
MassResistance Confronts Drag Queen Story Hour in Riverside! Makes Big NEWS!

MassResistance confronts “Drag Queen Story Hour” in Riverside, California

See incredible VIDEO of a mother in action!

Cross-dressing homosexuals out to disrupt the minds of a generation of children.

Confrontation reported by Los Angeles NBC-TV station.

December 5, 2018
ALT TEXTInside the “Drag Queen Story Hour.” These men are out to change the way children view reality.

The latest threat to young children from the LGBT movement is a horror show called “Drag Queen Story Hour.” And it is happening in libraries and bookstores across the country!


VIDEO: A mother confronts the Drag Queen Story Hour

“Drag Queen Story Hour” (DQSH) events are organized and promoted by national LGBT groups and the left-wing American Library Association. Homosexual men wearing garish women’s clothes and makeup read LGBT-themed stories to children as young as three years old!

Most of the so-called drag queens are homosexuals, not “transgenders” (i.e., they don’t actually think they’re women). Clearly, their interest is pushing the entire spectrum of LGBT behavior on children.

Most people are revolted by this but are afraid to do anything. But not our MassResistance activists! Once again, we were on the ground to confront it.

They admit: “We are trying to groom the next generation.”

These homosexual activists are very open about their goals. Their own literature says that their purpose is to “give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models” and to encourage young children to “defy rigid gender restrictions.”  They want the vulnerable minds of very young children to accept destructive LGBT behaviors as normal.

As LifeSiteNews recently reported, a homosexual drag queen in Louisiana told a local city council meeting, “We are trying to groom the next generation.” To the LGBT movement, the Judeo-Christian view of men and women is repugnant and must be countered.

The “drag queen” event comes to Riverside, CA

Riverside, California, is a relatively conservative area in a very blue state. It’s the kind of place that the LGBT movement likes to target. Usually they choose a public library, but this time it was at a bookstore – the Cellar Door bookstore – not far from the center of town. It has a prominent children’s section and regularly schedules story events for local children – though not like this one!

ALT TEXTThe Cellar Door Book store in Riverside, CA.

They advertised the event for Oct. 27, right before Halloween. In the weeks leading up to the event, local MassResistance parents called, emailed, leafletted, and even talked to the owner personally to try to convince her not be part of this horrible agenda targeting young children. But she refused to budge. It went on as scheduled.

Parents fight back: Here’s how you do pro-family activism!

The morning of the event, a MassResistance mother, Genevieve, along with another activist, Jesse, walked in with their cell phone cameras. Genevieve stood near the front and began videoing the “drag queens” as they made their presentation. The man stayed in the back to video their interactions with Genevieve.

Before long the bookstore owner and some other pro-LGBT activists confronted Genevieve and surrounded her, and the scene began to get chaotic. The owner told Genevieve to leave, but she refused. “You advertised this as a public event,” she said. “And I’m the public.”

ALT TEXTPro-LGBT activists soon started to surround Genevieve …
ALT TEXT… and they were not happy with her being there! But she stood up to them.

She was fearless and didn’t mince words. (This is very important – most pro-family people are afraid to express their justified outrage.) Being very firm and (mostly) polite, Genevieve told them exactly what she and so many others think about what they are doing to children. Judging by their reaction, nobody in the room had ever been rebuked that directly.

A few of the pro-LGBT activists brought out a curtain and held it up to block Genevieve from filming the drag queens. Then one of the drag queens came over to try to “dialogue” with her. Both our MassResistance activists stood their ground the whole time.

ALT TEXTOne of the drag queens came up this close to Genevieve.But she wasn’t intimidated at all.

Clearly, they were all rattled by Genevieve’s direct words. Not surprisingly, the bookstore owner claimed that the outrage against the event was “hate” – and what the drag queens were doing to children was “loving tolerance.”

Soon the police arrived. Genevieve and the Jesse walked out the door with them. Standing outside of the shop, she calmly explained to the police what was going on inside and why she and Jesse did what they did. The police actually seemed supportive of them – and were certainly not hostile.

ALT TEXTThe police really couldn’t have been nicer!

Genevieve and Jesse had made their point in a big way. Genevieve had livestreamed her video on Facebook and it quickly went viral.

The word REALLY spreads as the media picks it up

The social media storm erupted about the confrontation, and a few days later the Los Angeles NBC-TV station called her and they interviewed her.

The TV report was biased, but not extremely so. Genevieve got some good words in. As usual with pro-LGBT liberals (most who were referred to only as “parents”), the shop owner and the drag queen relied on the tired “hate speech versus love and tolerance” line and refused to deal with what they were really doing to children.

VIDEO: NBC-Los Angeles TV Report
(Note: A commercial may comes up first)

We’ll call this a success!

With the social media and TV coverage, our California MassResistance activists definitely woke up a lot of people and made a strong statement that got the attention of the opposition as well as our supporters! A lot more people in Southern California now know what’s going on – and that there are people unafraid to oppose it!

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Placer County is supposed to be one of the most Republican counties in California.

And yet .. we just witnessed the Placer County Board of Supervisors chicken out on opposing SB 54, aka the Sanctuary State law.

This is unbelievable, outrageous!

Check out the report from KCRA:

Placer County supervisors reject motion to condemn California’s sanctuary state laws

Republican county elects not to join federal government lawsuit


AUBURN, Calif. (KCRA) —

A motion to reject California’s sanctuary state laws died Tuesday in Placer County, which is one of the most solidly Republican regions of the Golden State.


Placer County supervisors heard emotional debate inside their packed chambers, with many people urging them to join the federal government’s lawsuit against California. People argued the state law undermined federal agents by restricting local police and sheriff’s deputies from helping Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers trying to catch people in the country illegally.


