
More Winning: Hate Parody Tweet Lists Me with MTG, Lauren Boebert, and Charlie Kirk

Hate Twitter feed targets me.
As if!

Can you say “WINNING”?

I am so honored that there are hatemongers out there whose head I live in RENT FREE!

While so many people complain that the rent is too damn high, I can say freely that there is plenty of free rent for me to enjoy.

I live in so many leftists heads RENT FREE!

Check out this latest tweet attempting to shame and defame me:

Our friend @RandyVoepel musta radicalized his grandson. đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»

Plus the inspiration from homophobes like me, Pastor Joe, @RepMTG@RepBoebert Arthur Schaper & @CharlieKirk11 https://t.co/2GJf1LGi81 pic.twitter.com/cfENHanApQ— MicheIIe Steel. CA. GOP. á”–á”ƒÊłá”’á”ˆÊž (@MicheIIeSteelCA) November 20, 2022

Regardless of whatever backstory prompted this tweet, I am so glad that people are noticing that I am taking a stand against the LGBT agenda and all of its hateful, militant adherents.

And it’s a high honor to listed with Congresswomen Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene!


CRA Drama: Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes RA v. San Pedro “Palos Verdes” RA?

I received this letter from the head of the Torrance-Lomita-PV Republican assembly. [See Bold Type below]

Apparently, there has been some growing drama among the different chapters in the South Bay section of Los Angeles County.

The statewide organization is allowing another chapter to open up for Palos Verdes and San Pedro, here in the South Bay. The problem, though, is that another chapter, the Torrance-Lomita-Palos Verdes Republican Assembly, worked very hard to add Palos Verdes to its jurisdiction. The bigger problem is that the state leadership is allowing this new chapter to emerge, even though the outcome will run rough-shod over state and local by-laws.

What I am starting to see from the CRA is the same kind of raw pursuit for more clubs, for more leaders, but no real commitment to winning elections or building a conservative brand to take back the state. The state organization is also not responsive to local groups, which want more flexibility when it comes to members joining the club.

Another question does arise: are the local chapters getting their money’s worth for all the donations that they have to send to the state organization? Members pay $25 a member, and $10-15 of that goes to the state organization. But for what? What is it accomplishing?

If the statewide organization is not going to play by the rules, why be a member? If the state organization is not going much for local chapters and candidates, what’s the point?

Here’s the letter from TLPVRA President Scott Carter regarding the potential take-over of the Palos Verdes area to another assembly unity. Tell me what you think:

Dear Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes RA Members, As a TLPVRA member, it is important for you to know what’s going on and as your President it is important for me and our current Clubs goals to give you our information:

Currently our CRA President Johnnie Morgan, will be seeking members from our Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes Republican Assembly to be a member of the as-yet-to-be Approved “PalosVerdes San Pedro” CRA Unit.

Anyone may wish to be a member of that unit anywhere in California.

But here is the information for you to decide on:

Currently, their purpose is to just get members under the leadership of someone else and form a ‘new club’.

The potential new president had resigned from our TLPVRA group when he was told he had a conflict of interest when he re-started another  club.
And at the same time, he secured the same speaker slated to speak to the South Bay Republican CRA unit, before they were to meet, for ‘his’ other group, which was not respectful to them and in my humble opinion, unethical.

Now, undeterred by his previous conflict of interest behavior, he has been asked by CRA President Johnnie Morgan, VP Davina Keiser, SD (outside of her Senate District) Jo Reitkopf, to start a new Unit in Palos Verdes. This is despite the fact we are the only ones legitimately assigned to Palos Verdes in 2020. The fact they did not consult us on it, which says volumes as to the character of the leadership of the CRA.

Aside from that, you are free to choose if you would like to be a member
of their PVSP Unit should you decide to.
We will continue to have our Endorsements for Palos Verdes School Board and City Councils in the next meeting as well, since we have the sole jurisdiction in that area.

If you do join the Palos Verdes San Pedro Club, it is not approved
for existence yet or for CRA Endorsement of Candidates. Only the Torrance
Lomita Palos Verdes Republican Assembly is eligible and capable to
do so.

However the “Palos Verdes San Pedro Club” is meeting in TORRANCE
(outside of their ‘Territory’, which is against the CRA Bylaws(Sec.10) in order
to establish themselves as a CRA Unit. That is a violation.)
(But it has been violated before without repercussions by the leadership of the CRA.)
To be held at Mimi’s Restaurant and you are expected to pay (our meetings are free)
for a meal ($15-20 minimum) to listen to Mr Shawn Steele (Spoke at our Group in January) and State Treasurer Candidate Jack Guerrero ( a dynamic speaker, but had schedule conflicts with us on two occasions).

