
Musk Says “No” To Alex Jones’ Return, Jones Responds

 Alex Jones is a patriot.

He is a mature tactician who understands the larger issues at stake.

The New World Order elements seeking to silence individuals, undermine nations, and remove true recognition of God and country are doing everything they can to silence the truth.

Elon Musk has struck back at them, opening up Twitter usage, and allowing more people to comment, share their ideas, get their thoughts out.

Musk has not taken the strongest steps toward advancing free speech, but he is doing much more than Jack Dorsey or his bureaucratic lackeys ever allowed.

People all over the world are clamoring for Musk to bring back Alex Jones.

He has declined to do so.

He has declined to do so … at this time.

But Alex Jones has a strong, adult response to this refusal.

Check out his full statement below:

pic.twitter.com/auFsnoV4vK— Dailymindvirus (@dailymindvirus) November 19, 2022


More Winning! Idaho MassResistance Chases Off Library Director in Coeur D’Alene Area

Idaho Library Director resigns after relentless pressure from local MassResistance citizens over graphic children’s books.

Local mother at recent Library Board meeting told them: “You’re perverts!”

Big pro-family victory!

October 30, 2022

ALT TEXT The notice on the library website the day after the Library Director’s sudden resignation.

After over a year of pressure and outrage by local MassResistance parents and citizens about pornographic sexual and LGBT books for children and teenagers, the library director in Coeur d’Alene, ID has suddenly announced her resignation.

On October 18, Community Library Network’s Library Director, Amy Rodda, notified the Library Board and also her staff that she was resigning, effective Nov. 21. In a press release the following day, she cited a vague reason, that “unforeseen family circumstances that are leading her back to Colorado.” Her position pays $108,150 per year. She did not mention whether she had another job to go to.

(Back in January, a Wyoming County Commissioner gave a similar vague reason for resigning after MassResistance pressure. Whatever the reason is, good riddance. This is great news for the community that this twisted Library Director is leaving.)

The particularly arrogant and condescending Library Director

For over a year a core group of local MassResistance citizens have attended every Library Board meeting and voiced their outrage at the library’s growing collection of explicit and obscene sexual, homosexual, and transgender books in the children’s and teenagers’ sections of the library. They would regularly read excerpts from these books out loud during the public testimony portion of the meetings.

The Library Director’s reaction to this was an unusual exhibition of arrogance and condescension.  She established her own “Rebuttal” period at the beginning of every Library Board meeting where she derided and dismissed the citizen’s comments from the previous meeting.

For example, at one meeting she said that even though the parents may find part of a book for teenagers “shocking or provocative,” that passage needs to be taken “in the context of the entire book.” That absurd idea is a talking point frequently used by pornographers and LGBT activists. In this case, the book was about 15-year-olds who became prostitutes after their fathers had sexually molested them. She did not mention what was “positive” in this book.

ALT TEXT The Library Director giving her “rebuttal” to parents’ complaints.

The Library Director was adamant in her support for the LGBT movement. This year the library participated in a toxic “North Idaho Pride Alliance” event. Parents who opposed the sexualization of children were described as “white supremacists, hypocrites, haters, and book-burners.”

There were also attempts to intimidate and harass the MassResistance citizens by organizing groups of pro-LGBT activists to testify at Library Board meetings. They’d aggressively insist those books are “really needed,” and angrily call the pro-family people there “bigots and haters.”

Three of the five Library Board members, including the Chairman, support the obscene children’s books and impede any internal criticism of them. The other two members are shocked at the books (though only one is really outspoken) but they are routinely overruled and silenced by the others. So it’s been up to the community to speak out forcefully!

The turning point likely came in July

The July 18 Library Board meeting, (which we reported on here) was likely the turning point in the Library Director’s feelings about continuing in this community. It was a meeting that no one who was there will easily forget.

As one of the local MassResistance citizens was finishing reading aloud a particularly disgusting pornographic section of a library book for teenagers, a mother from the group stood up, walked over to the Board and the Library Director, and yelled at them:

Yes, this is pornography. Will you just get over yourselves and get rid of these books? You people are disgusting! Disgusting! How dare you have books like that in the library! You need to quit. Because you people are a den of perverts!

You’re so “civilized” that you allow things like this for 12-year-olds to read! You are really beyond belief. If we didn’t have that special clause in the law,* you would all be going to jail for providing this stuff to children.

I’m sick of you. This is disgusting. This little town is full of innocence and you’re ruining it with your smut. You’re just disgusting.

(* She referred to the special exemption for schools and libraries from the ban on presenting obscene materials to minors. Unfortunately, many states have these exemptions. They all need to be repealed!)

ALT TEXT The mother (standing at left) yells at the Library Director (seated at right).

You can view the video on our post of that meeting. Since then the outrage in the community has only increased – and the local LGBT activists seem to realize that.

It’s a great victory for the pro-family movement against the horrible push to sexualize innocent children. The next job in Coeur d’Alene is to make sure that the new Library Director fully understands this!


Final thoughts

This is what must happen in libraries and schools across the country. We have always said that the problem is not the bad books. The problem is the bad people. The books don’t come in by themselves. So going through the cumbersome and bureaucratic process of “challenging” all these pornographic books is not as productive as demanding that the people who put them there be fired or resign.

This is the second head librarian that has resigned after MassResistance pressure. And we are working on several others!


Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!

Our successes depend on people like you.

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Your support will make the difference!


Dried-Out Kyle Waterman Desperate to Distance Himself from National Democratic Party (He Can’t!)

Desperate Democrat Kyle Waterman pushing porn
into children’s libraries

 Montana’s already failed Democrat state senate candidate Kyle Waterman is desperate beyond belief.

The national political environment is just abysmal for Democrats. Joe Biden is the most unpopular President in history. Democrats thought they could demagogue the abortion issue post-Roe, but voters are outraged and ready to vote over inflation, public safety, forever wars in Eastern Europe.

In short, they are fed up with the entire Democratic industrial complex.

And now he’s desperate to convince voters that he is a different kind of Democrat, someone who has no connection with the failed policies of Joe Biden and the Washington DC swamp:

