
Granny Groomer’s Big Word of the Day: “Stochastic Terror”

Kelly “Granny Groomer” Stuart lives in her mother’s basement in El Segundo, CA.

She hates children. She supports their systemic indoctrination and abuse.

She has a problem with black people, as well, since she believes that they are all welfare queens.

And now she wants to use big words to pretend to sound smart, when really she is a failed playwright, actress, and dime-store waitress who still lives at home with her mother.

Her latest attack on me? “Stochastic terrorism.”

Here’s her post

Arthur Schaper engages in stochastic terrorism, profiling people he wants targeted for harassment and violence. And he celebrates and laughs when his targets are attacked. This is the link to his blog. You can scroll through posts & judge for yourself. https://t.co/DSIFGilbTL— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) August 5, 2022

And again with “stochastic terror”:

Here’s a post that is particularly vile. You have to report individual posts. There’s a lot to report. Arthur Schaper is engaging in stochastic terror by inciting hate against LGBTQ people. https://t.co/RrL4eCPIDk— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) August 8, 2022

Really, Karen? Sure, Jan!

Anyway, this flippant use of the word “stochastic” is the latest desperate push by Antifa soyboys and sell-out granny groomers like Kelly Stuart.

By the way, here’s the definition of “stochastic”: randomly determined; having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analyzed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.

When I write to expose hatemongers like Kelly Stuart, there is no call to violence. There is no random call to anything.

She doesn’t know the meaning of the word “terror” or “stochastic.”

It’s hard to believe that this failed playwright also taught at Columbia University. She sounds like a shallow diversity hire, nothing more.

And she still lives in her mother’s basement!


Living in the Libs’ Heads Rent-Free, Part Four (Hundred?): Kelly Stuart, aka Groomer Granny Spider Karen

Kelly Stuart, aka Spider Karen, aka Granny Groomer

I love my haters.

Kelly Stuart of El Segundo, CA has a long history of defaming, shaming, blaming, and naming common-sense residents, parents, Christians, conservatives, constitutionalists, anyone who wants to do what is right for children and adults alike.

She is decidedly anti-immigrant because she attacks immigrants who love America, who want to secure America’s border, and who want to ensure a lawful passage of entry for anyone who wants to become an American.

Worse yet, however, she pushes the LGBT agenda, grooming kids and adults alike to fall into all sorts of perversions. She is a Granny Groomer.

And I live in her head rent free. Kind of creepy, but if that means she is panicking because her hateful games are getting exposed, then so be it.

Check out her latest tweets screaming for “help”:

Arthur Schaper, leader of CA chapter MASS Resistance, a hate group has written about me a few times. I don’t care. It’s the way he targets LGBTQ people and immigrants for hate that alarms me. His blog can be reported. https://t.co/wKKhYHts0F— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) July 31, 2022

She doesn’t understand that I do so much more for MassResistance, first of all. I am not merely in charge of the California chapter. I have been working with pro-family activists all over the country, all over the world. Her Karen crankiness goes further:

If you read through Arthur Schaper’s blog he targets numerous individuals, slanders them with labels like “ pervert” and “groomer” and incites hatred from his followers. He can be reported here https://t.co/mmNZiIGhYB— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) July 31, 2022

As usual, she can’t help but report the truth about many of the people I have exposed on this blog and in other writings, too. Indeed, any adult who thinks it’s OK to push LGBT anything on children or force it into the public square is a groomer, a pervert, and a predator. Spider Karen falls into the category perfectly, or im-perfectly. It’s not slander when it’s the truth, and as you can see, the truth triggers her bigly.

 But her Schaper Derangement goes further:

I have zero FTG about chuds posting crazy ugly pics of me. I do care about weaponizing hate towards vulnerable individuals and populations. MASS Resistance deserves more scrutiny- its funding, source of donations and campaigns of harassment against people need sunlight— Sky Spider (@SkySpider_) July 31, 2022

She actually admits that she is ugly! She is clearly paying attention to what I write about her.

She also admits that she is weaponizing hatred against others.

