
How MassResistance Made the Difference in 2018 — Help Us in 2019!

How would the U.S. have been different in 2018 if MassResistance hadn’t been here?

Around the country the LGBT agenda is being confronted – and stopped.

Here’s how we MADE a difference in 2018. Look for even more in 2019!

December 26, 2018

MassResistance is the only pro-family group that is on the ground mobilizing people across the country (and in several foreign countries). A lot of groups do great writing about the “culture war.” But unless it actually confronted, we will keep losing. Here are a few examples of how we changed things in 2018:

ALT TEXTOn the last day of the session, California State Assembly member Evan Low, sponsor of bill AB 2943, capitulated to pressure and pulled the bill from the floor. Low is considered the most aggressive member of the California LGBT Legislative caucus.

1. Without MassResistance, California would now have the most extreme anti-therapy law in the world.

California Bill AB 2943 would have banned anyone – children and adults – from receiving therapy for sexual orientation or gender identity issues. The bill aimed to prohibit all forms of communication on such therapy, including sermons, recordings, and classes.

At first, many pro-family groups came out and fought it. But despite their efforts, Bill AB 2943 easily sailed through the State Assembly and then the State Senate. It just needed to go back to the Assembly for one quick vote, and then the Governor was going to sign it. At that point everyone had given up.

But not MassResistance. Our California chapter came in and for two weeks conducted the most hard-hitting, relentless, lobbying effort in memory. People from across the state pounded their Assembly members. It wasn’t pretty. But on the last day of the session, the bill’s sponsor officially announced he was giving up the fight. The bill was stopped!

ALT TEXTOur handout to the Massachusetts State Senators and their staffs. When dealing with legislators, you have to be very direct!

2. Without MassResistance, Massachusetts would also have a horrible anti-therapy law targeting children.

In Massachusetts, local groups tried to fight Bill H4664, which would ban therapy for vulnerable children – even those who had been raped or molested – and had sexual orientation or gender identity issues. But the bill still sailed through the State House of Representatives. It then went to the Senate (which is very pro-LGBT) where it was expected to pass easily. That’s when MassResistance went into full gear!

MassResistance got citizens to relentlessly hammer their State Senators with phone calls and emails, and visit their offices with information on the horrors of that bill. The bill got stalled. Then stalled again. On the last day of the session, at a minute to midnight, a procedural push failed. The bill was stopped!

In other states, (such as Texas) MassResistance activists are preparing to get to work if the LGBT movement pushes this there.

ALT TEXTInside the “Drag Queen Story Hour.” These men are out to change the way children view reality.

3. Without MassResistance, parents across the country would be fighting the “Drag Queen Story Hours” virtually alone.

Also in 2018, the LGBT movement refined its push to target very young children (as young as three or four years old!) with radical “transgender” indoctrination. They are putting on “Drag Queen Story Hours” in public libraries (and some bookstores) across the country. Homosexual men in women’s clothes use psychological techniques to soften children to accept LGBT behaviors, while reading “gay” or “transgender” stories. How does this affect young, developing minds in the long run? The radicals pushing this don’t care about the harm they’re doing.

This year, we helped MassResistance parents across the country fight back! In Alaska, California, Texas, Michigan, Georgia, and New York, they’ve confronted the local library officials involved, as well as their elected public officials. Our team stopped one Drag Queen Story Hour, and others were derailed indefinitely. In fact, the national Drag Queen Story Hour website posted a warning about the “community backlash” that MassResistance was causing.

Parents are thrilled to be empowered to take action in their communities! And we’ve even had local conservative city officials call us and thank us for our activism.

ALT TEXTThis parent finally felt empowered at a School Board meeting!

4. Without MassResistance, many parents would continue to feel powerless against local School Boards to stop the extreme sex-ed and LGBT agendas in their schools.

Unfortunately, most pro-family groups are ineffective at dealing with local School Boards. Showing up at meetings with rational, polite testimony does not work. We show parents the techniques that work. This year we expanded that program. We had a School Board in California back down on their sex-ed/LGBT agenda after MassResistance parents confronted them. And we’re working on spreading this model across America.

