
Standing for Truth: No LGBT in the Conservative Movement

There is a small but growing contingent of homosexuals and transgenders trying to push their way into the conservative movement, the liberty coalition, the MAGA movement, etc.

This move is all wrong.

I noticed this problem when I attended the Mother of All Rallies in September 2017 in Washington, DC. When “Gays for Trump” showed up to speak at the event, I knew that there were going to be problems.

Why would any organization want to promote sexual perversion and degeneracy? The whole identity politics game is a big fraud, a major failure. We cannot save this country by playing the same game and falling for the same rules of the regressive, Satanic left.

It’s not about identity politics, but about truth, justice, and the Godly way.

So, it has all come to this. I have to stand for truth. I cannot accomodate or compromise when it comes to pro-family forces and elements. Too many conservatives, however, are all fine with allowing homosexuals and transgenders to run around shouting “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA Slay!” all while flaunting their disorderly behavior.

This is wrong.

A number of public demonstrations throughout Los Angeles County have included out LGBT activists. Promoting sexual degeneracy is not the way to restore order to Los Angeles County or the state of California.

You cannot have liberty without order. The individual is not the first and foremost element of any society, but rather a moral order, whether one calls it God or Natural Law or the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, as referenced by the Framers in the Declaration of Independence.

Freedom ain’t freedom, and freedom ain’t the full and final value for any civilization.

Here’s a statement that I wrote to an out homosexual “conservative” in the Los Angeles area:

—–, I have to stand for truth.

Homosexuality is wrong. I noticed that you quote scriptures, but that doesn’t mean anything if you’re not standing for truth. God didn’t make you gay. God wants you to live healthy and whole. I don’t know what happened to you that caused you to struggle with this issue. I don’t hate you, but it isn’t right or good for me to say nothing and act as if it’s OK for you to flaunt homosexuality as if it’s normal.

What I confronted you about wearing women’s shoes last year, you repeatedly argued with me and lied to me to justify what you were doing. That is wrong.

The kindest thing that I can say to you is that it’s not good for you to abuse your body with the same sex. God did not design you for that. I’m here to stand for truth. You really can’t claim to care about kids if you’re not willing to speak the truth about how LGBT behaviors themselves, that is homosexual and transgender behaviors, are themselves destructive.

I wish that more activists had the courage to say what I shared above with others. I wish that event planners and organizers had the guts to confront LGBT “conservatives” privately and tell them: “You are welcome to protest for the causes that we agree on, but if you want to promote your private life or your disorderly conduct, then we ask you not to come.”

Of course, I find that too many conservative organizers are worried that no one will show up to their events, so they will cave and compromise to allow anyone who wants to flaunt himself or herself and grift to show up and make a showcase of their broken private lives.

I wonder how many of the SoCal conservative organizers would feel if someone showed up drunk or high on drugs? What if someone showed up with a big bong in their hands and declared themselves “Potsmokers for Trump”? I am pretty sure that they would object to that, right? Or would they?

Two conservative activists met with me late last year as we talked about fighting back against the vaccine passport regime coming down in Downtonw Los Angeles. I told them that we need to take a larger stance for the truth, that we need to be grounded in a clear moral framework that protects parents and children, not just settle for “liberty” or “personal freedom” as the only value worth fighting for.

One of the activists responded: “I really don’t care if someone is gay. If we all end up in the gulags, you are not going to care if the person next to you is gay. Your focus is going to be on getting out of prison and getting your freedom back.”

I could not dissuade them from that narrow view on the matter. The fact is that we are in this government-overrreach mess now precisely because conservative forces did not take a militant stand against the government redefining marriage and family from 2005 to 2015. The fact that the government has gotten away with undermining the fundamental fabric and bases of our civilization without pushback has led us to the point where governments started ordering people to wear masks, to get vaccinated, to lockdown their businesses, and not to travel.

Tyranny comes in slowly but surely, just like the proverbial frog getting boiled slowly in the pot. The tyranny worked its way into our culture via the “Love is Love” canard foisted on us via the aggressive, virulent homosexual lobby.

If marriage means nothing, then children lose their parents, and unnatural behaviors and trauma become the norm, not the exception. If words don’t mean things, then people lose their liberty. The fight for marriage and family is paramount, and that includes taking a stand against the corrosive infiltration of so-called LGBT “conservatives.”

I finally had the courage to speak candidly to one out-homosexual who was parading his perversion all while claiming to care about “the kids” and wanting to stop LGBT tyranny. It’s a contradiction which undermines the larger effort, and more conservatives more Ultra MAGA types need to have the courage to stand for truth!


John Cox for Governor: Speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition (Photos and Video)

The Republican Jewish Coalition hosted a meet-n-greet with John Cox, the Republican nominee for Governor of the State of California.

Cox speaking to the Republican Jewish Coalition

I was invited through a friend, since the event sold out of tickets within a relatively short amount of time.

I didn’t know what to expect, although I can’t say that I was completely impressed with Cox’ presentation.

He offered the argument that he would spend much of his time reaching out to Independents and disaffected Democrats. That argument makes sense, since he needs a majority, and Decline-to-State/Independent Voters are now greater than Republicans in terms of registration.

Can Cox turn around the terrible falling trajectory of the state of California?

Let’s hope so!

Here is the complete set of videos which I recorded at the Roxbury Community Center in Beverly Hills:

Part One:

Part Two: