
Reaping What They Sow: San Diego County Democrats Afflicted with Coronavirus Flu

I know that I may draw some flack for writing this, but here goes.

Frankly, with the spread of Coronavirus Flu among homosexuals, and now among San Diego County (mostly gay) Democrats, it comes as no surprise to me.

The San Diego County Democratic Party has been afflicted with the Coronavirus

They were asking for this outbreak of the such contagions by virtue of the fact that they engage in unvirtuous, perverse behaviors. No, I do not believe that the spread of this disease is God’s way of punishing the world for its sins. All the sins of the world were punished on the Body of His Son, Jesus Christ:

“1My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: 2And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 John 2:1-2)

Still, there have been many bad actors in our world who have gotten away with all kinds of sins, perversions, crimes, and wrong-doing.

They are reaping what they have sown. They are receiving the consequences for their evil deeds, and there is nothing wrong with rejoicing in seeing them receive a just recompense for their behaviors.

“Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;” (2 Thessalonians 1:6)


“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” (Romans 12:19)

The San Diego Democratic Party has openly supported and promoted allowing adult sexual entertainers to be around children. They are promoting perverted, destructive LGBT causes throughout San Diego County, and recently they were harassing citizens in Chula Vista, CA who do not want children to be harmed and perverted with LGBT lies.

Now, some of their members are suffering consequences.

Let’s start with the report from the Voice of San Diego:

In the weeks following Election Day, Democratic candidates, activists and operatives did what they normally do: They celebrated victories together and enjoyed a temporary end to the demanding hours they kept in the runup to polls closing.

Democratic Party victories in California are defeats and losses for everyone, even the Democrats themselves. The policies which they have been pushing harm everyone. This is terrible. Why do they hate children so much? Why are they pushing more government to oppress parents and children? Why do they want to normalize sexual deviance, disease, dysfunction, and ultimately death?

What is there to celebrate, exactly?

But this year, those days aligned with the early days of the novel coronavirus spreading through San Diego, and it appears many in those social-professional Democratic circles may have been infecting one another.

Chula Vista Councilman Steve Padilla tested positive more than a week ago, becoming the first elected official in California to publicly announce a positive test for the disease. He was later admitted to an ICU with worsening symptoms and has been put on a ventilator, his daughter announced in a statement.

Quite an announcement. Councilman Steve Padilla, the same councilman who was walking around with vicious LGBT protestors with signs like these:

This same Steve Padilla thinks it’s OK for sexual deviant entertainers to be around children.

This same Steve Padilla walked out on his wife and kids to shack up with a man.

This same Steve Padilla who called mothers and fathers, immigrants and veterans “white supremacists”, now has the Coronavirus flu.

You know what? This proper retribution for his hate. I want him to recover and be restored to common sense, to stop pushing sexual perversion on children, but this is a just outcome for all the evil that he has been perpetrating in the city of Chula Vista.

Friends & Neighbors – I want you to know that I’ve tested positive for COVID-19. Here’s an update and video. pic.twitter.com/PIH7nuA4uF

— Steve Padilla (@StevePadillaCV) March 15, 2020

In the week since, Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, chairman of the local Democratic Party, and Kelvin Barrios, who came in first in the primary election for the District 9 City Council seat, both announced they too had tested positive.

William Rodriguez-Kennedy

afflicted with Coronavirus Flu

Mr. Rodriguez-Kennedy thinks that immigrants, parents, citizens who care about their city and their children constitute a hate group. He lives an openly gay set of behaviors, of course, and he even boasted about the fact that helped fight for the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” while serving in the Marine Corps. Someone needs to let him know that there has been an unprecedented number of sexual assaults have risen because of this repeal.

I wonder if Mr. Rodriguez-Kennedy is proud of that accomplishment.

And yes, he now has Coronavirus flu. This is quite a telling comeuppance, if I may be so bold.

Andrea Cardenas, a political consultant and party organizer who advanced to a November runoff election for a Chula Vista City Council seat, thinks she’s got it, too. She came down with what she thought was the flu on March 9, then went to urgent care on March 13 when she started experiencing shortness of breath and dizziness. She was treated for pneumonia and sent home.

The common spread of disease is all too prevalent among homosexual populations. The Democratic Party is dead set on promoting homosexuality. It seems only a matter of course that they would be afflicted with these sicknesses, too.