Dear Neighbors and Friends,Ballots have been mailed out and we are in the final weeks of the election. It is up to the voters now. I am proud of the work we all have done to forward my campaign for Senate District 4. I have taken the summer and walked the neighborhoods of Kalispell – knocking on doors, talking to voters and leaving campaign literature. Yesterday I ran out of literature.Today in the Daily Inter Lake my opponent wrote a letter accusing anyone voting for a Democrat as responsible for inflation, the immigration crisis, and sexual mutilation of children. All national trends and far-right pundit speaking points. But I haven’t voted on national policy. I’m running for the State Senate because I believe Washington DC can’t fix our Kalispell problems.From the local level here is what I see. I see a local marketplace that is unfair to small businesses. Our state permitting and controls favor those with teams of lawyers, not the  independent entrepreneur. Locally we have underfunded our County jail and understaffed the Sheriff department. We are behind on building major regional infrastructure – primarily we need to invest in  East to West connectors like Reserve that would promote convenience, commerce and safety. We actually do have a child safety issue, but this is in our foster care system and due to parental neglect, not libraries and youth sports This community has a high drug and alcohol use problem and very few local treatment options. Finally, our State Mental Hospital and Penitentiary fail to provide restorative justice to local adults but rather make hardened criminals out of citizens of the Flathead.I began serving on Kalispell City Council in 2017. There I learned to listen and work collaboratively to build local solutions here in Kalispell. When I got elected, we passed the Kalispell Downtown plan and, later that year, I called for a work session to discuss surface parking lots on Main Street. I stood up for sidewalk and pedestrian infrastructure because I was tired of seeing kids walk to school in the middle of the street in the winter. What I quickly discovered was that Kalispell does a pretty good job. We have hard working public employees who are resourceful at providing superior central services to our town. I also discovered that many of the problems I listed above actually start at the City Limits. Things like homelessness, roads not built with adequate shoulders and our lack of behavioral health services are county-wide issues. This is why I requested to be appointed to Flathead County Committees – the Health Board and Transportation specifically.On those committees, I have witnessed misappropriation of funds, mismanagement of resources, a failure to keep up with growth, and not supporting staff. I see these problems stemming from the top floor of the County Courthouse because our Commissioners are puppets controlled  by the Party of “NO”.  The Commissioners have moved beyond small government – it would be more accurate to describe them as Small-Minded Government. They seem to think their only responsibility is to determine the winners and losers of the Flathead.  And the vast majority of us are losing under their inept leadership.In Montana, we are fortunate to have small government. We should expect efficient and effective government that delivers freedom and safety. Right now, Flathead County and Montana State government is failing to deliver the bare minimum. We should expect our State government to work as well as Kalispell’s does. We are growing and growth can lead to a disaster if mismanaged. Because Kalispell is a growing economic engine, we need to partner with leading communities across the state to ensure that money we depositing in Montana’s coffers is reinvested into our County for the benefit of our citizens.In America, we are fortunate to enjoy liberty and democracy. America has always been great because we have endeavored to create a more perfect union – one that continues to extend our civil liberties to more and more of our citizens – women, African Americans, immigrants, minorities and the poor. In America, Democracy is a promise to grant liberty to all citizens without revolution.In these final days, please encourage your neighbors who live in Kalispell to research their candidate. To look and see who is locally involved and to see if their priorities reflect working family issues and community challenges. Demand that candidates define Montana Values and what they are actually going to DO to address local issues if elected. The legislature works for us for 90 days every two years in Montana, let’s make sure the important work gets done.

Thank you for supporting my candidacy to be your next State Senator for Kalispell.Let’s do this!

Check out this doozy of a spin:

Today in the Daily Inter Lake my opponent wrote a letter accusing anyone voting for a Democrat as responsible for inflation, the immigration crisis, and sexual mutilation of children. All national trends and far-right pundit speaking points. But I haven’t voted on national policy. I’m running for the State Senate because I believe Washington DC can’t fix our Kalispell problems.

Why is he talking about Washington in the first place?

Second of, Democratic policies at the local level and the national level are hurting every state. Inflation is a result of excessive spending and massive debt. The Democrats control all the branches of Congress at this time, and they driving up the spending.

Democrats across the country, not just in Washington DC, are defending so-called “gender modification” of minors. Republicans are fighting this wicked cult. Democrats own this insane push to normalize transgenderism on children. 

Apparently, Dried-Up Kyle has forgotten his own campaign commercial, in which he made transgenderism a key feature of his campaign!

Of course, the mutilation of human bodies is highly unpopular across the country, including in Montana, and now Waterman wants to distract from a contention that he started in the first place!

Then check how Kyle tries to show himself as a champion for kids:

We actually do have a child safety issue, but this is in our foster care system and due to parental neglect, not libraries and youth sports This community has a high drug and alcohol use problem and very few local treatment options. Finally, our State Mental Hospital and Penitentiary fail to provide restorative justice to local adults but rather make hardened criminals out of citizens of the Flathead.

When Waterman talks about libraries and youth sports, he is arguing that it’s OK to put all kinds of filth in the local libraries, like the perverse pornographic Gender Queer. Click on this link for some of the offensive, patently obscene pictures in that graphic novel. [see picture above, too]

As for youth sports, Waterman is signaling that he has no problem with boys playing in girls’ sports. That is outrageous. That is discriminatory, and that is patently unfair. What kind of politician treats women as if they do not exist, and wants to endanger children by poisoning their minds.

It’s also pretty laughable that he talks about loosening up regulatory burdens and making it easier for local businesses to open and thrive. Why would his party in Washington push for 87,000 more IRS agents, then? Yes, he owns his party label, and he cannot play dumb or play victim by saying “That’s Washington, not Montana.”