ALT TEXTMost conservative Christians had no idea how this was happening, or what to do about it!

5. Without MassResistance, parishioners would continue to be confused and frightened about the LGBT agenda coming into their conservative Christian churches

The national LGBT movement is spending millions of dollars to infiltrate conservative Christian churches (particularly in the South) with pro-LGBT ideology. Sadly, it has become surprisingly effective. But there are virtually no other pro-family groups fighting this.

This year MassResistance activists began taking action. We began our “Save Our Churches” video series (with Professor Robert Oscar Lopez) to educate people on this threat. Just exposing this LGBT effort is critically important. In addition, our people pushed strong resolutions at the annual Southern Baptist Convention in Dallas to confront it. And there’s more to come!

But all of this doesn’t happen for free, unfortunately. As I write this, people around the country are asking us to help them take action, too. We are very committed to continuing – and expanding – this revolution.

Donate to MassResistance!

You can be a part of it – and actually help make a difference – by making a generous year-end donation.

Right now we have unpaid staff who continue to work because of the importance of the cause. We do not get our funding from wealthy businessmen, rich foundations, or corporations. We get it from regular people like you. It’s vitally important that we start 2019 on a strong footing.

If you’re worried about the “culture war” and the LGBT agenda affecting you and your family, what better investment can you make? You don’t have to do any of the dirty work. But you can help us do it.

Donate to MassResistance!

Thank you very much, and God bless you! We hope you’re having a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s.

Brian Camenker    President, MassResistance

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We the People Rising/California MassResistance at Riverside County Board of Supervisors





















































































































































































































































































































MassResistance Confronts Drag Queen Story Hour in Riverside! Makes Big NEWS!

MassResistance confronts “Drag Queen Story Hour” in Riverside, California

See incredible VIDEO of a mother in action!

Cross-dressing homosexuals out to disrupt the minds of a generation of children.

Confrontation reported by Los Angeles NBC-TV station.

December 5, 2018
ALT TEXTInside the “Drag Queen Story Hour.” These men are out to change the way children view reality.

The latest threat to young children from the LGBT movement is a horror show called “Drag Queen Story Hour.” And it is happening in libraries and bookstores across the country!


VIDEO: A mother confronts the Drag Queen Story Hour

“Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) events are organized and promoted by national LGBT groups and the left-wing American Library Association. Homosexual men wearing garish women’s clothes and makeup read LGBT-themed stories to children as young as three years old!

Most of the so-called drag queens are homosexuals, not “transgenders” (i.e., they don’t actually think they’re women). Clearly, their interest is pushing the entire spectrum of LGBT behavior on children.

Most people are revolted by this but are afraid to do anything. But not our MassResistance activists! Once again, we were on the ground to confront it.

They admit: “We are trying to groom the next generation.”

These homosexual activists are very open about their goals. Their own literature says that their purpose is to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.”  They want the vulnerable minds of very young children to accept destructive LGBT behaviors as normal.

As LifeSiteNews recently reported, a homosexual drag queen in Louisiana told a local city council meeting, “We are trying to groom the next generation.” To the LGBT movement, the Judeo-Christian view of men and women is repugnant and must be countered.

The “drag queen” event comes to Riverside, CA

Riverside, California, is a relatively conservative area in a very blue state. It’s the kind of place that the LGBT movement likes to target. Usually they choose a public library, but this time it was at a bookstore – the Cellar Door bookstore – not far from the center of town. It has a prominent children’s section and regularly schedules story events for local children – though not like this one!

ALT TEXTThe Cellar Door Book store in Riverside, CA.

They advertised the event for Oct. 27, right before Halloween. In the weeks leading up to the event, local MassResistance parents called, emailed, leafletted, and even talked to the owner personally to try to convince her not be part of this horrible agenda targeting young children. But she refused to budge. It went on as scheduled.

Parents fight back: Here’s how you do pro-family activism!

The morning of the event, a MassResistance mother, Genevieve, along with another activist, Jesse, walked in with their cell phone cameras. Genevieve stood near the front and began videoing the “drag queens” as they made their presentation. The man stayed in the back to video their interactions with Genevieve.

