
MoveOn.org Panicking about MAGA Primary Victories

MoveOn.org cannot move on from President Trump or Steve Bannon.

They have hit peak Trump Derangement Syndrome. Funny Stuff!

Check out their latest appeal for money, money, money!

Dear MoveOn member,

Alerts on too many of our phones on Wednesday morning looked like this:

“Mark Finchem, an adamant election denier and conspiracy theory promoter, won the GOP primary for Arizona’s top election post.”1

“Trump backed Blake Masters is projected to win the Arizona GOP primary to face Sen. Mark Kelly.”2

“Trump backed Tudor Dixon is projected to win the Republican primary to face Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) in November.”3

“Rep Peter Meijer, a Republican who voted to impeach Donald Trump, conceded to John Gibbs, a Trump-endorsed far-right challenger.”4

“Kris Kobach, the former Kansas secretary of state, won the GOP race. He’s made a career out of promoting false election claims.”5

Slowly but surely, state by state, Donald Trump is lining up his lackeys across the country to ensure he has the pawns to rig the presidential election in 2024.

That’s why MoveOn made the unprecedented decision to invest $30 million into the midterms this fall. We knew early on that this year was going to be like no other, and we have been preparing for months to confront it head-on. To turn out exactly the voters who will turn the tide on the primary results of a MAGA Republican Party.

The general elections are next, and we can defeat Trump, just as we did in 2020—but only if we come together.

That’s why we need your help. In order to execute our unprecedented plan (see below) we must have the sustained resources to stop Trump and his acolytes. As his hand-picked marionettes win Republican primary after Republican primary, MoveOn has the plan to stop him. Will you chip in $3 a week to make it all possible? (MoveOn will bill your weekly donation to your credit card once a month starting today and will contact you shortly after the election to see if you want to modify or cancel your weekly donation.) 

Count me in.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t chip in weekly.

Let’s be clear: There’s reason for hope, even amid this litany of dark updates from Republican primaries. More and more polls are giving Democrats hope of holding off a red wave.6 Republican obstruction and overreach is backfiring: In Kansas, a state Trump won by 15 points, voters roundly defeated an amendment to the state constitution to deny people bodily autonomy and self-determination and ban abortion, showing the power of abortion access as a motivating issue for voters.

Democrats in key races are showing strong grassroots fundraising. And Trump’s “MAGA” mentality is alienating swing voters.

Our job is to seize these opportunities, make the most of those glimmers of hope, and execute a plan that can mobilize voters to elect progressive champions who will fight for our democracy and defeat Trump’s cult-like adherents.

Our plan, the largest investment in our 23-year history, is being executed in four phases:

  1. Organize on the ground to build our activist base (ongoing since the beginning of 2022).
  2. Use innovative digital strategies to define our opponents early and rally Democrats and progressives (started months ago).
  3. Blanket carefully targeted states and districts with ads with strategic messaging (testing has begun).
  4. Get our target voters to the polls to defeat Trump’s election deniers, insurrectionists, and fake electors (October 1-November 8).

Every facet of MoveOn is focused on executing this plan—from our staff members to our state-by-state activists to our millions of members—because we know we need to go all-out to stop Steve Bannon and his dark-money PACs.

But we also know that our shared vision of America, where progressive values—that hold up Black and brown voices, that celebrate the humanity of LGBTQ+ youth and people of all ages, that see trans families and disabled people as our strength—will always prevail.

All we need to make sure our plan is executed, and Trump is stopped, are the resources. And that’s where you, Arthur, come in. Please, can you start a $3 weekly donation today to show that you support stopping this Trump momentum?

Count me in.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t chip in weekly.

Thanks for all you do.

–Chris, Seth, Kelly, Emily, and the rest of the team


1. Breaking News, The New York Times, August 3, 2022

2. Political News Alerts, The Washington Post, August 3, 2022

3. Ibid.

4. Breaking News, The New York Times, August 3, 2022

5. Ibid.

6. “Democrats are slightly favored to win the Senate,” FiveThirtyEight, accessed August 4, 2022

Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.  Paid for with regulated funds by MoveOn.org Political Action, PO Box 96142, Washington, DC, 20090.

Want to support MoveOn’s work? Donald Trump and his allies are methodically enacting a plan to place some of Trump’s most ardent supporters in key election offices that oversee vote counting, have the power to certify—or decertify—election results, and declare election winners and losers. We’ve launched a powerful, multimillion-dollar campaign to stop Trump. But we need your help to power our effort.

Things are not looking good for MoveOn.org. Who is paying for these people, anyway?

They have completely lost their way, completely driven by Trump and Bannon Derangement Syndrome. This is such an irony, when one considers that MoveOn.org started because the Republican Congressional majorities wanted to impeach Bill Clinton for lying under oath to a grand jury. Their response was “Move On!”