The next day, she learned about Padilla, with whom she had spent a lot of time after the election. And by then she knew Rodriguez-Kennedy and Barrios, both of whom she had also spent time with, were sick, though they had not yet tested positive for coronavirus. Another friend and colleague – Jehoan Espinoza, a member of the group San Diego Democrats for Equality who also worked on Ammar Campa-Najjar’s congressional campaign – had also tested positive, she said.

“San Diego Democrats for Equality” are lying about themselves. They do not support equality at all. They support special privileges for a militant minority, the LGBT lobby, at the expense of everyone else.

Cardenas went in for a test at Sharp Urgent Care in Chula Vista on Monday, March 16, when she finished her pneumonia medication and her situation hadn’t improved. She hasn’t received her results eight days later, she said.

She needs to self-quarantine, but not just for the potential threat of transmitting the Coronavirus to others. She needs to be self-quarantined until she abandons promoting the cultural anarchy that the San Diego County Democratic Party is promoting on parents and children.

“It would be very much a miracle if I wasn’t positive,” she said. “We had all been around each other for post-election stuff. And there’s other people we’ve been around who are sick, and they’re just like – there’s no point. No one is getting their tests back. People either aren’t getting tested, or they are and we don’t know the results.”

The LGBTQ Victory Brunch was a significant post-election event, an annual affair in which elected officials, political professionals and activists celebrate LGBTQ officials.

It occurred on March 8, and many party members noted that several of the people who’ve announced positive tests were in attendance. Padilla, though, said his doctors thought he could have been exposed March 10 when he flew through San Jose, where TSA agents had been infected, on his way to chair a California Coastal Commission hearing in Santa Cruz. But that occurred after the Victory Brunch.

This is another telling irony. The LGBT groups are collectivist in mindset, and they don’t promote safe or healthy practices as a rule. People abusing their bodies with the same sex in order to find or share “intimacy” is just nonsensical.

“It’s just such a tight-knit community where we don’t know how far it’s reached,” Cardenas said. “We don’t really know how it got introduced, but the reality is it did affect our community really closely, and it hit home for a lot of people.”

“Tight-knit” indeed, certainly considering the number of sexual partners that many homosexuals have. This pattern of conduct cannot be ignored or downplayed

The apparent spread within the Democratic community has rattled many activists and campaign workers who frequent those circles. Many have announced on social media that they too have been sick, though some have tested negative or didn’t seek testing.

This is telling retribution. Democrats should be afraid. They are pushing all kinds of perversion in the state of California, including San Diego County, and they should be held accountable for all of that!

Final Reflection

The San Diego County Democratic Party is a hate group.

They hate life, since they are so vocally pro-abortion.

They hate family, since they promote the LGBT agenda at the expense of natural law and individual rights.

They hate anyone who stands up for what is true, right, and good in any community. I have spoken with registered Democratic voters, and they are so ashamed of their party, that they can’t wait to vote Republican, or to disaffiliate entirely from the party apparatus.

As for the spread of Coronavirus flu among Democratic Party operatives, they are simply reaping what they have sown, and they are paying a price. Hopefully, the price will not be so steep that individual partisans don’t learn the much-needed, though rarely heeded lesson: don’t mess with the laws of nature and nature’s God.


Chula Vista Mayor and Gay Councilman LIED to Public: No Background Checks Done on Drag Queens

In Chula Vista, CA: Officials lied to public about Drag Queen background checks, MassResistance FOIA request reveals

Another chapter in the sordid story of pro-LGBT politicians pushing a depraved agenda

MassResistance parents fighting back every step of the way!

February 17, 2020
VIDEO: Watch for yourself as Chula Vista, CA, officials lie to the public about background checks on “Drag Queens.” (1 min 34 sec)

A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by MassResistance has revealed that the Mayor and a City Councilman in Chula Vista, CA, blatantly lied to the public about criminal background checks being done on the “Drag Queens” reading to children in the city’s public library.

Since last September, a growing group of MassResistance parents in Chula Vista, CA has been battling with the Mayor and City Council over the depraved “Drag Queen Story Hour” event held on Sept. 10, 2019 in the public library. The parents are adamant that the Council never allow it back.

But the Mayor and a “gay” City Councilman continue to vigorously defend it and refuse to rule out having it again. The two officials have outrageously referred to the parents “haters” and “bigots” for their concerns – which angers people in town even more!