Before long the bookstore owner and some other pro-LGBT activists confronted Genevieve and surrounded her, and the scene began to get chaotic. The owner told Genevieve to leave, but she refused. “You advertised this as a public event,” she said. “And I’m the public.”

ALT TEXTPro-LGBT activists soon started to surround Genevieve …
ALT TEXT… and they were not happy with her being there! But she stood up to them.

She was fearless and didn’t mince words. (This is very important – most pro-family people are afraid to express their justified outrage.) Being very firm and (mostly) polite, Genevieve told them exactly what she and so many others think about what they are doing to children. Judging by their reaction, nobody in the room had ever been rebuked that directly.

A few of the pro-LGBT activists brought out a curtain and held it up to block Genevieve from filming the drag queens. Then one of the drag queens came over to try to “dialogue” with her. Both our MassResistance activists stood their ground the whole time.

ALT TEXTOne of the drag queens came up this close to Genevieve.But she wasn’t intimidated at all.

Clearly, they were all rattled by Genevieve’s direct words. Not surprisingly, the bookstore owner claimed that the outrage against the event was “hate” – and what the drag queens were doing to children was “loving tolerance.”

Soon the police arrived. Genevieve and the Jesse walked out the door with them. Standing outside of the shop, she calmly explained to the police what was going on inside and why she and Jesse did what they did. The police actually seemed supportive of them – and were certainly not hostile.

ALT TEXTThe police really couldn’t have been nicer!

Genevieve and Jesse had made their point in a big way. Genevieve had livestreamed her video on Facebook and it quickly went viral.

The word REALLY spreads as the media picks it up

The social media storm erupted about the confrontation, and a few days later the Los Angeles NBC-TV station called her and they interviewed her.

The TV report was biased, but not extremely so. Genevieve got some good words in. As usual with pro-LGBT liberals (most who were referred to only as “parents”), the shop owner and the drag queen relied on the tired “hate speech versus love and tolerance” line and refused to deal with what they were really doing to children.

VIDEO: NBC-Los Angeles TV Report
(Note: A commercial may comes up first)

We’ll call this a success!

With the social media and TV coverage, our California MassResistance activists definitely woke up a lot of people and made a strong statement that got the attention of the opposition as well as our supporters! A lot more people in Southern California now know what’s going on – and that there are people unafraid to oppose it!

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Louisiana Pro-Family Groups File Lawsuits to Stop Drag Queen Story Hour

This is the kind of action that we need to see more of.

Drag Queen Story Hour is wrong, out of step with common sense, Biblical morality, and biological fact.

We are taking back the rainbow!
Stop the LGBT Lies
Stand for Biblical and biological truth

It has a subversive agenda, and more parents are waking up and fighting back.

Check out what concerned citizens are doing in Louisiana:

Louisiana Religious Groups Sue to Block ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ -Here’s Their Argument

Two religious organizations in Louisiana have filed a lawsuit to stop their local library from hosting a Drag Queen Story Time event.

Local news outlets report Warriors for Christ and Special Forces of Liberty say the Oct. 6th event is unconstitutional and violates the First Amendment.

That’s what the church needs. We need to see more men and women of faith fight for what is right.

‘Drag Queen Story Hours’ Expose Pre-Schoolers to What Some Parents Call ‘Gender Insanity’

‘Mommy, I Don’t Want to Be a Boy!’ Little Girl’s Reaction to Radical Sex Ed Program Says It All

The other headlines above spell out how destructive and subversive this whole agenda has become.

There is no honor to any of this. This is indoctrination at its worse, lying to children and fooling parents into thinking that this whole push is just a silly way for children to be “Whatever they want to be.”

There are something things that children and adults should not want to be or try to be.

Drag Queen Story Hour Coming to More Public Libraries to Convince Kids LGBTQ Is Normal

Boston drag queen group

Drag Queen ‘Storytime’ for Kids at Boston Public Library Is Not Fiction

The groups believe that Drag Queen Story Time being held at a government funded location endorses a religion of secular humanism and fails the Lemon Test. That test is based on a 1971 Supreme Court ruling about government endorsment of religion.