If he really wanted to distance himself from the national Democrat Party, he should have run as an Independent, a Constitutionalist, or as another party label.


VICE News Defends Predatory Bakery in Illinois

 Vice News gets it all wrong once again.

MassResistance has been helping residents in the Illinois village of Lake on the Hills. A local bakery, Uprising Bakery, has been pushing left-wing nonsense onto the city.

Specifically, they have been hosting drag queens and their salacious performances. Fortunately, local residents have been protesting this public abuse. Of course, Vice News wants to stand with the perverts and creeps, so they wrote a glossy piece defending the creepy bakery and her owner.

But what’s really going on here?

She Planned aDrag Event For Her Bakery. Now the Far-Right Stalks and Harasses Her.

One woman wanted to hold family-friendly drag events at her Illinois bakery. Now she’s the focus of a violent, rapidly escalating harassment campaign.

There is nothing family-friendly about drag shows. We are talking about creepy, sexually deviant men dressing up as garish, offensive parodies of women who perform explicit stage acts. There is lots of drinking and drug use involved, as well. There is no place for drag in the public square, and especially around families.


It was an early evening in August, around 5 p.m., and Corrina Bendel-Sac was closing up at the bakery she runs at a strip mall in Lake in the Hills, an Illinois suburb.

She got into her car, and as she started to make her way home, she noticed something unusual. Another car was following her. No matter how many turns she took or how hard she tried to lose him, the car remained at a steady pace behind her vehicle. Bendel-Sac began to panic.

Rather than go home and reveal her home address where she lives with her kids, Bendel-Sac drove to a different neighborhood, pulled into a stranger’s driveway, and then called the cops to say she was being followed.

On first read, this story doesn’t pass the sniff test. Did she file a police report? Is there any record of her calling the police for help?

Corinna Bendel-Sac, pro-predator bakery owner

Bendel-Sac, 31, had reason to be concerned. Ever since mid-July, when she announced plans for a family-friendly drag brunch at UpRising Bakery and Cafe, Bendel-Sac has found herself in the middle of a rapidly escalating harassment campaign from far-right extremists, conspiracy theorists, and MAGA types.

One again, there is absolutely nothing “family friendly” about drag queens bouncing around kids. If there is anyone who belongs in a category, it’s Corinna, and she belongs in the same group in league with predators, perverts, and pedophiles who think that kids should get used to drag.

When news of the upcoming “Starry Night Drag Brunch” got out, Bendel-Sac was bombarded with threatening phone calls and messages trying to get her to cancel. A roving band of local culture warriors called “Awake Illinois” (who recently described their activism as “a civil war” that’s “mostly being fought by moms”), along with the far-right Proud Boys, organized a protest against the brunch.

The words “far-right” get bandied about by left-wing rags like VICE because they think that anyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi. Of course, the Nazis were left-wing to begin with, but left-wing propagandists like VICE are not historically astute, either. For the record, there is nothing hateful about mothers who want to protect their kids. If anything shows how corporate and establishment the Left has become, it’s their efforts to demonize parents who protect children. After all, the DOJ called parents “terrorists” for protesting abusive policies at their local school board meetings.

“Roving band of local culture warriors”? Really VICE? What would you call Antifa, then?

Then, on the eve of the brunch, a man with ties to the Proud Boys from a town 62 miles away allegedly smashed up the bakery, broke windows, and graffitied statements like “F—–s rape kids” and “Christ is King” on the walls. “This hero deserves a medal,” far-right personality Lauren Witzke wrote after police arrested 24-year-old Joseph Collins in connection with the vandalism. “These pedophiles deserve to rot in a cell.”

More about “proud boys” and all the upset about the vandalism of one bakery. Of course, where was VICE News when Black Lives Matter and Antifa were routinely looting stores and rioting in the public square? Do they defend those rampant criminal acts?