If you do decide to attend the meeting they may ask you to switch membership from our Club to their Club. It is up to you.

BUT WE would really like you to stay with us to continue building our Club and continue to pursue our area wide goals for Torrance, Palos Verdes and Lomita.

Our newsletter will be coming out soon for our new meeting location,
we are going back to the Torrance Airport Sunday Oct 16th, 2022, with plenty of parking,
NEW Time- 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Hope to see you at our New Meeting Location on October 16th.
Thank you for being a member of the Torrance Lomita Palos Verdes Republican Assembly.


Scott Carter

PresidentTorrance Lomita Palos Verdes 
Republican Assembly,
CRA Senate Director District 24


Further Embarrassment for the CAGOP: Even Wyoming GOP Gains Voters, and the Pacific Northwest GOP Makes Gains (But What About California?)

However, we know that from July 1, 2022 to September 1, 2022 the Republicans gained 34,719 voters and the Democrat and Unaffiliated voters lost 21,721 voters.  So either way you read the data, cross-over voting had a huge impact in our Primary election and on Mark Gordon’s final voter count.

I received this news from a conservative correspondent in Wyoming today.

The Wyoming Republicna Party gained 35,000 voters and the Democrats LOST voters. Doesn’t that tell you something?

Let’s work out the percentages on this:

Wyoming Population: 581,348

The number of GOP registrations increased by 6% in the state. That’s considerable.

What about the California Republican Party, though?

Democratic numbers are increasing, and at a time when the Democratic Party’s registration numbers are in freefall all over the country! In Florida, in New York, in New Mexico voters are switching to the GOP in massive numbers. In Virginia, Republicans are witnessing an unprecedented resurgence. Nevada is about to become a red state again across the statewide offices, including one of its US Senators as well as the Governor and other state offices.

But what about California? Our inept political leadership cannot even bother to register voters, aside from some middling bounty program, which means basically nothing, especially when a number of the county central committees have very few people attending them in the first place.

In Rhode Island, Republicans knocked out the Speaker of the House! In Hawaii in 2018, Republicans actually managed to GAIN a seat in the state senate. Sure, the new state senator is a RINO, but at least he opposed the noxious, abusive sex-ed programs that the Hawaii Teachers Association wanted to push on all of Hawaii’s kids.

Republicans just won the city attorney’s position in Seattle, Washington last year. In 2020, a Republican was re-elected as Secretary of State of the entire state of Washington! And this year, if the polling holds steady into election day, a Republican is going to be elected Governor of Oregon, a state which has not had a Republican chief executive in forty years! Polling also suggests that a Republican will be elected the next attorney general in New York State, too. And back to Rhode Island, it looks as though a Republican will be elected to Congress representing the Western half of the state, the first Republican in thirty years — 30! — to get elected to Congress from the hypermajority Democratic state.

These victories are incredible and unprecedented across the country. But they are a massive black eye for the California Republican Party, whose leadership seems conflict with managed decline and controlled failure, all while purging conservatives from central committees and shutting down serious conservative candidates for local, county, and statewide offices. At some point, will California Republicans have enough guts and resources to take back their party, or will they take the easier, softer approach and just abandon the state entirely?

Oregon is about to have a Republican governor–Let that sink in once again. And for four years previous to that, a Republican served as Secretary of state. California, are you embarrassed yet? California Republican Party, have you had enough with the perpetual losses or what?


Why Democrats Are Panicking, Pushing Every Power-Grab Possible

The Democratic Party is driven at all costs to gain power, or rather they are trying the best they can to hold onto whatever power they have left.

They have the thinnest majorities in recent history in both chambers.

Their President is deeply unpopular.

They have suffered incredible losses at the state and local level for the last eight years, and those losses are about to get much, much worse in 2022.

How do we know that they are facing staggering losses going into 2024?

Consider the analysis below, which shows how Democratic chances are facing some fierce headwinds in the US Senate not just in 2022, but also in 2024, and even into 2026:

The 2022 Senate matchups are set. But looming behind this year’s Senate races is a stark reality:

If Democrats don’t *pick up* Senate seats this year, their hopes for achieving anything for the next decade could be really, really small. pic.twitter.com/vt1CnsKQQL— The Recount (@therecount) September 14, 2022

The Biden Administration is not going to last 2024.

The Democrats are going to be viciously thwarted in both chambers, presuming that the Republicans take back the US Senate as well as the House of Representatives.

