall. Chip in $15 RIGHT NOW:DONATE $15 IMMEDIATELY »Thanks for your support,

-Team Equality California

*FiveThirtyEight August 17 poll average
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Chip in $5 Now >>
Equality California Issues PAC | eqca.org
3701 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 725,
Los Angeles, CA 90010

We need to stand up to the lies of the LGBT agenda. All they can do is lie, since the truth would mean that more people would have to abandon this agenda completely. No one is born gay, no one is born in the wrong body, and it is child abuse to teach people otherwise.

It’s adult abuse, and it’s elder abuse, too!


Recall Election 2021: Gubernatorial Candidates

Candidates for California Governor 2021

Kevin Faulconer, 54, is the Republican former mayor of mostly Democratic San Diego. He supported immigration reform, believed in climate change and distanced himself from former President Donald Trump, until voting for him in 2020. 

Ted Gaines, 63, of Shingle Springs, is a Republican former state senator and Assemblymember who is now on the California State Board of Equalization, which oversees taxes and fee collection.’

Jeff Hewitt has been a Riverside County supervisor since 2018. Before that, the 68-year-old hero to Libertarians nationwide was mayor of Calimesa after serving as a City Council member.

Kevin Kileyis a Republican assemblymember from Rocklin. The 36-year-old former deputy attorney general and former teacher made headlines by suing Newsom over pandemic executive orders.

Doug Ose, a 66-year old Republican, is a former Sacramento-area U.S. representative whose 2018 campaign for governor failed to gain traction

Angelyne is a “‘billboard icon” of Los Angeles, spotted around Southern California in her signature pink Corvette. Now 70, she has tried to keep an aura of mystery, and changed her legal name to AngelLyne Lynne. She is running without a party preference.  

Larry Elder, 69, is running as a Republican. The talk radio host is a frequent guest on Fox News and spoke out in support of former President Trump. Trained as an attorney, Elder wrote a conservative newspaper column for several years and has authored books arguing against liberal views on racism.

BRUCE Jenner, 71, a Republican, first came to prominence as an Olympic gold medalist in 1976. She was once married to Kris Jenner — mother of the Kardashian sisters, the reality TV stars — before becoming one of the most prominent public figures to transition.

Kevin Paffrath is a real estate broker and investor from Ventura. The 29-year-old Democrat has 1.7 million subscribers to his YouTube channel on the housing market, real estate and the stock market. 

John Cox, 66, is a self-proclaimed anti-politician from the San Diego area who has run for U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate and the presidency as a Republican and who lost to Newsom in 2018. This time, he’s campaigning with a live bear and a ball of trash. He has already put in $5 million from his own wallet.

Jenny Rae Le Roux, 40, is a business owner from Redding and former Bain consultant who describes herself as a ‘Republican, pro-business fiscal conservative.” Le Roux has contributed $100,000 to her campaign.

Anthony D. Trimino, from Ladera Ranch, is the owner of a marketing and advertising agency. The 45-year old Republican has put $50,000 into his campaign. 

Leo S. Zacky, 29, of Los Angeles, was the vice president of Zacky Farms, a family-owned poultry business that closed in 2018. The Republican loaned his campaign $25,000.  

Chauncey S. “Slim” Killens, a 63-year-old associate pastor from Hemet, is running as a Republican. Killens, a Trump supporter, attended the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol riot, but spoke against the violence. 

Sarah L. Stephens, 39, is a pastor from Riverside County running as a Republican. She has helped organize events such as the “Redeeming America” tour, seeking to unite businesses to reopen during the pandemic. 

Nickolas Wildstar, 39, of Fresno, is a Libertarian activist running as a Republican. A digital marketer and a rapper, Wildstar ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2018 and city council and mayor in Orange County, where he recently lived.

Michael A. Loebs, a 39-year-old lecturer in political science at San Francisco State University, is running with no party preference. He is an organizer with the California National Party, which advocates for secession from the U.S. and policies including universal basic income and single-payer health care.

Joel A. Ventresca, 69, of San Francisco, worked for the city and county of San Francisco on the aging and airport commissions. He lost bids for city treasurer in 1997and for mayor in 2019. Ventresca, a Democrat, was on the executive committee of the Services Employees International Union.

Holly L. Baade, 48, is a spiritual teacher and coach. A Democrat who lives in Fairfax, Baade is also a former journalist.

David A. Bramante is a real estate agent and housing developer from Calabasas. The 39-year-old Republican hosts a podcast on artificial intelligence.  

Heather WJ Collins, 61, is a Playa Del Rey resident and hairstylist running with the Green Party. 

John R. Drake from Ventura, is running as a “progressive Democrat.” At 20, he is the youngest candidate to file a statement of intention to run.

Rhonda D. Furin, a 56-year-old Republican from Anaheim, is a retired teacher running on a platform to reform education.

Sam L. Gallucci, 62, of Oxnard, is a software developer and pastor. The Republican candidate founded ministries to help at-risk women and children, as well as migrant field workers. 

James G. Hanink, 75, of Inglewood,was a philosophy professor at Loyola Marymount University and is a member of the American Solidarity Party, which ​​seeks to promote Christian values

David Hillberg, 61, is an aircraft mechanic and actor from Fountain Valley. He is running as a Republican.