And how do we know that it was a “right-wing extremist” who vandalized the bakery? The left often sparks false accusations by destroying their property and staging hate crimes. Jussie Smollett, anyone? Besides all of this, the local police staged cameras around this bakery, and yet they didn’t have definitive proof of who do what. Interesting …

Despite continued hostility from the far-right, Bendel-Sac has remained undeterred and continued to host family-friend drag events at the bakery.

That’s not true. She cancelled one event during the summer already.

“We’re lovers, not fighters,” said Bendel-Sac. “We’re a little bit badass, and people are coming out to support us. A lot of people want us to be that safe space for everyone.”

Well, none of this is true.  One protester got ‘mooned’ by one of her supporters. Is that love?  Jim sits out there every day to share what is happening inside the bakery. He does not call people names and he gets out of the way when people drive through.

There is nothing bad-ass about grooming kids into sexual perversion. Bendel-Sac is a bad woman, certainly. And people are against children being invited into an adult show, not against the bakery or the business.  It’s very simple.

Today, there’s a growing semi-permanent encampment of far-right protesters outside the UpRising Bakery—and each weekend it seems to get bigger, Bendel-Sac says. “Every weekend, it’s ridiculously tense,” she told VICE News over the phone as she was making brownies. “Outside, you have Westboro Baptist Church people, you have people putting ‘Jesus is King’ flags out, you have Trump flags, anti-LGBTQ flags.”

That’s good news for the protesters. There is no excuse for a bakery to push perversion on kids. Instead of just protesting, they should set up their own bakery and start bringing real role models to read to the kids and protect them from the drag queen perverts.

She’s gotten death threats and rape threats by phone, letter, and email. People have compiled dossiers on her, collecting information like what pets she owns and where she’s gone on vacation.

Where’s the proof for any of this? Nowhere.

They’ve filed record requests with the school district that her kids attend. The protesters outside have called her a pedophile, and threatened to call child protective services on her. “People have gone to great lengths to target my kids,” Bendel-Sac said.

It’s understandable why people are calling her a pedophile. Anyone who allows drag queens around kids is sick in the head and is grooming those kids for sexual exploitation.

Members of her family have since moved in with her, to offer additional support, and she now carries a taser wherever she goes. She’s also currently raising money to hire a security detail for future drag events.

This is one sick puff-piece, all to defend a creepy woman who wants adult perverts to pray on children.

Since the beginning of this year, the far-right have waged a conspiracy-fueled campaign targeting family-friendly LGBTQ events, including drag brunches, drag queen story hours, and Pride celebrations around the country. They’ve used tired narratives bashing the LGBTQ community as inherently predatory, and incorporated QAnon themes about evil satanists operating child sex trafficking rings, to claim that bringing kids to those sorts of events is tantamount to “grooming.” This campaign has recently expanded to smear doctors specializing in gender affirming healthcare, openly LGBTQ school teachers, and the transgender community, and has joined neo-Nazis, Proud Boys, anti-vaxxers, MAGA types, and GOP political figures, in a rallying cry of “Protect Our Kids.”

The vast majority of people across the country, including residents in deep-blue Illinois, do not want kids groomed at PRIDE events. Does that constitute the “vast right-wing conspiracy” that Hillary Clinton railed against twenty years ago?

And it’s interesting to see VICE News list all the complaints against groups pushing to normalize homosexuality and transgenderism:

  • Predatory
  • Satanic
  • Trafficking children
  • Grooming

All of those attacks are pretty accurate, actually.

Bendel-Sac’s vision for UpRising Bakery when she opened in 2017 was a place where everyone felt welcome and that celebrated diversity. The way she felt she could communicate that message was by catering to a wide range of dietary restrictions through her baking. “We offer the exact same options, the same exact menu, same pricing, for all diets,” said Bendel-Sac. “Vegan, gluten-free, keto, sugar-free, all of that.”

