
The Mainstream Pro-Family Movement Has Failed

For decades, we have witnessed the slow but steady encroachment of the LGBT Agenda and its militant activists demanding special privileges. The normalization of homosexuality has become all too pervasive in our culture, and with it transgenderism. Now this perverse agenda is targeting children on an open, daily basis.

Sodom and Gomorrah has gone from the bedroom, to the boardroom, to the public square. It’s no longer about two consenting adults in private. It’s about forcing adults to consent to this agenda in public.

It has gotten so bad, that even now Republicans, the so-called pro-family party, has begun caving to the destruction of marriage and the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.

How did this happen? How did it get this bad, and why has the mainstream pro-family movement failed to stop all this perversion?

Most people are not aware of this, but there were two Republican Congressmen who admitted that they were homosexual shortly after Republicans took back the House of Representatives, the first time in forty years. Instead of removing them from the caucus, Newt Gingrich let them stay, and he refused to take a stand on the issue.

From there, the Republican party continued its narrow attachment to individual liberty, without any foundation in national identity or moral security. Conservatism became a watered-down fusionism of limited government and individual liberty as the two core values. However, liberty and limited government alone cannot conservative a culture, and those principles cannot protect the family or the children.

And from here, we can point out why the mainstream pro-family movement has failed over the last thirty years to stop this false marriage, false gender identity agenda. The pro-family movement never wanted to call out the inherent debauchery and destruction associated with homosexuality and transgenderism. They never wanted to take a firm stance for truth, for fear of sounding bigoted or homophobic.

They fell back on two weak arguments to defend marriage:  tradition and religious freedom.

These are the weakest arguments. Religious liberty or religious adherence in the past was used to justify all kinds of unbiblical principles and stances. Tradition alone can never serve as an argument, either, since it was tradition to enslave certain groups of people. Technological innovation naturally undermines certain traditions as well.

And yet, this past week, I have seen eblast after eblast from mainstream pro-family groups decrying the “Respect for Marriage Act” forcing its way through the United States Senate. They are talking about the potential harms to religious liberty, and how this legislation will open the door to polygamy.

Those arguments may have some truth, but they are not substantive or substantial. The mainstream pro-family movement has failed because they have refused to advance the following arguments and attack the proponents of false marriage and false identities notwithstanding:

1.       Homosexuality and transgenderism are mental illness, not benign forms of identity. These behaviors result from abuse, neglect, confusion, and/or molestation. Normalizing these behaviors only enables these harms all the more.

2.       No one is born homosexual or born in the wrong body. There is nothing loving or compassionate about enabling confusion.

3.       Marriage is not just about the two adults, but about the children. Children need their mother and father, their natural parents, in a natural marriage. Anything else deprives children of their basic needs and harms them for the long-term, according to numerous health and wellness metrics.

4.       What consenting adults do in private has public consequences. Hiding behind the argument of “Live and Let Live,” or “Let’s just protect everyone’s liberty” has created this power-based stalemate, in which the more virulent actors with more money and more sympathy from the public will in. Hence, homosexual and transgender activists have been stomping on the pro-family competition for a long time.

5.       No one has had the courage to call out the malevolence of this whole agenda, poisoning kids and putting pressure on adults to abandon their natural rights and their constitutional liberties. This is not a chess game, but a street fight, and to this day the LGBT forces are shoving the chessboard up the pro-family movement’s ass.

It’s time to stand for truth, it’s time for a total offense in this culture war—and only MassResistance has the rhetoric, the record, and the results to get this done.


Passing the Piers Morgan Test: How to Fight for Natural Marriage

Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation
failed the Piers Morgan test miserably

Pro-family forces have had a bad record when it comes to making their case for the pro-marriage cause.

The biggest example of this occured with Piers Morgan when he confronted one of the spokesmen for the Heritage Foundation.

He asked a very basic question: “Why does the marriage of these two women (or two men) affect you? Why is that a problem for you?”

Many pro-family groups have utterly failed on this point. They have not rightfully or rigorously thought through all the issues, the ups and downs when it comes to defending natural marriage. For too long, pro-family forces in particular and conservatives in general have fallen back on one of three talking points to defend their views on natural marriage:

1. I just believe that marriage is for one man and one woman.

2. It’s tradition, and we should not trifle with tradition.

3. I oppose same-sex marriage because of my faith

All of these answers do not work. Most people who fight for false marriage do not care about God, religion, or tradition. Worse yet, many so-called churches and other religious institutions are caving on LGBT issues, celebrating false marriages and fake adoptions. It is disturbing how many mainline Christian denominations have caved on the normalization of homosexuality and transgenderism.

No real answers have been offered to rebuff the nonsensical arguments pressing for the normalization of sexual perversion.

