
BREAKING: Another Drag Queen Sex Offender Exposed

Special thanks once again to Texas MassResistance Chapter Chair Tracy Shannon for bringing this to everyone’s attention.

As reported last year, MassResistance exposed not one, but two sex offenders reading to children at the Houston, Texas Drag Queen Story Hour program at the Freed-Montrose library.

Two sex offenders. The library and the city staff in general refused to do their due diligence to ensure that these sexually deviant entertainers would not pose any further risk beyond their risque, inappropriate conduct and entertainment.

Then MassResistance discovered that a third drag queen, this one reading to children in the Austin library area, was a convicted male prostitute. Will wonders never cease?

Now yet another sex offender drag queen has been exposed, this time in Jackson Township, Ohio.

Here’s the Facebook post, as revealed by Mad Momma Bear Tracy Shannon:

Notice also that this guy works at a school! WOW!

Check out the full report on this guy getting busted trying to solicit sex with a 15-year old here.

Of course, this guy has some other interesting photos on his Facebook page:



Drag queens are not role models.

Drag queens are not for kids.

Drag queens are not for adults, for that matter, and they have no business trying to normalize their perverse behaviors among the mainstream public.

For the last five years, these sexually deviant entertainers have been trying to gain access to children through “Drag Queen Story Hour” programs.

And now we have yet another drag queen BUSTED for soliciting sex with a minor.

It’s time to close the book on Drag Queen Story Hour. They need to “Sashay Away” into a jail cell!


Mission America Reveals the Truth: Grassroots Passed Ohio Heartbeat Bill

Now this is how it is done.

Sadly, there are more establishment-leaning pro-family groups which take the credit, or they run in front of a cause after it has developed considerable support after the grassroots groups punch hard and demand leadership and action.

Thank God for people like Linda Harvey, who fight their hardest in their home states for what is right!

Ohio Right To Life Suddenly Loves the Heartbeat Bill?

Let’s get the story straight — by Linda Harvey

Janet Porter, Rep. Ron Hood, Former Rep. Christina Hagan-Nemeth, Lori Viars, Mark Harrington and other Heartbeat heroes.

This should just make pro-life people in Ohio sick.

The behavior of Ohio Right to Life regarding the Heartbeat Bill has been nothing short of appalling.

Everyone knows who the force behind the Heartbeat Bill was: Janet Porter. But Porter was not invited to the signing of the bill.

A story from the Associated Press quotes Mike Gonidakis of ORTL, when asked why Janet Porter was not at the signing of the Heartbeat Bill, and here’s what Gonidakis said:

“Asked about Porter’s absence from the bill-signing, Gonidakis said the appropriate people were invited ‘bar none.’

“‘I would say that the right people were in the room,’ he said. ‘It was to thank the governor and to celebrate a huge pro-life victory. It was a very diverse group, from pregnancy centers to local groups to pastors to legislative officials. I think it was a great cross-section of those who support life in the state of Ohio.'”

SO, I asked Janet what she might have to say about this. She told me:

“Mike Gonidakis lobbied with Planned Parenthood against the Heartbeat Bill for 9 years. He twice called for a veto of the nation’s most protective bill, but as soon as it was clear it would pass, he jumped in front of the parade to pretend he had something to do with its passing. It passed in spite of Mike Gonidakis and Ohio Right to Life.”

Read the entire Associated Press article



Fighting Voter Fraud: California, Ohio, Virginia

In the state of California, we have a voter fraud problem.  Of course, the Democratic Party, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Congressman Elijah Cummings play the race card every time someone talks about ending voter fraud and voter registration incompetence.

But the voter fraud problem in California is massive and unmistakable.

In Election 2018, eleven counties had a higher voter turnout than the actual number of potential voters in the different counties. Los Angeles County was at the top of the list for this officious discrepancy. One report suggests that the turnout touched 137% during the 2016 election. Concerns about the voter rolls went from bad to worse when Josh Newman, some unknown liberal from Fullerton, was able to sweep away Senate District 29 by a margin of 1,000 votes. The final voter turnout in the district far exceeded voting models and outcomes throughout the rest of the county and compared to other districts in the state.