How can anyone feel “welcome” when a drag queen is going after kids? With that “semi-permanent” protest growing outside of the bakery, it’s pretty clear that lots of people do NOT feel welcome in the bakery, and furthemore the bakery is not welcome in the city.

In late 2021, she decided to start hosting events at the bakery in the hopes of bringing in extra cash and deepening bonds with the community. “Due to COVID, it was getting harder for us to make ends meet. Pastries were not paying the bills,” said Bendel-Sac. “We have a really large space here, and bakeries tend to die down and close around 4 p.m.” So, she began holding karaoke nights, live music, and art classes.

She grooms kids for the money. No surprise there.

“Starry Night Drag Brunch” was going to be UpRising Bakery’s first drag event. Bendel-Sac, who identifies as bisexual, said she was aware of the firestorm raging nationwide over family-friendly drag events but thought hosting the brunch would be a good way to “engage the community, and reach out to a new part of the community to let them know we were here.”

Bendal-Sac wants to sleep with men and women. Sickening. She has issues, and she wants to parade these issues before the public for some form of validation. And she is using kids to further this disgusting cause. This woman needs help, clearly!

After the bakery was vandalized, Bendel-Sac was forced to cancel the drag event. But by the next day, they’d reopened, offering a limited menu for customers. Supporters came from all over, and were queued outside.

Supporters came from all over? It sounds like most of them were not even from the village.

A week later, Bendel-Sac received another blow—this time from the Lake in the Hills village council. She got a letter notifying her that her business was not zoned for entertainment events, and that if she continued to host such events she risked fines and a suspension of her business and liquor licenses.

She tried to avoid playing by the same rules as everyone else. Typical for LGBT agitators and malcontents. They are so convinced that they are perennial victims, that they have a right to dishonor and ignore the rules.

Bendel-Sac was furious. She posted a video to her Facebook, standing in front of the boarded-up windows that had since been covered in supportive messages from the community, explaining that two upcoming events— “Disney Karaoke” and ‘Resumé Writing Workshop”— had been canceled because of local government’s threats. In the video, she asked why, if she’d been holding events at the bakery for nearly a year, was it the drag brunch that ultimately prompted Lake in the Hills to take action. In a statement, the village said that they learned that Bendel-Sac was improperly holding such events after she advertised the drag brunch and “received strong negative criticism.”

It’s shocking and sickening that anyone would go live and defend promoting a drag show on their property.

Bendel-Sac’s video drew 32,000 views and attracted the attention of the ACLU’s Illinois chapter, who helped her come to an agreement with local authorities. In early August, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker visited the bakery and added his name to the signatures covering the boarded-up windows.

Governor Pritzker is busy trying to cover up the fact that he is going to let thousands of violent felons out of county jails because he has all but gutted the bail laws in the state. So, to distract from his tough-on-law-abiding-citizens stance, he makes a visit to a bakery and shows his solidarity with drag queens.


And why is the ACLU going to great lengths to protect predators and perverts and creepy bakeries? I thought they wanted to protect the civil liberties of Americans?

“We must come together to combat the rising tide of hate against our LGBTQ+ neighbors and friends, including the recent hateful attacks at UpRising Bakery and Cafe,” Pritzker said. “Hate has no home here.”

In reality, there has been nothing but hate from the very LGBT “community” which Pritzker, Corrina, and the rest of her sordid troop of sexual deviants. LGBT activists routinely destroy property, harm law-abiding citizens, and they want to poison the minds of little children. If that is not hate, I don’t know what is.

From there, Bendel-Sac began hosting drag events with increasing regularity. She said she felt a responsibility to stand up to the hostile climate and show that she wasn’t going to back down easily.

The only ones who have backed down have been the village council, which refused to enforce their local ordinances.

“I am admittedly a pretty stubborn person,” said Bendel-Sac. “If you’re going to continue to hurt this community, and hurt these people, and not see the wrongs you’re doing and the hate you’re perpetuating, then I’m going to use my strength and my knowledge and my platform to fight back.”

