
Marriage Still Matters to GOP Vermont: US Senate Race 2022

 Marriage still matters to the Republican base, even in liberal Vermont

‘Ahead-scratcher’: Vermont’s GOP voters nominate a surprising slate of candidates

Even those who won Vermont’s Republican primary elections on Tuesday say they’re baffled by the results.

In the race for U.S. Senate, GOP voters rejected former U.S. Attorney Christina Nolan, a moderate and institutional favorite, for Gerald Malloy, a Trump-aligned conservative. 

Christina Nolan was an out-lesbian, and she was endorsed by Mitch McConnell. She had two clear strikes against her as far as the Republican base is concerned.

Perhaps the biggest upset of the night was Malloy’s defeat of Nolan, though a July poll by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center showed him with a slight lead. Malloy, a West Point graduate and 22-year Army veteran who moved to Vermont just two years ago, won close to 40% of the vote. Nolan, who picked up the endorsements of Gov. Phil Scott and U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., garnered just 35%.

Vermont Governor Phil Scott is one of the most liberal Republicans in the GOP Governor’s Association, probably more liberal than Massachusetts’ own Charlie Baker.

Reached Thursday, Malloy struck a unifying tone, saying that moderates like Scott belong in his GOP.

“I see us as one party, and I see us as rallying together for this general election,” Malloy told VTDigger.

But his association with the party’s conservative wing suggests he is not quite a Phil Scott Republican. Which legislators does he admire? Malloy pointed to Rep. Art Peterson, R-Clarendon, and Rep. Vicki Strong, R-Albany, whose endorsement he earned.

“Just great Vermonters, great Americans, just doing the best for Vermont,” Malloy said. (He also cited President Abraham Lincoln, “the first Republican President,” as a favorite.)

The two representatives Malloy mentioned inhabit the outer edge of the GOP. Peterson made the rounds at Thayer’s anti-Critical Race Theory rallies and, in a House committee meeting, questioned whether systemic racism exists. Strong, meanwhile, is among the Legislature’s most outspoken opponents of abortion rights and has said she would not comply with mask and vaccine mandates.

I am surprised that there are Republicans in Vermont who still fight against abortion. I am certainly glad that members of the state legislature oppose Critical Racist Theory, too.

“I certainly seek to emulate how they perform for the state,” Malloy said.

That emulation might explain his success. Malloy cited his experience in business and in the military as key to his victory, but others suggested it was Nolan’s lack of conservative bonafides.

That lack of conservative credentials is the bigger deal. No question about it

“She refused to answer the question of who she voted for (for president),” said H. Brooke Paige, a regular on the Republican ballot who picked up nominations for attorney general, auditor, secretary of state and treasurer on Tuesday. “She started to blow off the debates and forums or whatever we were having.”

For once, an establishment candidate got crushed for ducking debates. That’s the kind of thing we hope to see more of in future elections.

Paige said Nolan was notably absent at four events he attended. In the week leading up to the primary, Nolan’s failure to show up to a Vermont Republican Party economic forum in St. Albans drew the ire of fellow Senate candidate Myers Mermel, who picked up 17% of Tuesday’s vote and had throughout the race gone on the offensive against Nolan. His attacks against Nolan left Malloy safe above the fray.

“I was somewhat surprised to see Gerald Malloy beat out Christina Nolan. I attributed a lot of that to the third candidate, Myers Mermel, spending a lot of money and time bashing Christina,” said Benning, the Caledonia County senator who won the Republican nomination for lieutenant governor. “I think Gerald Malloy took advantage of staying out of that.”

Asked about his decision to target Nolan, Mermel said it was a service to voters. “I believed it was the right thing for me to do to make sure that people knew the truth about the establishment candidate,” he told VTDigger.

But rather than his attacks, Mermel suggested, it was Nolan’s endorsements from McConnell and Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, that cost her with Vermonters, as did her outspoken willingness to disagree with her potential Republican colleagues in the U.S. Senate. “I had heard repeatedly from the people I spoke to that they didn’t want to see a Republican like that get elected,” Mermel said.

(The Nolan campaign did not respond to an interview request on Thursday.)