This problem happens every election cycle in California. Republicans win by a thin margin in a number of races, but after three weeks all these provisional ballots filter in, and then the Democrat carries the race. Johnny Tacherra ran against Jim Costa in the 16th Congressional district. His numbers were hovering about 5,000 votes ahead of the incumbent. Tacherra told me that he received a text message within days of the election which informed him that he would lose the race by 3,000 votes.

And that’s exactly what happened.

Voter fraud is a big problem in California and throughout the country. Friends of mine still get ballots for their children, even though their children have moved out and have left the state! In one infamous incident, 80 ballots arrived at one address in San Pedro. The LA County Registrar of Voters claimed that this bulk arrival was a massive error, nothing more.

Really. And that was in 2016.

In 2018, one lady voting in the West Los Angeles/Valley region informed me after voting that she went to her designated polling area. Her name looks like a man’s name, but the pollworker didn’t worry about it and showed no concern. That nonchalance worried my friend. “Don’t you care that I may or may not be the person that I claim to be?” The pollworker responded that they are not supposed to ask or inquire whether the individual voting is or is not the person that he or she claims to be.

The biggest story of the evening during the California Primary on June 5th was that over 100,000 people showed up to the polls in Los Angeles County, and their names were not listed on the rolls at at all. Provision ballots are going to be pouring in all over.

Even Henry Winkler, the Fonz from the TV sitcom “Happy Days”, went to the polls and his name was not listed:


There is no verification system. Anyone can walk up to a polling station and claim to be someone and vote! Add to this perverse laxity the registration process through the automatic voter-motor law. Then add to this the ease with which people can vote not just at the polling stations or by mail the different ballot boxes at other government buildings. People can register to vote the same day!

Fraud! Fraud! Fraud!

Some states are fighting against voter fraud with Voter ID. Texas’ and Arkansas’ voter ID laws have been upheld. The states are ensuring that the voter franchise does not get diluted with fake votes, double voting, illegal alien voting, and dead people voting.

In the state of Ohio, the legislature enacted a law to ensure that every name on the voter rolls is active and current. They have enacted a process to confirm that the person on the rolls is still voting, wants to vote, is not dead, etc.  Why does this process matter? Corrupt partisans (Democrats) take the the idle names from the voter rolls and have illegal aliens or other non-eligible voters take those names and cast ballots. This is wrong. Of course, the ACLU and other liberal activist groups which rely on bad voting practices sued Ohio over this law. The legal suit went all the way to the Supreme Court. Today, by a narrow 5-4 vote, SCOTUS upheld the law. Hopefully, more states will adopt the same law.

More good news on the voter integrity line has just occurred in Virginia, too.

The previous governor, Terry McAuliffe, unilaterally reinstated voting rights for convicted felons, even though the action was illegal as well as unethically. The Virginia Supreme Court finally agreed and demanded the removal of the 10,000 plus felons from the voter rolls. Of course, the damage was done in 2016 to boost Hillary Clinton’s chances. Hopefully, more courts will strike down this election insanity.

States should adopt Voter ID, although for the repeat process of removing names of non-voting residents on the rolls following a standard inspection to see if those individuals are alive and/or living in the state. More efforts like this will ensure that only American citizens are voting and that no one is taking advantage of inactive names.

Voter integrity is gaining ground in this country, but not fast enough. It’s unfortunate that President Trump ended the Voter Commission he had assembled last year, but he did turn over the investigation to the Department of Homeland Security afterwards. While I don’t know if I would favor a national ID, I think it would be a good idea to require states to have a Voter ID system of some kind in place.

This does not violate the federalism doctrine in the United State Constitution, since our founding charter bases representation on elected officials from the several states. All of us have a vested, civil interest in knowing that the voter franchise is fully honored and respected.