If it really didn’t matter what I said or wrote or posted about her, she would not have posted anything. Now this is how you Live in the Libs’ Heads Rent Free! 

 PLEASE remember to report Spider Karen, er Sky Spider, er Kelly Stuart’s Twitter account:


Vishal Singh: Confused Trans SoyBoy/SoyGirl of Los Angeles

 I just exposed Abner Hauge, an obese Antifa soyboy who routinely harasses conservatives and everyday commonsense citizens who want to take back Los Angeles streets from hate groups like Antifa and perverse like Drag Queen Story Hour and LGBT militants.

And there’s another antifa soyboy (or soygirl? or soy-whatever?) named Vishal Singh:

And yes, he’s very confused:

Yes, he actually has preferred pronouns, and they are “They/He.” What is this?

Sometimes he feels like a he, and then other days he feels like more than one person? There is a proper time for this condition: schizophrenia.

At any rate, like other Antifa Soyboys and Karens, Vishal is obsessed with me, too:

Arthur Schaper, organization director for Mass Resistance, is here. Mass Resistance is a @splcenter designated anti-LGBTQ+ hate group with ties to white nationalists.

Read more here: https://t.co/FInfmqEF3s pic.twitter.com/OW4mB7OaqK— Vishal P. Singh (they/he) 🏳️‍⚧️ (@VPS_Reports) July 16, 2022

Of course, what’s really disturbing is, like other hate groups operating in Los Angeles County, he relies on yet another discredited hate group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has a long history of deaming Jews, Muslims, Christian, immigrants, and making every effort to deprive African-Americans of educational opportunities. If anything reeks of white supremacy, look no further than the SPLC … and I guess Vishal is part of that mix, too.

Of course, unlike a number of other Antifa soyboy and confused transgender perverts, Singh has gotten some much-needed pushback for his hate:       

And here he is, playing victim once again:

It’s been a year since the far-right hospitalized me for reporting. A year of harassment campaigns vilifying me for receiving a concussion, broken nose, and broken eye sockets. I was even falsely arrested (charges rejected), yet the attacker remains free. https://t.co/N1nFJRro1r— Vishal P. Singh (they/he) 🏳️‍⚧️ (@VPS_Reports) July 29, 2022

These Antifa bigots don’t seem to understand that there are consequences when they resolutely endanger women and children with doxxing and public exposure. 

There are some men who cannot stand by and allowing perverted, confused, mentally ill militants like Vishal to get away with such depravity. 

I don’t want to see fists flying. I don’t want to see violence in the streets. But for Antifa soyboys (soygirls?) like Vishal to cry victim is just the height of hypocrisy.

Confused sick people like Vishal need help, not enabling, and they certainly have no right to lie, scheme, defame, and harm people who do not look like them.


Jenna “Karen” McKee: Pervert, Cyberbully, Disgrace to the City of Torrance

Just as there are creepy teachers indoctrinating and poisoning the minds of unwilling or unwitting students in the classroom (who are a captive audience, and therefore cannot avoid the indoctrination), there are creepy, perverted activists who want to groom children to be harmed, abused, exploited by this LGBT agenda.

One of them is a Torrance native named Jenna “Karen” McKee.

She has quite a disturbing bio listed on her Twitter page:

If it’s not clear what her problems are, here’s a meme with her bio:

She has some, well, let’s just say  … very sad, hateful views:

anyway fuck the troops— 🌙jenna♏️ (@CumboyBebop) April 3, 2022

She likes to use the “f-word” a great deal. As stated above, she is quite a pervert.

She thinks that babies can be racist:

do you think babies are racist??— 🌙jenna♏️ (@CumboyBebop) March 30, 2022

Seriously …

She also supports the sexual mutilation of minors:

About to cause a ruckus at my local school board meeting! I’ll keep you all updated pic.twitter.com/CoO92s90Ht— 🌙jenna♏️ (@CumboyBebop) March 22, 2022

Transgenderism is a mental illness. Children who struggle with gender dysphoria need help, not more enabling to be abused. Karen thinks it’s great for children to be abused.