ALT TEXT A Chula Vista citizen addresses the City Council: “This committee lost its minds when they brought the most perverse lifestyle to innocent kids. Shame on you. You will be up for re-election.”

Parents are irate because, as MassResistance uncovered last year, two Drag Queens in Texas had been convicted of child molestation, and another one was a convicted prostitute. Moreover, the Drag Queens invariably have a history of activities steeped in lurid homosexual and transgender perversion – as their own social media posts often advertise.

Lying to the citizens

Thus, the Chula Vista parents also demanded to know if the two “Drag Queens” at their library had had background checks. And so the two officials arrogantly announced during City Council meetings that these Drag Queens had certainly been properly checked out. (See the video above.)

ALT TEXT Mayor Mary Salas tells the city that “there were background checks on these people.”

During the October 1, 2019 Chula Vista City Council meeting, after listening to the complaints from parents, Mayor Mary Salas turned to them and said the following:

I really feel badly for some of the people that came here and spoke because I think that they weren’t there at the story hour, they didn’t see the content, they didn’t understand that the stories were vetted by our librarian, they didn’t understand that the performers were vetted out and there were background checks on these people.

ALT TEXT Council member Steve Padilla tells the city that there “complete background checks on the individuals that were participating.”

During the January 14, 2020 City Council meeting, Councilman Steve Padilla, an out homosexual who has been particularly vicious towards critics of the event, turned to the parents in the room and lectured them:

The program in Chula Vista was fully vetted by our professional staff and library staff to include complete background checks on the individuals that were participating.

These were both clearly said in a matter-of-fact way to “shut up” the parents about background checks.

The FOIA request

But their statements just didn’t seem to ring true. So on February 4, 2020, Arthur Schaper of MassResistance filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the City of Chula Vista. It simply stated:

“I would like a pdf copy of the record which shows that the city of Chula Vista (whether through the library, the police department, or another agency) completed a background check on the two drag queens who read to the children at the September 10, 2019.”

A week later, on Feb. 11, 2020, Arthur received this interesting answer from Tamisha Woods, Sr. Records Specialist in the Office of the City Clerk:

I have been informed by staff that there are no responsive records to your request, however the City does not require background checks for any of its performers as they only work with staff for less than twenty hours and the city has a standing policy that they are considered episodic volunteers and do not require a background check.

The letter went on to say:

The performers, “Raquelita” and “Barbie Q” have been fully vetted via the same process as all other one-time library performers, which is:  Staff booking the program has checked their references, previous history of events and relevant professional affiliations.

In other words, there were no “complete background checks” at all. The library’s “vetting” process was not really much more than just checking any “references” the Drag Queens offered.

Read the entire reply from the Office of the City Clerk.

How depraved was the Chula Vista “Drag Queen” event?

The “Drag Queens” and their reading event at the Chula Vista library – that the library staff and the politicians continue to support so strongly – was in fact more bizarre and debased than most people realized.

ALT TEXT The two Drag Queens who were “vetted” to read to children in the Chula Vista Library. [Photo: San Diego Reader]

Here’s what the local San Diego Reader newspaper reported about the event:

On September 10, Francisco Soto and Xaime Aceves Equihua (stage names “Barbie-Q” and “Raquelita”) presented Drag Queen Story Time to a reported 300 adults and children at the Civic Center Chula Vista Public Library on F Street.
Dressed in drag, they were introduced to the children as “performers.” Illustrations were displayed on a screen as Soto and Aceves read “Julian is a Mermaid,” a story about a young boy who decides to take on a female persona. They also read “It’s Ok To Be Different.”

[Soto and Aceves] call themselves “The Hottest Exxxotics” in “DL Bros,” a music video they produced about gay bar hookups. As the group name suggests, their songs contain sexually explicit lyrics, including, “Don’t go chasing DL bros. Just stick to the queers and the twinks that you’re used to. I know you’ll use your dildo or just your palm. If you’re lucky put your fist up his a–.”  [NOTE: “DL” refers to “down low” – slang for a man who has homosexual sex but keeps it hidden from family and friends.]