A large cohort of the Democratic voting base has shifted to the GOP, including African-American men, Hispanic voters, and suburban moms generally. The Democratic Party is so riddled with CRT, that very like the Democratic Party will turn into a Black Lives Matter hate monstrosity, and every other American ethnic group will be relegated to second-class status, that is if they choose to stay registered Democrats.

We cannot underestimate Republicans uncanny ability to screw things up in the next two months, of course. Still, if enough real Republicans win key battles in the US Senate and in the House of Representatives, along with more victories at the legislative level, then conservative, nationalist, populist dynamics will win out for the short and long-term, and the Democratic Party will have no power left to grab.


WINNING! MassResistance Pressure Pays Off, Forces Fake Man from Office of Republican Women Federated Group

“Transgender” man elected as president of California Republican women’s group! He finally resigned after pressure ignited by MassResistance.

RINO statewide Chairman of the group had distorted by-laws to expel women who voiced outrage.

Another example of the GOP establishment’s embrace of LGBT radicalism – and the need to fight back.

February 24, 2022

ALT TEXTGina Roberts is a busy man. Besides being the “female” president of a GOP women’s group, he was vice-president of the state-wide homosexual group Log Cabin Republicans of California.

One of the biggest divides between conservative Republicans and the establishment RINOs (who run the Party) is over the radical LGBT agenda.

The situation has worsened recently. As we’ve reported (herehere, and here), for years the LGBT movement has dominated CPAC (the so-called Conservative Political Action Conference), where Republican leaders annually go to pontificate. Last year, the Republican National Committee and President Trump formally announced their “Pride Coalition” to fully integrate the LGBT movement into the Republican Party. In November, twenty-one Republican Congressmen co-sponsored the so-called “Fairness Act” which would have embedded the radical LGBT demands in federal law. It’s not just the national GOP. Last year, every Republican State Representative in Massachusetts but one signed a statement that religious beliefs against homosexual behavior are “inappropriate and disturbing” and have no place in the Republican Party.

But at a certain point the rank and file need to step up and draw the line.

In November 2020, a MassResistance activist in southern California contacted Arthur Schaper, our Organization Director (who lives in the area). She was very upset because the Escondido chapter of the California Federation of Republican Women had just elected a cross-dressing “transgender” man as its next president. She could not believe this was happening! She begged MassResistance to get involved and help overturn this.

ALT TEXTGina Roberts was sworn in as president of the CFRW Escondido chapter by “conservative” Congressman Darrell Issa, as the other RINOS in the group looked on.

Background: California Federation of Republican Women

The California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW) was founded in 1925 to give women a voice in politics and governance at the local, state, and national levels. Women tended to vote Republican after receiving the franchise in 1920 (and in some states, before the 19th Amendment had passed). This was because it was Republicans who had pressed for them to get the vote. The National Federation of Republican Women formed in 1938. So the institution has a long history. California’s chapter is still one of the largest in the country, having numerous local units throughout the state.

According to the organization’s by-laws, men can only join as associate members. They cannot vote and they cannot become officers of the club.

Cross-dressing man identifies as a Republican “woman”

The man who was elected to be the Escondido chapter president calls himself “Gina” Roberts. He had already been making a name for “herself” by pushing the transgender agenda into the California Republican Party as a “Log Cabin Republican” member, and by getting elected to various local town boards. He received glowing press from the leftist media.

The leftist media ate it up!

Not surprisingly, a few months after his election, the national CPAC convention (in March 2021)  welcomed Roberts (along with well-known “gay” Republican Ric Grenell) with open arms.

ALT TEXTGina’s tweet from CPAC.

MassResistance gets to work!

MassResistance was determined to help California’s Republican women halt this insanity.

Arthur began contacting other CFRW units throughout the state. Many of these women are dedicated MassResistance supporters and activists in pro-family battles across California.

Members of the South Bay CFRW group in San Diego filed official letters with their state leadership. Other members informed their club leaders that they would leave the organization if the state and national leaders did not rectify this situation.

CFRW state leaders: In the “trans” tank

Arthur contacted the leaders of the Escondido group to find out why they would allow this. Shockingly, previous club leaders and officers at the time engaged in non-stop gaslighting: “She is a woman. We did elect a woman to be our President,” they told Arthur. Their denial of reality was truly disturbing.

The leadership in some local units, as well as in the state organization, sounded off with the usual excuses: “We have our orders. We cannot do anything about it. We will get sued if we try to prevent him from becoming a member as a woman,” they said.