While Malloy took hardline anti-abortion and anti-gun-reform stances, Nolan said she supported Roe v. Wade and red flag laws. She is also lesbian and has spoken in favor of marriage equality. On a night in which women dominated the Democratic ticket, not a single woman won statewide for the Republicans.

And here’s the issue I want to focus on: “She … has spoken in favor of marriage equality.” That’s a big dud with Republican voters still. In spite of the GOP political establishment’s drive to run away from cultural issues, the GOP base wants the party leaders to support the natural family, stand up for natural marriage, and push back on the encroaching, destructive LGBT agenda.


Democrats Are Grifters, Too

Check out this outrage from progressive abortion activists:

“My rights should not be a fundraising point for the Democrats.” 💯💯💯 pic.twitter.com/6hNLQ5tZry— GOOGLE LASD GANGS (@PplsCityCouncil) June 26, 2022

The Democratic Party demagogued the abortion issue for decades. They always claimed that they cared about a “woman’s right to choose.” The funny thing, though, is that Democrats had strong majorities in Congress for decades, and yet they did nothing to codify Roe v. Wade into law.

When Barack was first elected in 2008, he commanded a filibuster-proof majority in the United States Senate along with broad majorities in the House of Representatives.

And instead of codifying abortion once for all, he focused on Cap-and-Trade (which died in the US Senate without a vote), and then pushed Obamacare, which was so roundly hated that Democrats lost 63 seats in the House in 2010.

Republicans gained six US Senates, too. People were so angry at Obama and his wasted political capitol.

Now, here were are in 2022, and the United States Supreme Court has struck down Roe v. Wade.

Oh, Happy Day indeed!

This is a huge victory for the conservative cause generally, for Republicans particularly, and for President Trump completely.

What makes this victory so … vindicating is that the Democrats are losing their base, votes, and money because of this issue. They promised, they fundraised, they begged, they pleaded for progressive voters to stick with them, that they would do everything in their power to protect abortion privileges.

And when they had the power, they did nothing with it.

Check out this epic rant from a frazzled progressive:

🤣🤣🤣🤣 I think he’s ready to flip red. #redwave2024 pic.twitter.com/l3B63uV6p2— Outlaw Bonnie Parker (@OutlawBParker) June 29, 2022

This guy is tired of the fundraising emails, too.

In a sense, though, I can imagine how frustrated these left-wing activists are. For decades, Republicans have faced the same frustrations and disappointments from national Republican elected officials. They said they would repeal Obamacare, and they did not. They said they would secure the border, and many of them reneged or ran away from the pledge.

They also said that they would End the Fed, stop the taxation, and that they would curb the excessive spending, which they have never done. 

The biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans, at least among the grassroots, is that we Republicans learned a LONG, LONG time ago that Republicans in and of themselves were untrustworhty. We have carried this healthy suspicious of the state for a long time. We know that the government is full of liars, cheats, and thieves, and we were never under any pretense that they will follow through on anything they promise to do, unless we push them.

Also unlike the Democrats, we had President Donald Trump. He was an outsider, a disruptor, someone who was beholden to no one. He accomplished many of the promises he had outlined on his political platform. He came through for us on many issues, and even when he failed on some issues, we did not throw up our collective hands and give up. Trump really cares about this country, and the voters who supported him picked up on that caring.

Democrats have no “Trump-like” equivalent. Even Bernie Sanders, the outspoken Independent Socialist, has sold out his morals, becoming a best-selling writer and millionaire. He has abandoned the fight for his crypto-communist agenda, and at the end of the day, he is too cowardly to fight for what he believes in, anyway.

Democrats have so much to grieve from these past two weeks. President Trump came through on so many promises, he delivered a winning conservative majority on the United States Supreme Court, and he has accomplished one of the most fundamental platforms of the Republican National Committee: the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

Democrats are still waiting for single-payer healthcare (which they will never get). They are still waiting for the massive corporate tax hikes. They are still clamoring for some sort of Green New Deal (which will also never happen.)

In fact, Democratic partisans, progressive activists, and left-wing agitators are really feeling the heat, since conservative activists have learned to fight hard, fight back, and not accept less than everything that is best for our country. Unlike regressive leftists, made conservatives and common-sense citizens have children, they own property, and they want to protect their progeny and their legacies. They will fight for more than power for power’s sake.