When not reading to kids at libraries, Xaime Aceves Esquihua and Francisco Soto have been known to rap on YouTube about dildos, fisting, and gay-bar hook ups with “twinks” and “DL bros.” … They posted the video to their YouTube channel “Queer Novela” six months ago.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines “twink” as a “gay man who is young, slim and looks like a boy.” … Five months ago they posted a video on YouTube with a scene from a strip club that shows nudity. Mayor Salas did not respond to a question about whether people who publicly post such content are appropriate public library storytellers for children.

Illustrations from “Julian is a Mermaid” that were shown to children at the library included multiple pages of Julian undressing to his underwear; before he turns into a mermaid, again when he takes a bath, and before he finds a sheet to wrap around his waist. (In the most-liked comment about the book on goodreads.com, Carol said it “makes me uncomfortable… every time you turn around Julian is stripping down to his skivvies and putting on makeup.”)

ALT TEXT This is the “harmless” book that was read to children at the Drag Queen event. It’s about a boy who wants to become a female – a mermaid – and keeps undressing and putting on makeup.

If the library staff actually vetted this, and if, as Mayor Mary Salas claims, they also approved that particular book, then the library staff clearly needs to be replaced. Perverted people like these have no business deciding anything regarding children.

And if Mary Salas actually attended this event, as she told the public, and still defends it so glowingly, that tells us all that citizens need to know about her. Both Salas and Padilla need to be thrown out of office as soon as the voters can do it.

ALT TEXT Council member Steve Padilla (with microphone) and Mayor Mary Salas (holding “Love Wins” sign) joining with the LGBT anti-Christian who came to the library to counter-protest against pro-family parents on Sept. 10. [Photo: San Diego Reader]
ALT TEXT Council member Steve Padilla (in foreground with megaphone) leads chants by LGBT mob and its anti-Christian bigotry against pro-family parents in front of the Chula Vista library on Sept. 10. [MassResistance photo]
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Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries Blasts Chula Vista Councilman for Drag Queen Story Hour

Dan Kleinman, the operator of “Safe Libraries”, wrote the following blistering letter to Chula Vista Councilman Steve Padilla for promoting Drag Queen Story Hour at the local library.
Some of his points are not only well-taken, but they need to taken well and brought to the Chula Vista City Council, and they need to ensure that they never bring that perverse program back to the library ever again!

Dear Councilmember Steve Padilla, here are things to consider about Drag Queen Story Hour you may have not already considered.

1) Drag Queen Story Hour in public libraries harms the LGBT community. See “Drag Queen Story Hour Leaves ‘Kids In The Cold,’ Is Just ‘Cute and Fun and Trendy,’ Says School Librarian Ingrid Conley-Abrams”: https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2019/06/dqsh-leaves-kids-in-the-cold.html

2) Drag Queen Story Hour violates library law. Yes, a library is a public space, but it is not an open public space, according to the US Supreme Court. It has rules to follow. Drag Queen Story Hour violates those rules. See “How To Remove Drag Queen Story Hour From Libraries, Part 1: FOIA Library Law”: https://safelibraries.blogspot.com/2019/08/how-to-remove-drag-queen-story-hour.html


3) And, generally speaking, not specific to Drag Queen StoryTime, the “Library Bill of Rights” literally means nothing. Your local law applies, not an “aspirational creed” of some library association from out of state. See “Library Bill of Rights Means ‘Nothing’: Berry v. Yosemite Community College District”:


4) Lastly, Drag Queen Story Hour is facilitated nationwide by the American Library Association, an organization that has an established history of homophobia and use of the LGBT community for its own gain. It’s doing it again with DQSH. See “Gay Hate @ Your Library”: 


So please take those things into consideration. DQST may proceed in public spaces (other than public libraries) or in private businesses, but by law they are illegal in libraries.

You’ve had notice now of the possible illegality of the event, let alone that it harms the LGBT community and that it’s pushed by an organization that makes homophobia a practice, namely, the American Library Association. Therefore, any harm that occurs at the library as a result of the event may be now laid at the feet of the municipality as well. Consider whether your liability policies can withstand any lawsuit resulting from any harm done. Any claims about organizations such as MassResistance will not protect your community from liability for harm.

Thank you.

Dan Kleinman of SafeLibraries


San Diego MassResistance Protests Drag Queen Story Hour, Stands Up to Anti-Christian Hate

San Diego MassResistance parents protesting “Drag Queen Story Hour” at library confront disgusting anti-Christian bigotry by LGBT activists

Screaming crowd includes “gay” City Council member

Pro-family parents stand up to intimidation – see photos below!