Great argument. The lie about transgenders and homosexuals as a special class certainly clashes with the First Amendment, due process, and the rule of law. There is nothing in the United States Constitution which forbids the franchise or exercise of faith or religion in the public forum. As of right now, we are beholding a systemic suppression of faith, and thus the First Amendment, and the everyday citizenry are supposed to tolerate it. That is wrong.

Martin Luther King Jr. did not support homosexuality,
and he did not regard such behaviors as a civil right

“By bringing this lawsuit, we are unapologetically and firmly defending the civil rights movement led by Pastor Martin Luther King,” attorney Christopher Sevier told KADN.


“We have no problem with a drag queen story hour being held in a private facility. It can be held at the fraternity house. It can be held at the coffee shop. We draw the line by the fact we have government actors endorsing it,” he continued.

Yes, and I would add that taxpayer dollars are being used for this abuse of a public trust. The residents do not want this, and the message it conveys does not comply with common norms or biological fact.

Why do these drag queens insist on pushing this garbage onto these children and insist on doing so in a public library?

The two organizations say they are filing hundreds of documents that have testimonials from people who are ex-gays, ministers and medical experts backing the idea that being gay is a choice.

Indeed, homosexuality is a behavior acquired over time, or it’s a set of ideas which have been imposed on a culture which needs to start taking a stand and speak up for what is right. Why do we see this ongoing disdain for the truth?

Let’s call out these drag queens for what they are doing: lying and indoctrinating youth tolerate abusive conduct and sexual perversion.

They say if the court will not stop the event, they will ask the court to have a minister there to provide a rebuttal.

Final Reflection

Drag Queen Story Hour is a sinister fantasy which must be confronted on every level. Parents should be livid at such disgusting displays of abnormal behavior. Instead of teaching boys and girls to give up or question their biological traits, we should teach boys and girls to cherish and treasure their differences.

Why do Drag Queens want to make kids not like themselves?

Let’s teach kids to love the sex
that they were born with!

Let’s pray for these Warriors for Christ, and let’s applaud their courage and resolve.

Above all, let’s follow their example.


National Review Author: How to Say NO Drag Queen Story Hour

Is there a way to stop Drag Queen Story Hour from coming to a library near you?

Let’s find out what this writer suggested to the Mobile, Alabama public after Rainbow Mobile showed up and forced their perverse program on the public.

Why drag queens shouldn’t read


It requires no animus against homosexuals for someone to argue the “Drag Queen Story Hour” scheduled for Sept. 8 at the Ben May Memorial Library shouldn’t take place. Objectors should continue making reasoned, respectful efforts to cancel it.

Respectful can still be forceful. It is essential to confront homosexuality as a set of corrupt, destructive behaviors which no one should tolerate or accept as normal.

The legal case for blocking the reading is slightly stronger than most people understand. Legalities aside, the principled arguments for objecting are substantial — as we’ll discuss momentarily.

Yes, let’s get to fundamental aspects of our culture. No one should apologize for decency and God-given rights and responsibilities.


Let’s start with the legal issues. The First Amendment wonderfully protects free speech and assembly; exceptions are, wisely, quite narrow. But it’s beyond dispute that constitutional freedoms do not fully extend to children — a public school, for example, can restrict speech of a sexual nature — nor to those who would speak to children.

The latter restrictions, it must be acknowledged, are very slim. But two 1982 Supreme Court cases (Globe Newspaper v. Superior Court, Norfolk, and New York v. Ferber, respectively) held that “[T]he … interest [of] safeguarding the physical and psychological well-being of a minor … is a compelling one” and “we have sustained legislation aimed at protecting the physical and emotional well-being of youth even when the laws have operated in the sensitive area of constitutionally protected rights.”

Perhaps it’s time for another set of lawsuits against libraries which will not safeguard the well-being of children.

(Relatedly, the high court ruled in 2003’s U.S. v. American Library Association that governments providing funding to libraries may indeed place content-based restrictions on such funding, and that libraries themselves “must have broad discretion to decide what material to provide to their patrons.”)