Daniel I. Kapelovitz is a 50-year-old criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles and a Green Party candidate.  

Kevin K. Kaul, 59, of Long Beach, is running without a party preference and is the founder of the U.S. Global Business Forum, which fosters trade between the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Patrick Kilpatrick, 71, is an actor, screenwriter and producer from Los Angeles. He is running as a Democrat.

Steve Chavez Lodge, 63, is a former police detective and police commissioner who owns a safety consulting firm. A Republican who lives in Trabuco Canyon, he is engaged to “Real Housewives of Orange County” star Vicki Gunvalson. 

David Lozano, 63, a San Marino Republican, is a former deputy sheriff and an attorney who lost a bid for Congress in 2020.

Denis P. Lucey, is a 61-year-old teacher from Santa Rosa running with no party preference. 

Jeremiah E. Marciniak, 42, of Lincoln, owns a rental and car sales business and is running without a party preference. 

Diego J. Martinez, a 45-year-old Republican from San Andreas, was general manager of an auto dealership and now runs a bail bond business.

Jacqueline McGowan, 47, of Napa, is a Democrat and a cannabis advocate who says Newsom has imposed too many regulations on legal marijuana. She says she’s running to “facilitate a fair cannabis market.”

Daniel R. Mercuri is co-CEO of an independent production company, co-partner of a private investment company and a Navy veteran. The 43-year-old Simi Valley Republican ran in a 2020 congressional special election.

David Moore, a 34-year-old public school teacher from Emeryville, is running with no party preference. He was the Socialist Equality Party’s candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2018.

Robert C. Newman, 77, is a Redlands psychologist. A Republican, he ran for governor in 2003, 2006, 2010 and 2018. 

Adam Papagan, 33, is based in Los Angeles, where he leads tours of celebrity homes. He is running without a party preference because he is curious about how the government works

Armando Perez-Serrato, 44, an Orange Democrat, owns a combat supply store in Fullerton.

Dennis Richter, 72, of Los Angeles, works at Walmart and is the Socialist Workers Party candidate for governor. He also ran for Los Angeles mayor in 2017.  

Brandon M. Ross, 49, is a Democrat from La Mesa. A doctor, he says he’s running to inspire drug addicts that they can turn their lives around — as he did after getting hooked on opiates and then recovering.

Major Singh, a software engineer, is running with no party preference.

Denver Stoner, 47, a Murphys resident and a deputy sheriff, is running as a Republican.

Joe M. Symmon, 71, of Orange, is a Republican who ran for governor as a Democrat in 2010. He is the founder of Faith Champions Church.

Daniel Thomas Watts, 39, is a Democrat from Vista. A lawyer who specializes in First Amendment cases, he ran for governor in the 2003 recall when he was a college student.


WINNING! CAGOP Delegation Issues “No Endorsement” for Recall Candidate

 This is incredible!

The CAGOP Grassroots are fighting back and WINNING across the state of California.

For the last three months, I have been working with grassroots activists throughout the state of California to stop a Faulconer Jam-Down endorsement from the California Republican Party establishment.

The Consultant Class that runs the leadership in the CAGOP was committed at all costs to getting a Faulconer endorsement. Lots of rich donors were going to put big money behind the Democrat in RINO clothing Kevin Faulconer.

It would be yet another powerplay to sell what is left of the CAGOP down river and further turn the state of California into an unsalvageable third-world one-party dystopia.

Thankfully, I got busy with my delegates, as did others throughout the state and we pushed back. In every committee, in every meeting, we lambasted the leadership demanding that there be no move, no vote on any endorsement for any one candidate.


Here’s Queen Jessica’s press release on the Endorsement convention today:

August 7, 2021
Contact: press@cagop.org
CAGOP Statement on Virtual Endorsement Meeting Results
 SACRAMENTO – Today, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson released the following statement on the CAGOP delegates’ decision not to endorse a candidate in the recall election of Gavin Newsom:
“Today’s overwhelming decision by our delegates to offer no endorsement speaks to the strength of our field of candidates and the outstanding position our party is in going into the recall election. We are squarely focused on putting California back on track by recalling the worst governor in California history. Gavin Newsom is arrogant, incompetent and a desperate politician who has failed Californians in every way possible. The state is burning, crime is spiking, homelessness is rampant, students have fallen behind, and taxes are suffocating working people. On September 14th, voters will end the Newsom nightmare once and for all and finally restore good governing to California.”

The CAGOP delegates’ decision occurred at a virtual endorsement meeting this morning. The four candidates who had qualified to be considered for the CAGOP’s endorsement were: Larry Elder, Kevin Faulconer, Kevin Kiley and Doug Ose. At the meeting, RNC National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon and RNC National Committeeman Shawn Steel put forward a motion to table the agenda item to vote on an endorsement so no endorsement would be issued in the recall race. The delegates passed this motion with nearly 90 percent support. The meeting was then adjourned. 

Finally, the Rebel Alliance of grassroots conservatives fought back and won against the Empire! I can’t wait to see what happens next! 

VOTE YES on Recall — September 14, 2021!