Well, they need to move on from Trump, but they just can’t get over the fact that he is building up strengh, stem, and standing in the country, and not just with Republicans and Independent voters. Even some Democrats are starting to peel over to the GOP just because of Trump!


Petty Disgraced Media Hack Smacks “Thank Trump” Trend

If this tweet does not prove how truly showly the Mainstream Media has always been, then nothing will:

If “Thank Trump” is trending on Twitter and he’s not there to see it, does it make a sound?— Dan Rather (@DanRather) March 12, 2021

This is Dan Rather commenting on the “Thank Trump” trend that emerged on Twitter today. And this is the pettiness that he exemplifies, which represents the never-ending Trump Derangement Syndrome which overcame the media five years ago. 
Do these media hacks know no shame? 

 Recall that Dand Rather is a disgraced former media hack, too. In 2004, Rather reported a story claiming that then President George W. Bush lied about his service in the United States airforce. This controversy was known as the “Killian Documents controversy”, although it later became known as Memogate or Rathergate.
 The whole “scoop” turned into a failed fiasco, because the so-called “smoking gun” letter was clearly faked. Any competent journalist would have walked away from such a fraudulent story, but Rather was a media hack, and he ran with it purely for partisan reasons. 
The disgrace of this fraud was so great, he was forced to retire early. Of course, back in 2004, there were journalistic standards of a sort, and bad reporters were held accountable. Nowadays, reporters don’t hide their political bias or their propagandist spirit, and they get lauded for it.


Trump Derangement Syndrome Lives On: Dylan Thomas

President Trump won the election on November 3rd, 2020.

Joe Biden cheated. I will never refer to him as President. This refusal stands in stark contrast to President Obama. He did win in 2008 and 2012. I did not dismiss him as President in that regard. John McCain was too liberal, and Mitt Romney was too weak and liberal–although I repeat myself.

Joe Biden cheated. Joe Biden did not win. He is not the President.

The amount of voter fraud, election fraud, court cowardice, and outright non-committal acquiescence from RINO Republicans and corrupt Democrats sealed this perverse deal, however.

I do not care how many corrupt media organs report otherwise.

Donald Trump is the President, and Joe Biden is a total fraud.

Of course, Joe Biden types want to gloat. One of them, Dylan Thomas, who has a terrible brand of Trump Derangement Syndromed, shared the following with me via Facebook:

Dylan Thomas has issues, to put it mildy.

Here’s some photos featuring his madness:

He’s clearly a danger to himself and to others.

He also thinks it’s OK to steal from others:

And he must be homosexual, since he wants to f–k the Proud Boys:

And here’s more proof, since this is considered “tasteful” on his Facebook site:

Here’s Dylan Thomas’ Facebook page. Click here.

Please report his page and his abusive behavior, too. He has a problem with Trump, apparently he realizes that Trump’s legacy continues without interruption, and he wants to abuse his body with other men.

Make sure that we make him famous for his self-loathing.


Breaking: Women’s March Chicago Cancelled Due to Infighting (i.e. They Couldn’t Defend the Anti-Semitism Anymore)

Here’s another piece of good news.

One of the Women’s Marches is not going to march.

Chicago, Illinois is the third largest city in the country, and in one of the bluest states in the nation.

Yet even there, the bigotry, the Jew Hatred, the liberal infighting and corruption have proved too much even for the most ardent, left-wing supporters to stomach.

The Chicago Women’s March is cancelled!

Here’s the report from Associated Press:

Organizers cancel Chicago Women’s March citing logistics

CHICAGO (AP) – Organizers have canceled next month’s Women’s March in Chicago citing logistical issues, as accusations of anti-Semitism dog the national movement.

Accusations? More like affirmations. Louis Farrakhan is a rabid Jew baiting bigot, and he has never withheld his disgusting for any group of people, especially Jews.

The press will do everything they can to downplay this setback. I just wish that this fallout would come to Los Angeles, too. How can anyone stand with a movement so dedicated to those who hate women and minorities? (which includes white men at this point, when considering the state of California).

Local organizers blamed high costs and not enough volunteers as key reasons for abandoning the Jan. 19 rally. An estimated 250,000 people participated in the event in January 2017 , causing organizers to cancel the march through downtown Chicago due to security concerns.

This is liberal spin. The Jew Hatred of Linda Sarsour, coupled with her flagrant celebration of Sharia Law, doomed this program from its outset. High costs? Blame the liberals who have overrun and run Chicago to the ground. Would someone please tell me why anyone would promote this crappy movement?

Infighting across the Women’s March movement arose after Louis Farrakhan praised Women’s March Inc. co-president Tamika Mallory and declared Jews his enemy during an address in February. Chapter members criticized Women’s March leadership for being slow to condemn the Nation of Islam leader’s anti-Semitic rhetoric.