Democrats, progressives, regressive leftists have nothing to fight for, because they do not believe in anything. They have embraced nothing but a transvaluation of values, and now they have nothing. What’s worse, they have endured one of the most rigorous political disappointments and cultural defeats in a generation.

And I am loving every minute of it!

For the longest time, I assumed that Republicans were the grifters. After all, Dinesh D’Souza explained to a young conservative in Letters to a Young Conservative that conservative in general care about money, while liberals care about power. Over the last six years, conservatives have learned to care about power, and they no longer shrink away from using their newly-acquired power to do good, to further their causes, to promote their agenda.

The grift is no longer enough for conservatives and common-sense constitutionalists. We expect results, because Trump delivered. Democrats are going to find out, however, that the elected officials whom they have trusted are not up to the task of delivering. They don’t want to. They don’t care, because they never did.


Republicans Rising: No One Wants to Be on “The View”

I think Republicans are finally learning how to play this game called “media.”

For the last twenty-something years, Republicans have signed up to get slaughtered on the left-wing hexing, vixen hatefest called “The View.”

The three or four liberals (really communist regressives) routinely get away with sparring and slamming anyone who is right-of-center, and they allow little room for difference of opinion or debate.

Meghan McCain was the last Republican, in reality a full-on anti-Trump RINO, who waded (or waddled) into the crocodile swamp, where she was beaten, snapped at, stomped, smeared, and repeatedly shamed.

To be clear, I have no respect or any sense of compassion for McCain. She chose to sell out and harm herself on the show for the views, the clicks, the clout, whatever.

Finally, she quit the show, and she dished extensively on what a hateful bunch of harpies the rest of The View cohosts turned out to be.

And other Republicans have taken notice, and no one is signing up to take McCain’s place.

Of course, The View’s producers have outlined a whole host of limitations, caveats, and expectations for the potential new “Republican” co-host.

Politico reports:

Sources close to the show said that the search has stalled as executives struggle to find a conservative cast-member who checks all the right boxes. They will not consider a Republican who is a denier of the 2020 election results, embraced the January 6 riots, or is seen as flirting too heavily with fringe conspiracy theories or the MAGA wing of the GOP. But at the same time, the host must have credibility with mainstream Republicans, many of whom still support DONALD TRUMP.

So basically the producers do not really want a Republican. Any serious conservative who wants to be a true spokesman for the new, proper, growing brand of populist Republicanism will assert that the election was stolen. The evidence is too widespread to ignore.

They want a wannabe Republican who will basically agree with the rest of the co-hosts about another range of issues, as well. What kind of debate/talk show is this, really?

It’s a progressive hatefest, nothing more. Politico itself has wandered into conspiracy theory precisely for denying the truth that there are considerable election irregularities which took place during the 2020 election and afterwards. No one should be blind to these facts. What’s more, no Republican can be taken as a serious Republican if they do not support Donald Trump. It’s just that simply.

The View cannot have it both ways. They either get a real Republican, one who supports Trump, or they get nothing.

Another problem which the producers face is that they cannot bring in wimpy, simpy RINOs who are actively liberal post-Trump:

At the same time, the anti-Trump conservative can’t be seen as too chummy with the other co-hosts, as the network’s market-research shows that the audience wants to see the women spar. Sources said that this has hurt the chances of ANA NAVARRO, a regular fill-in on the conservative chair who worked as a surrogate for JOE BIDEN in 2020: She is perceived by the producers as too.

Again, any Republican who is chummy with those left-wing cacklers is not a Republican.

So, what can we conclude from this dearth of willing GOP victims?

Republicans are finally getting smart. Instead of attempting to have a civil debate with such uncivil people, Republicans, real conservatives who want to take Trumpism to the next level and really shape the culture, refuse to waste their time getting hen-pecked by liberal hate-mongers. It’s all for the best that no Republican steps up. The show’s ratings will finally start declining, since no one wants to watch four ugly liberal women talk about how they think America is ugly, but they are beautiful.