October 4, 2019

Caution: Some of the photos below are terribly profane.

ALT TEXT This mother had this to say to the “pro-Drag Queen” LGBT activists.

San Diego MassResistance parents who were protesting a horrid “Drag Queen Story Hour” at the library strongly stood up to a rabid crowd of LGBT activists who came to intimidate and harass them with anti-Christian bigotry. In fact, the LGBT activists were clearly surprised and disheartened that the parents were ready for them.


In two previous posts, we reported how MassResistance helped residents in Chula Vista, California (a suburb of San Diego) push back hard against the “Drag Queen Story Hour” scheduled for Sept. 10 in their main public library branch. On Aug. 29, our team held a successful press conference which alerted a large portion of the city. LGBT activists were so angry that the following Saturday night they (allegedly) painted hideous Satanic messages on the walls of one of the churches where the pastor was vocal against the program. But the congregation refuses to be intimidated.

City Council refused to cancel it despite widespread pressure

According to many in Chula Vista – even some local reporters – at least 80% of the townspeople who know about Drag Queen Story Hour oppose it. Many people told our activists who were passing out flyers that they had learned about the program from the TV news reports and they were disgusted that the program was still going on.

Despite citywide pressure, the City Council refused to cancel the Drag Queen event. Three of the five members of the city council – a majority – had either publicly (Mike Diaz) or privately (Jill Galvez and John McCann) communicated to MassResistance that they personally opposed it. But the city manager and Council as a whole refused to do anything to stop it.

So MassResistance parents announced they would protest outside of the public library while the “Drag Queen Story Time” was being held.

Preparing for the protest

Leading up to the Sept. 10 event, the local MassResistance stepped up their efforts passing out flyers throughout the city, posting comments on social media, and contacting elected officials and city staff by email and phone. They planned the protest, made signs, and brought in selected groups to be a part of it.

ALT TEXT One of the local MassResistance planning meetings, led by San Diego MassResistance leader Tony Villafranca (standing at left).

They also coached new volunteers on some of the pitfalls of going against the political establishment. One member of the team, a Filipino-American immigrant, talked about the abuse he received a few days earlier while passing out flyers inside and on the public sidewalk in front of one of the libraries. The librarian came out and ordered him to leave. He refused. So the librarian called the police, and four officers (in three cars!) showed up on scene and confronted him. The man politely but firmly held his ground, insisting that what he was doing was perfectly legal. The police finally backed down and left.

The Day of the Protest!

On the day of the event, when the San Diego MassResistance parents got to the library the police had divided the parking lot in front into two areas. And a slightly larger crowd of angry, screaming LGBT activists was there intent on frightening and intimidating them. They had first marched around the library before settling in the area directly in front of the library’s main entrance.

ALT TEXT The police divided the area and were there to basically protect the parents (left) from the vitriolic LGBT mob (at right).

Thirteen police officers plus a city “public safety” staff of 80 people had been brought in to keep order. Thus, the city’s stubborn decision to hold this depraved event was costing them thousands of dollars.

The angry anti-Christian LGBT mob

It was quite a spectacle. The anger and hate from people on the pro-LGBT side quickly began to boil over. LGBT activists were waving vulgar and profane anti-Christian signs and screaming profanities at the parents, and made obscene gestures at them.

ALT TEXT Most people don’t realize how intense the anti-Christian hatred is among LGBT activists – until their agenda gets seriously challenged.
ALT TEXT More messages directed at the parents.
ALT TEXT This man, clearly angry, is holding up “Legendary Drag Queens of San Diego.”

At one point Chula Vista Councilman Steve Padilla went out in front of the LGBT crowd with a megaphone, leading them on. Padilla is the only openly homosexual member of the City Council. As we reported, he posted a hate-filled rant, which he’s since repeated at a public meeting, making the bizarre and extremely offensive accusations that the Chula Vista residents working with MassResistance are hateful, anti-immigrant, and white supremacist. This has angered many of the local residents.

ALT TEXT City Councilman Steve Padilla (in foreground with megaphone) not only supported the LGBT mob and its anti-Christian bigotry, but got up in front and led them on.

Some of them began chanting “No Hate. No Fear. Everyone is welcome here” – and of course, “Love wins” – all of which seemed quite ironic given the hate and anger in their faces.