She needs to follow her own advice. The harm that Bendel-Sac is doing to the children and the parents who allow their kids to see drag queens is immeasurable. When does this perversion stop?

As the number of protesters outside the bakery each weekend grows, so do the number of counterprotesters. Some counterprotests have been organized by the local Parasol Patrol chapter, which is a network of LGBTQ activists whose tactics involve using rainbow umbrellas to create a division between far-right agitators and whatever group or business they’re targeting.

More groomers. The protesters need to find out who these “Parasol Patrol” haters are, report them, and start exposing them as the predators that they are.

Local police, who Bendel-Sac says have been very supportive, have been a near-constant presence at the bakery and have started putting up barricades on weekends to keep protesters and counterprotesters separate.

Bendel-Sac fears the situation may continue to escalate. “Especially with elections coming up, and tensions are rising every day, it’s pretty obvious,” said Bendel-Sac. “Even the police are getting more irritated with it, and the community is for sure. They live here and they’re tired of it, and now they’re starting to act out too.” For example, Bendel-Sac has noticed that some residents have started swearing at the protesters if they drive by, saying things like “Get the fuck out,” “Grow the fuck up”, or “Get a fucking job.”

Bendel-Sac has asked the counterprotesters to stay peaceful. “I go out there regularly and ask the people on my side to make sure they are not interacting or fighting back with words or anything else,” said Bendel-Sac. “Just pretend they’re not here. Just pretend you’re here to party in rainbow and that’s it.”

Final Reflection

VICE News is trash. There is no avoiding the obvious. Why would anyone defend a creepy bakery run by an LGBT activist? On top of that, we know that the “reporting” has no merit to it, since they throw around “far-right” against anyone who opposes the systematic grooming of children.

VICE News is a party to this abuse, and we should not be afraid to say as much.

On top of all of this, the parents in Lake in the Hills should demand full enforcement of all zoning ordinances in the city. Why does a bakery get away with flouting the limits on entertainment in their business, while other businesses are expected to play by the rules? This is all wrong–ALL WRONG.


Following up on “Grooming the Boomers”: Trans Porn Star Buck Angel Promotes “Gays Against Grooomers”

Tracy Shannon, Texas Director for MassResistance, put together a great set of research exposing Buck Angel, a vile and vicious pornography pervert who also claims to be a champion for kids, i.e. he opposes the sex mutilation of minors.

Here’s her incredible research.

Here’s a sampling of Buck Angel’s “day job”:

Buck Angel claiming to report someone for “transphobia”.
Another post by Buck Angel claims to report someone for transphobia.

Buck Angel claims not to speak for the whole trans community, so why is anyone even talking to Buck Angel about transitioning minors? Buck Angel has spoken for the trans community many times, including advocating for gender-neutral restrooms.

And here’s another sampling of his “work” in a basic Google search:

This creep has no business claiming to support the needs and rights of children. Folks, it’s not about the kids; it’s all about normalizing his own self-righteous self-loathing self-serving lifestyle and lies.

Now, how does this woman pretending to be a man connect with “Groomers Against Groomers”?

Check out his tweet highlighting Gays Against Groomers and their “fight” for kids:

“Gays Against Groomers” Founder: Drag Queens For Kids, Puberty Blockers,… https://t.co/VjFHphEUDo via @YouTube— Buck Angel® Transsexual (@BuckAngel) August 8, 2022

This is the latest load of garbage that the pro-family movement is facing. There is such a desperation on the part of some conservatives, that they are willing to form the strangest of bed-fellows in their vain attempts to push their own grift, all while claiming that they care about kids and want to stop abuse.

All of this LGBT “activism” on behalf of “the kids” is really LGBT militants wanting to justify themselves and normalize their perversion. They want to make themselves virtuous in the eyes of the public, and in the end groom the general public to accept their fallen, broken lifestyles and lies.

We have to say NO to all of this. Time to stop the grooming of adults AND children!