Creepy Karens like Jenna McKee need to be kept as far away as possible from children.

They are perverts, and they are predators pushing evil designs on innocent children.

Torrance, California is better than this. Torrance is “The Balanced City,” and someone as mental unhinged and imbalanced as Jenna “Karen” McKee has no business pushing her hate in school boards and onto children.

She also feels the need to showcase her self-loathing. She knows people are exposing her:

Umm frog and toad are LITERALLY gay communist lovers 😐😐😐 it makes perfect sense! pic.twitter.com/auGz7InltW— 🌙jenna♏️ (@CumboyBebop) August 4, 2021

“Frog and Toad are gay communist lovers” …. really. Sick and demented. Once again, she shouldn’t be around kids … or adults for that matter.

Sadly, she paid a visit to the Torrance Unified School Board in March, 2022:

She knew that I was attending the school board meeting, but she stayed away. She had to, since the shame of her crusade to promote child abuse against children would have gone public right then and there:

Context https://t.co/g6BDcu5YHs— 🌙jenna♏️ (@CumboyBebop) March 22, 2022

The only context that matters is that she is sick, demented, disturbed, and quite a cyberbully. Of course, like all LGBT bigots, she loves to play victim: all while victimizing others, of course.

She was determined to make sexual exploitation and abuse of children acceptable, calling it “diversity, tolerance, inclusion, etc.”

Notice that her shirt was not visible during her public comment before the Torrance School Board. She is so ashamed of her own child-hatred, that she didn’t want the school board members to see her shirt.

Why are sick people like this allowed in public forums like school boards? What would parents think if someone like this walked into the meeting, advertising the promotion of gender mutilation onto children?

If you see Jenna McKee near a school or a student, tell her to get away as soon as possible. Make a loud scene if necessary. She should be exposed, shamed, and excoriated from the public because of her vile hatred of children, biology, and the natural facts of marriage, life, and family. 


Chad “Antifa Soy Boy” Loser Goes to Court!

When it rains on evil people, it pours, as it should!

Chad “Antifa Soy Boy Loser” Loder was served papers a few weeks ago. It was a restraining order, and he had to give up his firearms on account of the harms that he was causing other people around the country, around the world! 

He even tried to get it tossed by claiming he is a journalist, and the judge rejected his motion in a previous hearing!

Yes, that’s Chad Loder in black bloc outside the violent Wi Spa antifa direct action. He only recently started calling himself a journalist after realizing it could be effective while leading defamatory campaigns against his targets. The judge didn’t buy it & denied his petition. https://t.co/bKzLGinkCg pic.twitter.com/b5m94G8FOM— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) September 28, 2021

He went to the Torrance Courthouse in Los Angeles County, presumably to challenge the order, but so far, he has faced nothing but hardships and frustrations in his fight for the right to harass and harm people who want to protect their rights and secure their country.

Chad Loder is an Antifa militant, a soy boy who hides in his apartment and doxxes people, trying to get them fired or harmed, or even killed.

This man has much to answer for.

And finally he is paying a price:Check out this video clip as he is scurrying out of the courthouse. He actually hade police escort him to his car! 

This guy wears T-shirts that say “F–k the Police,” and now he depends on them to keep him safe? Really?!

Los Angeles antifa leader Chad Loder leaves w/police escort after a court appearance over a restraining order against him. Loder has been trying to intimidate me for reporting on his militant extremism by lying about me to advertisers on @TPostMillennialpic.twitter.com/cWTUpq2gLE— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) September 28, 2021

Chad Loser has been playing victim for a long time, claiming that he is a journalist, and therefore he has the freedom to defame people at will. Interesting …

Chad Loder has been trying to deny he is a far-left extremist in order to rebrand himself as a journalist so he can lend credibility to his smear campaigns. He lies. He doesn’t want the public to see this video where he was introduced as an antifa member: pic.twitter.com/wza3e5qCwg— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) September 28, 2021

No matter how much they run, they cannot hide!