ALT TEXT Clearly not fans of MassResistance.

A man dressed as a woman ran around yelling “We love drag queens!” into a megaphone. Some members of the obscene, anti-Catholic group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” were also in the LGBT crowd. Other Drag Queens were also there. One man showed up wearing a yellow animal suit. All in all, to the average person it was clearly a pretty disturbed group of people.

ALT TEXT This man wearing women’s clothes came into the pro-family area yelling “We love Drag Queens” in his megaphone before police led him back to the other side.
ALT TEXT One of the LGBT “heroines”.
ALT TEXT The virulent anti-Catholic “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” even made an appearance.
ALT TEXT We’re not sure what this weirdness is supposed to mean.

The pro-family protesters stand their ground  with their own signs!

The MassResistance parents were joined by various pro-life, Catholic, and Protestant church groups that MassResistance had invited. A local pastor came with members of his congregation. Many brought strongly worded signs that reflected their resolve against the LGBT movement targeting children in the library. Some were praying. They all refused to be intimidated, and the LGBT crowd was clearly surprised at that.

ALT TEXT The parents stood and faced them with no fear at all.
ALT TEXT People are sick and tired of the LGBT movement thinking they have a “right” to push their depraved agenda on young children. And they’re in no mood to be “polite” about their feelings.

Christian messages to answer the LGBT hate. The local churches and their congregations were definitely not going to be silenced by the LGBT activists. We wish it were like this across the country!

ALT TEXT A local Chula Vista pastor leads people in prayer.
ALT TEXT Obviously, the LGBT crowd hates Christianity because it tells the truth about the world.
ALT TEXT A few timely messages for the LGBT group! (As Arthur Schaper, at left in MassResistance t-shirt, passes by.)
ALT TEXT A little ‘fire and brimstone’ is good for the soul! It’s too bad that most religious people are too timid to fight back this way.

Speaking the truth loud and clear! MassResistance also arranged for some pro-family speakers, and a church donated a podium. The people (and the LGBT crowd ) heard some very powerful messages from them!

Ruben Serrano is a Catholic activist and part of the local Knights of Columbus.
Famela Ramos is a candidate for Congress in that district (CA-53) and a strong pro-family advocate.
Tony Villafranca is the leader of San Diego MassResistance and was the main force in organizing the protest.

After a while the LGBT crowd seemed to run out of steam and began to leave. They seemed to realize that they weren’t effective in intimidating the MassResistance protest! It was clearly a psychological blow, since they are used to having conservatives fear them.

Inside the “Drag Queen” event

Inside the “Drag Queen” event, according to people who went in, there were mostly empty seats in the library’s auditorium – even though the library had told the public that they had received 300 reservations. This is not surprising. Many of the people attending Drag Queen events are LGBT activists who do not even live in the city or the surrounding area. So despite the heavy media presence promoting it (while ignoring or denigrating the pro-family side), this event was not a big success for the LGBT movement.

In contrast, the wide array of conservative, pro-family activists who showed up sent a loud and clear message that they did not want this perversion in their libraries targeting young children – and that the LGBT movement was not going to make them afraid to speak up.

That night – much more action!

That same evening the Chula Vista City Council had its regular meeting. That’s where the fireworks from the pro-family side really came out! After enduring the libel from Councilman Padilla, the treachery and cowardliness of Council’s majority, and the disgusting display by the “loving” LGBT movement, the Chula Vista parents had had more than enough.

See our full report on that City Council meeting in our next post.

Waking up to the truth about “Drag Queens” in libraries

If nothing else, the LGBT activists showed the true picture and intentions their movement.

One thing that is becoming very evident is that the “Drag Queen Story Hour” push is not just a “library staff” issue (although any library staffer who thinks this is fine for kids should not be employed there). Normalizing aberrant sexual behaviors in the minds of young children is a very emotional part of the adult LGBT movement. The anger and vitriol that these “gay” adults inflict on parents who disagree with their goals is quite breathtaking. (As we’ve seen in other parts of the country, the pro-LGBT force often includes Antifa, which appears to be disproportionally made up of sexually deviant people.)

But in Chula Vista and elsewhere around the country, MassResistance is organizing to confront this deviant movement targeting children.

ALT TEXT Ready to go. The scene at a MassResistance planning meeting a few days before the protest.
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