
California Medical Freedom: Stop AB 1993

Hello amazing medical freedom fighters!  

CONTACT THESE  PEOPLE NOW to register your opposition to AB 1993 which will require ALL employees, including independent contractors to show proof of COVID 19 vaccination to work in California.  They are schedule to vote on Wednesday.  

Buffy Wicks is the Leader of this bill.

Bombard her office with calls emails letters asap!!!

Capitol Office:
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: (916) 319-2015 | Fax: (916) 319-2115
District Office:
1515 Clay Street, Suite 2201
Oakland, CA 94612
Phone: (510) 286-1400

EMAIL ASAP.  https://www.perk-group.com/letters-to-legislature

Assembly Labor & Employment Committee – vote Wed 3/30 @ 1:30pm

Friday is the day legislators are in their district offices! Call, email & visit District offices today!

Ash Kalra (Chair)
100 Paseo De San Antonio, Suite 319, San Jose, CA

Eloise Gomez Reyes 
290 North D Street, Suite 903, San Bernardino, CA

Reginald Jones-Sawyer, Sr. 
700 Exposition Park Drive, Los Angeles, CA

Christopher Ward
1350 Front St, Suite 6054, San Diego, CA

Kelly Seyarto
41391 Kalmia St, Suite 220, Murrieta, CA

Heath Flora 
578 North Wilma Ave, Suite B, Ripon, CA

Children’s Health Defense – West L.A. chapter meets every other Tuesday 
in Santa Monica 5:30-8:30pm  
As of the present moment, no additional information is available about Tuesday night’s meeting.
Tuesday March 29th, 2022 
The Lighthouse Church in Santa Monica
1220 20th Street
Santa Monica, 90404

For more information to get on their email list:   a.team@childrenshealthdefense.org       childrenshealthdefense.org  sign up for The Defender newsletter 

Pacific Justice Institute Takes on Amtrack

PJI On Track to Derail Amtrak Vaccine Policy
December 13th, 2021
Media Contact: Brad Dacus, 916-616-4126 Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) has been retained by numerous Amtrak employees after Amtrak announced that its employees must receive a COVID-19 vaccine or face unpaid leave. As many as 1,000 Amtrak employees submitted requests for religious accommodation regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. In “granting” some of the requests, Amtrak has stated that these employees with religious objections, starting January 4, 2022, will be placed on unpaid leave for ninety days and that the employees cannot seek other employment during that time.

Amtrak is required by law to show that mandating the vaccine is the “least restrictive means” of achieving its desired “safety” goals. There are many other ways in which Amtrak could protect its workforce from and prevent the spread of COVID-19, including mask wearing, social distancing, testing for antibodies, or COVID-19 testing. Even the recent federal order regarding vaccine mandates for private employers contemplates testing as a viable option.

PJI represents Amtrak employees who have worked safely and followed COVID-19 safety protocols for well over twenty months since the start of the COVID-19 outbreak. No evidence suggests that continuing in this work environment will place other employees or passengers at a higher risk. The risk is potentially much lower now because, as stated by Amtrak CEO William J. Flynn, 88.2 percent of Amtrak workers are already fully vaccinated.

Amtrak employees with granted medical accommodations are permitted to remain working on-site in their current positions, yet it appears that none of the employees with granted religious accommodations are allowed to remain in the workplace.

“Amtrak is treating its employees who have requested a religious accommodation differently than those employees who have requested a medical accommodation,” stated PJI President Brad Dacus. “An ‘accommodation’ of indefinite unpaid leave, or basically being fired, is wholly unreasonable and unacceptable. We cannot stand idly by and watch strong people of faith have their religious rights deprived.” stated PJI President Brad Dacus.
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More Info to Fight Vaccine Mandates


Please share this information with your friend. 

We are so sorry to hear about the situation you and your coworkers find yourselves in. We have been contacted by thousands of people in similar situations regarding unfair treatment and discrimination due to declining masks, testing, and the vaccine. We cannot match you with an attorney at this time but hope to have that capability up and running in the next few weeks. Since we do not currently have the resources to file lawsuits for individuals, know that we are currently working on a high-level national strategy to rectify this situation for all Americans. 

Have you looked into filing a religious/philosophical exemption with your employer? Take a look at this website and see what kind of exemptions are available in your state:


Here is another resource for a religious exemption

If you do go the exemption route, it is wise to have an attorney review your letter before submitting it to your employer. 

We are working on a variety of lawsuits against mandates, emergency orders, and violations of basic human rights. In addition, we are working to expose the mass disinformation campaign by federal government health entities and the media. Lawsuits like this can cost hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars along with countless hours. Please know our team is working around the clock to pursue these options that will affect many Americans. We are doing all we can and will continue to do so but we can’t protect everyone, help everyone, or fix this alone. We need people to stand up and say no.

Check out this quick video on Bodily Autonomy.  