For the last year, I have been studying this issue extensively, working to set up proper research and understanding so that every pro-family activist can argue for natural marriage, natural parenting, and the proper rearing of children.

And that’s the first point: it’s about the children.

Children need their parents, but more specifically they need their biological mother and father. Sex is not a purely private matter, and neither is marriage. The whole institution of marriage in large part is about the kids! Too many pro-family activists, including the speakers who have debated this issue with Piers Morgan and other liberal propagandist pundits, have ignored or neglected the damage caused by depriving children of their natural parents.

So, next time a liberal loony presses you on false marriage, fire back with the following: “So, you want to deprive children of their parents. If marriage can be anything and anyone, then parents become optional. You want to deprive children of their mother and their father. That is wrong.”

But then go one step further.

For too long, the pro-family movement has been to reticent, shy, even cowardly about pointing out some harsh truths about the origins of homosexual conduct. Yet the behaviors are inherently harmful, destructive, and degrading. Furthermore, pro-family activists by and large refuse to discuss the causes of these behaviors. Why do individuals start developing an attraction to the same sex?

In every instance, one will find one or more of the following causes:

1. Abuse

2. Neglect

3. Confusion

4. Molestation

The fact is that homosexuals and transgenders are victims. They have been terribly harmed, filled with lies and deceit from a world that virtue-signals off their plight.

It is essential to call out anyone who claims to be an LGBT ally that they are in fact pro-abuse, neglect, confusion, and molestation, too.

It’s about more than religious sentiment. It’s about the creation of families, and it’s about mental health. Most importantly, it’s essential that we point out the truth:

1. People are not born that way.

2. The behaviors are not normal or ideal.

3. Children do not learn at a young age that they are LGBT.


Marriage Still Matters for GOP Voters: Wisconsin Governor’s Race

Election 2022 Wisconsin Gubernatorial Election
Tony Evers v. Tim Michels

The Wisconsin Governor’s race is a prime opportunity for Republicans to take back a key state trifecta, ensure strong election integrity reforms, and restore a state back to the GOP column.

The governor’s race seemed like a basic fight between the GOP establishment and the MAGA set.

But there was so much more to this fight than conservatives may realize.

The two man competitors for the GOP nomination were previous Lieutenant Governor Rebecca Kleefisch and business owner Tim Michels.

One key issue that separated the two candidates? The issue on false marriage.

Rebecca Kleefisch, who was endorsed by former Governor Scott Walker, Mike Pence, and Ted Cruz, announced that she had caved on the issue of family and natural marriage.

Consider this report:

Kleefischsupports upholding access to birth control, gay marriage as some fear rollbackof civil liberties

MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) — Republican candidate for governor Rebecca Kleefisch will uphold freedoms to access birth control and same-sex marriage if elected as some fear those rights could be at risk if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade.

“Freedom” to birth-control is not freedom, but rather license. The same for false marriage, incorrectly termed “same-sex marriage.”

In an interview with CBS 58, Kleefisch said she would not seek to prohibit access to birth control, IUDs and emergency contraception such as Plan B.

“No, birth control will not be illegal when I’m governor of the state of Wisconsin,” Kleefisch said.

There is no state law which forbids the use of those items, anyway. Such questions are just ridiculous.

Views on Gay Marriage

Kleefisch, the former lt. governor, said she supports gay marriage and added her views have changed over the years on the issue. In 2010, Kleefisch said gay marriage could lead to people marrying dogs or inanimate objects, remarks she later apologized for.

Her views have “changed.” Really? No, her cowardly push for political expediency pressed her to give up on this singular cultural issue.

“This is in the past and I think it needs to be left there,” she said. “I am in the same place that I would say as a vast majority of Wisconsinites and Americans are. My opinion has changed…gay marriage will be legal when I am governor of Wisconsin.”

No, the vast majority of Americans do not share her view on false marriage. And even if they did, the truth does not change and we need leaders at the state and federal level with the courage of their convictions to fight for faith and family, not just freedom.

Kleefisch’s position is in contrast to her GOP primary opponent, Tim Michels, who believes marriage should be between a man and woman.


Wisconsin’s 2006 ban on same-sex marriage would go back into effect if the Supreme Court were to reverse its ruling that legalized gay marriage in the U.S.

That’s an outcome which many pro-family forces should be striving for!

So, what about Mr. Michels, specially? How did the media attempt to spin and shame his noble stance on natural marriage and the family?

Tim Michels Opposes Marriage Equality

Republican nominee for Governor Tim Michels is standing by his 2004 opposition to same sex marriage in his bid to lead the state in 2022.

That’s the kind of leadership conservatives want to see, and what voters need to see across the country.