This is beyond incredible.

The vast majority of people in the chambers demanded–demanded loudly and passionately–that the Board of Supervisors take a stand against SB 54.

Only one board member made the motion, but nobody seconded the motion.

What is the matter with the rest of the board?

“The state went too far by requiring local jurisdictions to adhere to these rules when the state has no authority to do so,” said Placer County Supervisor Kirk Uhler, who introduced the motion asking Placer County to acknowledge the supremacy of the U.S. Constitution in matters relating to immigration.


But, none of the other supervisors would second Uhler’s motion. So, it failed to go anywhere.

Genevieve Peters wears her patriotism proudly

 “It is zero-tolerance time,” said Genevieve Peters, who was holding a sign supporting President Donald Trump. “We’re done. American citizens are done. We are taking our country back.”

Genevieve is our heroine-patriots here in Los Angeles County, but she was willing to take time out of her life to go to Placer County and demand that this county join with 13 other counties to oppose SB 54.


“We can’t be victims,” Placer County resident Debbie Searle said. “We are creating a haven for people to come here who have already broken the law.”


Supporters of the laws include people like Tomas Evangelista, a DACA recipient who was brought to the United States illegally as a child. Evangelista grew up in Auburn, where he has strong roots.


Evangelista needs to be deported. He should have no bearing or standing to speak up in a public meeting for citizens.

“This is my home,” he said. “I walked these streets in middle school. I went to elementary school here. I’m a proud graduate of Placer High School. I mean, this is my community. So, I am not afraid to be here right now.”

You should be. Evangelista needs to hear the good news about the rule of law. He needs to be sent back to his home country, the place where his parents had brought him. The sob stories are over. We have too many Americans in need right now. This country has been more than lenient on the immigration issue, and there is simply no excuse for allowing the ongoing lapses against our nation’s sovereignty. Where’s the compassion for American citizens?


Other supporters included Amanda Sheldon, who said she believes SB54 makes everyone safer.

What a total crock!


“It protects our immigrant communities, so when there are crimes committed in our communities, people feel safe reporting that,” she said. “I’m here today because I want to ensure that my community remains a welcoming community.”

SB 54 protects criminals. Period. Foreign nationals who have broken into this country have already committed a crime, and then they commit more crimes, including violent felonies. Many of those crimes can be reduced to misdemeanors, which makes it all the more likely that they will be released back into California’s counties and cities to commit more crimes and bring in more illegal aliens.


“I’m a parent, and when I tell my kids to follow the law and follow the rule of law, I expect that — not just certain laws,” Heather Arvin said. “We’re not against immigration. It’s legal immigration. We want to vet and make sure the people coming into our country that they are safe.”


Thank you, Mrs. Arvin! We need more mothers like that woman!

“The message I’m walking away with is one of hope,” said Lisa Josephboch, a supporter the laws. “That we’re going to continue to have civil dialogue, and even if we have opposing opinions with people, that we are going to do it civilly.”

There can be no civil dialogue when there is no respect for the civil order. What’s the point of freedom of speech if there is no respect for the rule of law?

I know that one RINO was shoved off the Placer County Board of Supervisors earlier this year.

But it looks as though there’s more work to be done. Something is happening in the northern part of California, as much as the left-wing takeover of the local and county boards has continued without interruption throughout Southern California, too.

The California Republican Party has gotten a little lazy. They have ignored the red sections of the state, as though nothing would ever happen there that would turn them blue. Over the last two months, I visited Siskiyou County. The residents have told me that pro-marijuana progressives are moving into Mount Shasta. The city has gotten more liberal, and it shows. I see yoga and magical crystal shops. There are more young people walking around, including people with backpacks. The area started to remind me of a more rural, green version of Santa Monica.

This is not good. The message of conservatism, of limited government, individual liberty, and constitutional governance must reach to every corner of the state.


LA County for Trump Celebrates Independence Day (Photos and Videos)

At first, I wasn’t sure what my plans were for Independence Day. So much has been going on for the last three weeks, and I was barely starting to catch up with everything that I had been researching and writing about.

Genevieve Peters, however, is inspiring and encouraging. “Come celebrate with us!” she said. How could I not?

Genevieve was dressed in full red, white, and blue regalia!



David Hernandez and his wife joined us, along with Charles Beltran:

Raphael drove me to the party:



Leonor and Genevieve!






We sing the Star Spangled Banner!


Hey Rachelle and Megan!

We are fighting the good fight. We stand for America.




We had lots of fun as a team.

LA County for Trump is more diverse than the Brown Supremacists and the other left-wing, anti-Trump bigots









Here’s David Hernandez:



There’s Jesse Suave:







Here we are singing to celebrate our country!





There’s Harim and Raphael!









Go Patricia!











Here’s our final photo together as a team!








Final Reflection

We spent a lot of time relaxing and watching videos of the President’s Election Day triumphs, too. It’s a lot of fun watching all the left-wing news networks lose their mind and peace because Crooked Hillary Clinton couldn’t make it.

I had never watched the “Day After” speeches given by House Speaker Paul Ryan, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, President Barack Obama, and even the speech given by Hillary Clinton after her devastating, unexpected loss to Reality TV Star, businessman, (and “rodeo clown”, according to Charles Krauthammer) Donald Trump.

But he proved them all wrong, and Trump is making America Great Again!

Trump supporters in Los Angeles County, California–the belly of the beast–are not afraid to celebrate our President.

If we are not afraid, no one else has an excuse. We will trumpet our support for the President as much as we can. We will not be shamed or intimidated into silence because a bunch of ruthless, feckless, immoral protesters are going to every length to defame us and our friends.

We are fighting for our country, and we are not afraid to fight back as needed.

God bless the United States of America, and God bless President Donald J. Trump!