Please remember that you do have a choice, you have the choice to say NO! It is not an easy choice to make. Many Americans have already chosen to seek new employment, some have even relocated. Do you want to work for an employer who will not respect your privacy and your medical decisions? What’s next forced contraception or forced antidepressants? It isn’t normal to allow our employers to violate or have a say over our bodily autonomy and we cannot accept this new normal. While finding other employment may not be ideal or your first option, it is something to consider. What happens if you all say no? We have seen health care facilities here in Idaho advertising they will hire the unvaccinated, as other employers see the demand we may see other companies doing the same. 

It is incumbent upon you and every other American to stand up and protect their rights. If you won’t stand up for yourself who will? It’s always easier to stand with a group. Have you found a local group that is organizing peaceful protests in your area?  Follow your heart and continue to reach out to other like-minded people in your community. Get in contact with your coworkers and neighbors, organize and coordinate your actions, together you are stronger.

Check out our latest update:

Telegram: https://t.me/HealthFreedomDefense/185

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNP5QBEVKyA

Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LsTeMI4RMxvv/

Please consider supporting our work by becoming a member and making a donation click here. You can also subscribe to our newsletter to stay on top of the latest news.

Yours in education and choice,

The HFDF Team


Save California: Tyrants have no science + how to resist + shop maskless

SaveCalifornia.com — Championing Your Values in CaliforniaHi,It’s arguably good news and a sign that Covid tyranny is coming to a head that the Tyrannical Democrats’ “public health” lies are breaking down.Because they can’t explain why “vaccinated” persons are getting infected, why “vaccinated” persons must revert to wearing masks, why natural immunity is stronger than the “plastic immunity” of vaccines, or why children — who aren’t threatened by and don’t spread Covid — must be continually masked in schools.So, in their mad push for power, they’re pleasing Big Pharma and themselves (and Satan) by trying to make you obey whatever comes out of their mouths — as if their words were “the law” passed by a legislature and signed by a governor. “The vaccine’s the thing,” they sing, as they and prostituting big business order you to sing along or be punished. But the emperor has no clothes — because there’s no “problem” for the “vaccine” to solve!Please look at this official State of California chart and show it to others:This chart spanning March 2020 to the present week from the State of California’s Covid-19 dashboard currently reports a “7-day average death rate” of 0.02 per 100K, which means if you catch any form of Covid in California (this chart includes “variants”), you have a 1 in 5 million chance of dying from it (0.02 x 50 = 1; 100,000 x 50 = 5,000,000). This is an extremely low death rate — much lower than your chance of dying from eating, walking, driving, or being struck by lightning. If reasonable people grasped this reality, their unhealthy fear and compliance with unscientific tyrants would end.The Liberal Left is lying to youHow? Let me count the ways:”Public health authorities” are lying to you by trying to erase natural immunity from their unscientific definition of “herd immunity”Democrat politicians are lying to you about everyone’s “need” for face masksBiden & Co. are blatantly disobeying federal law protecting you from forced or coerced injectionsAnd what about the “effectiveness” of the “Covid vaccines” against Covid variants (which are caused by the vaccine)? Listen to expert Dr. Peter McCullough:Grasp the real scienceListen to a top expert on Covid, Dr. Peter McCullough, who says everyone should know 5 things about the current “variant” scare. As LifeSiteNews reports:McCullough highlighted “five key messages of scientific truth” surrounding the pandemic that need to be taken into account. First, the virus doesn’t spread among asymptomatic people. Second, asymptomatic people should not get tested, as it is “generating false postives, creating extra cases.” Third, natural immunity gained after having the virus is “robust, complete, and durable.” Fourth, COVID-19 and even the variants are easily treatable at home with early intervention. Fifth, the coronavirus jabs by Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and AstraZeneca are “right now are obsolete.”In fact, McCullough pointed out that the experimental “vaccines” must “be considered unsafe and unfit for human use.” He mentioned some of the dangerous side effects brought on by the injection. Meanwhile, he also said that safe and effective medicines and treatments have not been promoted, even though they have saved lives — and could save more.McCullough noted that social and mass media companies have agreed to promote the notion that “vaccines” are safe, and to shun information on early treatment and vaccine injuries. He called this “an overt censorship program.”He further stated that with growing disinterest of the public toward the COVID jabs, its promoters are “getting down to pressure, coercion, threats of reprisal, and even forced vaccination.”Resist the scamdemicIn light of the significant risks of the non-vaccine “vaccines,” I encourage you to NOT comply with any attempt to coerce or force you to be injected with any of these experimental biological agents. Again, federal law prohibits it!Attorneys correct Biden Administration’s violation of rules requiring voluntary consentAmerica’s Frontline Doctors seeks revocation of deadly Covid vaccinesIf you work for someone who’s thinking of imposing “Covid vaccines” upon you, do not comply. Tell your boss you do not agree to be vaccinated, show them the federal law, and give them your letter requesting a religious exemption (edit this template).If you’re a small business owner or manager who either respects people’s God-given rights, or the federal law, or the science showing these “vaccines” are unnecessary, ineffective, and dangerous, please tell other small business owners why and encourage them to care for — and keep — their employees by NOT coercing injections upon anyone.Shop masklessWherever a grocery store permits vaccinated customers to shop maskless, just mix in. This is the position of most California grocery stores SaveCalifornia.com has researched. In addition, if their position is to exempt from masks customers with “health issues” or “medical conditions,” you could let them assume that too. Visit their websites for updated policies. Yet seize these opportunities to be human and American, and shop with freedom.Protest publiclySaveCalifornia.com has updated our list of medical freedom events in California. These important events are protesting forced injections, tests, and masks. Please participate by bringing signs and friends and U.S. flags. Visit SaveCalifornia.com Action.“We synthesized this [treatment for Covid 19] into this protocol which is very comprehensive, and many could condense this, but once someone contracts Covid 19, the patient quarantines at home, we do contract tracing, the patient ventilates the room, and gets fresh air. If the patient age is under 50, we use just nutraceuticals: zinc sulfate (220 milligrams contains 50 milligrams of zinc) vitamin D3 5,000 units, vitamin C 3,000 milligrams, quercetin 500 milligrams twice a day. You could add lysine or n-acetylcysteine. Medical personnel maintain “watchful waiting,” maintain complete quarantine. Once recovered, the patient goes back to work, with no additional testing. Nothing else is needed. If symptoms worsen, then we move into the treatment protocol. The treatment protocol for patients over 50 and persons with medical problems—that’s when the risk of hospitalization or death emerges, it’s more than one percent—we use antibodies, if we can get an antibody infusion. In the United States, they’re free. We just call the hospital and have the patients go in, then we can use our two anti-infectives, hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin, or favipiravir outside the United States, plus azithromycin. We use inhaled budesonide throughout treatment now. If respiratory symptoms are there on day five, we give oral steroids. We use colchicine throughout, and then we use aspirin throughout, and then we can add the anticoagulants. So the physician can use this to integrate a program. It does not mean giving every drug for all patients, but we combine them. We use home oxygen concentrators. I’ve treated people in their 90s at home, and they’ve gotten sick, but they have not been hospitalized. I’ve treated multiple families, people with oxygen saturations into the 70s, without them being hospitalized. It can be done at home because once the patient goes into the hospital in the United States, they get worse care. We can actually do much better in treating patients at home using these drugs. So fortunately, in the United States we can do this now…”Dr. Peter McCollough Covid-19 home treatment protocol, taught in France in June 2021SaveCalifornia.com is part of Campaign for Children and Families, a statewide 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working, leading, and fighting for your rock-solid values and hard-won liberties since 1999. Your confidential, tax-deductible gift of any size empowers our work for your family and other families, and reaches Californians with important facts the Big Media won’t report. Thank you for standing with us!