It’s time to assert those restrictions. It’s time to fight back against this perverse, immoral insanity. There is no diversity here. This is perversity.

True, it’s unlikely the mere fact of a man wearing women’s clothing while reading gay-parent-themed books to children would trigger concerns legally obvious enough for courts to let local government block the event. But those three cases show it is not absurd for local authorities to explore whether legal avenues exist.

Wait a minute. On the country, a local governing board has every right and necessity to speak out and stop this nonsense. There are plenty of reasons why parents should not allow homosexuals dressed as women to read LGBT-themed books to children, in many cases as young as three years old.

Parents who tolerate this destructive corruption should be censured, held accountable.

Not to “equate” the following examples with the drag queen event, but for illustrative purposes, to show that there are times when city officials would surely cite child-protection concerns as reason to limit the First Amendment, consider two scenarios. If a group wanting Stormy Daniels dressed as a Playboy bunny to read steamy excerpts from “Fifty Shades of Grey” to 5-year-olds, local officials would search for some way to cancel the event. The same would apply if someone in blackface, with obviously racist intent, proposed to read “Little Black Sambo” to toddlers.

Yes. Examples like this are necessary to demonstrate how monstrous these programs are. Why aren’t we seeing a greater outrage to stop this craziness? Because of the big lie under the whole LGBT movement, which is that these individuals are “born that way”, and therefore it is a violation of their civil rights to deny them their right to “be themselves.”

The Mobile Public Library’s own rules contain a sizable loophole for officials’ exercise of judgment, listing three “exclusions” for its open-door policy, including this: “Meetings which may interfere with the function of the library because of noise or any other factor are not allowed.” Local officials, with justification, could say the reader in blackface would “interfere with the function of the library.”

Those exceptions need to be better defined to ensure that the programs are age-appropriate.

Such a limitation is an acceptable step that any governing board can take. Why didn’t the library commission draw up those rules as needed?

All that said, legality isn’t the biggest issue here (other than to suggest that city officials, by publicly exploring legal options, could gain leverage to persuade the drag queens to cease and desist). What’s more important is the impropriety involved.

How about the immorality involved!

The adjudgment of impropriety is not dependent on the assumed homosexuality of the drag queen “reader.” Gay or straight, it is improper, indeed arguably immoral, to hijack a public forum to confront young children with matters of sex and sexuality. Remember, this event is specifically aimed at children ages 3 to 8. Whatever children show up, even if (presumably) accompanied by parents, this isn’t just a case of nice volunteers wanting to read to children to promote literacy. These are people openly advertising their reading as a way to promote, to the children, a particular agenda, both via the readers’ outfits and their choice of gay-themed books.

Yes. This statement says it all.

The children aren’t so much beneficiaries as targets — here, for sex- and sexuality-related messages any community might want to exclude from the public square. From a standpoint of propriety if not law, there are such things as “community standards” that reasonable societies should observe and respect.

Yes, for fear of tyranny, the state rightly may have no enforcement mechanism for these standards. Yet in a strong civil society, the standards will be policed via nonviolent community pressure married, even more importantly, to self-restraint. Elected officials, meanwhile, should not only publicly examine their (limited) legal options to force such an event’s cancellation, but — with respectful and constructive tones, without vitriol or slander — should also use their civic pulpits to urge the drag queens to reconsider. The queens should be told they aren’t morally welcome to use Mobile’s children as pawns, in public venues, for social and political games. Find private homes, please.

Community pressure is what MassResistance is all about. We are putting these efforts into full practice. We are contacting the libraries, getting parents and community leaders involved, bringing in protests, and communicating with library leaders and elected officials to put an end to these abusive, occult programs.

An early 20th century stage actress famously said she didn’t care what homosexuals do “so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses.” If frightening horses is off limits, then even more off limits should be anything in public, gay or straight, which can confuse or scare innocent children.

Amen to that.

Quin Hillyer

Mobile (qhillyer@gmail.com)

It’s time for a return to normalcy. It’s time for a return to decency. It’s time for a return to basic morality. It’s time for men and women, parents and children, to stand up to this LGBT insanity.