The CFRW state leadership was particularly adamant that Gina Roberts should continue to lead Escondido group.

ALT TEXTIt’s not just the CFRW leadership. This is supported by the state GOP. Here is Gina with California State GOP Chairman Jessica Patterson. (Apparently, Patterson has succumbed to the “transgender mass formation psychosis” that’s going around.)

But across the country: More outrage!

Arthur reached out to Federation of Republican Women chapters across the country as well, urging them to pressure the National Federation leaders to do something to stop this. The Montana and Idaho chapters, and to some extent Virginia’s, were supportive. The Texas chapter was the best. One Texas RFW group reacted to MassResistance’s call by changing their by-laws to include only “biological” women! The national office, however, was not interested in getting involved.

The California backlash grows

As word got out, more and more Republican women became angry. As an American Thinker article noted:

Immediately, MassResistance activists in the club, as well as surrounding CFRW clubs, started sharing and protesting how the organization’s leadership had rejected its own bylaws. They and others wondered why they should elect Republicans with an eye to smaller government, lower taxes, strong military, right-to-life, pro-Second Amendment, adherence to the U.S. Constitution, and all the other GOP talking points if the Republicans are going to vote and act like Democrats?

A MassResistance activist in Orange County who was a local CFRW member was furious. She began an email campaign, writing to other CFRW members across the state. She sounded the alarm that men were taking over women’s Republican positions. And she castigated the “woke agenda” taking over the California Republican Party.

October 2021: The state CFRW convention

In October 2021, during the statewide CFRW convention, the Orange County MassResistance activist and several others spoke out and even attempted to introduce an emergency amendment. But the leadership took extraordinary steps to silence them. As American Thinker reported:

Some members at the organization’s October 2021 convention in Rancho Mirage pushed back against the CFRW executive board’s unilateral decision that “woman” should be based on identity rather than biology. To that end, they attempted to bring an emergency bylaw amendment to the floor.

Yet each time someone came to the microphone, leadership cut off the mic and angrily told the member that she was out of order. Finally, one woman walked away from the turned-off microphone and yelled into the cavernous conference room about what was happening.

Some members were learning about this issue for the first time. Others had known but thought they were the only ones who felt it was wrong. A few had complained to the executive board and were called transphobic.

Several were annoyed that “conservative” Congressman Darrell Issa went along with the woke parade. “Republicans like Issa are exactly what is wrong with the Republican Party,” claimed one frustrated member adding, “Why should I volunteer my time to elect woke Republicans?”

Two CA chapters leave the organization

All of this only ignited more outrage across the state. Soon after the October convention, the East Valley and San Clemente CFRW chapters – including over two thousand members – voted to break away from their parent organization. (East Valley CFRW is now East Valley Republican Patriots. San Clemente Area CFRW is now East Valley Area Republican Women.) Reportedly, there were several issues roiling those groups, but the trangender issue was the final straw!

Retribution against conservative member!

In retaliation for this MassResistance activist’s efforts to expose the flagrant violation of the organization’s by-laws, Janet Price, the state CWFR president, wrote a letter to the woman’s local chapter, stating that she could no longer be a member of the CWFR local club or of the federated groups as a whole!

Price concocted a series of Orwellian arguments, asserting violations of various bylaws: (1) not “cooperating with the California Republican Party”; (2) “working against the goals of CFRW” and the national group; and (3) violating an ethical ban not to “speak disparagingly in public of any Republican or candidate.” (This absurd ban would keep a member running in a GOP primary from speaking critically of her opponent.)

A few weeks later, her chapter formally kicked her out, and sent her a check refunding her dues.

Of course, this only inflamed the situation even more. She continued to write extensively about this, and more CFRW members became angry at their RINO leadership.

Gina Roberts resigns!

These efforts, along with the ongoing reports and complaints from other chapters around the state, clearly made an impact. On February 7, 2022, Gina Roberts finally resigned from the Escondido CFRW chapter. The official reason given for his resignation (as told to us by one of the Escondido officers) was an employment commitment.

Final thoughts

Republican activists across California are grateful to MassResistance for taking on this battle.

Many Republican women were extremely upset when they heard about this ridiculous, unnatural, and lunatic situation. But they felt alone and feared retribution by the often vicious RINO establishment. (It’s a common tactic among totalitarians of all stripes. The “cancel culture” also in exists in the leftist GOP.)

MassResistance made it safe for them to speak their minds – and demand a stop to this outrageous and degrading situation. This may seem to have been a small battle in the larger scheme of things, but it represents something much bigger!