At the time of his failed 2004 run for the United States Senate, Michels supported a constitutional amendment defining marriage as between one man and one woman, which would have prevented marriage equality from becoming law in 2015.

“Marriage equality” is another misleading statement. Marriage is about submission and honor, not a chronic demand for fifty-fifty equity. Imagine what a terrible relationship that would be if a man and woman insisted on balancing out how much they gave and took from each other!

To be fair, Michels was not alone in his opposition to marriage equality in 2004. But public opinion about, and support for, marriage equality has blossomed in the last 18 years as millions of Americans changed their mind.

“Blossomed”? More like “mushroomed” or “metastasized.”

Not Michels. In an interview with the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Michels responded to a question about whether or not he would seek to ban same-sex marriage by stating that he believed marriage belongs to opposite sex couples.


That extreme belief puts Michels at odds with the overwhelming majority of Wisconsinites, more than 70% of whom support marriage equality.

No, this is not extreme. I sincerely doubt the current statistics, and much of the confusion amounts to the fact that the pro-family movement has not done an effective job (so far) of showing the short-term and long-term consequences to homosexual conduct, false marriage, and fake adoptions on individuals, families, and society as a whole.

It also sets up a clear divide on a fundamental civil rights question of our time. Democratic Governor Tony Evers was the first Wisconsin governor to raise the pride flag over the State Capitol during Pride Month and supports marriage equality.

That clear divide made things all too clear for GOP primary voters, and they lined up behind Michels. Good for them

Final Reflection

The fight to restore natural marriage is not over. The corrupt corporate media wants to give off this false impression that the whole country has moved on and all of us just need to roll over and accept that “marriage equality” is the law of land.

First of all, it’s never been the law of the land, but rather a legal fiction because of judicial overreach. Thirty-five states (including California), still maintain statutes or constitutional amendments which recognize marriage as an institution between one man and one woman. When Obergefell gets struck down, then the several states which have rightly defined natural marriage will be able to restore that definition and enforcement within their jurisdiction.

We need more gubernatorial candidates like Tim Michels, and voters should expect our leaders to stand up for what is right, change polls, and shape the culture back to the right and righteous norms that Make America Great.


MassResistance: Fighting the LGBT Infiltration of the Southern Baptist Church

This is a must-read, the latest from MassResistance President Brian Camenker. The destructive, anti-reality, unbiblical LGBT movement is now hustling its way into churches and into larger denomination leadership groups.

This cannot be allowed to continue. We need to expose this corrupt, hateful, un-Christlike abuse of power at all levels.

We also need more activists at every level and in every church community taking the strongest stands possible to assert the truth and teach that “Some were some of you”.

MassResistance Texas activists continue fight to stop LGBT infiltration into Southern Baptist denomination

Pro-family Resolution at Southern Baptist Convention blocked

Disturbing connections to LGBT activism

… But compromising church leaders are now being exposed

July 10, 2018    By Brian Camenker

Marching in the 2018 Boston Gay Pride parade. Is this the future of the Southern Baptist denomination? [MassResistance photo]

In April 2017, Rev. Tom Littleton of Alabama gave a chilling talk on “How the LGBT movement is infiltrating conservative churches” at the MassResistance Citizen Action Conference in Austin, TX. For over a decade, he pointed out, the national LGBT movement has been funding a multi-million-dollar under-the-radar subversive campaign in Southern states to push the homosexual movement into conservative Christian churches. And they’ve been shockingly successful.

But an even bigger goal has been to infiltrate and subvert the overall Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Christian denomination in the South and the second largest in North America (after the Catholic Church). This year that goal has become frighteningly closer to reality. The events surrounding the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention’s annual meeting, held June 12-13 in Dallas, shocked many conservatives.

At the 2018 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Dallas. Over 10,000 people attended. [Photo: SBC]

Events surrounding the 2018 SBC annual meeting

Purging of Dr. Paige Patterson. A few weeks before the SBC annual meeting, the de facto conservative leader of the Southern Baptist movement, Dr. Paige Patterson, was abruptly fired from his position as president of the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary by its board. He was subsequently removed from all influence in the denomination, including his keynote speech at the annual meeting. This followed a hysteria-driven, well-orchestrated effort over several months to discredit him for alleged misconduct decades ago. It’s hard to know if the charges were legitimate. He was not given a hearing, nor was his side of the story even sought before judgment was made. Over two dozen major donors to the Seminary sent this well-documented, strongly worded letter expressing their disgust at the corrupt and illegal way that Dr. Patterson was treated. But the board refused to reconsider their actions.

SBC elects new leader who is “accommodating” to homosexuality. At the annual meeting, the SBC overwhelmingly elected J.D. Greear, a moderate pastor who caters to millennials, to be the new president of the denomination. As Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio points out, Greear often goes out of his way to be accommodating to homosexuality in his messages. Greear has told his congregation to “love our gay neighbor more than we love our position on sexual morality” – which seems to many to be completely un-Biblical.