Hermosa Beach City Council: STOP “No Jab, No Job” Threat Against City Workers! NO VACCINE MANDATES!

Dear Hermosa Beach City Council:
I just found out that you are thinking about forcing every city employee to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

This proposal is an outrageous abuse of power, completely unconstitutional, unconscionable, immoral.
I cannot believe that any of you are even thinking about this!
I am not going to stop raising a fuss about this.
There must be NO VACCINE MANDATES on any employee in the city of Hermosa Beach. NONE!
There must be a clear and convincing statement from the city council, the city manager, whoever is authorized, that this will not happen!
Yes, COVID-19 is a serious illness, but the survival rate is above 99%.
This vaccine mandate syndrome is a far worse, very disturbing malady, and it is spreading throughout Los Angeles County, worse than any other virus. This disease of government overreach and violation of personal privacy and professional dignity is becoming all too commonplace throughout California. The survival rate for personal health and freedom is slim to none in the face of this more serious sickness.
The city of Hermosa Beach must reject catching this tyrannical disease of vaccine mandates.
Consider what one of the largest employee unions in the state has already declared to Governor Gavin Newsom when he declared that he wants vaccine mandates for all workers:

CA SEIU state worker union challenges Newsom vaccine order | The Sacramento BeeCalifornia employs about 246,000 people in state government departments. SEIU Local 1000 represents about 100,000 of them. The letter from SEIU Local 1000 accused Newsom of dodging state legal …www.sacbee.com

The American Postal Workers Union has also declared NO to any vaccine mandates:

APWU Statement on Mandatory Vaccination for Federal Employees | American Postal Workers UnionVarious media outlets have reported that the White House is considering mandatory COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment for federal employees. Maintaining the health and safety of our members is of paramount importance. While the APWU leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get vaccinated, it is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations …www.apwu.org

Did you even bother to contact the labor unions in the city about this? Do yhou think they are going to go along with this?! 
No vaccine mandates! NONE!

Contact the Hermosa Beach City Council and tell them to end this wicked overreach against the city employees!

Justin Massey



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