This is it, Republicans. It is time to get smart and stop playing the left-wing media game. We need to give up this notion that corporate media wants to have an audience and open dialogue on serious issues. They seek nothing more than blatant left-wing propaganda and accommodation, and they seek token “Republican” opposition to give themselves the appearance that they are diverse and balanced.


Rest After the Recall

Gavin Newsom won.
The recall lost.
I lost, too.
Or, did I lose, really? In the end, this is a loss for the other voters in the state of California. This is not a loss for me in the long run. There is so much injustice in the state of California, and yet for all of it, none of it has held me back.
In the long run, I feel that this is a win. I can finally let go, stop trying, stop striving to save this state that does not want to be saved.
I must say, I had a sinking feeling, based on all the continuing polls, that the recall would fail. 
There was a smaller sense of sorrow yesterday, when the recall failed. I was not devastated, and I was prepared for this worst outcome.
A day later, it is crystal clear to me who the problem really is: it’s the voters themselves.
The vast majority of voters in the state of California, Democrat and Republican, are the problem.
Democrats are voting for their progressive delusional cult. Republicans did not turn out to vote for the recall. Yes, there was voter fraud, no doubt about it, and it would be good to see what those results would be in a comprehensive audit.
Still, for all the pretenses, the fact is that a new religion has clearly overtaken the state of California: The Cult of the Woke.
And they are as asleep as ever. It’s pretty sad, very distressing to see how far the Golden State has fallen. But the worshipped the Gold, and not the God who made the temple.
For years, I have been fighting the cultural scourge that was so common, so prevalent in this state. For the last ten years, I have been working, volunteering, active in GOP circles to fight back against the moral rot that has overtaken this state.
And it has really come to naught. Yes, I have witnesses victories here and there at the local level, and for two years, a Republican did represent me in the state assembly. But that joy was short-lived, and even then, that Republican failed in all too many cases, even voting to allow illegal aliens to purchase health insurance in the Covered California Obamacare health exchanges. 
What a shameful crock.
The state GOP and the county GOP have been worse than complete failures. They have been complicit in the liberal corruption which has overrun the state. Many of them were Democrats at one time, and they ran for the GOP seats because the Democrats are too full.
The people of the state of California hate God, they hate the truth, and they are holding to their Jim Jones-like hold onto Democratic policies, and they must reject Republicans in particular and republicanism in general. There is no talking to people in bondate to a cult.
I don’t feel bad about accepting the sad reality of all of this, and I do not feel bad about giving up at this point. California voters are rejecting what I believe. They are not rejecting me. They are rejecting God, they are rejecting Christ Jesus, and they are rejecting His grace.
I am giving up because they are not worth the effort. It’s their fault, not mine. I have nothing to lose. I did my part. I have done my part. They didn’t choose the candidates I support, and it’s their fault. Not mine. There is nothing wrong with what I believe. It’s their problem.
It’s not me, it’s you, California. It’s not loss for me. I am not going to waste my time anymore. You are not worth the effort.
“7And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.” (1 Samuel 8:7)
It’s your loss, California, not mine! I tried to warn you that going down the path of the same statist, status quo was going to hurt you, but you chose not to listen:
“19Nevertheless the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel; and they said, Nay; but we will have a king over us; 20That we also may be like all the nations; and that our king may judge us, and go out before us, and fight our battles.” (1 Samuel 8:18-19)
Of course, the first king that God selected for the Israelites was Saul, and he was a failure. David would follow, and he was one of the greatest kings, and yet even he failed.
The Israelites would continue their descent into idol worship and debauchery.
Then came the vision which the prophet Isaiah received, in which he asked how long he would have to prophesy to the people, and they would not listen.
God gave a stern, dour answer:

“11Then said I, Lord, how long? And he answered, Until the cities be wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be utterly desolate,

“12And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the midst of the land.

 “13But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.” (Isaiah 6:11-13)

That’s where California is. I have warned Californians, and many others have done the same. But the vast majority of the voters in the state of California today do not want to listen. They have not suffered enough. They are fat, proud, thick in their minds and their hearts.

Sadly, they will suffer greatly for these failures. But it’s on them. It’s not my fault. It’s not my problem, and I am not going to worry about it anymore.