Powerful resolution on LGBT issues submitted at Convention.Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez is the leader of Texas MassResistance and a professor at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth. As the Convention began,Dr. Lopez and a group of other Baptist Texas MassResistance activists submitted a powerful resolution on LGBT issues titled On Ministry and Counseling to Lead People from Homosexuality to Heterosexuality.

The resolution basically reiterated fairly standard Christian teaching on homosexuality: Among other things: No one is “born gay” and “cannot change”; To say “I am gay” is a rejection of God’s design. It states: “RESOLVED, the Southern Baptist Convention rejects as heresy any claims that God makes people homosexual…” It went on to say that reparative therapy and similar efforts to free a person from the grip of homosexuality should be supported by the SBC.

Resolution quashed by Convention leadership. Some “moderate” SBC leaders have been on record as opposing any kind of reparative therapy. The Convention adopted over a dozen left-leaning and Social Justice-type resolutions (on gun control, immigration, etc.). Lopez’s resolution was the only one submitted which addressed the LGBT movement’s push against orthodox Christianity. The Resolutions Committee refused to allow it to go to the floor for a vote, claiming that it needed “more clarification.” However, on the last day one of the Texas MassResistance activists was able to come to the podium to speak. He began to call for this resolution to be voted on, but the Chairman interrupted him and announced that the Convention time was over and adjourned the meeting!

Troubling “Revoice” Conference – ties to SBC? Another dangerous component of the LGBT movement’s war on Christianity is the upcoming “Revoice Conference”taking place in St. Louis on July 26-28. It is a slick, well-funded effort targeting Evangelical Christians, to encourage them to accept and embrace homosexuality into their religious life. The stated goal is: “Supporting, encouraging, and empowering gay, lesbian, same-sex-attracted, and other LGBT Christians so they can flourish while observing the historic, Christian doctrine of marriage and sexuality.” In other words, it is three days of expert training to equip LGBT activists and their allies to infiltrate Evangelical churches to normalize homosexuality and subvert the teachings of the Gospel. (In addition to all this, the organizers of “Revoice” have a similar conference in October targeting youth pastors to bring the LGBT agenda to church youth.)

Even more troubling is that a number of so-called conservative Southern Baptist Christian leaders have bought into the “Revoice” conference. This article, Trusted SBC and PCA Seminaries Producing LGBTQ Activists, is particularly jarring.

Rev. Tom Littleton forcefully thrown out of convention. Since last year’s MassResistance speech, Rev. Littleton has been prolific in exposing the LGBT agenda permeating the upper echelons of the Southern Baptist Convention. This has clearly angered the guilty parties and their allies. Rev. Littleton attended the SBC annual meeting as a member of the press (not as a church representative) specifically to find out about the ties between SBC leaders and the Revoice conference.

On the first day, June 12, Rev. Littleton caught up with two major SBC leaders, Russell Moore and Al Mohler. Moore denied any knowledge of Revoice (after being informed of it the previous day), and Mohler allowed him to ask some questions — but then their handlers quickly shooed him away. The following day, just before Moore’s question-and-answer session at the podium, Rev. Littleton was suddenly thrown out of the building by the police. Why is there so much secrecy around this issue? This is very disturbing to many conservatives in the church.

Dr. Lopez escalates fight to “Save our Churches”

Most Southern Baptists are completely unaware about the forces that are working to infiltrate their denomination, and the trusted church leaders who are shamelessly compromising Biblical teachings to allow them in. Since the SBC annual meeting, Dr. Lopez has written some illuminating articles and appeared on Christian radio. Here is a sample:

“Beyond Friendship: LGBT Issues and the Next Stage of Discernment”(written with Rev. Littleton) [NOTE: scroll down for the article]

Dr. Lopez is also planning an exciting new regular MassResistance video program devoted to this subject, tentatively titled “Save Our Churches!” He’s hoping to begin it this month. Watch for more information on that.

This could happen in your church – if it isn’t already happening

The LGBT movement is obsessed with destroying traditional Judeo-Christian belief, and is using its vast resources to infiltrate and subvert churches everywhere. They use very sophisticated techniques. Unfortunately, many church leaders are easy targets for them. It’s happening in one way or another across America – and all over the world. And most good people don’t even realize it until it’s too late, and feel helpless. But MassResistance is devoted to helping all of you fight back!

Rev. Tom Littleton speaking at last year’s MassResistance Texas conference. He has done incredibly valuable work exposing the LGBT agenda infiltrating Southern conservative churches, including the Southern Baptists.


Please help us continue to do our uncompromising work!