Slow to condemn? They didn’t bother to condemn the bigotry at all. In fact, they have been looking the other way on this whole corrupt perverse reality for the last two years. How many times has Linda Sarsour and her Jew-hating self spoke out during this movements? How many times did she show up and pronounce her hatred of the President and his policies–all of which have actually helped advance the causes of women, especially in the private sector?

Final Reflection

Would someone please tell me why this news is getting such little coverage? Why is it that the mainstream media goes to great lengths to promote every liberal cause and overlook over negative thrend in any anti-Trump movement?

It’s also worth pointing out that the city of Torrance promoted their own Women’s March in October, and the event was a total dud. Very few people showed up, and some of the elected officials who were expected to speak did not bother coming.

The program was supposed to last from 10am to 2pm that day, and yet the staffers and organizers rolled everything up by 1:30pm!

The Women’s March has had an incredibly difficult time holding together its conflicts of intersectionality. The women are not breaking down over race and religion. With Jews, it ends up with both, since there are Jews by faith, and yet many more who are Jews as a member of ethnicity and genetic background.

The fact that the movement would bring in Muslim leaders, those who advocate for Sharia law in all its aspects, descredited the whole movement at the outset. The cancellation of the Chicago Women’s March is good, but the organizers in the other cities need to stand up the bigoted speakers and cowardly leaders. This Women’s March is not about women, but about left-wing, anti-American ideology, nothing more.

And therefore, it should be nothing more.


What the McCain Mourning is Really All About

In a previous post, I reported that I do not particularly miss US Senator John McCain.

Yes, I voted for him when he ran for President, but I only voted for him in the 2008 general election. His “maverick’ reputation had tainted him for me, since he had voted for liberal policies in the past, including his rejection of the Bush tax cuts in 2001. He also voted for climate alarmism, amnesty, and campaign finance “reform”, in reality a form of political censorship. The legislation was so bad, that Washington Post columnist George Will had dedicated multiple broadsides against it.

Finally, the legislation was overturned in 2010. The five Supreme Court Justices who had ruled in favor of free speech stood their ground in spite of the abusive disrespect of President Barack Obama. Then came the full-borne floodgates of money, speech, and networking that exposed the political establishment for what it really was. With all that money pouring into television ads across the nation, Jeb Bush merely revealed to millions why he was a tired, unqualified candidate for the White House.

Hillary Clinton spent nearly twice as much as Trump, yet she still lost. Lipstick on a pig, no matter how rare or expensive, will not make beautify the beast. More money in politics has not corrupted the process, but has rather given more voices, groups, and interests the chances to make their case to the broader electorate. In the past, the incumbents scored most of the free press, and the challenges struggled to raise money because of stringent campaign finance laws.

As for climate alarmism, more nations are waking up to the more destructive agenda behind this move: government overreach into our daily lives. McCain wanted to make nice with liberal interests in the United States Senate. He wanted to place himself in the center, commanding demands over both sides of the aisle, to hold onto power the same way that swing justices on the Supreme Court would decide major cases.

There’s no principle in that, no policy goals which work for the best of all Americans. McCain was out for himself, and he looked for every arbitrary means to make himself “independent.”

What is all the mourningt about in the press, then? Why are we getting bombarded with some of the most average coverage, like “Meghan McCain cries over father’s casket”? What did anyone expect her to do? Laugh? Make a field goal? Go to Disneyland?

This is a very trying, hard time for the entire family, and I respect that. The media is propping up their reporting on John McCain because he served as the most reliable foil, the most consistent thorn to conservatives across the country and to the Trump Administration in particular. John McCain served as the signal of never-ending dissension among Republicans. He helped the media continue this lie that President Trump does not really represent the GOP, and that the real estate mogul and reality TV star was a mere aberration.

John McCain was a polished, acceptable version of “The Resistance”, a full on Establishment crony who never fought the DC Swamp, who put civility above constitutional civilization. He turned over the Steele Dossier in a brazen attempt to question, undermine, and render illegitimate the Trump Administration.

The press could play up their patriot credibility by fawning over John McCain, too, since he was a Vietnam War Veteran. This time around, however, all the gloating and love for McCain is falling on deaf ears. Most people don’t take the mainstream networks seriously anymore. All the junk exposing McCain’s anti-Trump, anti-Tea Party animus has come out.

McCain will go down as a veteran who worked for himself once he ascended the US Senate. Period.

We will also recall that his Trump Derangement Syndrome did a greater service purging the Republican Party of unhelpful RINOs who cared more about a globalist agenda that put Americans a distant second behind government and corporate interests.

McCain was all about McCain, and he became Big Media’s darling because he hated Trump so much. That is all.