California, I am going to rest. I worked as much as I could, and you choose to lose. It’s on you at this point.


(Partial) Victory! AB 455 Dead (For Now)

I must start this post with an essential quote from Thomas Jefferson:

This statement will come into play more forcefully shortly.

For now, let’s start with the good news:

I received great news from multiple sources today.

The Vaccine Passport/Vaccine Mandate bill in Sacramento is dead.

AB 455 is going nowhere. The truth is that there was no way that the corruptocracy in Sacramento could have every pushed through that terrible bill. There was no time. The deadline for all legislation is Friday, September 10, 2021, and normally the state legislature does not conduct any real business on Friday.

So, the bill is dead. The vaccine passport scheme is dead

Well, it’s dead dor now.

And this is a victory! Yes, people should rejoice.

Well, a partial victory.

Here’s the full report from an activist organization in the state of California:

YOU DID IT CALIFORNIA!ASSEMBLY BILL 455According to numerous capital sources AB 455 is dead for this legislative season.
PERK — August 30, 2021
Dear Perk Members,I am sure you are overwhelmed with emotions right now! I am too. This bill was one of the worst I have ever seen. I am so relieved to hear that AB455, which would have imposed a statewide “Covid Vaccine Passport,” is now dead. I am so proud of the army of Californians who answered the call. THANK YOU!!!If it had passed, this bill would have removed people from society, unless fully vaccinated with the covid shot. If it had passed, this bill would have created a vaccine mandate on private industry by requiring ALL employers in California to require all their employees to be fully vaccinated, including all Independent Contractors to be fully vaccinated. Secondly, it would have required everyone 12 years and older to be fully vaccinated to enter any indoor spaces.Our fight is still on with the other bill. Now, all eyes need to be on AB1102. This one must not pass either. We still have to oppose AB1102. The digital vaccine passport comes in tandem with this second bill, currently drafted, called AB1102, On Page 7, Item (E), is the digital vaccine passport in the form of the SMART HEALTH APP. More on this soon.GRATITUDE calls are just as important as opposition calls. Please·  Take action now and email your state legislators immediately and tell them thank you for opposing AB455.·  Click here: https://oneclickpolitics.global.ssl.fastly.net/messages/edit?promo_id=13924·  There are also several rallies organizing at the Capitol in Sacramento.  One is on September 8 at 10 AM. See more details about the bills and vaccine passports on our website.  www.perk-group.comThank you! This is a reflection on you, the people of California, that you do make a difference!We may all sleep just a little better tonight. We will be prepared with our army if this bill comes back in a special session this year or next year’s bills. Sending you all love and a BIG HUG!Amy BohnExecutive DirectorPERKDonate to PERK so we can advocate for you!https://donorbox.org/no-vaccine-passportDonate so we can raise funds now.  Share this link with 10 friends.  Share this with other states and freedom fighters.  Help us in CA!  We must get the message on the airwaves.  If we can stop the Vaccine Passports in California, we can help stop it across the entire nation.  I know there are big donors out there, please, share this with them.  Share in group texts, with friends, family, donors, share everywhere. https://donorbox.org/no-vaccine-passportOther ways to donate:Mail a check to: PERK, 3401 Grande Vista Dr. #723, Newbury Park, CA, 91319Zelle: protectionofeducation@gmail.comVenmo:  @PERK-123Direct Deposit (Contact Us.)We have launched a donation campaign dedicated to stopping the vaccine passport issue.  Please share it far and wide.https://donorbox.org/no-vaccine-passportNo Vaccine Passport Event Summary Here:https://www.perk-group.com/news/summary-of-the-sos-california-vaccine-passport-rallyMore Pictures Here

Now, here’s the deal, folks:

Notice that there is another bill that we still need to fight: AB 1102.

Think about this aspect, as well: why did we have to get to this point where we are fighting vaccine passports in the first place?

People across the state should be beating up their state legislators EVERY DAY — ALL THE TIME.

This kind of organizing and activism needed to be happening FIVE YEARS AGO.


Where have you all been?

MassResistance has been fighting the LGBT agenda, one if not the keymost element against this culture war for years.

Have you all forgotten what Thomas Jefferson warned all of us?